The calling tree is listed after all program units have been compiled. Each program unit's calling tree consists of the SUBROUTINEs and FUNCTIONs called in that program unit. A listing of variables and arrays used (both from the original source program and in code which KAP added) precedes the calling information.
After the cross-reference and calling tree information for the last program unit in the file, the calling tree information for the entire source file is summarized, for example:
CALL SUMMARY TABLE CROSS REFERENCE TABLE Name Type Class Storage ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- A s.REAL Array LDA s.INT Var B s.REAL Array LDB s.INT Var C s.REAL Array LL s.INT Var J s.INT Var I s.INT Var K s.INT Var II1 s.INT Var II2 s.INT Var II3 s.INT Var II4 s.INT Var II5 s.INT Var . . . RR1 s.REAL Var RR2 s.REAL Var RR3 s.REAL Var RR4 s.REAL Var RR5 s.REAL Var RR6 s.REAL Var RR7 s.REAL Var . . . Abbreviations used in Source Program References A = used as actual argument D = Declared or Defined M = Contents may get modified U = Its value is used CALL SUMMARY TABLE 16-May-1996 15:02:20 Calling Tree line# routines at nest max. aggregate nest 4 program ATIMESB 25 call MATMUL 0 0 29 subroutine MATMUL Calling Tree ATIMESB MATMUL Code Modules ATIMESB called from MATMUL called from ATIMESB