9.2.6 Questions Generated by KAP

At times KAP needs additional information on which to base optimization decisions. In these cases KAP may ask a question to indicate what additional information is needed.

The following loop comes from an example for /listoptions=o :

1 2  q  so  +--------- 24      DO 135 I = 1,N
3    DD SO  !_________ 25  135 D(IP(I)) = C(I) + 3
3: question %KAP-I-PERMUTATION_VEC, Is "IP" a permutation vector?

If you know IP is a permutation vector (or, at least, contains no duplicate values), this information can be passed to KAP with the following assertion:

C*$* assert permutation (ip)
    DO 135 I = 1,N
135   D(IP(I)) = C(I) + 3

This information may enable KAP to optimize the loop or the surrounding code. See Chapter 6 for information about KAP assertions.

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