The following are error messages:
- Variable or array "#1" cannot be assigned an expression
of this type. The type of the expression cannot be coerced to
the type of the target variable or array.
- A .NOT. cannot be applied to an expression of type
"#1." The logical operator .NOT. cannot be applied to
expressions of the given type. Some Fortran dialects allow mixing
of logical and other types in expressions, others do not.
- A closing Parallel directive must be preceded by an
opening Parallel directive.
- All parameters to the indicated intrinsic function must
have the same shape (or be conformable).
- An arithmetic expression was expected but not
- Arithmetic operations are not allowed between these
types of operands. The arithmetic operator at the position
given cannot be applied to the mentioned types.
- Array "#1" must be explicitly typed. IMPLICIT NONE
or UNDEFINED disables automatic typing. All variables occurring
within the scope of IMPLICIT NONE or UNDEFINED must be explicitly
- Array bound "#1" is neither a formal parameter nor in
a COMMON block. A symbol was used in a place where only a
formal parameter or a variable specified as being in a COMMON
block is allowed.
- Array declared and referenced with different number of
subscripts. The array reference has more or less subscripts
than the number of dimensions in the declaration of this
- Array not declared or statement function declared after
executable statements. A statement function declaration must
appear before any executable statements.
- ASSIGN statement must include the word TO before the
integer variable name. The format of an ASSIGN statement is
ASSIGN s TO i, where s is a statement label and i is the name of
a scalar integer variable. The word TO is missing in this case.
- Assign variable "#1" was never assigned a label.
The label assign variable has never been assigned.
- Assigned GOTO variable "#1" is not a scalar. The
variable used to select a branch address must be a scalar (not an
array element).
- Assigned GOTO variable "#1" is not an integer. The
variable used to select a branch address must be of type integer.
- ASSIGNed variable "#1" is not a scalar. The
variable used to store a statement label must be a scalar (not
an array element).
- ASSIGNed variable "#1" is not an integer. The
variable used to hold a statement label must be of type integer.
- Assumed size arrays must specify the upper bound of
the assumed size dimension. Assumed size arrays may be used
in array assignments, but the upper bound of the assumed size
dimension must be specified.
- Asterisk (*) as a dimension bound was specified for an
invalid dimension. Asterisk may be specified in a dimension
bound only as the upper bound of the final dimension.
- At least one parameter is required to this intrinsic
function. At least one parameter must appear in the
invocation of this intrinsic function. Lookup the intrinsic
function and code the correct number of parameters.
- At least two MAP/ENDMAP statements must appear within a
UNION/ENDUNION. At least two map declaration constructs must
appear within any UNION/ENDUNION declaration.
- Bit constant is too long or contains characters that
are not 0 or 1. A bit constant may contain only the digits
0 or 1. The specified constant contained one or more characters
that were not 0 or 1.
- Bit operations are only valid on operands of type
bit. One or more of the operands found were not of type bit.
- Block IF or block WHERE has not been closed. During
label resolution (after examining the entire program), a block
construct has been discovered that has not been closed. The
message is attached to the block IF, ELSEIF, ELSE, block WHERE,
or OTHERWISE that begins the block that is not closed. Check the
structure of the program to determine where the error lies.
- Cannot associate entire equivalence group with the
same storage unit. An EQUIVALENCE statement must not specify
that the same storage unit is to occur more than once in a
storage sequence, or that consecutive storage units are to be
- Cannot reference format label here. The label used
in the format statement is a target of a branch statement.
- Character variable must have a length of one
character. The character entity must have a length of
one character if the entity is being initialized by a numeric
- Closing > is missing from this format expression.
Expressions within a FORMAT must be enclosed by angle brackets.
- Colon in this key specification is missing. Colon
separating first and last byte position is missing.
- Colon in this substring reference is missing. Colon
separating lower and upper bounds in a substring reference is
- Comma was expected here but not found. A comma was
expected in the indicated column, but another symbol was found
- Comparisons are not allowed between these types of
operands. The comparison operator at position given cannot be
applied to the mentioned types.
- Compiler directive does not have correct syntax.
This line seems to have a c*kap* compiler directive on it, but it
contains a syntax error.
- Concatenation is valid only on character strings.
Concatenation can only be applied to character strings. One of
the operands in this concatenation is not a string.
- Constant must have a value in the range 0 through
255. The constant used to initialize a character entity must
have a value less than 255.
- Definition of the label "#1" is not unique. An earlier
definition exists. Each statement label must be unique within
a program unit. This statement has a label that has been defined
- Dimension must be a constant. The dimension in
question must be a compile-time constant.
- DO loop ends on a nonexecutable statement. A
DO loop ends on a statement that is non-executable. Insert a
CONTINUE or renumber the DO.
- DO loop has not been closed. The end of a DO loop
has not been found within this program unit. Find the mismatched
DO and correct.
- DO loop is improperly nested. This DO loop does not
begin and end in the same block.
- DO-variable "#1" is not a scalar variable. The
format of the DO statement is DO [,] i = e1, e2 [,e3]. The "i"
is the name of an integer, real, or double precision variable,
called the DO-variable. In this statement, "i" is the name of a
nonscalar variable, such as an array. Check your array names, or
change the name of the DO-variable.
- DO-variable "#1" is not a variable. The format of
the DO statement is DO [,] i = e1, e2 [,e3]. The i is the name
of an integer, real, or double precision variable, called the
DO-variable. In this statement, 1 is the name of an entity that
cannot be used as a variable. Check your SUBROUTINE and FUNCTION
- DO-variable "#1" is not INTEGER, REAL, or DOUBLE
PRECISION. The format of the DO statement is DO [,] i
= e1, e2 [,e3]. The i is the name of an integer, real or
double precision variable, called the DO-variable. In this
statement, i is not INTEGER, REAL, or DOUBLE PRECISION. Check
your specification statements or IMPLICIT statements, or change
the name of the DO-variable.
- DO-variable is being assigned within the DO loop.
The format of the DO statement is DO s [,] i = e1, e2 [,e3]. The
i is the name of an integer, real, or double precision variable,
called the DO-variable. It is being assigned within this loop.
- Each DO-WHILE DO-loop must be terminated by a separate
ENDDO statement. A DO-WHILE loop must be terminated by a
unique ENDDO statement. The label on the DO-WHILE is optional,
but if it is specified, the terminating ENDDO must be labeled
- Elements in named COMMON blocks must be initialized
within a block data subprogram. Entities in a named COMMON
block must be initialized only within a block data subprogram.
- Elements in unnamed COMMON blocks must not be
initialized by DATA statements. Variables and arrays that
are contained in unnamed COMMON blocks must not be initialized by
data statements or by type specification statements.
- ELSE IF statement must be followed by the keyword
THEN. The format of the ELSE IF statement is ELSE IF (e)
THEN. A statement other than "THEN" was found after the right
- ELSE occurred with no matching Block IF. Every ELSE
statement must be lexically preceded by a Block IF statement that
has not been closed with an ENDIF. This ELSE is not preceded by
an "open" Block IF structure.
- ELSEIF occurred with no matching Block IF. Every
ELSEIF statement must be lexically preceded by a Block IF
statement that has not been closed with an ENDIF. This ELSEIF
is not preceded by an "open" Block IF structure.
- END MAP statement must be used inside a STRUCTURE
declaration block. The END MAP statement must be used inside
a STRUCTURE declaration block.
- End of this statement was encountered unexpectedly.
The end of this statement was encountered where more characters
were expected.
- END STRUCTURE statement found unexpectedly. The END
STRUCTURE statement was scanned during a parse state where KAP
was expecting another declaration type for the present structure
declaration block.
- END STRUCTURE statement must be preceded by a STRUCTURE
declaration. The END STRUCTURE statement must be preceded by
a STRUCTURE declaration statement.
- END UNION statement must be preceded by a UNION
statement. The END UNION statement was scanned during a parse
state where KAP was expecting another declaration type for the
present structure declaration block.
- END UNION statement must be used inside a STRUCTURE
declaration block.
- ENDDO occurred with no matching DO or DO-WHILE.
Every ENDDO statement must be lexically preceded by a DO or DO-
WHILE. If the DO or DO-WHILE statement specifies a label, the
corresponding ENDDO must have a matching label.
- ENDIF occurred with no matching Block IF. Every
ENDIF statement must be lexically preceded by a Block IF
statement that has not been closed with an ENDIF. This ENDIF
is not preceded by an "open" Block IF structure.
- ENTRY statement may appear only within a SUBROUTINE or
a FUNCTION. This compilation unit is a BLOCK DATA, PROGRAM,
or untyped (and hence a main program). The current statement is
an ENTRY statement, and an ENTRY statement can appear only inside
compilation units of type SUBROUTINE or FUNCTION.
- Equals sign is not at the expected column in this
assignment statement. The format of an assignment statement
is V=E. Either the specification of V was in error (there should
be a previous message for this statement), or the equals sign was
missing or misplaced.
- Equivalence would cause leftward extension of a COMMON
block. Equivalence association must not cause a COMMON block
storage sequence to be extended by adding storage units preceding
the first storage unit of the first entity specified in a COMMON
statement for the COMMON block.
- Error in array reference. An illegal array
reference has been detected. A variable may not have been
declared as an array, or the array reference may be incorrectly
- Error in intrinsic function parameter. An intrinsic
function has been specified, but there is an error in one or more
of its parameters.
- Executable statement found inside a block data
subprogram. Executable statements are not allowed inside a
block data subprogram.
- Expected type name for this IMPLICIT statement is
missing or in error. The format of the IMPLICIT statement
is IMPLICIT typ (a [,a]...) [,typ(a[,a])]... "typ" must be a
legal Fortran type name (for example, INTEGER, REAL, LOGICAL, and
so on). The type name was either missing or was not one of the
allowed names.
- Expression given in a RETURN statement is not scalar
arithmetic. The format of the RETURN statement is RETURN [e],
where e is a scalar arithmetic expression. The expression given
in this statement was not arithmetic type and shape scalar.
- Expression given in a RETURN statement is not scalar
integer. The format of the RETURN statement is RETURN [e],
where e is a scalar integer expression. The expression given in
this statement was not of type integer and shape scalar.
- Expression in a logical, block, or ELSE IF must be of
type logical. The expression tested by a logical or block
IF or by an ELSE IF statement must be of type logical. The
expression given in this statement evaluates to a different type.
- Expression in a subarray must be scalar. The
expression in a subarray specifier must have shape scalar.
- Expression in a subarray must have type integer.
- Expression in an arithmetic IF is not of an allowed
type. The expression in an arithmetic IF must be of type
integer, real, or double precision. The expression given in this
statement evaluates to a different type.
- Expression in this statement is too complicated for
KAP to handle. The expression in this statement is too
complicated to be parsed by KAP. This could be either because
a function call has too many parameters, or because an expression
has too many operators and operands, or a combination of the two.
- Expression or variable value of this I/O control
element is invalid. The expression or variable that is at
the current column is not well formed. The I/O control specifier
in error is somewhere to the left of the current column.
- Extended operator/operand is missing the last
period. An extended operator (like .LE.) or operand (like
.TRUE.) was coded, but the rightmost period was missing.
- Extra text encountered after this statement is
ignored. After this statement was parsed, more text was found
that was not recognizable as part of the statement, starting in
the given column.
- Field names cannot be defined more than once within
a STRUCTURE. A field name cannot be defined more than once
within a STRUCTURE declaration block.
- File already being included. An include directive
specifies a file that is already open as an include file.
Recursive includes are not allowed.
- FORALL index "#1" is not used in the assignment part
of this statement. All indices must be used in the array
reference on the left side of the forall assignment.
- Forall statement ends on a non-executable
statement. A forall statement has been improperly
- Form of record specification used is not valid
here. The apostrophe form of the record specification can
only come after a nonkeyword unit without a comma.
- Formal parameter cannot be in a SAVE statement. A
subroutine or function parameter cannot be an argument in a SAVE
- Formal parameter or allocatable array "#1" in COMMON
block. Formal parameters or allocatable array may not be
in a COMMON statement. The mentioned symbol is the name of a
formal parameter or allocatable array that appears in a COMMON
- Formal parameter or allocatable array "#1" may not be
equivalenced. Formal parameters or allocatable array may not
be equivalenced. The mentioned symbol is the name of a formal
parameter or allocatable array that appears in an EQUIVALENCE
- Format item is not repeatable. A format item
preceded by an integer was encountered. The ANSI standard
specifies that this particular item cannot be repeated.
- Format item requires a leading integer. The ANSI
standard requires that certain format items be preceded by an
- Format specifier is not a statement label, asterisk,
or other legal form. The format specifier must be a statement
label, integer variable name, character array name, character
expression, or an asterisk. The format specifier to the left of
the current column is none of these.
- Function reference must include a parameter list.
A function call must include a parameter list. The list can be
empty, specified by "( )."
- FUNCTION/ENTRY name "#1" may not be equivalenced.
A variable name that is also a function name may not be
equivalenced. The mentioned symbol is the name of a FUNCTION
subprogram, or the name specified as an ENTRY name in a function
- Group name in this NAMELIST statement was previously
defined. The group name specified in this statement was used
- Hex constant contains characters that are not 0-
9 or A-F. A hex constant may contain only the digits
0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 or the letters a,b,c,d,e,f (case does not
matter). The specified constant contained one or more characters
that were not 0-9 or A-F.
- Hex constant too long. Only 32 digits are allowed.
A hex constant can only be 128 bits long. The specified constant
contained more than 32 digits.
- Hollerith with
invalid length encountered. Hollerith with an invalid length
( <= 0) or longer than the remaining card was encountered.
- I/O control entry's operand is not a specific type.
The I/O control entry requires the operand to be a specific type.
It was not. The I/O control entry to the left of the current
column is in error. Each I/O control entry requires that its
operand be of a specific type (character, logical, or integer).
The type of the expression or variable that was the operand to
this I/O control entry does not match the required type.
- Identifier "#1" already used as name of function.
The symbolic name of an external function is a global name and
must not be the same as any other global or local name except a
variable name in the function subprogram.
- Identifier "#1" being ASSIGNed must be a variable
name. The identifier used to hold a statement label must
be the name of a variable.
- Identifier "#1" following GOTO in an assigned goto must
be a variable name. The identifier used to select a branch
address must be the name of a variable.
- Identifier "#1" in SAVE statement is not a
variable. The form of the SAVE statement is SAVE [a [,
a]...], where each a is a named COMMON block name preceded and
followed by a slash, a variable name, or an array name. The
indicated identifier was previously used in a context such that
it may not also be a variable.
- Identifier "#1" is not the name of subroutine.
- Identifier was expected here but not found. An
identifier was expected in the indicated column, but another
symbol was found instead.
- IF block is improperly nested. This IF block does
not begin and end in the same block.
- Illegal escape sequence. An escape sequence
consists of the escape character and two hexadecimal digits.
The escape character was found, but not the proper digits.
- Illegal expression for special call parameter.
An illegal expression was detected in a special subroutine call
(Fortran extension).
- Illegal index expression. Array reference has an
incorrect subscript expression, possibly an illegal subarray
- Illegal number of subscripts in ARRAY. Some
products put restrictions on the number of subscripts allowed
in arrays.
- Illegal statement label. The indicated token is an
illegal statement label because it is not an integer, or because
it is more than 5 digits long.
- IMPLICIT NONE must be the only IMPLICIT statement in
the program unit. If you specify IMPLICIT NONE, no other
IMPLICIT statements can be included in the program unit.
- Implied DO list in this I/O statement is not terminated
by a right parenthesis. The implied DO list that should have
ended with a right parenthesis in the current column did not. A
right parenthesis is assumed.
- Improper DO or WHILE statement. The DO or WHILE
statement was improperly typed.
- Include file "#1" not found. A file specified in an
INCLUDE statement was not in the directory specified. Either the
file does not exist or it is not in the correct directory.
- Include nesting level has been exceeded. The number
of nested includes allowed has been exceeded.
- Incompatible storage class for "#1". Incompatible
storage class(PRIVATE,STATIC,AUTOMATIC,SHARED) for the specified
variable/COMMON block.
- Increment expression of the DO statement has an
error. The format of the DO statement is DO s [,] i = e1, e2
[,e3]. The expressions "e1," "e2," and "e3" are each an INTEGER,
REAL, or DOUBLE PRECISION expression. In this statement, "e3" has
a syntax error.
- Increment of the DO statement must not be zero.
The format of the DO statement is DO s [,] i = e1, e2 [,e3].
The expressions "e1," "e2," and "e3" are each an INTEGER, REAL,
or DOUBLE PRECISION expression. "e3" must not be zero, when
evaluated and converted to the type of the DO index variable.
- Individual parts of a COMMON block cannot be in a
SAVE statement. A variable in a COMMON block cannot be saved
without the rest of the COMMON block.
- Initialization of "#1" by this constant is not
allowed. A type mismatch has been found between the variable
being initialized and the constant being used for initialization.
- Integer encountered was too large to represent
internally. The scanner encountered and tried to convert
an integer too large to represent internally. This normally is a
semantic error.
- Integer was expected here but not found. An integer
was expected in the indicated column.
- Intrinsic function call has the wrong number of
parameters. An incorrect number of parameters (usually too
few) was coded in the invocation of this intrinsic function.
Look up the intrinsic function and code the correct number of
- Intrinsic function is not allowed in a constant
expression. The constant expression required here may not
contain the given intrinsic function.
- Intrinsic function parameter has the wrong
dimensionality. The indicated parameter to this intrinsic
function has the wrong number of dimensions. Either an array was
specified where a scalar is required, or a scalar was specified
where an array is required.
- Intrinsic function parameter has the wrong type.
The indicated parameter to this intrinsic function has the wrong
type. Check your system's Fortran user guide to find the correct
intrinsic to use.
- Intrinsic function requires at least two
parameters. This intrinsic function requires at least two
parameters. Check your system's Fortran user guide for details.
- Intrinsic functions not allowed here. The constant
expression required here may not contain intrinsic functions.
- Intrinsic may not be used as an actual parameter.
Some intrinsic functions may not be used as actual parameters.
These include type conversion intrinsics, lexical relationship
intrinsics, and max/min variations.
- Intrinsic parameter cannot have this value. A
constant value has been specified for an intrinsic function that
only allows a specified range of legal values. The constant is
not in this range.
- Invalid character found in this constant. The
character was not expected to occur in this constant. The
constant may be hex, octal, bit, or hollerith.
- Invalid syntax for the INQUIRE statement. The
INQUIRE statement may have either FILE and DEFAULTFILE or UNIT,
but not both.
- Invalid unit specifier. The unit specifier must
be one of: an integer expression, a character expression, or
an asterisk. Which of these is allowed varies depending on the
specific type of I/O statement.
- Item involved in the transfer is incorrectly
specified. The I/O list parser expected a comma to be at the
current column, and a valid I/O list element to be to the left.
This error can result from using an expression in a READ I/O
list, or from an incorrectly formed expression in WRITE, PRINT,
or PUNCH I/O lists.
- Keyword parameter not allowed at this point in call
to this intrinsic function. Keyword parameters are not
allowed at this position in the parameter list of this intrinsic
function. Check your system's Fortran user guide for details.
- Label "#1" is not the label of a format statement.
The mentioned statement label was used as a format specifier
in this statement. The mentioned label is a label used in the
program, but is not the label on a format statement.
- Label "#1" on non-executable statement cannot
be branched to. The mentioned label is the label on a
nonexecutable statement. The current statement attempts to branch
to that statement. Only executable statements can be branched
- Label of the terminator statement is missing from the
DO statement. The format of the DO statement is DO s [,] i
= e1, e2 [,e3]. The "s" is the statement label of an executable
statement, called with terminal statement. In this statement,
the statement label is missing or it has an illegal format for a
Fortran statement label. The label need not appear if the DO is
terminated by an ENDDO in Digital Fortran.
- Left and right sides have different number of
dimensions in array assignment. The left and right sides
of an array assignment must have the same number of array
section selectors or the right side must be a scalar. Check the
declarations of each variable appearing in the statement.
- Left parenthesis was expected here but not found.
A left parenthesis was expected in the indicated column, but
another symbol was found instead.
- Left side of an assignment is not a scalar or array
shape. The shape of the left side expression could not be
determined. If other errors have not been noted with an earlier
column number for this same statement, then there is a translator
- Length field must be an integer constant or enclosed in
parentheses. If a length is given for a type and the length
is not enclosed in parentheses, that length must be an unsigned,
nonzero integer constant. A more general expression is allowed
for type Character if the expression is enclosed in parentheses.
- Length given is not valid for type character. The
length of a character variable must be an unsigned, nonzero
integer constant, an integer constant expression enclosed in
parentheses with a positive value, or an asterisk in parentheses.
- Length specified for this data type is illegal. An
incorrect explicit length has been specified for a noncharacter
- List directed or namelist formatting not allowed
for an internal file. If the unit_specifier specifies an
internal file, the control information list must contain a format
identifier other than an asterisk or a namelist group name.
- Logical IF ends on a non-executable statement. The
statement part of a logical IF must be executable.
- Logical operations are invalid between these types of
operands. The logical operator at the position given cannot
be applied to types of operands it is between.
- Lower bound expression of the DO statement has an
error. The format of the DO statement is DO s [,] i = e1, e2
[,e3]. The expressions "e1," "e2," and "e3" are each an INTEGER,
REAL, or DOUBLE PRECISION expression. In this statement, "e3" has
a syntax error.
- MAP statement must be preceded by a UNION
statement. The MAP statement was scanned during a parse
state where KAP was not expecting a MAP declaration type for
the present structure declaration block.
- MAP statement must be used inside a STRUCTURE
declaration block.
- MAP/ENDMAP statements must have at least one field-
- Missing operand. An operator has been found that
does not have enough operands.
- Multiple declaration of variable. Variable has been
declared in previous type declaration statement.
- Multiple initialization of the same variable is not
allowed. Variable has been initialized previously.
- Name enclosed in slashes "#1" is not the name of a
named COMMON block. In a save statement, a COMMON block
name is specified by enclosing it in slashes. The name found
between the slashes has not been used as the name of a COMMON
block previously in this compilation unit.
- Name is not a legal external identifier. The
indicated name is not a legal external name for the target
language. It either has too many characters or contains a
character that is not allowed in external names.
- Name was previously used in a conflicting way.
The name was used previously in a declaration statement, an
expression, or other manner such that the current use is no
longer legal. For example, a name may not be dimensioned more
than once.
- Negation cannot be applied to an expression of type
"#1". Negation "-" cannot be applied to expressions of the
given type.
- Nested loops with same variable "#1". The index
variable for nested loops should not be the same.
- Number of items in the variable list is not the same
as in the constant list. The number of items specified in
the variable list must be the same number in its corresponding
constant list.
- Number of places in edit descriptor must not exceed
field width. The number of places (m) required in Iw.m edit
descriptor must not exceed the field width (w).
- Octal constant contains characters that are not
0-7. An octal constant may contain only the digits
0,1,2,3,4,5,6, or 7. The specified constant contained one or
more digits that were 8 or 9.
- Octal constant too long. Only 43 digits are
allowed. An octal constant can only be 128 bits long. The
specified constant contained more than 43 digits.
- Only constants are allowed in this expression. The
indicated expression element is illegal in this context.
- Only equality comparisons can be made on complex
values. Logical operators .GT., .GE., .LT., .LE. cannot be
applied to complex values.
- Only formal parameters and constants are allowed in
this expression.
- Only simple parameters and constants are allowed
in this expression. Only scalar variable parameters and
constants are allowed in this expression.
- Operands are not conformable. The operands involved
must have the same number of array section selectors.
- Operator was not expected here. An operator was
found in the wrong place.
- Parameter U is required but was not found. The
letter U is required as the third parameter for DEFINE FILE.
- Parallel constructs are not contained in the same
statement flow-control block. Currently, KAP only allows each
Parallel construct to be started and ended in the same statement
flow-control block.
- Periods can only be used to form numbers or extended
operators/operands. A period was encountered, but it was not
part of a number or part of an extended operator/operand.
- Preceding EQUIVALENCE group must have more than one
entry. A single name was specified inside an EQUIVALENCE
group. At least two names must be specified in each group.
- Previous I/O control entry has already been
specified. Each type of I/O control entry can be specified
at most once. The I/O control entry that was specified just prior
to the current column had been specified earlier.
- Previous I/O control entry may not be specified in
this type of I/O statement. Each type of I/O statement allows
certain I/O control entries to be specified. The I/O control
entry that was specified just prior to the current column may not
be specified with this I/O statement.
- Range of first letters specified in this IMPLICIT
statement is invalid. An IMPLICIT statement must specify
either a single letter or two letters separated by a dash, with
the first letter preceding the second in the alphabet. The range
of letters specified must not overlap any other ranges specified
in this or other IMPLICIT statements.
- Record name "#1" cannot be used in an EQUIVALENCE
- Repetition factor must be greater than zero.
Repetition factors for repeatable format items must be greater
than zero.
- Right parenthesis that matches this left parenthesis is
missing. The indicated left parenthesis has no corresponding
right parenthesis.
- Right parenthesis was expected here but not found.
A right parenthesis was expected in the indicated column, but
another symbol was found instead.
- Scalar expression expected. A scalar expression was
expected but not found, for example in the logical expression of
an if statement.
- Scalar integer expression must follow the label list in
a computed GOTO. The format of a computed GOTO requires that
an integer expression follow the list of statement labels. This
expression can be an integer constant, an integer variable, an
integer array element, or any form of scalar integer expression.
- Semicolon vector syntax not accepted by this
product. This product does not accept semicolon vector
notation. Use some other notation such as Fortran 8X triplets.
- Shape mismatch: Shape of left side is "#1" and shape
of right side is not. The shape of the left and right sides
of an assignment statement must be the same or conformable. The
shape of the left side (mentioned in the message) and the shape
of the right side do not agree.
- Size of hollerith constant exceeds remaining statement
length. A hollerith constant was specified with a length
that is longer than the number of characters that are left in the
- Statement contains too many continuation lines.
KAP expects a maximum number of continuation lines per statement.
This maximum is product-dependent. When the maximum is exceeded,
no further tokenization takes place until a noncontinuation line
is encountered.
- Statement is not any of the possible GOTO
statements. The syntax of this statement is so confused
that KAP could not decide what type of statement it is. It
appears to be some type of GOTO statement, but little else can
be determined.
- Statement label "#1" was referenced, but never defined
in this program unit.
- Statement must occur earlier in the program unit.
The definition of the version of Fortran being accepted
gives the restrictions on statement ordering within a single
compilation unit. The statement being scanned violates this order
requirement. Check the Fortran user guide or Fortran reference
- Statement unrecognizable as any known statement
type. The given statement contains errors that make it
impossible to tell what type of statement it was intended to
be. The keyword at the beginning of the statement (if any) did
not match any of the known statement keywords. The statement also
did not contain any equals signs at parenthesis nest level 0,
necessary for the statement to be an assignment statement. This
error may be caused by incorrect parenthesis nesting, or by a
misspelled keyword.
- String constant was not closed by end of statement.
A string constant was begun by an apostrophe or double quote, but
no trailing delimiter was encountered before the end of statement
was reached.
- Structure name of a record is the same as the defining
STRUCTURE. A structure name of a record cannot be used within
the defining declaration for that structure name.
- Structure references must be defined prior to use in a
RECORD statement.
- Structure-name has been used previously in a STRUCTURE
- Structure-name is missing from the STRUCTURE
declaration. Structure names are required on the structure
declaration at the outermost level of nesting.
- Substring denoted by this expression is not within
declared length of string. The starting position of a
substring specification must be at least 1, and the ending
position must be at most the length of the string.
- Symbolic constant must be a simple scalar entity.
The name of a symbolic constant must not be dimensioned, or in
any way appear different than that of a scalar variable.
- Symbolic constant must not be defined more than once
in a program unit. The symbolic constant that is defined to
the left of the current column has been either in an earlier
PARAMETER statement in this program unit, or in an earlier
portion of this PARAMETER statement. Each symbolic constant in
a program unit can be defined only once.
- Text "#1" following a STOP or PAUSE is not an integer
or string constant. The format of the STOP statement is STOP
[n]. The format of the PAUSE statement is PAUSE [n]. In either
case, "n" must be either a string of not more than 5 digits or a
character constant.
- The %FILL pseudo-name cannot be dimensioned.
- The array "#1" has adjustable dimension and must appear
in dummy argument list. At least one dummy argument list of
the subprogram must contain the name of the adjustable array.
- The field name "#1" has an illegal adjustable
dimension. Adjustable or assumed sized arrays and passed
length CHARACTER declarations are not allowed in field
- The field-name has not been defined in the associated
- The preceding Parallel parallel and/or synchronization
region/section is not closed. The present Parallel directive
was scanned or the end of the program was reached where KAP was
expecting a closing parallel directive for the preceding parallel
region/section block.
- This declaration type is not allowed in structure
declaration blocks. During the scanning process, a
declaration type has been detected within a STRUCTURE declaration
block that is not allowed.
- This directive is not adjacent to the loop it applies
to. KAP recognizes directives in a file only if they are
placed immediately before the loop that they are to affect.
- This Parallel directive should be inside a Parallel
PARALLEL REGION. Work-sharing or synchronization Parallel
constructs should be used inside a Parallel fork/join construct,
- Too many arguments in FUNCTION/SUBROUTINE. Some
products put restrictions on the number of arguments allowed in
- Too many labels in computed GOTO. Some products put
restrictions on the number of labels allowed in a computed GOTO
- Too many parameters are specified to this intrinsic
function. Too many parameters appear in the invocation of the
indicated intrinsic function. Check the intrinsic function and
code the correct number of parameters.
- Transfer into IF or DO block from outside the IF or DO
block is prohibited. Transfer of control into an IF-block or
DO-block from outside the block is not allowed.
- Type conversion not supported for this product.
This message is issued if the type conversion did not exist to
type cast the statement function expression to the type of the
statement function.
- Unary operator has more than one operand. A unary
operator was found that has an operator on the left side.
- Unexpected character. In processing a statement,
a character was encountered that was not allowed at the place
it was found. Check the syntax of the statement where the error
- Unexpected symbol. The indicated symbol is not
legal at this point in the statement.
- UNION statement must be used inside a STRUCTURE
declaration block.
- UNION statement must not be preceded by a UNION
statement. The UNION statement was scanned during a parse
state where KAP was expecting a MAP declaration type for the
present structure declaration block.
- Unknown I/O control entry begins at the current
column. An I/O control entry that is not in the table of
all possible I/O control entries begins at the current column.
This I/O control entry is not the first or second entry in this
control list, because those two can be positional (unit and
- Unrecognized .xxx. operator. A token was recognized
as having the format of an extended operator/operand (period
identifier period), but the extended operator/operand was not in
the table of known extended operators/operands. Check the system
Fortran user guide.
- Unsubscripted arrays not permitted in expressions and
assignment statements. An array name without a subscript is
not allowed in expressions and assignment statements.
- Upper bound expression of the DO statement has an
error. The format of the DO statement is DO [,] i = e1, e2
[,e3]. The expressions "e1," "e2," and "e3" are each an INTEGER,
REAL, or DOUBLE PRECISION expression. In this statement, "e2" has
a syntax error.
- Variable "#1" has no dimension bounds specified.
Variables declared in a dimension statement must have at least
one dimension bound, enclosed in parentheses, specified.
- Variable "#1" must be explicitly typed. IMPLICIT
NONE and UNDEFINED ( for few dialects ) disables automatic
typing. All variables occurring within the scope of IMPLICIT
NONE or UNDEFINED must be explicitly typed.
- Variable already occurred in a DATA statement. The
variable is declared after it has already been used in a data
- Variable list is missing from this list-directed I/O
statement. The comma after the format in a list-directed
READ, PRINT, or PUNCH statement was present, but the variable
list following the comma was missing.
- Variable must be an array. The simple variable in
question is used in a context requiring an array.
- Variable name "#1" is too long. The given variable
name is too long for the target language.
- Variable name is required at this point. Only a
variable can be used at this point.
- Variables from different COMMON blocks may not be
equivalenced. An EQUIVALENCE statement must not cause the
storage sequences of two different COMMON blocks in the same
program unit to be associated.
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Command-Line Qualifiers