- DO loop in the original program which had no executable
statements was deleted. The source program contained a
DO loop that contained no executable statements. The loop was
- DO loop was standardized by rerolling it. The DO
loop indicated was recognized as an unrolled loop. The loop has
been rerolled, that is, converted to an equivalent form in which
the loop increment is one.
- IF and assignment were converted to an assignment
using MAX or MIN. An IF with an associated assignment were
converted into an assignment using an intrinsic function (either
a MAX or a MIN).
- IF loop beginning here was transformed into a DO
loop. An IF loop beginning at this statement was transformed
into a DO loop. The DO variable increment statement was removed.
Any references to the DO variable that followed the original
increment have been advanced by 1 iteration.
- IF loop ending here was transformed into a DO loop.
An IF loop ending at this statement was transformed into a DO
loop. The branch back to the top of the loop was turned into a
- IF statement that ensured the zero trip condition has
been deleted. The output language has DO loops that are zero
trip DO loops. The IF statement that appeared before this DO loop
ensured that this DO loop was a zero trip DO loop, even if the
Fortran variant had one trip DO loops. The IF statement has been
- Logical or arithmetic IF converted to block IF or
single statement IF. A logical or arithmetic IF was changed
to the corresponding block IF, and END IF and optional ELSE
inserted, or to a single statement IF if appropriate.
- Two logical IFs converted to a single IF-THEN-ELSE
block. Two logical or block IFs with complementary conditions
(such as a.eq.0 and a.ne.0) were replaced by a single block IF
WITH ELSE clause.
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Command-Line Qualifiers