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The PC-NFS server provides authentication and print services for personal computers running PC-NFS. Users on a PC client can associate the name of the PC printer with an OpenVMS print queue and print files to the associated queue. To access the PC-NFS server, PC users must have an entry in the proxy database and have corresponding OpenVMS accounts on the server.
This chapter describes how to set up printing for PC-NFS client users.
If you need help setting up NFS proxy identities for PC-NFS client
users and starting the PC-NFS server, see Chapter 16 in this manual
for more information.
20.1 Providing PC-NFS Print Services
To configure PC-NFS print services, you must create and export a spool directory and define two system logical names. Follow these steps when configuring your print server for printing by PC-NFS clients:
PC users can associate the name of the DOS printer you are configuring with an OpenVMS print queue and print files to the associated queue. PC clients cannot, however, manage NFS print queues from their PC. To manage print queues, log in to either a privileged account or the PC's proxy account on the NFS server host, and enter DCL commands to:
When accessing files on an NFS server, a PC user obtains authentication once from any host running PC-NFS. The user can also access NFS files on that host or other hosts, even though the user's UID/GID may have proxy mappings to a different OpenVMS account on each TCPIP host.
However, with PC-NFS printing, if the PC user obtains authentication from one host, the user can only print successfully on other TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS hosts that have a valid OpenVMS account for the same user name.
Part 7 contains five appendixes.
Appendix A provides troubleshooting tools and techniques to help you solve problems with the TCP/IP Services software.
Appendix B describes how to configure GATED protocols for use with the Gateway Routing Daemon (GATED).
Appendix C provides EBCDIC/DMCS translation tables.
Appendix D describes how NFS converts UNIX file name to OpenVMS files names.
Appendix E contains a list of acronyms for OpenVMS and other acronyms related to open networking.
This appendix provides troubleshooting tools and techniques you can use to identify and correct problems with the DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS software.
This appendix discusses the following:
DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS provides a troubleshooting tool you can use to trace packets going in and out of the system. To run the trace utility, enter the DCL command TCPTRACE. Use the qualifiers listed in Table A-1 to customize tracing for your particular problem.
Part of a TCPTRACE display looks like the following example.
TCPIP INTERnet trace RCV packet seq # = 1 at 23-OCT-1998 15:19:33.29 IP Version = 4, IHL = 5, TOS = 00, Total Length = 217 = ^x00D9 IP Identifier = ^x0065, Flags (0=0,DF=0,MF=0), Fragment Offset = 0 = ^x0000, Calculated Offset = 0 = ^x0000 IP TTL = 32 = ^x20, Protocol = 17 = ^x11, Header Checksum = ^x8F6C IP Source Address = IP Destination Address = UDP Source Port = 138, UDP Destination Port = 138 UDP Header and Datagram Length = 197 = ^x00C5, Checksum = ^x0E77 5DA81410 8F6C1120 00000065 D9000045 0000 E...awe.....l....] | 0E77C500 8A008A00 | FFFF1410 0010 ..........w. |
Qualifier | Function |
Optional. The default is 100.
Number of buffers that TCPTRACE allocates for temporary storage. These buffers must be locked into the working set, so the number can be:
/FULL | Optional. The default is brief display. Displays the packet's contents. |
/OUTPUT= file | Optional. The default is Screen display. Redirects the output from screen to the specified file. If this file name already exists, the output is appended to it. |
/PACKETS= n | Optional. The default it 10. Stops the trace after the specified number of packets is displayed. |
Optional for port number. The default is that all traffic is displayed. Required for port type. Filters the trace to the specified port. |
Optional. The default is /PROTOCOL=IP. Filters the specified protocol. |
If a user cannot gain access to a service, use the following troubleshooting techniques:
During the configuration procedure, select the services you want to configure. Before the end of each component configuration, the procedure asks if you want to enable the service.
When you troubleshoot a service, verify that it is enabled. Enter the SHOW SERVICE command. For example:
TCPIP> SHOW SERVICE RLOGIN Service Port Proto Process Address State RLOGIN 513 TCP not defined Enabled |
If you notice discrepancies, follow these steps:
When communication fails, try to isolate the problem with these steps:
If access to a service fails, use the OPCOM messages to try to
determine the cause. Read the OPCOM messages that are generated when an
attempt is made to access the particular service.
A.2.4 Analyzing Services
If the services database appears to be corrupted, use the ANALYZE SERVICE command. This command:
Use the ANALYZE SERVICE command if the following apply:
A service definition can contain up to three records: a header record and up to two protocol options records. If a definition has at least one such record, it must also have a header record. If it lacks the header record, you cannot define a new service. A new service must include the following information:
If the header information is missing, the SHOW SERVICE command does not
display any of the service information.
A.3 BIND Server
To solve BIND server problems, use the following techniques.
A.3.1 Server Not Responding
A missing client name in the BIND Server's database files results in the lack of service to that client. If records that point to the name servers in a domain are missing from your server's database files, you might see:
%TCPIP-W-BIND_NOSERVNAM, server with address is not responding %TCPIP-E-BIND_NOSERVERS, default servers are not available %TCPIP-W-NORECORD, information not found -TCPIP-E-BIND_NOSERVERS, default servers are not available |
When the CONVERT/ULTRIX BIND /DOMAIN command creates the .DB files from the hosts database, it cannot detect the existence or names of name servers in a domain. Therefore, it cannot add these records to the .DB files.
To solve the problem, follow these steps:
TCP/IP Services provides the following tools to help troubleshoot the BIND server load balancing function.
Use the following system logical names for troubleshooting:
When you finish troubleshooting, turn off the diagnostic logical names that you defined. They might slow down performance and increase the size of the log files. |
In the following example, the TCPIP$BIND_CLUSTER_DBG_LEVEL logical name is set to 1, and the host is running the BIND server.
(LNM$SYSTEM_TABLE) "$BIND_CLUSTER_DBG_LEVEL" = "1" "$BIND_DOMAIN" = "" "$BIND_RETRY" = "...." "$BIND_SERVER" = "........" "$BIND_SERVER000" = "" "$BIND_SERVER001" = "" "$BIND_SERVER002" = "" "$BIND_STATE" = "........" "$BIND_TIMEOUT" = "...." "$BIND_TRANSPORT" = "UDP" output log: SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$BIND]TCPIP$BIND_RUN.LOG $ set noon $ VerifyMode = f$verify(0) $ Exit 1 $! for DIGITAL TCP/IP Services Auxiliary service $ ! $ ! $ ! Copyright (c) Digital Equipment Corporation, 1993 $ ! All Rights Reserved. Unpublished rights reserved $ ! under the copyright laws of the United States. $ ! $ ! The software contained on this media is proprietary $ ! to and embodies the confidential technology of $ ! Digital Equipment Corporation. Possession, use, $ ! duplication or dissemination of the software and $ ! media is authorized only pursuant to a valid written $ ! license from Digital Equipment Corporation. $ ! $ ! RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND Use, duplication, or $ ! disclosure by the U.S. Government is subject to $ ! restrictions as set forth in Subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) $ ! of DFARS 252.227-7013, or in FAR 52.227-19, as $ ! applicable. $ !+ $ ! $ ON CONTROL_Y THEN GOTO EXIT $ SET NOON $! $ data_directory = F$TRNLNM ("TCPIP$BIND_SERVER_DATA","LNM$SYSTEM") $ IF "" .EQS. "" THEN - data_directory = F$ENVIRONMENT("DEFAULT") $! $ DEFINE TCPIP$BIND_SERVER_DATA SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$BIND] $! $ IF F$SEARCH ("SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$BIND]*.log") .NES. "" THEN - PURGE /NOLOG /KEEP=4 SYS$SPECIFIC:[TCPIP$BIND]*.log $! $ image_directory = F$TRNLNM ("TCPIP$BIND_SERVER_IMAGES","LNM$SYSTEM") $ IF "" .EQS. "" THEN image_directory = "SYS$SYSTEM:" $! $ TCPIP$BIND_SERVER_XFER :== $ SYS$SYSTEM:TCPIP$BIND_SERVER_XFER.EXE $! $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:TCPIP$BIND_SERVER.EXE BIND Server Notice message -- Thu Jun 1 15:19:45 1997 restarted BIND Server Notice message -- Thu Jun 1 15:20:58 1997 req: nlookup ( type=1 cluster name: CLUSTER HOST - RATING METRIC TABLE CLUSTER_HOST: 64d01410 RATING_METRIC: 37 CLUSTER_HOST: 26d01410 RATING_METRIC: 58 CLUSTER_HOST: 3ad01410 RATING_METRIC: 999999 CLUSTER_HOST: 30d01410 RATING_METRIC: 50 CLUSTER_HOST: 36d01410 RATING_METRIC: 20 |
Another troubleshooting tool is the Metric View utility, SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]TCPIP$METRICVIEW.EXE. Metric View displays the metric rating of the member hosts in the TCP/IP cluster.
Two images in the distribution kit perform the metric functions:
To run Metric View, enter:
$ MCR TCPIP$METRICVIEW /HOST=cluster_host - _$ [ /USER=remote_user ] [ /PASS=remote_passwd ] |
Most problems with BOOTP are due to:
If BOOTP fails to respond to a client request, follow these steps:
BOOTP ignores incoming requests from unknown clients, for example, clients that are not found in the BOOTP database. Therefore, it might be difficult to identify why incoming requests are not serviced.
By default, BOOTP does not generate logs despite the fact that SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$BOOTP]TCPIP$BOOTP_STARTUP.LOG contains a log file. If you turn on logging, the log displays the client hardware address for every incoming BOOTP request, as well as any information used in a response to those requests. With this information, you can detect whether the server sees a particular client request. Follow these steps:
The TFTP server runs as a nonprivileged user on your system. It is restricted to accessing only files or directories that OpenVMS file system security measures allow. Verify that these files have the appropriate protection and ownership so that the TFTP server has access to them.
By default, the TFTP server does not log incoming file transfer requests. However, you can log initial requests from clients. Each message includes the IP address of the requesting client, the date, and time of the request. Requests that fail and the reason for the failure are also logged.
This log file, SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$TFTP]TCPIP$TFTP_RUN.LOG, can be useful for troubleshooting TFTP transfer failures. To log initial client requests, set the following system logical name. Enter:
When you have fixed the problem, deassign the logical name because it
can create a large log file.
A.5.2 Monitoring the TFTP Process
To monitor TFTP, use the SHOW SERVICE TFTP and SHOW SERVICE TFTP /FULL commands.
These commands show values that are either defaults or were previously
set with SET SERVICE TFTP command.
TCPIP> SHOW SERVICE TFTP Service Port Proto Process Address State TFTP 69 UDP TCPIP$TFTP Enabled TCPIP> SHOW SERVICE TFTP /FULL Service: TFTP State: Enabled Port: 69 Protocol: UDP Address: Inactivity: 5 User_name: TCPIP$TFTP Process: TCPIP$TFTP Limit: 1 Active: 1 Peak: 1 File: TCPIP$SYSTEM:TCPIP$TFTP_RUN.COM Flags: Listen Socket Opts: Rcheck Scheck Receive: 0 Send: 0 Log Opts: Acpt Actv Dactv Conn Error Exit Logi Logo Mdfy Rjct TimO Addr File: SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$TFTP]TCPIP$TFTP_RUN.LOG Security Reject msg: not defined Accept host: Accept netw: |
You can improve FTP performance for end users who transfer large files
from non-TCP/IP Services systems to hosts running the product.
A.6.1 FTP Performance
Large file transfers can impact FTP performance. A file transfer consists of the following events:
FTP performance is affected by the RMS overhead taken up by the file extension process. One way to improve performance is to reset the appropriate parameters. To do this, redefine the FTP logical names that control the following parameters:
Changing the buffer size might improve FTP performance. To set or modify the window size of the send and receive buffers, either define or redefine the logical name TCPIP$FTP_WNDSIZ.
FTP logical names preallocate disk blocks.
FTP tells RMS to truncate unused blocks so that disk space is not wasted. |
To reduce the RMS overhead, use the following logical names:
Both of these logical names are specified in the SYS$MANAGER:TCPIP$SERVICE_SETUP.COM file. Due to the possibility of disk quotas controlling the system, these logical names are defined by default as zero (system RMS defaults) or are undefined. For file transfers between hosts that both use VMS Plus mode, these logical names have no effect.
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