Compaq Fortran
User Manual for
OpenVMS Alpha Systems

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1.3 Creating and Running a Program Using a Module and Separate Function

Example 1-2 shows a sample Compaq Fortran main program using free-form source that uses a module and an external subprogram.

The function CALC_AVERAGE is contained in a separately created file and depends on the module ARRAY_CALCULATOR for its interface block.

Example 1-2 Sample Main Program That Uses a Module and Separate Function

 ! File: main.f90 
 ! This program calculates the average of five numbers 
     USE ARRAY_CALCULATOR                 (1)
     REAL, DIMENSION(5) :: A = 0 
     PRINT *, 'Type five numbers: ' 
     READ  (*,'(BN,F10.3)') A 
     AVERAGE = CALC_AVERAGE(A)            (2)
     PRINT *, 'Average of the five numbers is: ', AVERAGE 

  1. The USE statement accesses the module ARRAY_CALCULATOR. This module contains the function declaration for CALC_AVERAGE (use association).
  2. The 5-element array is passed to the function CALC_AVERAGE, which returns the value to the variable AVERAGE for printing.

Example 1-3 shows the module referenced by the main program. This example program shows more Fortran 90 features, including an interface block and an assumed-shape array.

Example 1-3 Sample Module

 ! File: array_calc.f90. 
 ! Module containing various calculations on arrays. 
         REAL :: CALC_AVERAGE 
         REAL, INTENT(IN) :: D(:) 
   ! Other subprogram interfaces... 

Example 1-4 shows the function declaration CALC_AVERAGE referenced by the main program.

Example 1-4 Sample Separate Function Declaration

 ! File: calc_aver.f90. 
 ! External function returning average of array. 
     REAL, INTENT(IN) :: D(:) 

1.3.1 Commands to Create the Executable Program

During the early stages of program development, the three files might be compiled separately and then linked together, using the following commands:


In this sequence of FORTRAN commands:

To allow more optimizations to occur (such as the inline expansion of called subprograms), compile the entire set of three source files together using a single FORTRAN command:


The order in which the file names are specified is significant. This FORTRAN command:

When you omit the file type on the FORTRAN command line, the FORTRAN command searches for a file with the F90 file type before a file with the FOR or F file type, so you can type the previous command (without file types) as follows:


Use a LINK command to link the single object file into an executable program:


When you omit the file type on the LINK command line, the Linker searches for a file with a file type of OBJ. Unless you will specify a library on the LINK command line, you can omit the OBJ file type.

1.3.2 Running the Sample Program

If the current default directory contains the file named CALC you can run the program by typing the RUN command followed by its name:


When you omit the file type on the RUN command line, the image activator searches for a file with a file type of EXE (you can omit the EXE file type).

When running the sample program, the PRINT and READ statements in the main program result in the following dialogue between user and program:

Type five numbers:
Average of the five numbers is:   15.70000

1.3.3 Debugging the Sample Program

To debug a program using the OpenVMS Debugger, compile and link with the /DEBUG qualifier to request additional symbol table information for source line debugging in the object and executable program files. The following FORTRAN command names the object file CALC_DEBUG.OBJ. The LINK command then creates the program file CALC_DEBUG.EXE with full debugging information:


The OpenVMS debugger has a character-cell interface and a windowing interface (available with the DECwindows Motif product). To debug an executable program named CALC_DEBUG.EXE, type the following command:


For more information on running the program within the debugger and the windowing interface, see Chapter 4.

1.4 Program Development Stages and Tools

This manual primarily addresses the program development activities associated with implementation and testing phases. For information about topics usually considered during application design, specification, and maintenance, see your operating system documentation or appropriate commercially published documentation.

Compaq Fortran provides the standard features of a compiler and the OpenVMS operating system provides a linker.

Use a LINK command to link the object file into an executable program.

Table 1-1 lists and describes some of the software tools you can use when developing (implementing) and testing a program:

Table 1-1 Main Tools for Program Development and Testing
Task or Activity Tool and Description
Manage source files Use the Compaq Code Management System (CMS).
Create and modify source files Use a text editor, such as the EDIT command to use the EVE editor. You can also use the optional Language-Sensitive Editor (LSE). For more information using OpenVMS text editors, see the OpenVMS User's Manual.
Analyze source code Use DCL commands such as SEARCH and DIFFERENCES.
Build program (compile and link) You can use the FORTRAN and LINK commands to create small programs, perhaps using command procedures, or use the Compaq Module Management System (MMS) to build your application in an automated fashion.

For more information on the FORTRAN and LINK commands, see Chapter 2 and Chapter 3 respectively.

Debug and Test program Use the OpenVMS Debugger to debug your program or run it for general testing. For more information on the OpenVMS Debugger, see Chapter 4 in this manual.
Analyze performance To perform program timings and profiling of code, use the LIB$ xxxx_TIMER routines, a command procedure, or the Performance Coverage Analyzer (PCA).

For more information on timing and profiling Compaq Fortran code, see Chapter 5.

To perform other program development functions at various stages of program development, use the following DCL commands:

For More Information:

Chapter 2
Compiling Compaq Fortran Programs

This chapter describes how to use the FORTRAN command to compile your source programs into object files. The following topics are discussed:

2.1 Functions of the Compiler

The primary functions of the Compaq Fortran compiler are as follows:

When the compiler creates an object file, it provides the linker with the following information:

For More Information:

On the OpenVMS Linker, see Chapter 3.

2.2 The FORTRAN Command

The FORTRAN command initiates compilation of a source program.

The command has the following form:

FORTRAN [/qualifiers] file-spec-list[/qualifiers]


Indicates either special actions to be performed by the compiler or special properties of input or output files.


Specifies the source files containing the program units to be compiled. You can specify more than one source file:

When compiling source files with the default optimization (or additional optimizations), concatenating source files allows full interprocedure optimizations to occur.

In interactive mode, you can also enter the file specification on a separate line by typing the command FORTRAN, followed by a carriage return. The system responds with the following prompt:


Type the file specification immediately after the prompt and then press Return.

2.2.1 Specifying Input Files and Source Form

If you omit the file type on the FORTRAN command line, the compiler searches first for a file with a file type of F90. If a file with a file type of F90 is not found, it then searches for file with a file type of FOR and then F.

For example, the following FORTRAN command line shows how file type searching occurs:


This FORTRAN command searches for the following files:

  1. It searches first for PROJ_ABC.F90.
  2. If PROJ_ABC.F90 does not exist, it then searches for PROJ_ABC.FOR.
  3. If PROJ_ABC.F90 and PROJ_ABC.FOR do not exist, it then searches for PROJ_ABC.F.

Indicate the Fortran 90 source form used in your source files by using certain file types or a command-line qualifier:

For example, if you specify a file as PROJ_BL1.F90 on an FORTRAN command line (and omit the /SOURCE_FORM=FIXED qualifier), the FORTRAN command assumes the file PROJ_BL1.F90 contains free-form source code.

2.2.2 Specifying Multiple Input Files

When you specify a list of input files on the FORTRAN command line, you can use abbreviated file specifications for those files that share common device names, directory names, or file names.

The system applies temporary file specification defaults to those files with incomplete specifications. The defaults applied to an incomplete file specification are based on the previous device name, directory name, or file name encountered in the list.

The following FORTRAN command line shows how temporary defaults are applied to a list of file specifications:


The preceding FORTRAN command compiles the following files:

USR1:[ADAMS]T1.F90 (or .FOR or .F) 
USR1:[ADAMS]T2.F90 (or .FOR  or .F) 
USR3:[FINAL]SUMMARY.F90 (or .FOR or .F) 

To override a temporary default with your current default directory, specify the directory as a null value. For example:


The empty brackets indicate that the compiler is to use your current default directory to locate T2.

FORTRAN qualifiers typically apply to the entire FORTRAN command line. One exception is the /LIBRARY qualifier, which specifies that the file specification it follows is a text library (positional qualifier). The /LIBRARY qualifier is discussed in Section 2.3.24.

You can specify multiple files on the FORTRAN command line. You can separate the multiple source file specifications with:

If you use multiple FORTRAN commands to compile multiple Compaq Fortran source files that are linked together into the same program, you must be consistent when specifying any qualifiers that effect run-time results. For instance, suppose you do the following:

  1. Specify /FLOAT=IEEE_FLOAT on one command line
  2. Specify /FLOAT=G_FLOAT on another command line
  3. Link the resulting object files together into a program

When you run the program, the values returned for floating-point numbers in a COMMON block will be unpredictable. For qualifiers related only to compilation (such as /LIST and /SHOW), this restriction does not apply.

2.2.3 Creating and Using Module Files

Compaq Fortran creates module files for each module declaration and automatically searches for a module file referenced by a USE statement (introduced in Fortran 90). A module file contains the equivalent of the module source declaration in a post-compiled, binary form. Creating Module Files

When you compile a Compaq Fortran source file that contains module declarations, Compaq Fortran creates a separate file for each module declaration in the current process default device and directory. The name declared in a MODULE statement becomes the base prefix of the file name and is followed by the F90$MOD file type.

For example, consider a file that contains the following statement:


The compiler creates a post-compiled module file MOD1.F90$MOD in the current directory. An object file is also created for the module.

Compiling a source file that contains multiple module declarations will create multiple module files, but only a single object file. If you need a separate object file for each module, place only one module declaration in each file.

If a source file does not contain the main program and you need to create module files only, specify the /NOOBJECT qualifier to prevent object file creation.

To specify a directory other than the current directory for the module file(s) to be placed, use the /MODULE qualifier (see Section 2.3.28).

Note that an object file is not needed if there are only INTERFACE or constant (PARAMETER) declarations; however, it is needed for all other types of declarations including variables. Using Module Files

Once you create a module file, you can copy module files into an appropriate shared or private directory. You reference a module file by specifying the module name in a USE statement (use association). For example:


By default, the compiler searches for a module file named MOD1.F90$MOD in the current directory.

When selecting a directory location for a set of module files, consider how your application gets built, including:

Compaq Fortran allows you to use multiple methods to specify which directories are searched for module files:

To locate modules referenced by USE statements, the compiler searches directories in the following order:

  1. The current process device and directory
  2. Each directory specified by the /INCLUDE qualifier
  3. The directory specified by the logical name FORT$INCLUDE (unless /NOINCLUDE was specified).

You cannot specify a module (.F90$MOD) file directly on the FORTRAN command line.

Suppose you need to compile a main program PROJ_M.F90 that contains one or more USE statements. To request that the compiler look for module files in the additional directories DISKA:[PROJ_MODULE.F90] and then DISKB:[COMMON.FORT] (after looking in the current directory), type the following command line:


If you specify multiple directories with the /INCLUDE qualifier, the order of the directories in the /INCLUDE qualifier determines the directory search order.

Module nesting depth is unlimited. If you will use many modules in a program, check the process and system file limits (see Section 1.1).

For More Information:

2.2.4 Using Include Files and Include Text Library Modules

You can create include files with a text editor. The include files can be placed in a text library. If needed, you can copy include files or include text library to a shared or private directory.

When selecting a directory location for a set of include files or text libraries, consider how your application is to be built, including: Using Include Files and INCLUDE Statement Forms

Include files have a file type like other Compaq Fortran source files (F90, FOR, or F). Use an INCLUDE statement to request that the specified file containing source lines be included in place of the INCLUDE statement.

To include a file, the INCLUDE statement has the following form:

INCLUDE 'name'
INCLUDE 'name.typ'

You can specify /LIST or /NOLIST after the file name. You can also specify the /SHOW=INCLUDE or /SHOW=NOINCLUDE qualifier to control whether source lines from included files or library modules appear in the listing file (see Section 2.3.40).

You can also include a file with a directory (and optionally the device name) specified with the following form:

INCLUDE '[directory]name'
INCLUDE '[directory]name.typ'

If a directory is specified, only the specified directory is searched. The remainder of this section addresses an INCLUDE statement where the directory has not been specified.

Compaq Fortran allows you to use multiple methods to specify which directories are searched for include files:

To locate include files specified in INCLUDE statements (without a device or directory name), the Compaq Fortran compiler searches directories in the following order:

  1. The current process default directory or the directory that the source file resides in (depending on whether /ASSUME=SOURCE_INCLUDE was specified)
  2. Each directory specified by the /INCLUDE qualifier
  3. The directory specified by the logical name FORT$INCLUDE (unless /NOINCLUDE was specified).

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