Reliable Transaction Router
System Manager's Manual

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The UNREGISTER RESOURCE_MANAGER command unregisters an instance of a resource manager.



UNREGISTER RM [resource_name]

Command Qualifiers Defaults
/NODE[=node-list] /NODE=default-node
/OUTPUT[=filespec] /OUTPUT=stdout


The UNREGISTER RESOURCE_MANAGER command unregisters an instance of a resource manager. The command succeeds only when its facility no longer exists. To unregister a resource manager instance, you must first delete all facilities that reference it. To see what facilities reference a specific resource manager, use the command SHOW RM/FULL. Refer to Appendix C, XA Support for support information about XA.



Specifies the name of the resource to be unregistered.

Resource names can contain up to 32 characters. This argument is required.




Specifies that the command is executed on all the nodes in the cluster.

If neither /NODE nor /CLUSTER is specified, the command is executed on the nodes specified by the latest SET ENVIRONMENT command. If no SET ENVIRONMENT command has been entered, the command is executed only on the node where the command was issued.


In environments that do not support clustering, the /CLUSTER qualifier causes the relevant command to be executed on the local node only.


/NODE=default-node (D)

Specifies that the command is executed on all nodes specified in node-list . If node-list is omitted, the command is executed only on the node where the command was issued.


/OUTPUT=stdout (D)

Specifies that the resulting information is written to the file filespec . If /OUTPUT or filespec is omitted, the standard or default output is used.

Related commands



Appendix A
Creating Monitor Pictures

The standard monitor pictures provided with RTR (described in Chapter 6) are sufficient for most needs. You can also create your own monitor pictures to suit particular needs. This appendix tells you how to do this.

The RTR monitor utility provides a means to continuously display the status of RTR and the applications using it. The information displayed is composed of named data items which are continuously updated by RTR. The data items can be displayed in various formats and combined using simple arithmetic operators and constants.

Note that in earlier versions of RTR, the data items were known as counters, and only contained numeric information. The name has been changed to indicate that string data can also be retrieved.

All RTR data items are associated with an information class. When entering a data item in a display command, it may be prefixed with a string to indicate which class it belongs to. This can speed up the processing of monitor commands. Information classes are shown in Table A-1.

Table A-1 Information Classes
Information Class String
Per node rtr
Per facility fac
Per link to a node lnk
Per client process cli
Per server process srv
Per application process prc
Per partition on a router rpt
Per partition on a backend bpt
Per key segment ksg
Per transaction on a frontend ftx
Per transaction on a router rtx
Per transaction on a backend btx

The monitor is invoked using the RTR MONITOR command. RTR monitor displays a monitor picture that is periodically updated. See Section 7.2 for the full syntax of the MONITOR command.

A monitor picture contains elements that are either text (such as labels and titles) or variables derived from data items. Monitor pictures can be defined either interactively at the RTR> prompt, or defined in a file called a monitor file.

The commands used to define and display monitor pictures are:


These commands are described in the following sections.

A.1 Interactive Definition of a Monitor Picture

You can define your own monitor pictures using the CLEAR, DISPLAY, MONITOR, SCROLL, and SHOW DISPLAY commands, including information from RTR data structures. You can obtain information from RTR data structures by using RTR field names. The RTR C Application Programmer's Reference Manual lists field names for RTR data structures in its description of the rtr_request_info call() .

Example A-1 shows a monitor picture being defined in an interactive RTR session.

Example A-1 Interactive Picture Definition

 $ RTR                                       
 RTR> DISPLAY NUMERIC some-RTR-data-field -  (3)
 _RTR>        /X=1 /Y=3 /LABEL ="SOME DATA ITEM:   "  
 RTR> DISPLAY NUMERIC another-RTR-data-field -  (4)
 _RTR>        /X=1 /Y=4 /LABEL ="OTHER DATA ITEM: "  
 RTR> CLEAR /X=25 /Y=1  (6)

  1. Any items from previously displayed pictures are cleared.
  2. A title is displayed on the first line. The symbol $TIME is substituted by the current system time when the picture is displayed. (See Section A.2, Substitution Symbols).
  3. The data item called some-RTR-data-field is displayed on the third line.
  4. The data item called another-RTR-data-field is displayed on the next line. Note that if /X and /Y are omitted, the item is displayed on the next free line and in the same column as the previous item.
  5. The monitor picture is displayed on the screen. Example A-2 shows what would appear on the screen at this point.
  6. The title is removed from the picture definition.
  7. A new title is added. This technique can also be used to make small alterations to standard monitor pictures.
  8. The definition of the picture is saved in the text file MYPICTURE.MON. The saved picture can be redisplayed by entering MONITOR MYPICTURE :

Example A-2 Interactively Defined Monitor Picture

                        THE TEST PICTURE AT 11:49:24 


Because monitor file definitions depend on the internal structure and data items of RTR, they may need to be changed for future versions of RTR.

A.2 Substitution Symbols

The text and labels in the DISPLAY commands that are used to define monitor pictures can contain symbols which are substituted when the picture is displayed. Table A-2 contains a list of these symbols.

Table A-2 Substitution Symbols
Symbol Description
$TIME Current time
$DATE Current date
$NODE_NAME Name of node where values were measured
$LINK_NAME Name of link for which values were measured
$FACILITY_NAME Name of facility for which value was measured
$PROCESS_ID ID of process for which value was measured
$PROCESS_NAME Name of process for which value was measured
$IMAGE_NAME Image file name of process for which value was measured
$FULL_IMAGE_NAME The full file specification of the image for the process for which values were measured

The field width for these predefined symbols can be specified by appending a colon (:) and then the required width. For example, $TIME displays the current system time in the form 10:34:03, $TIME:5 displays the first five characters of the system time, in this case, 10:34. If the field width specified is larger than the field, the data is left justified and space filled to the required width.

A.3 Arithmetic Expressions and Operators

When using data items and constants as parameters for display commands, or as Booleans in the BELL, BLANK, BLINK, BOLD, SELECT, REVERSE and UNDERLINE qualifiers, you may use the operators shown in Table A-3.

Table A-3 Arithmetic Operators in Display Commands
Characters Meaning
- Minus
+ Plus
* Multiply
/ Divide
& Logical AND
| Logical OR
<= Less than or equal
>= Greater than or equal
!= Not equal
<> Not equal
< Less than
> Greater than
= Equal

Example A-3 shows how these operators are used.

Example A-3 Arithmetic Operators Examples

    RTR> DISPLAY NUMERIC some-RTR-data-field+2      (1)
    RTR> DISPLAY NUMERIC some-RTR-data-field      
    _RTR> /SELECT="another-RTR-data-field>42"    (2)
    RTR> DISPLAY NUMERIC some-RTR-data-field        
    _RTR> /SELECT="another-RTR-data-field>42" -  
    _RTR> /BOLD="another-RTR-data-field>84"  -      
    _RTR> /UNDERLINE="another-RTR-data-field>=1952"  (3)
    RTR> DISPLAY SYMBOLIC some-RTR-data-field "zero","one" - 
    _RTR> "two","three","four,"five","six"/BLINK        (4)

  1. Two is added to the value of some-RTR-data-field before displaying it.
  2. some-RTR-data-field is displayed only if another-RTR-data-field is greater than 42.
  3. Same as the one above, but displayed in bold if another-RTR-data-field is greater than 84, and underlined if it is greater than 1952.
  4. The value of some-RTR-data-field is displayed in text form if it is less than six, otherwise it is displayed as a numeric.


To ensure that a data string is correctly parsed, use double quotes and parentheses that follow algebraic rules.

Aggregation of Data Items

DISPLAY commands which select multiple instances of a data item (for example, multiple instances of a process counter) can use the following keywords to control the way the items are aggregated.
MIN Select the data item instance with the lowest value
MAX Select the data item instance with the highest value

By default, data items are totaled unless the /AVERAGE=() qualifier is specified.

The following example from SYSTEM.MON shows the use of the _MIN keyword:

! Warn if any messages have been pending for more than 30 seconds 
DISPLAY TEXT    /X=32    /Y=17 - 
        "X" - 
        /BOLD - 
       ((rtr:rtr_current_time - _MIN(prc:rtr_mt_received_time)) <= 30)" 
DISPLAY TEXT    /X=40    /Y=17 - 
        "X" - 
        /BOLD /BLINK - 
       ((rtr:rtr_current_time - _MIN(prc:rtr_mt_received_time)) > 30)" 

Some output has been omitted for clarity.

Appendix B
Web Browser Interface

This appendix explains how to customize the appearance of HTML pages generated by RTR. It also explains server security, including how client and user verification are performed.

B.1 Style Customization

To supersede the built-in style sheet, you must have access to a file named rtrhead.html . RTR does not create this file as part of the installation procedure. If rtrhead.html does not already exist, you must create it in one of the following operating system-dependent directories:
Server Operating System File Location
UNIX /rtr
Windows RTR Installation Directory

The content of this file appears in the HEAD section of any HTML pages generated by the server. To reduce server disk activity, the content of the file is cached. Updates to this file take approximately 60 seconds to take effect.

The visual appearance of the RTR HTML displays may be customized to meet local needs and preferences by using the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) language to provide an alternate definition of the styles used by RTR. This allows for considerable flexibility, permitting a choice of a wide range of formatting options, for example, fonts, colors, text properties and alignment, background color, image, and texture. Style sheets can be created as text files in the CSS language by any web-content editor, for example, MS Visual InterDev. Refer to the home page of the World Wide Web Consortium ( ) for details on the CSS language.

To supersede the built-in embedded style sheet, use the localization feature and provide a copy of the file rtrhead.html . This file should contain one of the following:

B.1.1 RTR Style Names

The following table lists the style names referenced by RTR and their usage. You may define any or all of these styles to suit your needs. To view the default definitions used by RTR, use the view source function of your browser when viewing an HTML page generated by RTR.

Table B-1 RTR Style Names
Style Name Usage
div.RtrMoniText Text frames appearing in monitor pictures
p.RtrMoniText Controls paragraphs appearing within text frames in monitor pictures
tr.RtrRowOdd Odd rows of tabular output
tr.RtrRowEven Even rows of tabular output
td.RtrCellReverse Emulates reverse video effect for monitor picture
td.RtrCellBold Emulates bold video effect for monitor pictures
td.RtrCellUnder Emulates underline video effect for monitor picture
tr.RtrShowNoBriefH1 Header text in tabular output
tr.RtrShowNoBriefH2 Subhead text in tabular output
td.RtrShowNoBriefLabelCell Table cell label text
td.RtrShowNoBriefValueCell Table cell value text
table.RtrMoniTable Tabular format for monitor pictures
table.RtrShowTable Tabular format for other tables
table.RtrHdrText Tabular format for monitor picture headers
tr.RtrMonTableHdr Header rows for monitor tabular output
tr.RtrShowTableHdr Header rows of other tabular output
a.RtrPopupLink Links used to indicate available popup help text
h3.RtrNodeName Style used by headers (table of contents, index, and node entries) when displaying results in a multi-node command environment
hr.RtrNodeBreak Style of the horizontal rule used to separate sections of the display in a multi-node command environment

B.1.2 Examples

To make small style adjustments, you may capture the default styles from your browser using the view source option and then edit them. The following example changes the font family to the browser default serif font, and displays a corporate logo at the top-right corner of the page:

<style type="text/css"> 
  body { font-family: serif; 
    background-image:         url(http://your-server/logo.gif); 
    background-position: right top; 
    background-repeat: no-repeat; margin-top: +1in;} 
  div.RtrMoniText { line-height: 150%; border-style: ridge; 
    margin-left: 20; margin-right: 20 } 
  p.RtrMoniText { margin-left: 10; margin-right: 10 } 
  tr.RtrRowOdd{ background: rgb(204,204,255);} 
  td.RtrCellBlink{ color: red; font-weight: bold;} 
  td.RtrCellReverse{ color: white; background-color: gray;} 
  td.RtrCellBold{ font-weight: bold;} 
  td.RtrCellUnder{ text-decoration: underline;} 
  tr.RtrShowNoBriefH1{ background: "#FFCCFF"; } 
  tr.RtrShowNoBriefH2{ background: "#CCFFCC"; } 
  td.RtrShowNoBriefLabelCell{ text-align: right; } 
  td.RtrShowNoBriefValueCell{ text-align: bottom; color: "#49D6B6"; } 
  table.RtrMoniTable{ width="100%"; } 
  table.RtrShowTable{ width="100%"; } 
  table.RtrHdrText{ width="100%"; text-align: center; font-weight: bold;} 
  tr.RtrMonTableHdr{ background-color: silver;} 
  tr.RtrShowTableHdr{ background-color: silver; text-align: left; font-weight: bold;} 

Alternately, rtrhead.html could contain a link to a style sheet stored elsewhere. In this case the content of the file would look something like this:

<LINK rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="bigbankeuro.css"> 

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