DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
User's Guide

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You can determine the mode TELNET uses to transmit data. The appropriate TELNET mode for a session depends on:

Table 5-3 shows the modes that control TELNET communications.

Table 5-3 TELNET Transmission Modes
Mode Function
Local Characters Mode The local host interprets control characters, translating them into TELNET protocol sequences (ENABLE LOCAL_CHARS). Use this mode when the local and remote hosts implement different control characters. By default, characters are interpreted by the remote host (DISABLE LOCAL_CHARS).
Binary Mode The local host sends transmissions in binary mode (ENABLE BINARY). Use this mode when the remote host expects each line of data to end with a carriage return/line feed combination. By default, the local host sends transmissions with the end-of-line character (EOL) mapped to the carriage return/line feed combination (DISABLE BINARY).
Debug Mode TELNET displays data flow in both hexadecimal and readable text (ENABLE DEBUG). By default, TELNET displays data in readable text only (DISABLE DEBUG).
Character Transmission Mode TELNET transmits data one character at a time (SET MODE CHAR) rather than line-by-line. Use this mode when you run a text editor (on the remote host) that does character processing. Character transmission mode is the default.
Line Transmission Mode TELNET transmits data one line at a time (SET MODE LINE). Most clients send a character at a time. The remote host server must support line transmission mode.

This allows you to do signal trapping as well as local character editing and tab expansion.

5.11 Sending Commands to the Connected Remote Host

While in input mode (an active session with a remote host), you can enter SEND commands that affect the remote host's processing of commands you have entered. You use these commands when the remote host does not recognize the default key or key sequence used for the same operation. You can use the SEND AYT and SEND NOP commands to determine if your session with the remote host is still open. Table 5-4 lists the functions available to you at the remote host with each SEND command.

Table 5-4 Sending Commands to the Remote Host
Function Command When to Use
Abort output of the last remote command you entered, without discontinuing execution of the process. SEND AO You want to terminate output but not the execution of the process.
After already aborting output, you want to resume output. The remote host does not recognize the Ctrl/O as the flush output character.
Determine if your connection with the remote host is still established, the remote host replying with connection status information. SEND AYT Test the connection to the remote host application and verify that the remote host application is responding. You are notified on success.
Terminate execution of the last command you entered at the remote host. SEND BRK The remote host does not recognize the Ctrl/C sequence as an interrupt character.
Delete the last character you typed at the remote host. SEND EC The remote host does not recognize your Delete key.
Delete the last line of text you entered at the remote host. SEND EL The remote host does not recognize your Delete key or command-line recall.
Signal the remote host that your local system is ready. SEND GA The application requires GA commands in either one or both directions.
Interrupt execution of the last command you entered at the remote host. SEND IP Your terminal or the remote host does not recognize the default interrupt character (Ctrl/C).
Determine whether your local host can send data to the connected remote host and whether the remote host can receive that data SEND NOP Check the communication path to the remote host; you are notified on error.
Interrupt the current process you are executing at the remote host, and in urgent mode (out-of-band), get a quicker response time to the interrupt. SEND SYNCH You want to clear immediately the communications path between your system and the remote host, with the remote host ignoring any incoming data not yet processed.

5.12 IBM 3270 Model Terminal Emulation (TN3270)

You can run a TELNET session with a host that uses IBM 3270 model terminals by using the TN3270 command. The TN3270 command:


When you run TN3270, you can only have one session. You cannot have other sessions running simultaneously, as you can when running normal TELNET sessions.

5.12.1 Supported IBM Terminal Models

Table 5-5 lists the IBM 3270 terminal models that TELNET/TN3270 can emulate.

Table 5-5 TELNET --- Supported IBM 3270 Model Terminals
Model Screen Size (Rows x Columns)
IBM 3278 Model 2 24 x 80
IBM 3278 Model 3 32 x 80
IBM 3278 Model 4 43 x 80
IBM 3278 Model 5 27 x 132

5.12.2 Setting Up Your PC or Terminal for IBM 3270 Terminal Emulation

When you use TELNET and specify IBM 3270 model terminal emulation (TN3270), the image displayed on your screen depends on:

Sections and explain how to set up VT200- and VT100-series terminals (or emulation on PCs), respectively. VT200-Series Terminal Setup

Follow these steps:

  1. At the Set-up Directory menu, select the keyboard type that corresponds to the keyboard layout you are using (for example, North American).
  2. At the Display Set-up menu, select the following:
  3. At the General Set-up menu, select the following:
  4. At the Communications Set-up menu, select the following:
  5. At the Keyboard Set-up menu, select warning bell ON.

    At the DCL prompt, issue:


    The software determines the terminal's characteristics and sets the appropriate parameters.

    If you select National Character mode, issue:

 VT100-Series Terminal Setup

    Follow these steps:

    1. Set your terminal to ANSI mode (see the user's guide for your terminal).
    2. Enter the following command at the DCL prompt:

      This command causes the terminal to be questioned about its characteristics. The appropriate parameters for the terminal are set up according to its response.

    TN3270 requires DIGITAL terminals or DECterm windows that support at least 24 lines and 80 columns.

    5.12.3 Starting and Exiting from TN3270

    Start a TN3270 session by using the TN3270 command. You can also use the TELNET/TERMINAL_TYPE=IBM-3278-n command. The default terminal type is IBM-3278-2. The following examples show several ways to start a TN3270 session, using the TN3270 command and connecting to host CENTRAL. For more information, see Section 5.3.

    You can invoke TN3270 and, without connecting to a remote host first, enter certain commands that customize the sessions and display parameters or status. You can also use a command file to invoke TN3270 and the customization.

    The TN3270 command includes several qualifiers that allow you to specify customized or special files for the following:

    You can end a TN3270 session (close the connection) in one of the following ways:

5.12.4 Getting Status

To monitor your TN3270 session, use the status line indicator at the bottom of your screen. A reverse-video strip displays status and information messages. To see status messages, issue the following:


5.12.5 Clearing Error Messages

TN3270 displays error messages in a bordered display at the bottom of your screen. This display overwrites the status display and remains visible until you clear it. To clear, invoke one of the following functions:

5.12.6 Recording Sessions

During a TN3270 session, you can record your screen's contents. The PRINT function directs your screen's contents to either a file or a spooled printer.

To record your screen's contents, follow these steps:

  1. Invoke the PRINT keyboard function, as explained in Section 5.12.9.
    The screen display is recorded in a file in a compressed state. Null lines (lines with only nulls and attribute characters) do not appear.
  2. Invoke the ENTER function or any function that transmits the screen contents to the remote host's application, as explained in Section 5.12.9.

This creates the default output file, UCXTPRINT.LIS. TELNET does the following:

You can specify a different file name. To change the name, use one of the following two methods: