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This appendix describes the DECprint Supervisor messages in the following sections:
DCPS system messages have one of the following formats:
%fac-s-ident, text
-fac-s-ident, text
Code | Meaning |
% | The prefix for all primary messages |
- | The prefix for all continuation messages |
fac | The facility code, which should be DCPS |
s | The severity level of the message |
ident | An abbreviation of the message text |
text | The expanded text of the message |
B.1.2 Severity Level
The severity levels of DECprint Supervisor system messages are defined as
Code | Meaning |
S | Success --- successful completion of the request |
I | Informational --- may require user action |
W | Warning --- request may not have completed and may require user action |
E | Error --- system encountered an error that may be recoverable |
F | Fatal --- system encountered a fatal error and cannot continue processing this request |
The following DCPS message descriptions are alphabetized by the ident portion of the message. The message severity level and text are also shown, while the prefix and facility designation (DCPSppp are omitted. If you receive a message from a facility other than DCPS, refer to the OpenVMS System Messages: Companion Guide for Help Message Users for the message description or use the online help message utility with the command HELP /MESSAGE.
E-BADSPEC, File spec LPS$SINGLEHOLES.LUP cannot be parsed
Explanation: The current definition of the logical
name DCPS$LAYUP is invalid, possibly because of an incorrect answer
given to the question about the location of layup files in an earlier
DCPS installation. (DCPS V1.6 and later now validate such responses;
see the Release Notes for more information.)
User Action: Deassign the logical name with the
Then start the DCPS installation again and you will be prompted for the location for the layup files.
E-BADVMSVER, This product requires OpenVMS version version or
later to install
Explanation: The DCPS software requires a later
version of the OpenVMS operating system.
User Action: Upgrade your operating system to the
correct version.
I-ESTTIME, This installation will take between 1 and 10 minutes,
I-ESTTIME, excluding time needed to stop and restart active queues.
Explanation: This informational message estimates the
time it will take to install the software.
User Action: No action is required.
W-HIDES, If these files remain, they will be used instead of the
W-HIDES, DCPS product files you are installing now, and the IVP
Explanation: DCPS warns you that the existing
DCPS files in SYS$SPECIFIC directories will be used instead of the
latest ones.
User Action: Remove or rename the listed DCPS files
from the SYS$SPECIFIC directories.
E-INVDIRSPE, invalid directory specification
Explanation: The syntax of the directory specified is
not correct.
User Action: Specify a directory with correct syntax.
I-LAYUPDEF, DCPS$LAYUP is already defined. I-LAYUPDEF, This
installation will use its value.
Explanation: The installation uses the existing
logical name for DCPS$LAYUP.
User Action: No action is required.
I-NOHELP, There is no help in this install procedure. I-NOHELP, Please
refer to the Software Installation Guide.
Explanation: This informational messages states that
no help is available.
User Action: Refer to the Software Installation GuideSoftware Installation Guide for more
I-NOQUEMGR, System queue manager is not running. I-NOQUEMGR, IVP will
NOT be run. Installation continuing.
Explanation: The queue manager is not running on your
system. The installation will continue, but the Installation
Verification Procedure cannot run.
User Action: After the installation, start the queue
manager and then manually invoke the IVP (
I-NOQUEST, No further questions will be asked
Explanation: The VMSINSTAL procedure will continue
from this point without requiring further input from you.
User Action: No action is required.
W-NORSTRT, Automatically stopped queues have not been restarted
Explanation: VMSINSTAL has not restarted queues that
it automatically stopped.
User Action: Resolve the problem that caused the
installation to terminate abnormally, and then manually restart the
queues that the DCPS installation procedure previously listed as active.
E-NOSUCHDEV, no such device available
Explanation: The device specified does not exist.
User Action: Specify a device that exists on your
E-NO_DECC_RTL, DEC C run-time library is not installed.
Explanation: There is no DEC C run-time library on
your system.
User Action: Install the DEC C/C++ Run-Time Components
E-NO_QUEMAN, This product requires the queue management facility to
Explanation: The queue manager could not be found. The
installation procedure is aborted.
User Action: Start the queue manager. For information
refer to the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual.
E-NO_SPACE, This product requires number blocks of disk space
to install.
Explanation: There are not enough free disk blocks to
install this software. The installation procedure terminates.
User Action: Ensure that you have at least the
specified number of free disk blocks and restart the installation.
I-NUMQUEUES, existing-number existing DCPS queues, with
active-number active.
Explanation: This message informs you of the number of
DCPS queues you have and how many of them are active (that is, not
User Action: No action is required.
W-PURGW, Purging files may leave running queues with no image file and
the IVP may fail.
Explanation: Purging DCPS files while multistream DCPS
symbionts are still active can cause problems.
User Action: Avoid purging existing files, or stop all
active queues before proceeding with the installation.
I-QSCANNING, Looking for existing DCPS print queues...
Explanation: This informational message tells you that
the installation procedure is checking for print queues that already
User Action: No action is required.
W-QUEACTIVE, The following queues are still active:
Explanation: The installation procedure found some
DCPS queues still active, as listed in subsequent lines. If you do not
stop the active queues, the installation may fail or interfere with
jobs that are currently printing.
User Action: When subsequently asked, allow VMSINSTAL
to automatically stop the queues, or manually stop them yourself and
restart the installation procedure. If some of the queues are not in an
idle state, you may wish to wait until all jobs have finished printing.
I-STARTQUEUES, Restarting queues previously reported as active
Explanation: VMSINSTAL is currently restarting all
queues it had previously reported as active.
Explanation: No action is required.
I-STOPQUEUES, Stopping queues previously reported as active
Explanation: VMSINSTAL is currently stopping all
queues it had previously reported as active.
User Action: No action is required.
W-SYSPF, This system contains DCPS images in SYS$SPECIFIC areas:
Explanation: Your system has one or more DCPS
executable images in a SYS$SPECIFIC directory, as listed in subsequent
lines. The new images that you are about to install will not be used
because of the presence of the SYS$SPECIFIC versions.
User Action: Delete or rename the DCPS files in the
SYS$SPECIFIC directories, so that new ones in SYS$COMMON will be used.
F-WRONGARCH, This product will only install on OpenVMS
Explanation: You have attempted to install the kit on
the wrong platform.
User Action: Install the kit on either an Alpha or VAX
platform, as indicated by the message, or use a different kit for the
current platform.
This appendix lists HP software documents and documentation kits
associated with PostScript printers and their order numbers.
C.1 hp DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for hp OpenVMS
Software Installation Guide
System Manager's Guide
User's Guide
HP DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for HP OpenVMS Alpha V2.2
HP DECprint Supervisor (DCPS) for HP OpenVMS VAX V2.2
Release Notes
Software Installation Guide
Software Product Description (SPD)
System Manager's Guide
User's Guide
HTML (Hypertext Markup Language)
PDF (Acrobat Portable Document Format)
PS (PostScript)
Documentation (order number: EK-PPLV3-DK)
The following books are published by Adobe Systems Incorporated and are among numerous books published about the PostScript language.
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