DECwindows Extensions to Motif

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The default is Null. Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that, when True, creates a rectangle large enough to highlight the entries. The default is False. Access is CSG.


Callback made when the user double clicks MB1 with multiple entries selected. To determine which entries are selected, the application must call the DXmSvnGetNumSelections and the DXmSvnGetSelections routines.

The callback reason is DXmSvnCRExtendConfirm. Other callback fields are as follows:
Field Description
entry_number The entry selected
time The time when the double click occurred
loc_cursor_entry_number The number of the entry where the location cursor is currently displayed
event A pointer to the X event structure describing the event that generated this callback

The default is Null. Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that, when True, specifies that all entries, including the selectable white space to the right of each entry, will be the same width. Fixed width entries are the width of the display window. The default is True. Access is CSG.


The default font when no level font is specified. The default is DXmDefaultFont. Access is CSG.


The default font list used by level 0 entries. The default is Null. Access is CSG.


The default font list used by level 1 entries. The default is Null. Access is CSG.


The default font list used by level 2 entries. The default is Null. Access is CSG.


The default font list used by level 3 entries. The default is Null. Access is CSG.


The default font list used by level 4 entries. The default is Null. Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that, when True, specifies that the SVN widget generate the DXmSvnNgetEntryCallback callbacks in sequential order only. The default is False. Access is CSG.


Callback made when the SVN widget requires information about an entry. The application should respond by calling the DXmSvnSetEntry routine. Control should not be returned from the callback until this call and subsequent calls are made to the DXmSvnSetComponentPixmap, DXmSvnSetComponentText, or DXmSvnSetComponentWidget routines.

The callback reason is DXmSvnCRGetEntry. Other callback fields are as follows:
Field Description
entry_number The entry number required
entry_tag The value (previously set in the application with the DXmSvnSetEntry or DXmSvnAddEntries routine) associated with the entry_number field
entry_level The entry's level number
loc_cursor_entry_number The number of the entry where the location cursor is currently displayed

The default is Null. Access is CSG.


The height of the pixmap for a specific type of highlighted image, or "ghost", that follows the entries as they are dragged. The default is 0. Access is CSG.


The pixmap for a specific type of highlighted image, or "ghost", that follows the entries as they are dragged. The default is Null. Access is CSG.


The width of the pixmap for a specific type of highlighted image, or "ghost", that follows the entries as they are dragged. The default is 0. Access is CSG.


Relative x position on the screen where the dragging "ghost" (a specific type of highlighted image that follows the entries as they are dragged) is attached to the cursor. The default is 0. Access is CSG.


Relative y position on the screen where the dragging "ghost" (a specific type of highlighted image that follows the entries as they are dragged) is attached to the cursor. The default is 0. Access is CSG.


Callback made when the user requests help. The callback reason is DXmSvnCRHelpRequested. Other callback fields are as follows:
Field Description
component_number The component number within the entry on which help was requested
time The time when the user requested help
entry_number The entry number for which help was requested
entry_tag The value (previously set in the application with the DXmSvnSetEntry routine) associated with the entry_number field
entry_level The level number of the entry
loc_cursor_entry_number The number of the entry where the location cursor is currently displayed
event A pointer to the X event structure describing the event that generated this callback

Note that the values for the entry_number and loc_cursor_entry_number fields vary depending on how the user requests help, as follows:

The default is Null. Access is CSG.


The number of pixels each entry level should be indented. The default is 16 pixels. Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that, when True, allows scrolling in outline and column display mode, but not in tree mode. If an application uses the existing index window instead, this resource must be set to False. The default is True. Access is CSG.


The percentage of the display window that is in the primary side of the column view. The default is 50 percent. Access is CSG.


The identifier (widget ID) of the primary window widget in the SVN display. The default is Null. Access is G (read-only).


A Boolean resource that, when True, allows the user to specify multiple selections. The default is True. Access is CSG.


The title for a pop-up navigation window. The default is Null. Access is CSG.


The number of entries. The initial value is 0. This value increases or decreases as entries are changed by the DXmSvnAddEntries and DXmSvnDeleteEntries routines. Access is G (read-only).


The identifier (widget ID) of the primary horizontal scroll bar. The default is Null. Access is G (read-only).


The identifier (widget ID) of the pane widget. The default is Null. Access is G (read-only).


Callback made after an MB3 click that notifies the application to generate a pop-up menu for this entry.

The callback reason is DXmSvnCRPopupMenu. Other callback fields are as follows:
Field Description
loc_cursor_entry_number The number of the entry where the location cursor is currently displayed
event A pointer to the X event structure describing the event that generated this callback

The default is Null. Access is CSG.


The base x position of the secondary window in the column view. The default is 0. Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that, when True, specifies that secondary components still exist even though they are not visible in the column view. The default is False. Access is CSG.


The identifier (widget ID) of the secondary widget in the SVN display. The default is Null. Access is G (read-only).


Callback made when the user double clicks MB1 on a single entry, indicating that the user wants to expand or collapse (contract) the entry. The application can determine which entry has been selected by either examining the entry_number and component_number fields of the callback data structure or by calling the DXmSvnGetSelections routine.

This callback is also called when all three of the following conditions exist:

  1. The DXmSvnNMultipleSelections resource is set to True.
  2. There is no DXmSvnNExtendConfirm callback supplied.
  3. The user has double clicked to terminate the selection of a range of entries.

In such an instance, the individual calls are from the highest entry number selected through the lowest entry number selected.

The callback reason is DXmSvnCRSelectAndConfirm. Other callback fields are as follows:
Field Description
component_number The component number on which the mouse was positioned
time When the second click of the double click occurred
entry_number The entry number of the selected entry
entry_tag The value (previously set in the application with the DXmSvnSetEntry or DXmSvnAddEntries routine) associated with the entry_number field
entry_level The level number of the entry
loc_cursor_entry_number The number of the entry where the location cursor is currently displayed
event A pointer to the X event structure describing the event that generated this callback

The default is Null. Access is CSG.


Specifies what is to be selected. The selection mode, which is used by the column view, is indicated by one of the following values:
Value Description
DXmSvnKselectEntry Selects the entire entry.
DXmSvnKselectComp Selects only the component.
DXmSvnKselectCompAndPrimary Selects the current component and the entire primary side of the column view.
DXmSvnKselectEntryOrComp Selects either the entire entry (if the selection is made on the primary side) or only the component (if the selection is made on the secondary side of the display window).

The default is DXmSvnKselectEntry. Access is CSG.


The user has used MB2 to drag selected entries to another location. Note that the use of this resource is valid only when application-controlled dragging has not been set (with the DXmSvnNdraggingCallback and DXmSvnNdraggingEndCallback callbacks).

The callback reason is DXmSvnCRSelectionsDragged. Other callback fields are as follows:
Field Description
component_number The component number on which the mouse button was released
x The x position at which the mouse button was released
y The y position at which the mouse button was released
entry_number The entry number on which the mouse button was released
entry_tag The value (previously set in the application with the DXmSvnSetEntry routine) associated with the entry_number field
entry_level The entry's level number
loc_cursor_entry_number The number of the entry where the location cursor is currently displayed
event A pointer to the X event structure describing the event that generated this callback

The default is Null (dragging will not occur). Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that, when True, shows the path to the root, which is the first entry level in the display (level 0). This path is represented by a horizontal line over which the hierarchy of entry levels (each indented) is displayed. The default is True. Access is CSG.


The number of the component that begins the secondary column. The default is 0, which indicates that no components should be displayed in the secondary column. Access is CSG.


Allows the application to specify the entry where the location cursor will be displayed when the SVN widget is first activated. You can set this resource only at widget creation time; it cannot be changed thereafter. The default position of the location cursor is entry number 1. Access is C.


Callback made when the user has released MB1 following an application-controlled drag operation.

The callback reason is DXmSvnCRTransitionsDone. Other callback fields are as follows:
Field Description
loc_cursor_entry_number The number of the entry where the location cursor is currently displayed
event A pointer to the X event structure describing the event that generated this callback

The default is Null. Access is CSG.


The width for the arc of the outline that delineates the boundary between each tree display mode entry. The default is 15 pixels. Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that, when True, centers components vertically within an entry. The SVN widget automatically alters the size of the entries to fit the centered components. The default is False. Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that, when True, displays an outline around tree mode entries. The default is True. Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that, when True, adds shadowing to the outline surrounding tree mode entries. The default is True. Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that, when True, specifies that all tree mode entries appear in the index window when the user is scrolling. The default is True. Access is CSG.


Specifies how much space, in pixels, to insert between tree levels. The default is 5 pixels. Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that, when True, specifies that lines connecting the entries in tree mode are perpendicular instead of diagonal. The default is True.


Specifies how much space, in pixels, to insert between sibling tree mode entries. The default is 5 pixels. Access is CSG.


Specifies the style (format) of a tree display, as indicated by one of the following values:
Value Description
DXmSvnKtopTree A vertical tree format (oriented from the top).
DXmSvnKhorizontalTree A horizontal tree format (oriented from the left).
DXmSvnKoutlineTree Oriented in outline form.
DXmSvnKuserDefinedTree Oriented in an application-defined format. The SVN widget uses the x- and y-coordinate values you specify for an entry to determine the entry's position in the tree.

The default is DXmSvnKoutlineTree. Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that, when True, truncates text that is too long for the display. The default is False. Access is CSG.


A Boolean resource that, when True, creates outer arrows on a scroll bar, which the user can click on to move the display. The default is True. Access is CSG. Callback Structure

typedef struct 
  int             reason; 
  int             entry_number; 
  int             component_number; 
  int             first_selection; 
  int             x; 
  int             y; 
  XtPointer       entry_tag; 
  Time            time; 
  int             entry_level; 
  int             loc_cursor_entry_number; 
  int             transfer_mode; 
  int             dragged_entry_number; 
  XEvent          *event; 
} DXmSvnCallbackStruct; 

Note that all callbacks do not use all the fields listed except reason, which is common to all.

Callback Field Descriptions


An integer set to the callback reason.


The identifier of the entry.


The identifier of the component.


One of the following values:
Value Description
DXmSvnKnotFirst This is not the first selection that has been made.
DXmSvnKfirstOfOne There is only one selection being made.
DXmSvnKfirstOfMany This is the first of many selections being made.

This value (when treated as a Boolean function) is usually True. It is False only when the user has made a range selection and this is not the first DXmSvnNentrySelectedCallback.


The x position at which the event occurred.


The y position at which the event occurred.


The value associated with the entry_number field. You can set this value in your application using a routine that is appropriate for the particular callback, as follows:
Callback Routine
DXmSvnNentrySelectedCallback DXmSvnSetEntry
DXmSvnNgetEntryCallback DXmSvnSetEntry
DXmSvnNhelpRequestedCallback DXmSvnSetEntry
DXmSvnNselectAndConfirmCallback DXmSvnSetEntry
DXmSvnNselectionsDraggedCallback DXmSvnSetEntry


The time when the event occurred.


The current entry number.


The number of the entry that currently has the location cursor.


A constant specifying the transfer operation that should occur after an MB2 click with no mouse movement.


Contains the number of the entry currently being dragged with MB2 pressed.


A pointer to the X event structure describing the event that generated this callback.

Callback Reasons

The following table lists the reasons and the valid callback fields for each:
Reason Valid Fields
DXmSvnCRAttachToSource reason
DXmSvnCRDetachFromSource reason
DXmSvnCRDisplayChanged reason
DXmSvnCRDragging reason, x, y, time, loc_cursor_entry_number, dragged_entry_number, event
DXmSvnCRDraggingEnd reason, x, y, time, loc_cursor_entry_number, event
DXmSvnCREntrySelected reason, entry_number, component_number, first_selection, entry_tag, time, loc_cursor_entry_number, event
DXmSvnCREntryTransfer reason, loc_cursor_entry_number, transfer_mode, event
DXmSvnCREntryUnselected reason, entry_number, component_number, time, loc_cursor_entry_number
DXmSvnCRExtendConfirm reason, entry_number, time, loc_cursor_entry_number, event
DXmSvnCRGetEntry reason, entry_number, entry_tag, entry_level, loc_cursor_entry_number
DXmSvnCRHelpRequested reason, entry_number, component_number, entry_tag, time, entry_level, loc_cursor_entry_number, event
DXmSvnCRPopupMenu reason, loc_cursor_entry_number, event
DXmSvnCRSelectAndConfirm reason, entry_number, component_number, entry_tag, time, entry_level, loc_cursor_entry_number, event
DXmSvnCRSelectionsDragged reason, entry_number, component_number, x, y, entry_tag, entry_level, loc_cursor_entry_number, event
DXmSvnCRTransitionsDone reason, event

Keyboard Bindings

The following table describes how specific keys function within the SVN environment. The table also lists the Motif name and LK401 keyboard equivalent for each key. See the OSF/Motif Style Guide and the DECwindows Companion to the OSF/Motif Style Guide for additional information about DECwindows Motif keyboard bindings.
Motif Name LK401
SVN Function
KActivate Return
Selects and confirms the current entry. Equivalent to a double MB1 click on the mouse.
KBeginData Ctrl+Alt+ <- Scrolls to the first entry in the SVN display; selects and moves the location cursor to that entry.
KBeginLine Alt+ <- Scrolls to the extreme left of the display.
KDown <downarrow symbol> Selects and moves the location cursor to the next entry in display, scrolling the display down if necessary.
KEndData Ctrl+Alt+-> Scrolls to the last entry in the SVN display; selects and moves the location cursor to that entry.
KEndLine Alt+-> Scrolls to the extreme right of the display.
KExtendDown Shift+<downarrow symbol> Adds the next entry to the extended selection. Selects and moves the location cursor to the next entry.
KExtendUp Shift+<uparrow symbol> Adds the previous entry to the extended selection. Selects and moves the location cursor to the previous entry.
KHelp Help Reports the help callback to the application if specified.
KLeft <- Scrolls the display one character to the left.
KMenu F4 Reports the DXmNpopupMenuCallback to the application if specified for the entry with the location cursor.
KNextColumn Ctrl+-> Selects the next column component to the right.
KNextPara Ctrl+<downarrow symbol> Scrolls to the bottom of the display.
KPageDown Next Scrolls the display to the next screen of entries. Selects and moves the location cursor to the entry located at the same relative position on the next screen.
KPageLeft Ctrl+Prev Scrolls the display one screen to the left.
KPageRight Ctrl+Next Scrolls the display one screen to the right.
KPageUp Prev Scrolls the display to the previous screen of entries. Selects and moves the location cursor to the entry located at the same relative position on the previous screen.
KPrevColumn Ctrl+ <- Selects the previous column component to the left.
KPrevPara Ctrl+<uparrow symbol> Scrolls to the top of the display.
KRight -> Scrolls the display one character to the right.
KSelect Select Selects the current entry and cancels all other selected entries.
KSelectAll Ctrl+Slash (/) Selects all entries known to SVN.
KUp <uparrow symbol> Selects and moves the location cursor to the previous entry in the display, scrolling the display if necessary.

1Note that on an LK201 keyboard, Prev is Prev Screen, Next is Next Screen, and Alt is Compose Character.


The DXmCreateSvn routine allows you to create a hierarchical structure of information that is presented to a user in an organized manner and in a way that lets the user navigate in, and select from, that structure. Your application need only tell the SVN widget about the organization of the data and respond to SVN widget callbacks; the SVN widget is responsible for actually displaying the data.

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