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X$SET_FUNCTIONArgument Information(display, gc_id, function)
Argument | Usage | Data Type | Access | Mechanism |
display | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
gc_id | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
function | longword | longword | read | reference |
The new value for the function member of the graphics context. The function member describes how the new destination bits are to be computed from the source bits and the old destination bits. Table 2-7 lists the valid values for function. The default value is 3 for X$C_GX_COPY.
Table 2-7 Graphics Context Codes for Function Member Hex Value OpenVMS Function Name Operation 0 X$C_GX_CLEAR 0 1 X$C_GX_AND src AND dst 2 X$C_GX_AND_REVERSE src AND NOT dst 3 X$C_GX_COPY src 4 X$C_GX_AND_INVERTED (NOT src) AND dst 5 X$C_GX_NOOP dst 6 X$C_GX_XOR src XOR dst 7 X$C_GX_OR src OR dst 8 X$C_GX_NOR (NOT src) AND NOT dst 9 X$C_GX_EQUIV (NOT src) XOR dst A X$C_GX_INVERT NOT dst B X$C_GX_OR_REVERSE src OR NOT dst C X$C_GX_COPY_INVERTED NOT src D X$C_GX_OR_INVERTED (NOT src) OR dst E X$C_GX_NAND (NOT src) OR NOT dst F X$C_GX_SET 1
X$SET_GRAPHICS_EXPOSURESArgument Information(display, gc_id, graphics_exposures)
Argument | Usage | Data Type | Access | Mechanism |
display | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
gc_id | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
graphics_exposures | Boolean | uns longword | read | reference |
X$SET_ICON_NAMEArgument Information(display, window_id, icon_name)
Argument | Usage | Data Type | Access | Mechanism |
display | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
window_id | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
icon_name | char_string | character string | read | descriptor |
X$SET_ICON_SIZESArgument Information(display, window_id, size_list, count)
Argument | Usage | Data Type | Access | Mechanism |
display | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
window_id | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
size_list | array | uns longword | read | reference |
count | longword | longword | read | reference |
X$SET_INPUT_FOCUSArgument Information(display, focus_id, revert_to, time)
Argument | Usage | Data Type | Access | Mechanism |
display | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
focus_id | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
revert_to | longword | longword | read | reference |
time | longword | uns longword | read | reference |
The window identifier of the window in which you want to set the input focus.The identifier of the window was originally returned by CREATE SIMPLE WINDOW or CREATE WINDOW. When the window identifier is specified, that window becomes the keyboard's focus window. When keyboard events are normally reported to this window (or its inferiors), the events continue to be reported. Otherwise, the event is reported with respect to the focus window.
One of the following predefined values can be specified instead of the window identifier:
Where the input focus moves to when the focus window becomes unviewable.One of the following predefined values can be specified:
prev_handler_return = X$SET_IO_ERROR_HANDLERArgument Information(handler)
Argument | Usage | Data Type | Access | Mechanism |
prev_handler_return | procedure | proc entry mask | write | reference |
handler | procedure | proc entry mask | read | reference |
X$SET_LINE_ATTRIBUTESArgument Information(display, gc_id, line_width, line_style, cap_style, join_style)
Argument | Usage | Data Type | Access | Mechanism |
display | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
gc_id | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
line_width | longword | longword | read | reference |
line_style | longword | longword | read | reference |
cap_style | longword | longword | read | reference |
join_style | longword | longword | read | reference |
Specifies the line style member. Line style defines the pattern of a line. The predefined values for line_style are as follows:X$C_LINE_SOLID
X$C_LINE_OFF_DASHOther values specified in this argument are not valid.
Specifies the cap style member, which defines how the endpoints of a path are drawn. The predefined values for cap_style are as follows:X$C_CAP_NOT_LAST
X$C_CAP_PROJECTINGOther values specified in this argument are not valid. The default value is X$C_CAP_BUTT.
The join style. The join style defines how corners are drawn for wide lines. The predefined values for join_style are as follows:X$C_JOIN_MITER
X$C_JOIN_BEVELOther values specified in this argument are not valid. The default value is X$C_JOIN_MITER.
status_return = X$SET_MODIFIER_MAPPINGArgument Information(display, modifier_keys)
Argument | Usage | Data Type | Access | Mechanism |
status_return | cond_value | uns longword | write | value |
display | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
modifier_keys | record | x$modifier_keymap | read | reference |
A server can impose restrictions on how modifiers can be changed. If such a restriction is violated, SET MODIFIER MAPPING returns a status message. SET MODIFIER MAPPING returns the following values:X$C_MAPPING_SUCCESS
X$SET_NORMAL_HINTSArgument Information(display, window_id, hints)
Argument | Usage | Data Type | Access | Mechanism |
display | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
window_id | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
hints | record | x$size_hints | read | reference |
X$SET_PLANE_MASKArgument Information(display, gc_id, plane_mask)
Argument | Usage | Data Type | Access | Mechanism |
display | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
gc_id | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
plane_mask | mask_longword | uns longword | read | reference |
status_return = X$SET_POINTER_MAPPINGArgument Information(display, pointer_map, num_maps)
Argument | Usage | Data Type | Access | Mechanism |
status_return | cond_value | uns longword | write | value |
display | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
pointer_map | array | byte | read | reference |
num_maps | word | uns word | read | reference |
Specifies whether the routine completed successfully. SET POINTER MAPPING returns one of the following status messages:X$C_MAPPING_SUCCESS
X$SET_REGIONArgument Information(display, gc_id, region_id)
Argument | Usage | Data Type | Access | Mechanism |
display | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
gc_id | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
region_id | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
X$SET_RGB_COLORMAPSArgument Information(display, window_id, standard_colormap, count, property_id)
Argument | Usage | Data Type | Access | Mechanism |
display | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
window_id | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
standard_colormap | record | x$standard_colormap | read | reference |
count | longword | longword | read | reference |
property_id | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
X$SET_SCREEN_SAVERArgument Information(display, timeout, interval, prefer_blanking, allow_exposures)
Argument | Usage | Data Type | Access | Mechanism |
display | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
timeout | longword | longword | read | reference |
interval | longword | longword | read | reference |
prefer_blanking | longword | longword | read | reference |
allow_exposures | longword | longword | read | reference |
Specifies the mode for whether to blank the screen during a screen save operation. The predefined values for prefer_blanking are as follows:X$C_DONT_PREFER_BLANKING
X$C_DEFAULT_BLANKINGOther values specified in this argument are not valid.
Specifies screen saver control values. The predefined values for allow_exposures are as follows:X$C_DONT_ALLOW_EXPOSURES
X$C_DEFAULT_EXPOSURESOther values specified in this argument are not valid.
X$SET_SELECTION_OWNERArgument Information(display, selection_id, owner_window_id, time)
Argument | Usage | Data Type | Access | Mechanism |
display | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
selection_id | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
owner_window_id | identifier | uns longword | read | reference |
time | longword | uns longword | read | reference |
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