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As described in the OSF/Motif Programmer's Guide, your application can use application-specific default files to specify resources that are not explicitly set in the C or UIL modules. You specify the file that contains the application defaults in the application_class argument of the XtAppInitialize routine, as follows:
toplevel = XtAppInitialize(&app_context, "example", NULL, 0, &argc, argv, NULL, NULL, 0); |
The application_class argument, in this case "example", specifies a defaults file named example.dat on Digital UNIX systems and eXcursion for Windows NT systems, or EXAMPLE.DAT on OpenVMS systems. (The file extension is .dat or .DAT by default.) The XtAppInitialize routine automatically uses the defaults file if it is present.
The following is an example of a defaults file. On OpenVMS systems, this file is located in DECW$USER_DEFAULTS (the user's SYS$LOGIN directory). On UNIX and Windows NT systems, the file is located in the user's home directory.
! example*allowShellResize: true example*borderWidth: 0 example*highlightThickness: 1 example*traversalOn: true example*fontList: fixed example*background: LightBlue ! |
To determine how the resource is used in a defaults file, check the include file for the widget to see how the resource is defined. For example, the DXmSvnNfontListLevel resources are defined as follows in DXmSvn.h (UNIX and Windows NT) or DXMSVN.H (OpenVMS):
#define DXmSvnNfontListLevel0 "DXmfontListLevel0" #define DXmSvnNfontListLevel1 "DXmfontListLevel1" #define DXmSvnNfontListLevel2 "DXmfontListLevel2" #define DXmSvnNfontListLevel3 "DXmfontListLevel3" |
Note that widgets provided by Digital have the resource name prefix DXmN for resources that are unique to the widget. In the case of the SVN widget, the prefix is DXmSvnN.
You use the string value of the resource as the value in the defaults file, in this case DXmfontListLevel0, DXmfontListLevel1, and so forth. Note that the names are case sensitive.
example*main_svn.background: LightBlue example*DXmfontListLevel2: -ADOBE-Courier-Book-R-Normal--14-100-*-*-P-80-*" |
Resources that are common with other widgets or part of the widget's superclass use the XmN prefix. The resource names are in Xm.h (UNIX and Windows NT) or XM.H (OpenVMS), and the string used in the defaults file is in parentheses following the X_GBLS. For example, you use the string value of background to specify the XmNbackground resource in a defaults file.
#define XmNbackground X_GBLS(background) |
Many applications give the user the option to customize application settings and then save these settings for subsequent invocations of the application. Example 3-6 and Example 3-7 implement an application that lets the user set and save the XmNwidth and XmNheight resources of its main window.
Example 3-6 Saving Application Defaults---UIL Module |
. . . module form version = 'v1.0' names = case_sensitive procedure save_create (); all_done (); object (1)main_window : XmMainWindow { controls { XmMenuBar menu_bar; XmForm form_main; }; }; object menu_bar : XmMenuBar { arguments { XmNorientation = XmHORIZONTAL; XmNspacing = 15; }; controls { XmCascadeButton cust_entry; }; }; object (2)cust_entry : XmCascadeButton { arguments { XmNlabelString = compound_string("Save Settings"); XmNmnemonic = keysym("S"); }; controls { XmPulldownMenu cust_menu; }; }; object cust_menu : XmPulldownMenu { controls { XmPushButton push_me; XmPushButton done; }; }; object (3)push_me : XmPushButton { arguments { XmNlabelString = compound_string("Save Width and Height"); }; callbacks { XmNactivateCallback = procedure save_create (); }; }; object (4)done : XmPushButton { arguments { XmNlabelString = compound_string("Exit"); }; callbacks { XmNactivateCallback = procedure all_done (); }; }; (5)object form_main : XmForm{ arguments { XmNdialogTitle = compound_string("XmForm"); XmNwidth = 300; XmNheight = 300; }; controls { XmRowColumn align_a; XmRowColumn align_b; }; }; object align_a : XmRowColumn { arguments { XmNunitType = XmPIXELS; XmNtopAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNtopOffset = 25; XmNleftAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNleftOffset = 25; XmNbottomAttachment = XmATTACH_NONE; XmNrightAttachment = XmATTACH_NONE; XmNorientation = XmVERTICAL; XmNborderWidth = 0; }; controls { XmPushButton a_button; XmPushButton b_button; XmPushButton c_button; XmPushButton d_button; XmPushButton e_button; }; }; object align_b : XmRowColumn { arguments { XmNunitType = XmPIXELS; XmNtopAttachment = XmATTACH_FORM; XmNtopOffset = 25; XmNleftAttachment = XmATTACH_WIDGET; XmNleftWidget = align_a; XmNleftOffset = 25; XmNbottomAttachment = XmATTACH_NONE; XmNrightAttachment = XmATTACH_NONE; XmNorientation = XmVERTICAL; XmNborderWidth = 0; }; controls { XmPushButton f_button; XmPushButton g_button; XmPushButton h_button; XmPushButton i_button; XmPushButton j_button; }; }; object a_button : XmPushButton { arguments { XmNlabelString = compound_string("a button"); }; }; object b_button : XmPushButton { arguments { XmNlabelString = compound_string("b button"); }; }; object c_button : XmPushButton { arguments { XmNlabelString = compound_string("Long Button Title"); }; }; object d_button : XmPushButton { arguments { XmNlabelString = compound_string("d button"); }; }; object e_button : XmPushButton { arguments { XmNlabelString = compound_string("Long Button Title"); }; }; object f_button : XmPushButton { arguments { XmNlabelString = compound_string("f button"); }; }; object g_button : XmPushButton { arguments { XmNlabelString = compound_string("g button"); }; }; object h_button : XmPushButton { arguments { XmNlabelString = compound_string("h button"); }; }; object i_button : XmPushButton { arguments { XmNlabelString = compound_string("i button"); }; }; object j_button : XmPushButton { arguments { XmNlabelString = compound_string("j button"); }; }; end module; |
Example 3-7 Saving Application Defaults---C Module |
. . . /* The example uses these defaults: * example*main_window.width: 334 * example*main_window.height: 246 * example*allowShellResize: true * example*highlightThickness: 1 * example*borderWidth: 0 * example*background: LightBlue * example*fontList: fixed * example*traversalOn: true */ #include <stdio> #include <Mrm/MrmAppl.h> #include <DXm/DXmCSText.h> #include <X11/Xresource.h> Widget toplevel, main_win, form_w; XrmDatabase database = 0; int save_width; int save_height; (1) #ifdef VMS /* Use this definition for OpenVMS systems. */ #define resourceFileName "decw$user_defaults:example.dat" #else /* Use this definition for UNIX and Windows NT systems. */ #define resourceFileName "~/example.dat" #endif static MrmHierarchy s_MrmHierarchy; static MrmType *dummy_class; static char *db_filename_vec[] = {"defaults_file.uid" }; /* Forward declarations */ static void save_create(); static void all_done(); static void update_database( ); /* The names and addresses of things that Mrm has to bind. The names do * not have to be in alphabetical order. */ static MrmRegisterArg reglist[] = { {"save_create", (caddr_t) save_create}, {"all_done", (caddr_t) all_done} }; static int reglist_num = (sizeof reglist / sizeof reglist [0]); int main(argc, argv) unsigned int argc; char **argv; { XtAppContext app_context; MrmInitialize(); DXmInitialize(); (2)toplevel = XtAppInitialize(&app_context, "example", "Example", 0, &argc, argv, NULL, NULL, 0); /* Open the UID files (the output of the UIL compiler) in the hierarchy*/ if (MrmOpenHierarchy(1, db_filename_vec, NULL, &s_MrmHierarchy) !=MrmSUCCESS) printf("can't open hierarchy"); MrmRegisterNames(reglist, reglist_num); if (MrmFetchWidget(s_MrmHierarchy, "main_window", toplevel, &main_win, &dummy_class) != MrmSUCCESS) printf("can't fetch widget"); XtManageChild(main_win); XtRealizeWidget(toplevel); XtAppMainLoop(app_context); } (3)static void save_create(w, tag, reason) Widget w; int *tag; unsigned long *reason; { Arg arglist[10]; int ac; (4)if (!(database = XrmGetFileDatabase (resourceFileName))) printf("Resource Database Not found"); (5)ac = 0; XtSetArg(arglist[ac], XmNwidth, &save_width); ac++; XtSetArg(arglist[ac], XmNheight, &save_height); ac++; XtGetValues(main_win, arglist, ac); (6)update_database ("example*main_window.width", save_width); update_database ("example*main_window.height", save_height); (7)XrmPutFileDatabase (database, resourceFileName); } static void update_database(resourceNameP, number) char *resourceNameP; int number; { XrmValue value; char valueA[256]; sprintf (valueA, "%d", number); value.addr = valueA; value.size = strlen (valueA) + 1; (8)XrmPutResource (&database, resourceNameP, XtRString, &value); } static void all_done(w, tag, reason) Widget w; int *tag; unsigned long *reason; { exit(1); } . . . |
The Toolkit allows your application to open multiple displays. You can open multiple displays to run independent instances of an application on more than one workstation or to interconnect instances of the application. You use the following sequence of commands to open multiple displays:
You do not need to hard code multiple display names. Instead, on OpenVMS systems, you can use the SET DISPLAY command to set multiple display names for your application:
DPY1 and DPY2 are logical names that equate to workstation devices. The following calls to XtOpenDisplay pass logical names instead of display names:
display = XtOpenDisplay(app_context, "dpy1", "two_heads", "demo", NULL, 0, &argc, argv); display_b = XtOpenDisplay(app_context, "dpy2", "two_heads", "demo", NULL, 0, &argc, argv); |
On UNIX systems, the ability to use multiple displays depends on which shell the user is running. If the user is running the C shell, use the following setenv commands:
setenv dpy1 dpy1:0.0 setenv dpy2 dpy2:0.2 |
For users running either the Bourne shell or Korn shell, use the following export commands:
export dpy1=dpy1:0.0 export dpy2=dpy2:0.1 |
Then, include the following code in your application:
char *dpy1; char *dpy2; dpy1=getenv("dpy1"); dpy2=getenv("dpy2"); display=XtOpenDisplay(app_context, dpy1, "two_heads", "demo", NULL, 0, &argc, argv); display_b=XtOpenDisplay(app_context, dpy2, "two_heads", "demo", NULL, 0, &argc, argv); |
On Windows NT systems, the command to set the display variables are as follows:
set dpy1=dpy1:0.0 set dpy2=dpy2:0.0 |
Example 3-8 and Example 3-9 implement a version of the widget-centering example shown in Section 3.2.3, which opens two displays and runs independent instances of the application. Note that the UIL file is shared.
Example 3-8 Using Multiple Independent Displays---UIL Module |
. . . module form version = 'v1.0' names = case_sensitive procedure center_form (); object form_main : XmForm{ arguments { XmNdialogTitle = compound_string("XmForm"); XmNwidth = 400; XmNheight = 400; }; controls { XmPushButton a_arrow; XmPushButton b_arrow; XmPushButton c_arrow; }; }; object a_arrow : XmPushButton { arguments { XmNlabelString = compound_string("centered"); XmNtopAttachment = XmATTACH_POSITION; XmNtopPosition = 50; XmNbottomAttachment = XmATTACH_NONE; XmNleftAttachment = XmATTACH_POSITION; XmNleftPosition = 25; XmNrightAttachment = XmATTACH_NONE; }; callbacks { MrmNcreateCallback = procedure center_form(); }; }; object b_arrow : XmPushButton { arguments { XmNlabelString = compound_string("centered"); XmNtopAttachment = XmATTACH_POSITION; XmNtopPosition = 50; XmNbottomAttachment = XmATTACH_NONE; XmNleftAttachment = XmATTACH_POSITION; XmNleftPosition = 50; XmNrightAttachment = XmATTACH_NONE; }; callbacks { MrmNcreateCallback = procedure center_form(); }; }; object c_arrow : XmPushButton { arguments { XmNlabelString = compound_string("centered"); XmNtopAttachment = XmATTACH_POSITION; XmNtopPosition = 50; XmNbottomAttachment = XmATTACH_NONE; XmNleftAttachment = XmATTACH_POSITION; XmNleftPosition = 75; XmNrightAttachment = XmATTACH_NONE; }; callbacks { MrmNcreateCallback = procedure center_form(); }; }; end module; . . . |
Example 3-9 Using Multiple Independent Displays---C Module |
. . . #include <stdio> #include <Mrm/MrmAppl.h> #include <DXm/DXmCSText.h> (1)Widget toplevel, toplevel_b, form_w, form_w_b; static MrmHierarchy s_MrmHierarchy; static MrmType *dummy_class; static char *db_filename_vec[] = (2){"twin_form.uid" }; /* Forward declarations */ static void center_form(); /* The names and addresses of things that Mrm has to bind. The names do * not have to be in alphabetical order. */ static MrmRegisterArg reglist[] = { {"center_form", (caddr_t) center_form} }; static int reglist_num = (sizeof reglist / sizeof reglist [0]); int main(argc, argv) unsigned int argc; char **argv; { XtAppContext app_context; (3)Display *display, *display_b; MrmInitialize(); DXmInitialize(); (4)XtToolkitInitialize(); (5)app_context = XtCreateApplicationContext(); (6) #ifdef VMS /* The two getenv lines apply to UNIX and Windows NT systems. Do not include these lines in applications running on OpenVMS systems. */ #else /* These two lines apply only to application running on UNIX and Windows NT systems. */ dpy1=getenv("dpy1"); dpy2=getenv("dpy2"); #endif display = XtOpenDisplay(app_context, "dpy1", "two_heads", "demo", NULL, 0, &argc, argv); display_b = XtOpenDisplay(app_context, "dpy2", "two_heads", "demo", NULL, 0, &argc, argv); if (!display) { XtWarning ("Can't open display one...exiting"); exit(0); } if (!display_b) { XtWarning ("Can't open display two...exiting"); exit(0); } (7)toplevel = XtAppCreateShell ("two_heads", NULL, applicationShellWidgetClass, display, NULL, 0); toplevel_b = XtAppCreateShell ("two_heads", NULL, applicationShellWidgetClass, display_b, NULL, 0); /* Open the UID files (the output of the UIL compiler) in the hierarchy*/ if (MrmOpenHierarchy(1, db_filename_vec, NULL, &s_MrmHierarchy) !=MrmSUCCESS) printf("can't open hierarchy"); MrmRegisterNames(reglist, reglist_num); (8)if (MrmFetchWidget(s_MrmHierarchy, "form_main", toplevel, &form_w, &dummy_class) != MrmSUCCESS) printf("can't fetch widget"); if (MrmFetchWidget(s_MrmHierarchy, "form_main", toplevel_b, &form_w_b, &dummy_class) != MrmSUCCESS) printf("can't fetch widget"); (9)XtManageChild(form_w); XtManageChild(form_w_b); (10)XtRealizeWidget(toplevel); XtRealizeWidget(toplevel_b); (11)XtAppMainLoop(app_context); } static void center_form(w, tag, reason) Widget w; int *tag; unsigned long *reason; { Arg arglist[10]; int ac; int calc_width = 0; int width_b = 0; int calc_height = 0; int height_b = 0; /* Calculate the button width */ ac = 0; XtSetArg(arglist[ac], XmNwidth, &width_b); XtGetValues(w, arglist, 1); calc_width = width_b/2; /* Calculate the button height */ ac = 0; XtSetArg(arglist[ac], XmNheight, &height_b); XtGetValues(w, arglist, 1); calc_height = height_b/2; ac = 0; XtSetArg (arglist[ac], XmNleftOffset, -calc_width); ac++; XtSetArg (arglist[ac], XmNtopOffset, -calc_height); ac++; XtSetValues (w, arglist, ac); } . . . |
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