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The following sections explain how to examine and deposit into the
vector control registers (VCR, VLR, and VMR) and the vector registers
(V0 to V15).
16.3.1 Specifying the Vector Registers and Vector Control Registers
The VAX architecture provides 16 vector registers (V0 to V15) and 3 vector control registers (VCR, VLR, and VMR). When referencing any of these registers in a debugger command, use the following built-in symbols (the register name preceded by a percent sign (%)):
Symbol | Description |
%V0...%V15 | Vector registers (V0...V15) |
%VCR | Vector count register (VCR) |
%VLR | Vector length register (VLR) |
%VMR | Vector mask register (VMR) |
As with all debugger register symbols, you can omit the percent sign
(%) prefix if your program has not declared a symbol with the same name.
16.3.2 Examining and Depositing into the Vector Count Register
The vector count register (VCR) specifies the length of the offset vector generated by the IOTA instruction.
The value of VCR is an integer from 0 to 64. By default, the debugger treats VCR as a longword integer. You can deposit values greater than 64 into VCR, but the debugger issues a diagnostic message that the value is out of bounds in such cases.
The following command sequence shows how to manipulate the value of VCR:
The vector length register (VLR) limits the highest element of a vector register that is processed by a vector instruction. The value of VLR is an integer from 0 to 64. This value specifies the number of register elements that are processed, starting with element 0.
In the context of a debugging session, the current value of VLR limits the highest element of a vector register that you can access with an EXAMINE or DEPOSIT debugger command.
The following command sequence shows how to manipulate the value of VLR to examine different numbers of elements of the vector register V1:
DBG> EXAMINE %VLR 0\%VLR: 4 DBG> EXAMINE %V1 0\%V1 (0): 12 (1): 3 (2): 138 (3): 51 DBG> DEPOSIT %VLR = 3 DBG> EXAMINE %VLR 0\%VLR: 3 DBG> EXAMINE %V1 0\%V1 (0): 12 (1): 3 (2): 138 DBG> |
You cannot access a register element outside the range from 0 to VLR--1. In the following example, the EXAMINE command specifies element 7 of register V1, which is out of bounds (Fortran array syntax):
DBG> EXAMINE %VLR 0\%VLR: 3 DBG> EXAMINE %V1(7) %DEBUG-E-VECTSUBRNG, vector register subscript out of bounds, bounds are 0..2 DBG> |
By default, the debugger treats VLR as a longword integer. You can
deposit values greater than 64 into VLR, but the debugger issues a
diagnostic message that the value is out of bounds in such cases.
16.3.4 Examining and Depositing into the Vector Mask Register
The vector mask register (VMR) specifies a mask (a bit pattern) that a vector instruction uses to operate on only certain elements of a vector register operand. A masked vector instruction cannot operate on an element of a vector register that is masked by VMR.
VMR has 64 bits (1 quadword) numbered 0 to 63. Each bit corresponds to an element of a vector register. The value of a particular bit (0 or 1) determines whether the corresponding register element is operated on during a masked operation.
Masked operations are explained in Section 16.4.1 and Section 16.5. This section describes how to display and change the value of VMR.
To examine one or more specific elements (bits) of VMR, use the same technique that you use to examine an array variable. (See Section 4.2.3.)
For example, the output of the following command shows that bit 5 of VMR is set (Fortran array syntax):
DBG> EXAMINE %VMR(5) 0\%VMR(5): 1 DBG> |
The following command displays the values of bits 4 to 6 of VMR. Bits 4 and 5 are set, and bit 6 is clear:
DBG> EXAMINE %VMR(4:6) 0\%VMR (4): 1 (5): 1 (6): 0 DBG> |
By default, when you examine VMR without specifying subscripts, the debugger displays the value of the register as a quadword integer in hexadecimal format to reduce the size of the output display. For example:
By specifying the EXAMINE/BIN %VMR or EXAMINE %VMR(0:63) command, you can display the value of each bit of VMR in a 64-row array format.
As with an array variable, you can deposit a value into one bit of VMR at a time. For example:
DBG> EXAMINE %VMR(37) 0\%VMR(37): 1 DBG> DEPOSIT %VMR(37) = 0 DBG> EXAMINE %VMR(37) 0\%VMR(37): 0 DBG> |
You can also deposit a quadword integer value into the entire aggregate by using the DEPOSIT/QUADWORD command. For example:
When specifying an element of VMR in a language expression, remember that VMR is an array of bits. You might have to temporarily set the language to one that allows bit operations, such as C or BLISS. For example:
There are 16 vector registers, designated V0 to V15. Each of the vector registers has 64 elements, numbered 0 to 63, and each element has 64 bits (one quadword).
To examine one or more elements of a vector register, use the same technique that you use to examine an array variable. (See Section 4.2.3.) The examples in this section use Fortran array syntax:
DBG> EXAMINE %V3 !Examine all elements of V3 DBG> EXAMINE %V3(27) !Examine element 27 of V3 DBG> EXAMINE %V3(3:14) !Examine elements 3 to 14 of V3 DBG> EXAMINE %V0(2),%V3(1:4) !Examine element 2 of V0 and !elements 1 to 4 of V3 |
The values of register elements are displayed in an indexed format similar to that used for an array variable. For example, the following command displays the values of elements 1 to 3 of register V1:
DBG> EXAMINE %V1(1:3) 0\%V1 (1): 3 (2): 138 (3): 51 DBG> |
You cannot examine a range of vector registers. For example, the following commands are invalid:
DBG> EXAMINE %V0:%V3 DBG> EXAMINE %V2(7):%V3(12) |
As with an array variable, you can deposit a value into only one element of a vector register at a time. For example, the following command deposits the integer value 8531 into element 9 of V0:
DBG> DEPOSIT %V0(9) = 8531 |
The current value of the vector length register (VLR) limits the highest register element that you can examine or deposit into. (See Section 16.3.3.) Therefore, the following commands are equivalent:
The expression 0:%VLR--1 specifies the range of register elements that are denoted by the current value of VLR.
By default, the debugger treats each element of a vector register as a longword integer and displays the value in the current radix. For example:
DBG> EXAMINE %V3(27) 0\%V3(27): 5983 DBG> DEPOSIT %V3(27) = 3625 DBG> EXAMINE %V3(27) 0\%V3(27): 3625 DBG> |
However, note that a register value that is examined in the context of a vector instruction (that is, as an instruction operand) is displayed in the data type that is appropriate for the instruction (see Section 16.4.1).
To display the full (quadword) value of an element of a vector register as a quadword integer, use the EXAMINE/QUADWORD command. Similarly, to deposit a quadword integer value into a register element, use the command DEPOSIT/QUADWORD.
You can also use any of the other type qualifiers associated with the EXAMINE and DEPOSIT commands (for example, /FLOAT) to override the default type. For example:
DBG> EXAMINE %V5(2) 0\%V5(2): 0 DBG> EXAMINE/D_FLOAT %V5(2) 0\%V5(2): 0.0000000000000000 DBG> |
You can use register symbols in language expressions subject to the restrictions on using aggregate data structures in language expressions. (See Section For example, the following expression is valid (Fortran syntax):
DBG> EVALUATE %V0(4) .EQ. %V1(4) |
However, the following expression is not valid because more than one register element is specified:
The techniques for manipulating vector instructions include all of those used for scalar instructions (described in Section 4.3) and additional techniques specific to vector instructions:
Whether you are examining or depositing vector instructions, the debugger correctly processes the vector instruction qualifiers according to the instructions to which they apply. The following table summarizes the functions of these qualifiers. See the VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual for complete information about their use.
Instruction Qualifier | Description |
/U | Enable floating underflow (vector floating-point instructions) |
/V | Enable integer overflow (vector integer instructions) |
/M | Modify intent (VLD x and VGATH x instructions) |
/0 | Perform masked operations only on elements for which the VMR bit is 0 |
/1 | Perform masked operations only on elements for which the VMR bit is 1 |
When you examine a program location that contains a vector instruction, the debugger decodes that instruction and translates it and its operands into their MACRO assembler form with the following restrictions (see the OpenVMS MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual for details about instruction opcodes):
The command EXAMINE/OPERANDS .%PC enables you to display the instruction at the current PC value and its operands. (See Section 4.3.1.) When you examine a vector instruction with this command, the values of any vector register operands are displayed as for an array variable. For example (Fortran array syntax):
DBG> EXAMINE/OPERANDS .%PC PROG$MAIN\%LINE 81+19: VSTL V0,W^-572(FP),S^#4 V0 contains: 0\%V0(0): 137445504 0\%V0(1): 137445504 0\%V0(2): 137445504 W^-572(FP) 2145991456 contains 2 DBG> |
As with scalar instructions, operand values are displayed in the data type that is appropriate for the examined instruction.
When you use the EXAMINE/OPERANDS command, the display of register elements depends on the following factors:
VVADDF/1 V0,V1,V2 |
These concepts are shown in the following two examples, which show an unmasked and a masked register-to-register operation, respectively.
In this example, the examined instruction, VVADDF, is performing an unmasked operation so that the current value of VMR is irrelevant. All elements from 0 to 5 are displayed.
DBG> EXAMINE %VLR 0\%VLR: 6 DBG> EXAMINE %VMR(0:5) 0\%VMR (0): 1 (1): 0 (2): 1 (3): 0 (4): 1 (5): 0 DBG> EXAMINE/OPERANDS .%PC PROG$MAIN\%LINE 12: VVADDF V0,V1,V2 V0 contains: 0\%V0(0): 7.0000000 0\%V0(1): 7.0000000 . . 0\%V0(5): 7.0000000 V1 contains: 0\%V1(0): 4.0000000 0\%V1(1): 4.0000000 . . 0\%V1(5): 4.0000000 V2 contains: 0\%V2(0): 5.0000000 0\%V2(1): 5.0000000 . . 0\%V2(5): 5.0000000 DBG> |
In the next example, the same VVADDF instruction is performing a masked operation. The instruction qualifier /1 specifies that elements that match the set bits (bit value 1) in VMR are operated on.
DBG> EXAMINE %VLR 0\%VLR: 6 DBG> EXAMINE %VMR(0:5) 0\%VMR (0): 1 (1): 0 (2): 1 (3): 0 (4): 1 (5): 0 DBG> EXAMINE/OPERANDS .%PC PROG$MAIN\%LINE 12: VVADDF/1 V0,V1,V2 V0 contains: 0\%V0(0): 7.0000000 0\%V0(2): 7.0000000 0\%V0(4): 7.0000000 V1 contains: 0\%V0(0): 4.0000000 0\%V0(2): 4.0000000 0\%V0(4): 4.0000000 V2 contains: 0\%V0(0): 5.0000000 0\%V0(2): 5.0000000 0\%V0(4): 5.0000000 DBG> |
The next example shows a masked operation that loads data from memory to a vector register. Comments, keyed to the callouts, follow the example.
DBG> EXAMINE %VLR 0\%VLR: 6 DBG> EXAMINE %VMR(0:5) 0\%VMR (0): 1 (1): 0 (2): 1 (3): 0 (4): 1 (5): 0 DBG> EXAMINE/OPERANDS .%PC (1) PROG$MAIN\%LINE 31+12: VLDL/1 ARR+8,#4,V0 (2) PROG$MAIN\ARR(3) (address 1024) contains 35 (3) V0 contains: 0\%V0(0): 0 (4) 0\%V0(2): 0 0\%V0(4): 0 DBG> EXAMINE ARR(1:8) (5) PROG$MAIN\ARR (1): 9 (2): 17 (3): 35 (4): 73 (5): 81 (6): 6 (7): 7 (8): 49 DBG> |
The following comments refer to the callouts in the previous example:
Figure 16-1 Masked Loading of Array Elements from Memory into a Vector Register
16.4.2 Depositing Vector Instructions
The techniques for depositing VAX scalar instructions also apply to
depositing vector instructions (see Section 4.3.2). For example, the
following command deposits a masked VVMULF vector instruction at the
current PC address:
Note the following information when depositing vector instructions (see the OpenVMS MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual for details about instruction opcodes):
Section 16.4.1 explains how the command EXAMINE/OPERANDS .%PC displays vector instruction operands, depending on whether or not the operation is masked by the vector mask register (VMR).
This section explains how to specify an arbitrary mask in order to simulate or override the effect of VMR and obtain the following results:
You specify a mask by using either the /TMASK or /FMASK qualifier with the EXAMINE command.
The remainder of this section describes use of the /TMASK and /FMASK qualifiers when examining vector registers. Unless indicated otherwise, the discussion also applies to use of these qualifiers when examining memory arrays. |
The /TMASK qualifier applies the EXAMINE command only to the elements of the examined register that correspond to the set bits (bit value: 1) of the mask. The /FMASK qualifier applies the EXAMINE command only to the elements that correspond to the clear bits (bit value: 0) of the mask.
The current value of VLR limits the highest element of a vector register that you can examine. However, the value of VLR does not affect examining an array in memory.
You can optionally specify a mask (in the form of a mask address expression) with the /TMASK and /FMASK qualifiers. For more information:
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