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This chapter describes the prerequisites for installing the DECdfs software on an OpenVMS VAX or OpenVMS Alpha system. It covers the following topics:
DECdfs software is available on compact disc read-only memory (CD-ROM). Contact your Hewlett-Packard support representative if any components of the software distribution kit are missing.
The DECdfs documentation set consists of this installation guide, the DECdfs for OpenVMS Management Guide, and the DECdfs for OpenVMS Release Notes. Keep the installation guide with your distribution kit for future reference. You can use this guide to install maintenance updates (see Section 1.12) or reinstall the DECdfs software.
The DECdfs release notes are available on line. Read steps 2 and 6 in
Section 2.2 for instructions on how to access them. After you install
DECdfs, the release notes file (DECDFS03023.RELEASE_NOTES) resides in
the SYS$HELP directory.
Hewlett-Packard recommends that you read the release notes and the
installation guide before you install DECdfs.
1.2 Required Hardware
The only required hardware is the DECnet Phase IV or DECnet Phase V
network hardware. For a list of supported hardware and configurations,
refer to the Software Product Description (SPD) for DECdfs for OpenVMS
Version 2.3--3 and to the SPD for the version of the OpenVMS operating
system on which you plan to run DECdfs.
1.3 Required Software
You must be running DECnet for OpenVMS, DECnet/OSI, or DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS on your OpenVMS operating system before you install DECdfs.
In the DECdfs documentation, DECnet Phase IV is used to refer to DECnet for OpenVMS, and DECnet Phase V is used to refer to either or both DECnet/OSI and DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS.
The software required to run DECdfs Version 2.3--3 is as follows:
You must register and load the DECdfs license Product Authorization Key (PAK) before you can run the DECdfs software and the Installation Verification Procedure (IVP).
Use the License Management utility (LICENSE) to register and load the DECdfs license PAK in the LMF database before or after installing the DECdfs software. Use the License Management utility (LICENSE) documentation to learn how to register and load a license PAK.
When you register the license PAK before you install, the IVP runs automatically (if selected) and DECdfs starts automatically at the end of the installation. Neither happens if you do not register the license PAK until after the installation.
See the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual for more information about registering and loading
licenses for OpenVMS layered products.
1.5 Required Disk Space
To install DECdfs, there must be a minimum amount of free disk space (peak block count) on the system disk (SYS$SYSDEVICE:). After DECdfs is installed, the DECdfs files require less disk space (net block count). Required space depends on the processor, as shown in the following table:
Processor | Peak Blocks | Net Blocks |
VAX | 1500 | 1250 |
Alpha | 3525 | 3250 |
To display the number of free blocks, enter the following DCL command:
Device Device Error Volume Free Trans Mnt Name Status Count Label Blocks Count Cnt DUA0: Mounted 0 DAISY 31625 82 1 |
As of DECdfs Version 1.3, several tuning parameters were removed to ease performance management tasks. Consequently, the following command qualifiers and logical names are obsolete:
If you are installing DECdfs over a version of DECdfs earlier than
Version 1.3 and the existing DFS$CONFIG.COM contains any of the
qualifiers or logical names shown in the above list, you should either
rename DFS$CONFIG.COM to disable it or edit the file and remove the
obsolete qualifiers or logical names. DECdfs issues a warning message
if it finds obsolete qualifiers or logical names during startup.
1.7 SYSGEN Parameters
The following sections describe how to check and modify the System Generation (SYSGEN) parameters that are needed to run DECdfs. After modifying any SYSGEN parameters in the MODPARAMS.DAT file, invoke the OpenVMS AUTOGEN command procedure to automatically adjust the values of the other system parameters and reboot the system to set the new parameter values. For information about AUTOGEN, see the HP OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.
To run DECdfs, you might need to modify the following SYSGEN parameters:
To use DECdfs, you may need to increase the size of the nonpaged dynamic pool (the SYSGEN parameter NPAGEDYN).
For a client-only node, add 100,000 bytes of nonpaged pool. For a server node, Hewlett-Packard recommends an additional 250,000 bytes of nonpaged pool. The additional bytes are usually sufficient for the normal use of approximately 10 to 20 DECdfs client devices.
To increase the nonpaged pool size, edit the MODPARAMS.DAT file in the SYS$SYSTEM directory. Add the statements that increase the value of the SYSGEN parameter NPAGEDYN as follows:
! Add some nonpaged pool for DECdfs client ! ADD_NPAGEDYN=100000 |
! Add some nonpaged pool for DECdfs server ! ADD_NPAGEDYN=250000 |
If you decide to increase the data cache size on the server node,
increase the server node's nonpaged pool size further (see the
DECdfs for OpenVMS Management Guide).
1.7.2 Increasing the System Interrupt Stack Size (VAX Systems Only)
To use DECdfs, increase the size of the system interrupt stack four pages more than your current use. To increase the size of the interrupt stack, edit the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file to add a statement that increments the value of the SYSGEN parameter INTSTKPAGES.
For a server node, add the following statement at the end of the MODPARAMS.DAT file:
! Increase the size of the interrupt stack for the DECdfs ! server. ADD_INTSTKPAGES=4 |
By increasing the size of the system interrupt stack, you can prevent
the DECdfs server from experiencing occasional system halts. An
interrupt stack pointer error (ISP ERR) or similar hardware error
message is displayed when the size of the interrupt stack is too small.
The specific error message that is displayed depends on the VAX model
you are using.
1.7.3 Increasing Global Pages and Global Sections
To use DECdfs, you may need to increase the number of global pages and global sections (the SYSGEN parameters GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS). If the current settings for these parameters are inadequate, VMSINSTAL cannot start DECdfs after installation.
The following table shows how many additional global pages and global sections you need for a DECdfs server node running on a VAX or Alpha processor:
Processor | Global Pages | Global Sections |
VAX | 1080 | 21 |
Alpha | 1312 | 10 |
For a client-only node, DECdfs requires about 60 percent of the global page values shown in the previous table; the global section requirements are the same.
To check the number of available global pages and global sections, use the WRITE command with the F$GETSYI lexical function to find the number of free global pages and global sections. The following example shows how to get this information at your terminal or workstation (the default destination for SYS$OUTPUT):
If the number of unused global pages and global sections is insufficient to run DECdfs, edit the SYS$SYSTEM:MODPARAMS.DAT file and insert statements that raise the values of the SYSGEN parameters GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS.
To increase the values for GBLPAGES and GBLSECTIONS, add the following statements at the end of the MODPARAMS.DAT file. The variables nnn and mmm represent numbers that you add to the current setting for these SYSGEN parameters.
Your system's channel count parameter, CHANNELCNT, specifies the maximum number of files that any process on the system can open concurrently. Each file requires one channel, and the DECdfs server process opens all local files that users at DECdfs clients access. If the server is your system's most active file user, you may need to increase the channel count to accommodate the server.
Determine the appropriate CHANNELCNT parameter by estimating the maximum number of simultaneously open files you expect on the server. Add 15 to this number to allow for some additional channels for the server's own use. For example, if you expect 250 files to be open simultaneously, set the CHANNELCNT parameter to 265 channels before running DECdfs.
Insert the following line in the MODPARAMS.DAT file in the SYS$SYSTEM directory, and then run the AUTOGEN procedure:
For information on AUTOGEN, see the HP OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual. You can read the online help information about the CHANNELCNT parameter by entering the following SYSGEN HELP command:
To run VMSINSTAL, you must have the following privileges: SYSPRV, SYSNAM, OPER, NETMBX, TMPMBX, CMKRNL, DETACH, ALTPRI, ACNT, PRMMBX, PSWAPM, and PHY_IO. Use the system manager account to install the DECdfs software.
The default values for the system quotas are sufficient to install
DECdfs. See the HP OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for more information about system quotas.
1.9 Installation Time
The DECdfs software installation takes less than 5 minutes when
installed from CD-ROM. The time that it takes to install DECdfs client
or server software is similar, but can vary depending on the processor,
distribution media, and system load. The installation verification
procedure (IVP) takes approximately 30 seconds.
1.10 Configuration Planning
Before you install any DECdfs software, you need to plan your configuration. Decide which nodes will be DECdfs server nodes (those with active DECdfs server and client software) and which will be DECdfs client-only nodes (those with active DECdfs client software only). You must consider how many servers and client-only nodes exist in your network, as well as their locations. This information is important in deciding where to place servers.
A DECdfs server allows users at DECdfs clients to access server disks and directories. These disks and directories appear to be local to the DECdfs client system. For information on DECdfs server and client functions, see the DECdfs for OpenVMS Management Guide.
When you install DECdfs software without specifying that you want a client-only node, the software for clients and servers is loaded and the node becomes a DECdfs server. When you specify client-only, then only the DECdfs client software starts up on the client-only node. The server software is present but inactive on client-only nodes.
See Section 1.10.3 or Section 3.7 for information on changing the
configuration of client systems and server systems.
1.10.1 Configuration Questions
As you plan your configuration, consider the following criteria:
On all DECnet Phase V systems, and on VAX systems running DECnet Phase IV, DECdfs uses the facilities of the DECdns Distributed Name Service to identify file services. This allows clients to access file services without explicitly knowing the name or location of the node that provides the service. On Alpha systems running DECnet Phase IV, DECdns is not available, and consequently, DECdfs operational procedures are adjusted to include specifying the node name of the server in appropriate places.
The following stated requirements here and elsewhere in this guide regarding DECdns do not apply to DECnet Phase IV Alpha systems. However, you should refer to the DECdfs for OpenVMS Management Guide for information concerning the interaction between nodes that do and do not use DECdns.
DECdns provides a database (called a namespace) for storing and
managing the names and addresses of resources that are distributed
throughout a network. This scheme permits users and applications
throughout the network to locate a particular resource by its name
rather than its address. Thus, network resources can move to a new
location without affecting users or applications seeking them. If
someone moves a resource, that person writes the new address
information into the namespace. The next user or application seeking
that resource by name automatically gets the updated address
information from the namespace. Access Points
DECdfs servers store address information for access points in the DECdns namespace. An access point represents the file resources that a DECdfs server makes available to a DECdfs client. Each access point name resides in the DECdns namespace and provides the address information for a DECdfs server that offers that particular file resource.
Ask your network's DECdns manager to help you perform the following tasks:
The DECdns manager must also provide access rights to DECdfs server accounts and client accounts, as follows:
DECdfs Version 2.3--3 should be installed on nodes running OpenVMS Version 5.5-2 or a higher version. These versions of OpenVMS include the DECdns clerk, so the DECdfs installation no longer supplies the DECdns clerk. The installation, however, still attempts to start the DECdns clerk if it has not already been started and if file DNS$DEFAULT_FILE.DAT exists. If this file does not exist, the installation reminds you to execute procedure SYS$STARTUP:DNS$CHANGE_DEF_FILE.COM before you try to start DECdfs. This procedure copies file DNS$DEFAULT_FILE.DAT to your node and starts the DECdns clerk.
On systems running DECnet Phase V, the file DNS$DEFAULT_FILE.DAT is no
longer used. The DECdns clerk is always installed and running on DECnet
Phase V systems. DECdns Logical Name Table
DECdns uses its own logical name table for DECdns objects. You must supply the name of this table, DNS$SYSTEM_TABLE, to any DEFINE command that applies to related DECdns objects. For example, suppose you want to define a system logical name in your DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM procedure for your namespace name or directory. Supply the DEFINE statement with the qualifier that specifies the DECdns logical name table, DNS$SYSTEM_TABLE. To create the logical name EXAMPLE_DIR, you could include the following line:
Keep this OpenVMS and DECdns change in mind if you are upgrading
to DECdfs Version 2.3--3 from an earlier version of DECdfs.
1.10.3 Installing DECdfs on OpenVMS Cluster Systems
In an OpenVMS Cluster environment with only one system disk, you need to install DECdfs server software on only one cluster member. VMSINSTAL places all DECdfs files in the SYS$COMMON directory. This provides identical DECdfs environments for each cluster member; for example, mounting the same access points and serving the same access points added by using the ADD ACCESS_POINT command with the /CLUSTER qualifier.
All nodes in an OpenVMS Cluster system that will run DECdfs need a registered and loaded DECdfs license PAK before DECdfs can be started. |
You can create a different DECdfs environment on each node in an OpenVMS Cluster system by copying the DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM and DFS$CONFIG.COM files to each node's SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$STARTUP] directory and modifying it for that specific cluster member.
If you want to run some cluster members as DECdfs client-only nodes and others as DECdfs server nodes, copy:
$! Installation specific parameters: $! $ START_CLIENT_FLAG = "TRUE" $ START_SERVER_FLAG = "TRUE" $! $! $! Title = DFS$STARTUP.COM |
The flag START_SERVER_FLAG = "TRUE" indicates that the DECdfs server software can be started on this node. Edit the DFS$STARTUP.COM file only when you change the configuration of the node. Make one of the following changes:
To run DECdfs on a heterogeneous OpenVMS Cluster system, on a
mixed architecture OpenVMS Cluster system, or on a homogeneous
OpenVMS Cluster system that uses multiple system disks, install DECdfs
on each of the system disks. Each node and system disk needs a
registered and loaded license PAK before DECdfs can be started on that
1.11 Reviewing the DECdfs Installation Procedure
Before installing DECdfs, assemble the information that you must provide to VMSINSTAL during the installation procedure. To determine the context in which VMSINSTAL requires this information, review the installation procedure (as described in Section 2.2).
Read the DECdfs release notes before continuing the installation procedure. Use the OPTIONS N parameter in the command line to gain access to the release notes. After you complete the installation, you can access the release notes in SYS$HELP:DECDFS03023.RELEASE_NOTES. See Chapter 2 for more information about the installation procedure.
If DECdfs files exist on your system from a previous installation, read
the following three sections.
1.11.1 Rebooting an Existing DECdfs System Before or After the Installation
DECdfs uses OpenVMS drivers that, once loaded, cannot be unloaded without rebooting the system. Therefore, if a previous version of DECdfs is running on the target system, one of the following two actions must be taken:
Hewlett-Packard recommends that you reboot the system without starting DECdfs before you perform this installation. If you choose to do the installation first, reboot the system as soon as possible after the installation is complete. Do not attempt to run DFS$CONTROL or the IVP, or restart DECdfs, until after the reboot.
If you reboot first, you will not need to reboot again when the
installation completes. To avoid starting DECdfs, you must edit your
SYS$SYSTARTUP file or otherwise temporarily eliminate the call to
1.11.2 Renaming Existing DFS*.EXE Files
The installation checks whether any DFS*.EXE files are in the SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE], SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSLIB], SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYS$LDR], or SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSMSG] directories. If you moved DFS*.EXE files to any of these directories, VMSINSTAL asks you if you want to rename all DFS*.EXE files to DFS*.OLD (see Section 2.3.1). If you answer YES, the installation procedure renames the files and continues. Otherwise, the installation procedure aborts and displays an error message.
If you want to conserve disk space, remember to delete all the previous
versions of the DFS*.EXE files from the SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSEXE],
SYS$SPECIFIC:[SYSMSG] directories before you install DECdfs. If DECdfs
runs on a cluster system, delete these files on all cluster members.
1.11.3 Processing Existing DFS*.COM Files
As part of its installation, DECdfs Version 2.3--3 looks for existing DFS$CONFIG.COM and DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM files in directories SYS$STARTUP and SYS$MANAGER. If it does not find these files, the installation procedure places a default version of the missing file in SYS$MANAGER. If it finds these files, the installation procedure places the respective template files (DFS$CONFIG.TEMPLATE and DFS$SYSTARTUP.TEMPLATE) in SYS$MANAGER. Note that if you have previously moved either DFS$CONFIG.COM or DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM to SYS$SPECIFIC directories, the installation proceeds as if these two files do not exist. DECdfs uses the DFS$SYSTARTUP.COM and DFS$CONFIG.COM files for adding or mounting access points (or both) and for configuration purposes.
The installation procedure always renames previously existing
DFS$STARTUP.COM files to DFS$STARTUP.OLD and provides a new startup
file in directory SYS$STARTUP.
1.12 Maintenance Updates
Hewlett-Packard may periodically issue a maintenance update release of the DECdfs software. If you are upgrading from a previous version of DECdfs, your software installation kit will not include new documentation if the documentation has not been revised. In this case, use the installation guide for the previous version to install the new software.
The release notes included with each software release describe new and changed software features. Hewlett-Packard recommends that you read the release notes before installing the software to ensure that you are aware of any special installation or operating requirements.
For more information about reading, printing, and accessing the release notes before you install the software, follow steps 1 through 6 of the installation procedure in Section 2.2. You can stop the installation procedure during step 6 by answering the "Do you want to continue the installation [NO]?" prompt with NO. You can read, display, or print the release notes after the installation by specifying the SYS$HELP:DECDFS03023.RELEASE_NOTES file.
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