HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS

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D.7.1 Changing the Default Configuration

To add a new server and enable the BIND resolver, enter the following command:


For host, specify the host name or IP address of the BIND server or servers that the BIND resolver is to query.

To specify multiple hosts, list them by request preference. The BIND resolver sends the first lookup request to the first host on the list.

If you define a server list and then add a new server with the SET NAME_SERVICE /SERVER command, the new server is added to the end of the list.

SET commands affect the volatile database. To save your changes to the permanent database, use the SET CONFIGURATION commands. The changes you make with the SET CONFIGURATION commands take effect the next time the software starts up. For example:


BIND Resolver Configuration 
  Transport:  UDP 
  Domain:     ucx.ern.sea.com 
  Retry:         4 
  Timeout:       4 
  Path:       No values defined 

D.7.2 Examples

The following command defines hosts PARROT, SORA, and JACANA as systemwide BIND servers and enables the BIND resolver:


The following example defines, for the current login session, host OSPREY as the BIND server. As a result, the servers that are defined systemwide are not queried.


D.7.3 Resolver Default Search Behavior

By default, if no search list is defined and the host name as you typed it has no dot (.) in the name, the BIND resolver performs a lookup using the following forms of the host name:

  1. The host name, with the default domain appended
  2. Just the host name

For example, suppose you enter the command:


Assuming that the default domain is ucx.ern.sea.com , the resolver performs lookups as follows:

  1. On the host name and domain owl.ucx.ern.sea.com .
  2. If that lookup was unsuccessful, the resolver searches for host owl .

This behavior is different than the resolver lookup behavior in previous releases (UCX BIND Version 4.x.). The following section provides more information.

D.7.4 Resolver Search Behavior in Earlier Releases

In previous releases, the resolver performed lookups as follows:

  1. Appended the default domain to the host name and performed a lookup.
  2. If the previous lookup failed, the resolver removed the leftmost label from the default domain name, appended the result to the host name and performed the lookup.
  3. If that lookup failed, the resolver again removed the leftmost label from the default domain name, appended the result to the host name, and performed the lookup.

For each unsuccessful lookup, this procedure was repeated until only two labels remained in the resulting domain name.

If all these attempts failed, the resolver tried just the host name as typed (as long as it contained at least one dot).

For example, suppose you entered the command:


Assuming the default domain was ucx.ern.sea.com , the resolver performed lookups as follows:

  1. On owl.ucx.ern.sea.com .
  2. If the previous lookup was unsuccessful, the resolver searched for owl.ern.sea.com .
  3. If that lookup was unsuccessful, the resolver searched for owl.sea.com .
  4. Finally, if the preceding lookup was unsuccessful, the resolver searched for owl .

D.7.5 Setting the Resolver's Domain Search List

The search list is provided to make entering lookup commands easier by not requiring you to type fully qualified domain names. The search list consists of domain names that the resolver uses when performing lookups. By default, the search list consists of only the default domain, which is stored in the TCPIP$CONFIGURATION.DAT file.

You can change the elements in the search list by entering the SET NAME_SERVICE command, as shown in the following example:

TCPIP> SET NAME_SERVICE /PATH=(ucx.ern.sea.com,dux.sea.com,mux.ern.sea.com)/SYSTEM 

For example, if you enter the command:


The resolver performs lookups in the following sequence:

  1. On canary.ucx.ern.sea.com .
  2. If the previous lookup was unsuccessful, the resolver searches for canary.dux.sea.com .
  3. If that lookup was unsuccessful, the resolver searches for canary.mux.ern.sea.com .
  4. If that lookup was unsuccessful, the resolver searches for canary .

In the following output of the SHOW NAME_SERVICE command, the PATH: label shows the search list information entered with the SET NAME_SERVICE /PATH command. This command displays systemwide information and process-specific information (if process-specific information is set).

BIND Resolver Parameters 
Local domain: ucx.ern.sea.com 
State:     Started, Enabled 
Transport: UDP 
Domain:    ucx.ern.sea.com 
Retry:     4 
Timeout:   4 
Servers:   ucx, lemng, 
Path:      ucx.ern.sea.com, dux.ern.sea.com, mux.ern.sea.com 
State:     Enabled 

Any additions you make are appended to the end of the search list.

To remove an element from the search list, enter the following command:



When you execute TCPIP$CONFIG.COM after upgrading from UCX to TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS, the system creates a domain search list that is consistent with the UCX default lookup behavior. TCPIP$CONFIG.COM uses the default domain to create a search list consisting of each parent domain. For example, if the default domain is ucx.ern.sea.com , the resulting search list is ucx.ern.sea.com,ern.sea.com,sea.com . You can modify the current search list by using the SET CONFIGURATION NAME_SERVER /PATH command.

D.8 Using NSLOOKUP to Query a Name Server

NSLOOKUP is a debugging tool provided with BIND that allows anyone to directly query a name server and retrieve information. Use NSLOOKUP to determine whether your local name server is running correctly or to retrieve information from remote servers.

NSLOOKUP makes direct queries to name servers around the world to obtain DNS information, which includes:

D.8.1 Invoking NSLOOKUP

Table D-12 shows how to start and stop NSLOOKUP.

Table D-12 Starting and Stopping NSLOOKUP
Task Command
Terminate NSLOOKUP from within interactive mode. > EXIT
Terminate the current NSLOOKUP session. > Ctrl/Z

To run NSLOOKUP as a foreign command, enter the following command at the DCL prompt ($), or place the command in your LOGIN.COM file:


You can then run an interactive NSLOOKUP session by entering:


You can put NSLOOKUP set commands in an initialization file named SYS$LOGIN:NSLOOKUPINIT.INI. The commands are executed when you start NSLOOKUP.

D.8.2 Obtaining Help

You can obtain help by:

The following example shows the information available with the NSLOOKUP help (?) command:

Default Server:  condor.lgk.dec.com 
> ? 
  Information available: 
  <host>     About_nslookup        exit       finger     ls         lserver 
  root       server     set 

D.8.3 NSLOOKUP Commands

NSLOOKUP interprets unrecognized commands as host names. When using NSLOOKUP, apply these syntax rules:

When NSLOOKUP first starts, you see the name and address of the default BIND server, followed by the NSLOOKUP prompt. In the following example, the default server is condor.lgk.dec.com .

Default Server:  condor.lgk.dec.com 

Table D-13 lists the NSLOOKUP commands.

Table D-13 NSLOOKUP Commands
Command Function
host [ server] Looks up information using the current default server or the server you specify. Enter the name of the host for which you need an IP address. For example, the following command searches for www.whitehouse.gov using the default server:
> www.whitehouse.gov

Server: condor.lgk.dec.com
Name: www.whitehouse.gov

The following command uses the server with IP address to look up the host snowy.frozen.weather.com :

> snowy.frozen.weather.com

server domain Changes the default server to the domain you specify. The following command changes the default server using the current default server to look up information for the new default server,
> server

lserver domain Changes the default server. The following command changes the default server using the initial default server to find information about
> lserver

root Changes the default server to the server specified by the root option.
> root

ls Lists information about hosts in the domain you specify. The default output contains host names and their IP addresses. The options for ls are listed in Table D-15.

The following example redirects the output from the screen to the file NSLOOKUP.temp in the current directory.

> ls -a frozen.weather.com > NSLOOKUP.temp

help or ? Displays a summary of the available commands.
exit Exits NSLOOKUP.
set Selects the type of information that NSLOOKUP displays. Table D-14 lists the available options.

D.8.4 Default Option Values

NSLOOKUP has options that influence the type of information you receive from a query and the way NSLOOKUP behaves. Some of the options take a value and others are Boolean options. The options have default values and can be changed by using the set command.

You obtain a list of the options and their default values by entering the set all command immediately after starting an interactive NSLOOKUP session, as shown in the following example:

Default Server:  condor.lgk.dec.com       (1)
> set all                                 (2)
Default Server:  condor.lgk.dec.com 
Set options:                            
  nodebug             defname         search          recurse  (3)
  nod2                novc            noignoretc      port=53  (4)
  querytype=A  (5)     class=IN        timeout=4       retry=4 
  domain=xyz.prq.dec.com                  (6) 
  srchlist=xyz.prq.dec.com                (7)

  1. The current default name server. This option is initially set to the name server configured for your local system (client).
  2. The set all command displays the current value of each option. When NSLOOKUP starts, it initializes the options with default values. If you enter the set all command immediately after starting up NSLOOKUP, you see the default values.
  3. Boolean options are those that have an on/off state. Boolean options that are in the off state are prefixed with the character string NO. For example, nodebug .
  4. NSLOOKUP displays options that take a value with an equal sign (=) and the option's current value. For example, port=53 .
  5. The querytype option specifies the type of information returned on a query. The default query type is A, which returns the host's IP address.
  6. The domain option specifies a default domain. When you query with a host name, the default domain is appended to the host name before issuing the query. The defname and search options affect how NSLOOKUP appends the default domain name.
  7. The srchlist option specifies 1 to 6 domains to search by default. NSLOOKUP sets the domain option to the first domain listed in the search list.

For a description of other set options, see Table D-14.

Table D-14 Options to the NSLOOKUP set Command
Option Function
all Displays the current values of the options you can set as well as information about the current default server. For example:
> set all

class= value Changes the query class to one of the following:
  • IN --- The Internet class (default)
  • CHAOS --- The Chaos class
  • ANY --- Wildcard

The class specifies the protocol group of the information. You can use the abbreviated form of the keyword cl .

The following command tells NSLOOKUP to resolve both internet and chaos class queries (you can enter INTERNET and CHAOS):
> set class=ANY

querytype Specifies the type of information you want. For example:
> set querytype=A

> set querytype=ANY

Valid types include:
SOA Start of authority. Marks the beginning of a zone's data and defines parameters that affect the entire zone.
NS Name server. Identifies a domain's name server.
A Address. Maps a host name to an address.
ANY Defines all available resource records for a given name.
PTR Pointer. Maps an address to a host name.
MX Identifies where to deliver mail for a given domain.
CNAME Defines an alias host name.
HINFO Host information. Describes a host's hardware and operating system.
WKS Well-known service. Advertises network services.

[no]debug Turns on debugging (default is nodebug ). NSLOOKUP displays both detailed information about the packet sent to the server and the answer. You can use the abbreviations nodeb and deb . For example:
> set debug

[no]d2 Returns all-inclusive debugging information (default is nod2 ). Displays all the fields of every packet. For example:
> set d2

recurse Tells the BIND server to contact other servers if it does not have the information you want. The servers carry out a complete (recursive) resolution for each query. For example:
> set recurse

retry Number of times that NSLOOKUP attempts to contact a BIND server if repeated tries fail. For example:
> set retry=8

timeout Length of time (in seconds) to wait for a reply from each attempt. For example:
> set timeout=9

root= value Changes the root server. For example, the following command changes the root server to ns.nasa.gov .
> set root=ns.nasa.gov

ignoretc Tells NSLOOKUP to ignore packet truncation errors. For example:
> set ignoretc

domain name Changes the default domain to the domain you specify.

How the default domain name is appended to lookup requests depends on the settings of the defname and search options. The domain search list contains the parents of the default domain if it has at least two components in its name.

The default value is set in the TCP/IP configuration database. To specify the default, type the abbreviation do .

For example, if the default domain is CC.Berkeley.EDU , the search list is CC.Berkeley.EDU and Berkeley.EDU .
srchlist If set, NSLOOKUP appends each of the domain names specified in the srchlist option to an unqualified host name and performs a query until an answer is received.
srchlist= names Changes the default domain name to the first name you specify and the domain search list to all the names you specify. Specify a maximum of six names separated by slashes (/).

In the following example, the command sets the default domain to lcs.MIT.EDU and the search list to the three specified domains. The command overrides the default domain name and associated search list for the set domain command.
> set srchlist=lcs.MIT.EDU/ai.MIT.EDU/MIT.EDU

The default is the domain name specified in the TCP/IP configuration database. The abbreviated form of the command is srchl .
[no]defname Tells NSLOOKUP to append a default domain name to a not fully qualified 1 DNS name lookup request. The abbreviated form is [no]def .

For example, an NSLOOKUP query for the host rainy becomes rainy.cc.berkeley.edu .
[no]search Tells NSLOOKUP to append the domain names in the search list to a not fully qualified domain name 1 lookup request. The default is search . The abbreviated form is [no]sea .

1A fully qualified domain name is a name that ends with a trailing period, as in host.domain.

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