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# ssh user@vmssystem directory 'SYS$SYSDEVICE:[user]' |
BannerMessageFile TCPIP$SSH_DEVICE:[TCPIP$SSH]BANNER1.TXT BannerMessageFile /TCPIP$SSH_DEVICE/TCPIP$SSH/BANNER2.TXT BannerMessageFile /etc/banner3.txt |
$ LOGOUT Connection to tst1 7-AUG-2003 14:37:15.01 |
If you do not specify the key file in the SSH_ADD command, and SSH_ADD
finds no INDENTIFICATION. file, it adds only the first private key it
finds in the [username.SSH2] directory.
3.6 LPD Restrictions
The LPD$SPOOL logical name has been removed from the software.
3.7 IMAP Dependencies
The IMAP server is limited in the number of connections an IMAP server process can handle before it forces the kernel to create a new IMAP server process. This value is set in the TCPIP$IMAP.CONF file to 25. For example:
Max-Connections:25 |
If you use TELNET to connect to a system where the subsystem attribute maxbuf is set to greater than 32767 and execute a C program that uses a C runtime call (such as getc or gets ) to read data from the terminal, the C program may return a generic user IO error message rather than the specific errors returned by RMS.
To solve this problem:
The FTP server does not allow you to specify an IP address other than that of the connected client, or the specification of a privileged port, in the PORT, LPRT, or EPRT commands. Any such commands are rejected with the following error:
500 Illegal {PORT|LPRT|EPRT} command. |
The FTP server and client prevent data connection "theft" by a third party. For the FTP server, this applies to passive-mode connections from an IP address other than the client's, or from a privileged port. For the FTP client, this applies to active-mode connections from an IP address other than the server's, or from a port other than port 20.
You can restore the original behavior by defining the following logical names:
Server | Client |
These logical names allow you to relax the IP address and port checks
independently in the FTP server and the FTP client.
3.10 Determining the TCP/IP Device Name from a Channel Assignment
OpenVMS provides several ways to determine the name of a device on a channel assignment. Using the SYS$GETDVI/SYS$GETDVIW system services, the DVI$_DEVNAM, DVI$_FULLDEVNAM, and DVI$_UNIT items all return information about the device. While the first two items provide the full device name, the DVI$_UNIT item returns only the unit number of the device. To form the complete device name, a program must prefix the unit number (as a string) with the device name and controller information. In the case of the TCP/IP device name, the programmer could add the string BG or BGA . For example, BG + 1234 would produce the device name BG1234: .
The TCP/IP device name may be altered in a future release. It is good
programming practice to use the DVI$_DEVNAM or DVI$_FULLDEVNAM items to
obtain the full device-name string. Such programs are not based on the
assumption that the TCP/IP device name is BGnnnn or
BGAnnnn, and would not be affected by any change in the TCP/IP
device name strategy.
3.11 RCP Full Transparent Copy Operations
The following sections describe limitations of RCP on OpenVMS.
3.11.1 Using RCP to Transfer STREAM_LF Files
RCP on OpenVMS is best used for transferring text files. Under previous versions of TCP/IP Services, RCP converts any type of OpenVMS file that is not STREAM_LF to STREAM_LF format using the standard OpenVMS $CONVERT utility by specifying the files in the following way:
RCP sends the converted file using block-mode RMS file I/O (SYS$READ()) and writes the data using block-mode (SYS$WRITE()).
This behavior has been changed so that RCP does not convert FIXED or UNDEFINED format files (in addition to STREAM_LF files). You can restore the old behavior using the following logical name:
If this logical name is set, the original behavior of converting FIXED and UNDEFINED files is restored. If this logical name is set to a number other than 1, the default behavior is enabled. Files with a fixed-length record size that exactly matches the value of the logical name are not converted.
For example, if you set this logical name to 512, all FIXED and UNDEFINED files are converted except for files with a fixed-length record size of 512 (such as OpenVMS executable image files).
The receiving peer, if OpenVMS, always creates a file of type STREAM_LF. The RCP protocol provides no method of transferring file type information between sender and receiver. Therefore, the receiving peer has no way of knowing anything about file structure.
In an OpenVMS-to-OpenVMS transfer, if the original file was FIXED or UNDEFINED and was not converted, use the DCL command SET FILE/ATTRIBUTES to change the attributes on the resulting STREAM_LF file to correspond to the format of the original file.
For example, after transferring an OpenVMS executable image file (FIXED format with a record-length of 512 bytes), enter the following command to make it an executable image again:
The RCP protocol requires that the length of the file be sent as part of the protocol. The length is interpreted as a signed 32-bit integer. On OpenVMS, the file's length is determined using an RTL call to fstat() . Therefore, files transferred using RCP must be less than 2 GB minus 1 byte (2147483647 bytes).
In comparison, FTP does not have any of these limitations. However, FTP
uses a different security model.
3.12 NFS Problems and Restrictions
The following sections describe problems and restrictions with NFS.
3.12.1 NFS Server Problems and Restrictions
no such file |
%TCPIP-E-NFS_BFSCAL, operation MOUNT_POINT failed on file /dev/dir |
%TCPIP-S-NFS_MNTSUC, mounted file system /dev/dir |
The following sections describe restrictions in the use of IPv6.
3.13.1 Mobile IPv6 Restrictions
The implementation of mobile IPv6 in this version of TCP/IP Services does
not support binding update authentication as specified in
, Section 4.4, including the authentication data sub-option defined in
Section 5.6. You should limit the use of this version to testing
environments that are not subject to attack, because system integrity
can be compromised by accepting unauthenticated bindings.
3.13.2 6to4 Configuration is Not Supported
TCP/IP Services contains the TCPIP$IP6_SETUP.COM command procedure for
configuring IPv6 on a node. The use of this procedure to configure the
6to4 tunnel mechanism is not supported in this release. Attempts to
configure 6to4 with the procedure will not succeed.
3.13.3 IPv6 Requires the BIND Resolver
If you are using IPv6, you must enable the BIND resolver. To enable the BIND resolver, use the TCPIP$CONFIG.COM command procedure. From the Core menu, select BIND Resolver.
You must specify the BIND server to enable the BIND resolver. If you do
not have access to a BIND server, specify the node address as
your BIND server.
3.14 TCP/IP Management Command Restrictions
The following restrictions apply to the TCP/IP management commands:
$ ifconfig ie0 -alias |
%SYSTEM-F-BADLOGIC, internal logic error detected VMS timekeeping is not working as expected - can't proceed |
This section describes restrictions to the SNMP component for this
release. For more information about using SNMP, refer to the
Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS SNMP Programming and Reference manual.
3.16.1 Incomplete Restart
When the SNMP master agent and subagents fail or are stopped, TCP/IP Services is often able to restart all processes automatically. However, under certain conditions, subagent processes may not restart. When this happens, the display from the DCL command SHOW SYSTEM does not include TCPIP$OS_MIBS and TCPIP$HR_MIB. If this situation occurs, restart SNMP by entering the following commands:
On slow systems, the SNMP Installation Verification Procedure can fail because a subagent does not respond to the test query. The error messages look like this:
. . . Shutting down the SNMP service... done. Creating temporary read/write community SNMPIVP_153. Enabling SET operations. Starting the SNMP service... done. SNMPIVP: unexpected text in response to SNMP request: "- no such name - returned for variable 1" See file SYS$SYSDEVICE:[TCPIP$SNMP]TCPIP$SNMP_REQUEST.DAT for more details. sysContact could not be retrieved. Status = 0 The SNMP IVP has NOT completed successfully. SNMP IVP request completed. Press Return to continue ... |
You can ignore these types of messages in the IVP.
3.16.3 Using Existing MIB Subagent Modules
If an existing subagent does not execute properly, you may need to relink it against the current version of TCP/IP Services to produce a working image. Some subagents (such as those for OpenVMS support of Compaq Insight Manager) also require a minimum version of OpenVMS and a minimum version of TCP/IP Services.
The following restrictions apply:
Although images may run without being relinked, backward compatibility is not guaranteed. These images can result in inaccurate data or run-time problems. | = 1321206828 = 1321206829 = 1321206830 |
o_oid; Null oid or oid->elements, or oid->nelem == 0 |
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