HP TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS
Release Notes

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3.16.4 Upgrading SNMP

After upgrading to the current version of TCP/IP Services, you must disable and then enable SNMP using the TCPIP$CONFIG configuration command procedure. When prompted for "this node" or "all nodes," select the option that reflects the previous configuration.

3.16.5 Communication Controller Data Not Fully Updated

When you upgrade TCP/IP Services and then modify an existing communication controller, programs that use the communication controller might not have access to the updated information.

To ensure that programs like the MIB browser (SNMP_REQUEST) have access to the new data about the communication controller, do the following:

  1. Delete the communication controller using the TCP/IP management command DELETE COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER.
  2. Reset the communication controller by running the TCPIP$CONFIG.COM command procedure and exiting.
  3. Restart the program (such as SNMP) by entering the following commands:


  4. Use the TCP/IP management command LIST COMMUNICATION_CONTROLLER to display the information.

3.16.6 SNMP MIB Browser Usage

If you use either the -l (loop mode) or -t (tree mode) flag, you cannot also specify the -m (maximum repetitions) flag or the -n (nonrepeaters) flag. The latter flags are incompatible with loop mode and tree mode.

Incorrect use of the -n and -m flags results in the following messages:

$ snmp_request mynode.co.com public getbulk -v2c -n 20 -m 10 -t 
Warning: -n reset to 0 since -l or -t flag is specified. 
Warning: -m reset to 1 since -l or -t flag is specified. = mynode.company.com 

3.16.7 Duplicate Subagent Identifiers

With this version of TCP/IP Services, two subagents can have the same identifier parameter. Be aware, however, that having two subagents with the same name makes it difficult to determine the cause of problems reported in the log file.

3.16.8 eSNMP Programming and Subagent Development

The following notes pertain to eSNMP programming and subagent development.

Chapter 4

This chapter describes some of the user-visible problems corrected in this version of TCP/IP Services.

4.1 Management Command Interface Problems Fixed in This Release

The following TCP/IP Services TCP/IP management command problems are fixed in this release:

4.2 BIND Problems Fixed in This Release

The following BIND/DNS problems are fixed in this release:

4.3 FTP Problems Fixed in This Release

The following FTP problems are fixed in this release:

4.4 NFS Problems Fixed in This Release

The following NFS server problems were fixed in this release:

4.5 TELNET Problems Fixed in This Release

4.6 SMTP Problems Fixed in This Release

The following SMTP problems are fixed in this release:

4.7 SNMP Problems Fixed in This Release

The following SNMP problems are fixed in this release:

Chapter 5
Documentation Update

This chapter describes updates to the information in the TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS product documentation.

5.1 Updated Documentation

The following manuals have been updated for this version of TCP/IP Services:

In addition, this version of TCP/IP Services includes new version of the Help files:

The following manuals are not updated for TCP/IP Services V5.4:

These manuals will be updated in a future release of TCP/IP Services. For this release, use the existing manual with the changes described in the following sections.

5.1.1 SNMP Programming and Reference Update

The following information will be added to the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS SNMP Programming and Reference manual:

5.1.2 Sockets API and System Services Programming Update

The information in the Compaq TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Sockets API and System Services Programming manual will be updated as follows:

5.2 Help Files Update

The HELP CC Socket_Routines information has been removed. Instead, the information about socket programming is provided when you enter the following command:

$ HELP TCPIP_SERVICES Programming_Interfaces Sockets_API 

The Sockets_API HELP file has been enhanced with IPv6 information.

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