hp Reliable Transaction Router
C++ Foundation Classes

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1 C++ API Concepts
Chapter 2 Design and Implementation
Chapter 3 Application Classes
Chapter 4 Management Classes
Chapter 5 Sample Application Tutorial
Chapter 6 Sample Application Code
Appendix A C++ Foundation Class Design Diagrams
Appendix B Sample Application Diagrams


Preface Preface
Chapter 1
1 C++ API Concepts
     1.1     Overview
     1.2     Application Classes
         1.2.1         Transaction Classes
         1.2.2         Data Classes
         1.2.3         Messages
         1.2.4         Events
         1.2.5         Client and Server Interaction
         1.2.6         The Class Factory
         1.2.7         Stream Classes
         1.2.8         Application Classes Summary
     1.3     Management Classes
         1.3.1         Management Classes Descriptions
     1.4     Message Reception Styles
         1.4.1         Event-Driven Model
         1.4.2         Polling Model
     1.5     Base Classes Message and Event Mapping
         1.5.1         Client Messages
         1.5.2         Client Events
         1.5.3         Server Messages
         1.5.4         Server Events for RTREvent
     1.6     Using the C++ API with Existing Applications
         1.6.1         Classes that Legacy Applications Can Use
         1.6.2         Encapsulating Application Protocols
         1.6.3         Implementation Example
     1.7     Compiling and Linking your Application
Chapter 2
2 Design and Implementation
     2.1     Design Steps
     2.2     Implementation Steps
         2.2.1         Implementing a Server
         2.2.2         Implementing a Client
         2.2.3         Implementation Example
     2.3     Sample Application Walkthrough
         2.3.1         Deriving from Base Classes in the Sample Application
         2.3.2         Adding Functionality to Data Objects
         2.3.3         Encapsulating Data with RTRData
         2.3.4         Examining RTRData Objects
         2.3.5         Sample Server Application
         2.3.6         Sample Client Application
     2.4     RTR Applications in a Multiplatform Environment
         2.4.1         Defining a Message Format
Chapter 3
3 Application Classes
     3.1     Server Classes
     3.2     RTRServerEventHandler
    Command 1     RTRServerEventHandler Class Members
    Command 2     OnApplicationEvent()
    Command 3     OnBackendGainedLinkToRouter()
    Command 4     OnBackendLostLinkToRouter()
    Command 5     OnFacilityDead()
    Command 6     OnFacilityReady()
    Command 7     OnRouterGainedLinkToFrontend()
    Command 8     OnRouterLostLinkToFrontend()
    Command 9     OnServerGainedShadow()
    Command 10     OnServerIsPrimary()
    Command 11     OnServerIsSecondary()
    Command 12     OnServerIsStandby()
    Command 13     OnServerLostShadow()
    Command 14     OnServerRecoveryComplete()
    Command 15     RTRServerEventHandler()
     3.3     RTRServerMessageHandler
    Command 16     RTRServerMessageHandler Class Members
    Command 17     OnAccepted()
    Command 18     OnApplicationMessage()
    Command 19     OnInitialize()
    Command 20     OnPrepareTransaction()
    Command 21     OnRejected()
    Command 22     OnUncertainTransaction()
    Command 23     RTRServerMessageHandler()
     3.4     RTRServerTransactionController
    Command 24     RTRServerTransactionController Class Members
    Command 25     AcceptTransaction()
    Command 26     AcknowledgeTransactionOutcome()
    Command 27     ForceTransactionRetry()
    Command 28     GetFacilityName()
    Command 29     GetPartitionName()
    Command 30     GetProperties()
    Command 31     Receive()
    Command 32     RegisterClassFactory()
    Command 33     RegisterFacility()
    Command 34     RegisterHandlers()
    Command 35     RegisterPartition()
    Command 36     RejectTransaction()
    Command 37     RTRServerTransactionController()
    Command 38     SendApplicationEvent()
    Command 39     SendApplicationMessage()
    Command 40     UnRegisterPartition()
     3.5     RTRServerTransactionProperties
    Command 41     RTRServerTransactionProperties Class Members
    Command 42     GetFacilityName()
    Command 43     GetPartitionName()
    Command 44     GetTID()
    Command 45     GetTransactionState()
    Command 46     RTRServerTransactionProperties()
    Command 47     SetStateToAbort()
    Command 48     SetStateToCommit()
    Command 49     SetStateToDone()
    Command 50     SetStateToException()
    Command 51     TransactionIsOriginal()
    Command 52     TransactionIsRecovery()
    Command 53     TransactionIsReplay()
     3.6     Client Classes
     3.7     RTRClientEventHandler
    Command 54     RTRClientEventHandler Class Members
    Command 55     OnApplicationEvent()
    Command 56     OnFacilityDead()
    Command 57     OnFacilityReady()
    Command 58     OnFrontendGainedLinkToRouter()
    Command 59     OnFrontendLostLinkToRouter()
    Command 60     OnKeyRangeNoLongerAvailable()
    Command 61     OnNewKeyRangeAvailable()
    Command 62     OnRouterGainedLinkToBackend()
    Command 63     OnRouterLostLinkToBackend()
    Command 64     RTRClientEventHandler()
     3.8     RTRClientMessageHandler
    Command 65     RTRClientMessageHandler Class Members
    Command 66     OnAccepted()
    Command 67     OnAllPreparedTransaction()
    Command 68     OnApplicationMessage()
    Command 69     OnInitialize()
    Command 70     OnRejected()
    Command 71     OnReturnToSender()
    Command 72     RTRClientMessageHandler()
     3.9     RTRClientTransactionController
    Command 73     RTRClientTransactionController Class Members
    Command 74     AcceptTransaction()
    Command 75     Receive()
    Command 76     RegisterClassFactory()
    Command 77     RegisterFacility()
    Command 78     RegisterHandlers()
    Command 79     RejectTransaction()
    Command 80     RTRClientTransactionController()
    Command 81     SendApplicationEvent()
    Command 82     SendApplicationMessage()
    Command 83     StartTransaction()
     3.10     RTRClientTransactionProperties
    Command 84     RTRClientTransactionProperties Class Members
    Command 85     RTRClientTransactionProperties()
     3.11     Data Classes and the Class Factory
     3.12     RTRApplicationEvent Class
    Command 86     RTRApplicationEvent Class Members
    Command 87     Dispatch()
    Command 88     GetEventData()
    Command 89     GetEventDataLength()
    Command 90     GetEventNumber()
    Command 91     SetEventData()
    Command 92     SetEventNumber()
     3.13     RTRApplicationMessage Class
    Command 93     RTRApplicationMessage Class Members
    Command 94     Dispatch()
    Command 95     GetMessage()
    Command 96     GetMessageLength()
     3.14     RTRClassFactory Class
    Command 97     RTRClassFactory Class Members
    Command 98     CreateRTRApplicationEvent()
    Command 99     CreateRTRApplicationMessage()
    Command 100     CreateRTREvent()
    Command 101     CreateRTRMessage()
     3.15     RTRData
    Command 102     RTRData Class Members
    Command 103     Dispatch()
    Command 104     GetActualBufferLength()
    Command 105     GetLogicalBufferLength()
    Command 106     IsApplicationEvent()
    Command 107     IsApplicationMessage()
    Command 108     IsEvent()
    Command 109     IsMessage()
    Command 110     IsRTREvent()
    Command 111     IsRTRMessage()
    Command 112     RTRData()
     3.16     RTREvent Class
    Command 113     RTREvent Class Members
    Command 114     Dispatch()
    Command 115     GetEventData()
    Command 116     GetEventDataLength()
    Command 117     GetEventNumber()
     3.17     RTRMessage
    Command 118     RTRMessage Class Members
    Command 119     Dispatch()
    Command 120     GetMessageType()
    Command 121     GetReason()
    Command 122     GetSecondaryStatus
     3.18     RTRStream Class
    Command 123     RTRStream Class Members
    Command 124     operator>>
    Command 125     operator<<
    Command 126     ReadFromStream()
    Command 127     RTRStream()
    Command 128     WriteToStream()

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