Graphics Editor User's Guide
for Motif

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Appendix C
Symbol Font and Composite Characters

This appendix shows how to access the characters in the symbol font. Table C-1 shows which keyboard character you type to produce a Greek character in the symbol font. Figure C-1 shows the placement of the Greek characters, and other symbol font characters, on the Digital LK201 keyboard. Figure C-2 shows the symbol font characters you can create from composite characters.

To create the ISO Latin-1 composite characters in Figure C-2, press Alt/space bar followed by the two keys in the Compose Sequence column. Note that on some keyboards Alt is labeled as Compose Character.

Table C-1 Symbol Font Characters
Symbol Font Keyboard Character Symbol Font Keyboard Character
<Alpha symbol> A <alpha symbol> a
<Beta symbol> B <beta symbol> b
<ucGamma symbol> G <gamma symbol> g
<ucDelta symbol> D <delta symbol> d
E E <varepsilon symbol> e
<Zeta symbol> Z <zeta symbol> z
<Eta symbol> H <eta symbol> h
<ucTheta symbol> Q <theta symbol> q
<vartheta symbol> J <varphi symbol> j
<Iota symbol> I <iota symbol> i
<Kappa symbol> K <kappa symbol> k
<ucLambda symbol> L <lambda symbol> l
<Mu symbol> M <mu symbol> m
<Nu symbol> N <nu symbol> n
<ucXi symbol> X <xi symbol> x
O O o o
<ucPi symbol> P <pi symbol> p
<Rho symbol> R <rho symbol> r
<ucSigma symbol> S <sigma symbol> s
<Tau symbol> T <tau symbol> t
Y U <upsilon symbol> u
<ucPhi symbol> F <phi symbol> f
<varsigma symbol> V <varpi symbol> v
<Chi symbol> C <chi symbol> c
<ucPsi symbol> Y <psi symbol> y
<ucOmega symbol> W <omega symbol> w
<forall symbol> " <ni symbol> '

Figure C-1 Symbol Font Characters on the LK201 Keyboard

Figure C-2 Composite Characters and Symbol Font Characters

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