Using Doctypes and Related Tags
Volume 1

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Enables doctype-specific tags that override the default design format of the MILSPEC doctypes.



related tags

required terminator



The <DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES> tag enables doctype-specific tags that override the default design format of the MILSPEC doctypes. The <DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES> tag enables a group of tags that let you modify the default format of these doctypes. The default format of these doctypes is:

The tags that let you modify the default format are recognized only in the context of the <DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES> tag. If you use other SDML tags in this context, they are ignored, as if they had occurred in the context of a <COMMENT> tag.

Use the <DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES> tag at the beginning of an input file (or in a file specified using the DOCUMENT /INCLUDE qualifier) to alter the default format of a doctype for the processing of that entire file.

Table 7-5 summarizes the formatting tags enabled by the <DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES> tag in these doctypes.

Table 7-5 Doctype-specific Tags Enabled by the<DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES> Tag
Formatting Tags Description
Tags Enabled in the MILSPEC.SECURITY and MILSPEC.DRAFT Doctypes
Specifies whether to indent lists that are not nested in other lists.
  • The TRUE keyword causes lists and their list item designators (such as numbers or bullets) to be indented from the current left text margin.
  • The FALSE keyword causes lists and their list item designators to be placed flush with the current left text margin.
The default keyword is FALSE.
Specifies whether appendixes are identified using letters or Roman numerals. By default in the MILSPEC doctypes, appendixes are assigned Roman numerals and Arabic numerals. If you specify <SET_APPENDIX_ENUMERATION>(ALPHABETIC), then the appendixes will be identified using letters.
Specifies how formal tables, figures, and examples are to be numbered in a document processed using the MILSPEC doctypes. By default, formal tables, figures, and examples are numbered in this doctype using the current section (paragraph) number.

The SEQUENTIAL keyword indicates that formal elements are to be numbered sequentially throughout the document; for example, the eighth formal table in the document, regardless of what chapter it occurs in, is numbered Table 8.

Specifies the positioning of running headings near the top of the page.
  • The RIGHT keyword causes headings to be placed on the right-hand side of the page.
  • The LEFT keyword causes headings to be placed on the left-hand side of the page.
  • The CENTERED keyword causes headings to be centered on the page.
  • The CYCLE keyword indicates that headings should appear on the right-hand side when the page number is odd and on the left-hand side of the page when the page number is even.

The default keyword is CYCLE.

Specifies the positioning of running feet near the bottom of the page.

  • The RIGHT keyword causes the running footer to be placed on the right-hand side of the page.
  • The LEFT keyword causes the running footer to be placed on the left-hand side of the page.
  • The CYCLE keyword causes the running footer to be placed on the right-hand side when the page is even and on the left-hand side of the page when the page number is odd.

The default keyword is CYCLE.


The following example shows how to use the <DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES> tag to create centered headings and to cause appendixes to be ordered using letters.



Marks a heading of the level specified (1 through 20).


<HEADn> (heading text [\symbol name])


heading text

Specifies the text of the heading. If the book design you are using outputs headings that are all capital letters, those headings capitalize regardless of the way you enter them in your input file. However, use uppercase and lowercase letters, according to your local conventions, to obtain the proper capitalization of the heading in the table of contents and in cross-references.

symbol name

This is an optional argument. It specifies the name of the symbol used in all references to this heading.

Symbol names must not exceed 31 characters and must only contain alphabetic letters, numbers, or underscores. Do not begin a symbol name with an underscore.

related tags


The <HEADN> tag marks a heading of the level specified (1 through 20). Each of the 20 tags (<HEAD1> through <HEAD20>) does the following:

The proper choice of the heading level depends on an understanding of the logical structure of the document you are writing. A <HEAD2> tag will always be logically subordinate to a <HEAD1> tag. The same is true for the relationship between <HEAD3> and <HEAD2>, <HEAD4> and <HEAD3>, and so on.


The following tag creates a fourth-level heading.

<HEAD4>(SET and SHOW Tasks\set_show_sec) 

The following tag creates an eighth-level heading.


<HEAD8>(Other Tasks\other_sec) 

An example of a heading created by the <HEAD4> tag would be Set. If the heading number created by the tag was, then a reference to \set_show_sec would output as Section

Use the <REFERENCE> tag as shown in the following table to modify the output of the cross-reference.
Reference Output
<REFERENCE>(set_show_sec) Section
<REFERENCE>(set_show_sec\text) Set and Show Tasks
<REFERENCE>(set_show_sec\full) Section, Set and Show Tasks


Prints the classification text associated with the highest security classification encountered in a document.



related tags


The <HIGHEST_SECURITY_CLASS> tag prints the classification text associated with the highest security classification encountered in a document. When processing a document, DECdocument keeps track of the security levels associated with each <SECURITY> tag you specify. DECdocument saves the highest of these security levels and you can place it anywhere in your document using the <HIGHEST_SECURITY_CLASS> tag. For example, to place the highest security level found in a document on the title page as a subtitle, you would enter the <HIGHEST_SECURITY_CLASS> tag as an argument to the <SUBTITLE> tag.


The following example shows how to use the <HIGHEST_SECURITY_CLASS> tag to place the highest security classification found in a document on the title page as a subtitle.

<SPEC_TITLE>(Program Design Specification 
\For The 
\Machinery  Control Program (MCP)) 


Creates a single-line running footer at the bottom of each page, next to the page number.


<RUNNING_FEET> (footer text)


footer text

Specifies the text of the running footer. The footer appears next to the page number on the bottom of each page.

related tags


The <RUNNING_FEET> tag creates a single-line running footer at the bottom of each page, next to the page number. Use the <SET_FOOTERS> tag, enabled by the <DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES> tag, to alter the position of the page number and title text in the running footer. This tag is ignored for Bookreader output.


The following example creates the running footer, Special Report, at the bottom of the page.

<RUNNING_FEET>(Special Report) 


Creates a 1- to 4-line heading at the top of each page, including the current page.


<RUNNING_TITLE> (title text-1 [\title text-2...
\title text-4])


title text-n

Specifies the text of the running title lines. The first title you specify is the title that appears closest to the top of the page. Subsequent title arguments output below the first title argument.

related tags


The <RUNNING_TITLE> tag creates a 1- to 4-line heading at the top of each page, including the current page. By default, DECdocument places the running title on the right-hand side of the page when the page number is odd and on the left-hand side of the page when the page number is even. The running title you specify only appears on the title page of the document if you specify the <RUNNING_TITLE> tag before the <ENDTITLE_PAGE> tag.

Use the <SET_HEADERS> tag enabled by the <DOCUMENT_ATTRIBUTES> tag to change the positioning of the running titles on the page.


The following example creates a 3-line running title at the top of the page.

<RUNNING_TITLE>(Introduction to SDML\September 1988\Company Confidential) 


Assigns a security classification level to a text element.


<SECURITY> (classification keyword)


classification keyword

Is a keyword indicating the classification level. Each keyword has associated text output with a text element, as well as text printed at the top and bottom of each page. The following table shows default classification levels and the keywords associated with them.
Text Output
Classification Text for
Running Headers and Footers
You modify classification keywords and associated output text with the <SET_SECURITY_CLASS> tag.

related tags

required terminator



The <SECURITY> tag assigns a security classification level to a text element. You can apply a security classification to one of the following text elements:

When you specify a <SECURITY> tag, the specified security classification is in effect for all subsequent text elements (as described in the preceding list). The abbreviated form of the classification appears in the output text, on the page on which the text is output.

When the text formatter finishes formatting each page of output, it determines the highest classification level applied to any text on that page, and it prints that classification on the top and bottom of the page.

A specific classification stays in effect until you do one of the following:

You can nest <SECURITY> tags to any level, but all levels must be terminated using <ENDSECURITY> tags by the end of the file.

If you use a <SECURITY> tag anywhere in a document, every page of the document is marked with a security classification. For example, if you assign only one chapter in a multiple-chapter document the Top Secret classification, each page of that chapter is marked Top Secret, and all other pages in the document are automatically marked Unclassified, to indicate that there is no specific classification attached to text on those pages.


In the following example, the security applied by the <SECURITY> tag affects the <CHAPTER>, <P>, and <HEAD1> tags shown.

<CHAPTER>(MXXK-5 Internal Circuitry) 
<p>This document describes the internal circuitry of the MXXK-5. 
The following information specifies the internal circuitry of the MXXK-5 unit. 


Overrides the default appendix Roman numeral DECdocument assigns to an appendix.


<SET_APPENDIX_NUMBER> (Roman numeral integer)


Roman numeral integer

Specifies an integer equivalent to the Roman numeral for the appendix; for example, the integer 3 is equivalent to the Roman numeral III. This argument must be an integer greater than zero.

related tags


This tag should not be used in a file that uses a book build profile or that uses the /PROFILE qualifier during processing. If either of these conditions occurs, DECdocument issues a warning message and ignores the <SET_APPENDIX_NUMBER> tag for the book build.


The <SET_APPENDIX_NUMBER> tag overrides the default appendix Roman numeral DECdocument assigns to an appendix. The <SET_APPENDIX_NUMBER> tag resets the current appendix Roman numeral to the integer you specify as the Roman numeral integer. For example, if you specified 4 as the Roman numeral integer, DECdocument would set the appendix number to IV. Place the <SET_APPENDIX_NUMBER> tag in your SDML file before the <APPENDIX> tags you want it to affect. The new appendix number you specify resets the numbering for all following appendixes. For example, if you set the appendix number to 2, the next appendix will be numbered II, the appendix following that appendix will be numbered III, and so on. The <SET_APPENDIX_NUMBER> can be used multiple times in an SDML file.


In the following example, the <SET_APPENDIX_NUMBER> tag explicitly sets the appendix to 4. This causes any subsequent appendixes to be numbered beginning with the Roman numeral IV.

<APPENDIX>(Run-time Functions\functions_ap) 
The following functions are used at run time: 
<APPENDIX>(Run-time Messages\messages) 
The following messages may occur at run time: 


The <SET_CONTENTS_SECURITY> tag assigns a security classification level to a text element. DECdocument applies this security classification to all pages in the table of contents and index, overriding the default security classification.


<SET_CONTENTS_SECURITY> (classification keyword)


classification keyword

Specifies a keyword indicating the classification level. Each keyword has associated text displayed in conjunction with a text element, as well as text printed at the top and bottom of each page. The default classification levels and the classification keywords associated with them are:
Text Output
Classification Text for
Running Headers and Footers
Classification keywords and associated output text can be modified with the <SET_SECURITY_CLASS> tag. Any keywords defined using <SET_SECURITY_CLASS> are valid for <SET_CONTENTS_SECURITY>.

related tags


The <SET_CONTENTS_SECURITY> tag assigns a security classification level to a text element. By default, when security classification marking is in effect, the table of contents and index are assigned the highest classification level assigned to the entire document. For the contents and index, use the <SET_CONTENTS_SECURITY> tag to override the security classification that would be applied by default.


In the following example, the <SET_CONTENTS_SECURITY> tag specifies that the pages in the table of contents and index are to be assigned the UNCLASSIFIED security classification, regardless of the classification of any of the other pages in the document.


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