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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual
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The VAX has the standard arithmetic operations ADD, SUB, MUL, and DIV implemented for all four floating-point data types. The results of these operations are always rounded, as described in Section In addition, VAX has two composite operations, EMOD and POLY, also implemented for all four floating-point data types. EMOD generates a product of two operands and then separates the product into its integer and fractional terms. POLY evaluates a polynomial, given the degree, the argument, and a pointer to a table of coefficients. Details on the operation of EMOD and POLY are given in their respective descriptions. All of these instructions are subject to the rounding errors associated with floating-point operations, as well as to exponent overflow and underflow. Accuracy is discussed in Section Exceptions are discussed in Appendix E.
The VAX architecture also has a complete set of instructions for conversion from integer arithmetic types (byte, word, longword) to all floating types (F_floating, D_floating, G_floating, H_floating), and vice versa. The VAX architecture also has a set of instructions for conversion between all of the floating types except between D_floating and G_floating. Many of these instructions are exact, in the sense defined in Section However, a few may generate rounding error, floating overflow, or floating underflow, or induce integer overflow. Details are given in the description of the CVT instructions.
The following move-type instructions are always exact: MOV, NEG, CLR, CMP, and TST. The ACB (Add Compare and Branch) instruction is subject to rounding errors, overflow, and underflow.
All of the floating-point instructions on the VAX architecture fault if
they encounter a reserved operand. Floating-point instructions also
fault on the occurrence of floating overflow or divide by zero, and the
condition codes are UNPREDICTABLE. The FU bit in the processor status
word (PSW) is available to enable or disable an exception on underflow.
If the FU bit is clear, no exception occurs on underflow and zero is
returned as the result. If the FU bit is set, a fault occurs on
underflow. Further details on the actions taken if any of these
exceptions occurs are included in the descriptions of the instructions
and discussed in Appendix E. Accuracy
This section discusses general comments on the accuracy of the VAX floating-point instruction set. The descriptions of the individual instructions may include additional details on their accuracy.
An instruction is defined to be exact if its result, extended on the right by an infinite sequence of zeros, is identical to that of an infinite precision calculation involving the same operands. The prior accuracy of the operands is ignored. For all arithmetic operations except DIV, a zero operand implies that the instruction is exact. The instruction is exact for DIV if the 0 operand is the dividend. If the 0 operand is the divisor, division is undefined and the instruction faults.
For nonzero floating-point operands, the fractional factor is binary normalized with 24 or 56 bits for single-precision (F_floating) or double-precision (D_floating), respectively; and 53 or 113 bits for extended-range double-precision (G_floating), and extended-range quadruple-precision (H_floating), respectively. The ADD, SUB, MUL, and DIV instructions require an overflow bit (on the left) and two guard bits (on the right) to guarantee the return of a rounded result identical to the corresponding infinite precision operation rounded to the specified word length. With these two guard bits, a rounded result has an error bound of 1/2 LSB (least significant bit).
Note that an arithmetic result is exact if no nonzero bits are lost in chopping the infinite precision result to the data length to be stored. Chopping is defined to mean that the 24 (F_floating), 56 (D_floating), 53 (G_floating), or 113 (H_floating) high-order bits of the normalized fractional factor of a result are stored; the rest of the bits are discarded. The first bit lost in chopping is referred to as the "rounding" bit. The value of a rounded result is related to the chopped result as follows:
All VAX processors implement rounding to produce results identical to the results produced by the following algorithm: add a 1 to the rounding bit and propagate the carry, if it occurs. Note that a renormalization may be required after rounding takes place. If this occurs, the new rounding bit will be 0; therefore, it can occur only once. The following statements summarize the relations among chopped, rounded, and true (infinite precision) results:
The following instructions are described in this section:
Description and Opcode | Number of Instructions | |
1. |
Add 2 Operand
ADD{F,D,G,H}2 add.rx, sum.mx |
4 |
2. |
Add 3 Operand
ADD{F,D,G,H}3 add1.rx, add2.rx, sum.wx |
4 |
3. |
CLR{L=F,Q=D=G,O=H} dst.wx |
3 |
4. |
CMP{F,D,G,H} src1.rx, src2.rx |
4 |
5. |
CVT{F,D,G,H}{B,W,L,F,D,G,H} src.rx, dst.wy CVT{B,W,L}{F,D,G,H} src.rx, dst.wy All pairs except FF,DD,GG,HH,DG, and GD |
34 |
6. |
Convert Rounded
CVTR{F,D,G,H}L src.rx, dst.wl |
4 |
7. |
Divide 2 Operand
DIV{F,D,G,H}2 divr.rx, quo.mx |
4 |
8. |
Divide 3 Operand
DIV{F,D,G,H}3 divr.rx, divd.rx, quo.wx |
4 |
9. |
Extended Modulus
EMOD{F,D} mulr.rx, mulrx.rb, muld.rx, int.wl, fract.wx EMOD{G,H} mulr.rx, mulrx.rw, muld.rx, int.wl, fract.wx |
4 |
10. |
Move Negated
MNEG{F,D,G,H} src.rx, dst.wx |
4 |
11. |
MOV{F,D,G,H} src.rx, dst.wx |
4 |
12. |
Multiply 2 Operand
MUL{F,D,G,H}2 mulr.rx, prod.mx |
4 |
13. |
Multiply 3 Operand
MUL{F,D,G,H}3 mulr.rx, muld.rx, prod.wx |
4 |
14. |
Polynomial Evaluation F_floating
POLYF arg.rf, degree.rw, tbladdr.ab, {R0-3.wl} |
1 |
15. |
Polynomial Evaluation D_floating
POLYD arg.rd, degree.rw, tbladdr.ab, {R0-5.wl} |
1 |
16. |
Polynomial Evaluation G_floating
POLYG arg.rg, degree.rw, tbladdr.ab, {R0-5.wl} |
1 |
17. |
Polynomial Evaluation H_floating
POLYH arg.rh, degree.rw, tbladdr.ab, {R0-5.wl,-16(SP):-1(SP).wb} |
1 |
18. |
Subtract 2 Operand
SUB{F,D,G,H}2 sub.rx, dif.mx |
4 |
19. |
Subtract 3 Operand
SUB{F,D,G,H}3 sub.rx, min.rx, dif.wx |
4 |
20. |
TST{F,D,G,H} src.rx |
4 |
The following floating-point instructions are described in Section 9.2.4.
Description and Opcode | Number of Instructions | |
1. |
Add Compare and Branch
ACB{F,D,G,H} limit.rx, add.rx, index.mx, displ.bw |
4 |
Compare is LE on positive add, GE on
negative add. |
2operand: opcode add.rx, sum.mx
3operand: opcode add1.rx, add2.rx, sum.wx
N|| <--- sum LSS 0; | |
Z|| <--- sum EQL 0; | |
V|| <--- 0; | |
C|| <--- 0; |
40 | ADDF2 | Add F_floating 2 Operand |
41 | ADDF3 | Add F_floating 3 Operand |
60 | ADDD2 | Add D_floating 2 Operand |
61 | ADDD3 | Add D_floating 3 Operand |
40FD | ADDG2 | Add G_floating 2 Operand |
41FD | ADDG3 | Add G_floating 3 Operand |
60FD | ADDH2 | Add H_floating 2 Operand |
61FD | ADDH3 | Add H_floating 3 Operand |
In 2 operand format, the addend operand is added to the sum operand, and the sum operand is replaced by the rounded result. In 3 operand format, the addend 1 operand is added to the addend 2 operand, and the sum operand is replaced by the rounded result.
opcode dst.wx
N|| <--- 0; | |
Z|| <--- 1; | |
V|| <--- 0; | |
C|| <--- C; |
D4 | CLRF | Clear F_floating |
7C | CLRD | Clear D_floating, |
CLRG | Clear G_floating | |
7CFD | CLRH | Clear H_floating |
The destination operand is replaced by zero.
CLRx dst is equivalent to MOVx S^#0, dst, but is 1 byte shorter.
opcode src1.rx, src2.rx
N|| <--- src1 LSS src2; | |
Z|| <--- src1 EQL src2; | |
V|| <--- 0; | |
C|| <--- 0; |
51 | CMPF | Compare F_floating |
71 | CMPD | Compare D_floating |
51FD | CMPG | Compare G_floating |
71FD | CMPH | Compare H_floating |
The source 1 operand is compared with the source 2 operand. The only action is to affect the condition codes.
opcode src.rx, dst.wy
N|| <--- dst LSS 0; | |
Z|| <--- dst EQL 0; | |
V|| <--- {integer overflow}; | |
C|| <--- 0; |
4C | CVTBF | Convert Byte to F_floating |
6C | CVTBD | Convert Byte to D_floating |
4CFD | CVTBG | Convert Byte to G_floating |
6CFD | CVTBH | Convert Byte to H_floating |
4D | CVTWF | Convert Word to F_floating |
6D | CVTWD | Convert Word to D_floating |
4DFD | CVTWG | Convert Word to G_floating |
6DFD | CVTWH | Convert Word to H_floating |
4E | CVTLF | Convert Long to F_floating |
6E | CVTLD | Convert Long to D_floating |
4EFD | CVTLG | Convert Long to G_floating |
6EFD | CVTLH | Convert Long to H_floating |
48 | CVTFB | Convert F_floating to Byte |
68 | CVTDB | Convert D_floating to Byte |
48FD | CVTGB | Convert G_floating to Byte |
68FD | CVTHB | Convert H_floating to Byte |
49 | CVTFW | Convert F_floating to Word |
69 | CVTDW | Convert D_floating to Word |
49FD | CVTGW | Convert G_floating to Word |
69FD | CVTHW | Convert H_floating to Word |
4A | CVTFL | Convert F_floating to Long |
4B | CVTRFL | Convert Rounded F_floating to Long |
6A | CVTDL | Convert D_floating to Long |
6B | CVTRDL | Convert Rounded D_floating to Long |
4AFD | CVTGL | Convert G_floating to Long |
4BFD | CVTRGL | Convert Rounded G_floating to Long |
6AFD | CVTHL | Convert H_floating to Long |
6BFD | CVTRHL | Convert Rounded H_floating to Long |
56 | CVTFD | Convert F_floating to D_floating |
99FD | CVTFG | Convert F_floating to G_floating |
98FD | CVTFH | Convert F_floating to H_floating |
76 | CVTDF | Convert D_floating to F_floating |
32FD | CVTDH | Convert D_floating to H_floating |
33FD | CVTGF | Convert G_floating to F_floating |
56FD | CVTGH | Convert G_floating to H_floating |
F6FD | CVTHF | Convert H_floating to F_floating |
F7FD | CVTHD | Convert H_floating to D_floating |
76FD | CVTHG | Convert H_floating to G_floating |
The source operand is converted to the data type of the destination operand, and the destination operand is replaced by the result. The form of the conversion is as follows:
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