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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual
Previous | Contents | Index |
The following table lists the decimal value for each possible hexadecimal value in each byte of a longword. The following sections contain instructions to use the table to convert hexadecimal numbers to decimal and decimal numbers to hexadecimal.
For each integer position of the hexadecimal value, locate the corresponding column integer and record its decimal equivalent in the conversion table. Add the decimal equivalent to obtain the decimal value.
For example:
D0500AD0 (hex) = ?(dec) D0000000 = 3,489,660,928 500000 = 5,242,880 A00 = 2,560 D0 = 208 D0500AD0 = 3,494,906,576 |
To determine the hexadecimal equivalent of a given decimal value, perform the following steps:
For example:
22,466 (dec) = ?(hex) 20,480 = 5000 22,466 1,792 = 700 -20,480 192 = C0 2 = 2 1,986 - 1,792 22,466 = 57C2 194 - 192 2 - 2 0 |
This section lists the decimal values of powers of 2 and 16. These values are useful in converting decimal numbers to hexadecimal.
Powers of 2 Powers of 16 2**n n 16**n n 256 8 1 0 512 9 16 1 1024 10 256 2 2048 11 4096 3 4096 12 65536 4 8192 13 1048576 5 16384 14 16777216 6 32768 15 268435456 7 65536 16 4294967296 8 131072 17 68719476736 9 262144 18 1099511627776 10 524288 19 17592186044416 11 1048576 20 281474976710656 12 2097152 21 4503599627370496 13 4194304 22 72057594037927936 14 8388608 23 1152921504606846976 15 16777216 24 |
The permanent symbol table (PST) contains the symbols that VAX MACRO automatically recognizes. These symbols consist of both opcodes and assembler directives. Table D-1, Table D-2, and Table D-3 present the opcodes (instruction set) in alphabetical and numerical order. Section C.1 (in Appendix C) presents the assembler directives.
See Chapter 9 and Chapter 10 for detailed descriptions of the instruction set.
Hex Value |
Mnemonic | Functional Name |
9D | ACBB | Add compare and branch byte |
6F | ACBD | Add compare and branch D_floating |
4F | ACBF | Add compare and branch F_floating |
4FFD | ACBG | Add compare and branch G_floating |
6FFD | ACBH | Add compare and branch H_floating |
F1 | ACBL | Add compare and branch longword |
3D | ACBW | Add compare and branch word |
58 | ADAWI | Add aligned word interlocked |
80 | ADDB2 | Add byte 2 operand |
81 | ADDB3 | Add byte 3 operand |
60 | ADDD2 | Add D_floating 2 operand |
61 | ADDD3 | Add D_floating 3 operand |
40 | ADDF2 | Add F_floating 2 operand |
41 | ADDF3 | Add F_floating 3 operand |
40FD | ADDG2 | Add G_floating 2 operand |
41FD | ADDG3 | Add G_floating 3 operand |
60FD | ADDH2 | Add H_floating 2 operand |
61FD | ADDH3 | Add H_floating 3 operand |
C0 | ADDL2 | Add longword 2 operand |
C1 | ADDL3 | Add longword 3 operand |
20 | ADDP4 | Add packed 4 operand |
21 | ADDP6 | Add packed 6 operand |
A0 | ADDW2 | Add word 2 operand |
A1 | ADDW3 | Add word 3 operand |
D8 | ADWC | Add with carry |
F3 | AOBLEQ | Add one and branch on less or equal |
F2 | AOBLSS | Add one and branch on less |
78 | ASHL | Arithmetic shift longword |
F8 | ASHP | Arithmetic shift and round packed |
79 | ASHQ | Arithmetic shift quadword |
E1 | BBC | Branch on bit clear |
E5 | BBCC | Branch on bit clear and clear |
E7 | BBCCI | Branch on bit clear and clear interlocked |
E3 | BBCS | Branch on bit clear and set |
E0 | BBS | Branch on bit set |
E4 | BBSC | Branch on bit set and clear |
E2 | BBSS | Branch on bit set and set |
E6 | BBSSI | Branch on bit set and set interlocked |
1E | BCC | Branch on carry clear |
1F | BCS | Branch on carry set |
13 | BEQL | Branch on equal |
13 | BEQLU | Branch on equal unsigned |
18 | BGEQ | Branch on greater or equal |
1E | BGEQU | Branch on greater or equal unsigned |
14 | BGTR | Branch on greater |
1A | BGTRU | Branch on greater unsigned |
8A | BICB2 | Bit clear byte 2 operand |
8B | BICB3 | Bit clear byte 3 operand |
CA | BICL2 | Bit clear longword 2 operand |
CB | BICL3 | Bit clear longword 3 operand |
B9 | BICPSW | Bit clear program status word |
AA | BICW2 | Bit clear word 2 operand |
AB | BICW3 | Bit clear word 3 operand |
88 | BISB2 | Bit set byte 2 operand |
89 | BISB3 | Bit set byte 3 operand |
C8 | BISL2 | Bit set longword 2 operand |
C9 | BISL3 | Bit set longword 3 operand |
B8 | BISPSW | Bit set program status word |
A8 | BISW2 | Bit set word 2 operand |
A9 | BISW3 | Bit set word 3 operand |
93 | BITB | Bit test byte |
D3 | BITL | Bit test longword |
B3 | BITW | Bit test word |
E9 | BLBC | Branch on low bit clear |
E8 | BLBS | Branch on low bit set |
15 | BLEQ | Branch on less or equal |
1B | BLEQU | Branch on less or equal unsigned |
19 | BLSS | Branch on less |
1F | BLSSU | Branch on less unsigned |
12 | BNEQ | Branch on not equal |
12 | BNEQU | Branch on not equal unsigned |
03 | BPT | Break point trap |
11 | BRB | Branch with byte displacement |
31 | BRW | Branch with word displacement |
10 | BSBB | Branch to subroutine with byte displacement |
30 | BSBW | Branch to subroutine with word displacement |
1C | BVC | Branch on overflow clear |
1D | BVS | Branch on overflow set |
FA | CALLG | Call with general argument list |
FB | CALLS | Call with stack |
8F | CASEB | Case byte |
CF | CASEL | Case longword |
AF | CASEW | Case word |
BD | CHME | Change mode to executive |
BC | CHMK | Change mode to kernel |
BE | CHMS | Change mode to supervisor |
BF | CHMU | Change mode to user |
94 | CLRB | Clear byte |
7C | CLRD | Clear D_floating |
DF | CLRF | Clear F_floating |
7C | CLRG | Clear G_floating |
7CFD | CLRH | Clear H_floating |
D4 | CLRL | Clear longword |
7CFD | CLRO | Clear octaword |
7C | CLRQ | Clear quadword |
B4 | CLRW | Clear word |
91 | CMPB | Compare byte |
29 | CMPC3 | Compare character 3 operand |
2D | CMPC5 | Compare character 5 operand |
71 | CMPD | Compare D_floating |
51 | CMPF | Compare F_floating |
51FD | CMPG | Compare G_floating |
71FD | CMPH | Compare H_floating |
D1 | CMPL | Compare longword |
35 | CMPP3 | Compare packed 3 operand |
37 | CMPP4 | Compare packed 4 operand |
EC | CMPV | Compare field |
B1 | CMPW | Compare word |
ED | CMPZV | Compare zero-extended field |
0B | CRC | Calculate cyclic redundancy check |
6C | CVTBD | Convert byte to D_floating |
4C | CVTBF | Convert byte to F_floating |
4CFD | CVTBG | Convert byte to G_floating |
6CFD | CVTBH | Convert byte to H_floating |
98 | CVTBL | Convert byte to longword |
99 | CVTBW | Convert byte to word |
68 | CVTDB | Convert D_floating to byte |
76 | CVTDF | Convert D_floating to F_floating |
32FD | CVTDH | Convert D_floating to H_floating |
6A | CVTDL | Convert D_floating to longword |
69 | CVTDW | Convert D_floating to word |
48 | CVTFB | Convert F_floating to byte |
56 | CVTFD | Convert F_floating to D_floating |
99FD | CVTFG | Convert F_floating to G_floating |
98FD | CVTFH | Convert F_floating to H_floating |
4A | CVTFL | Convert F_floating to longword |
49 | CVTFW | Convert F_floating to word |
48FD | CVTGB | Convert G_floating to byte |
33FD | CVTGF | Convert G_floating to F_floating |
56FD | CVTGH | Convert G_floating to H_floating |
4AFD | CVTGL | Convert G_floating to longword |
49FD | CVTGW | Convert G_floating to word |
68FD | CVTHB | Convert H_floating to byte |
F7FD | CVTHD | Convert H_floating to D_floating |
F6FD | CVTHF | Convert H_floating to F_floating |
76FD | CVTHG | Convert H_floating to G_floating |
6AFD | CVTHL | Convert H_floating to longword |
69FD | CVTHW | Convert H_floating to word |
F6 | CVTLB | Convert longword to byte |
6E | CVTLD | Convert longword to D_floating |
4E | CVTLF | Convert longword to F_floating |
4EFD | CVTLG | Convert longword to G_floating |
6EFD | CVTLH | Convert longword to H_floating |
F9 | CVTLP | Convert longword to packed |
F7 | CVTLW | Convert longword to word |
36 | CVTPL | Convert packed to longword |
08 | CVTPS | Convert packed to leading separate |
24 | CVTPT | Convert packed to trailing |
6B | CVTRDL | Convert rounded D_floating to longword |
4B | CVTRFL | Convert rounded F_floating to longword |
4BFD | CVTRGL | Convert rounded G_floating to longword |
6BFD | CVTRHL | Convert rounded H_floating to longword |
09 | CVTSP | Convert leading separate to packed |
26 | CVTTP | Convert trailing to packed |
33 | CVTWB | Convert word to byte |
6D | CVTWD | Convert word to D_floating |
4D | CVTWF | Convert word to F_floating |
4DFD | CVTWG | Convert word to G_floating |
6DFD | CVTWH | Convert word to H_floating |
32 | CVTWL | Convert word to longword |
97 | DECB | Decrement byte |
D7 | DECL | Decrement longword |
B7 | DECW | Decrement word |
86 | DIVB2 | Divide byte 2 operand |
87 | DIVB3 | Divide byte 3 operand |
66 | DIVD2 | Divide D_floating 2 operand |
67 | DIVD3 | Divide D_floating 3 operand |
46 | DIVF2 | Divide F_floating 2 operand |
47 | DIVF3 | Divide F_floating 3 operand |
46FD | DIVG2 | Divide G_floating 2 operand |
47FD | DIVG3 | Divide G_floating 3 operand |
66FD | DIVH2 | Divide H_floating 2 operand |
67FD | DIVH3 | Divide H_floating 3 operand |
C6 | DIVL2 | Divide longword 2 operand |
C7 | DIVL3 | Divide longword 3 operand |
27 | DIVP | Divide packed |
A6 | DIVW2 | Divide word 2 operand |
A7 | DIVW3 | Divide word 3 operand |
38 | EDITPC | Edit packed to character |
7B | EDIV | Extended divide |
74 | EMODD | Extended modulus D_floating |
54 | EMODF | Extended modulus F_floating |
54FD | EMODG | Extended modulus G_floating |
74FD | EMODH | Extended modulus H_floating |
7A | EMUL | Extended multiply |
EE | EXTV | Extract field |
EF | EXTZV | Extract zero-extended field |
EB | FFC | Find first clear bit |
EA | FFS | Find first set bit |
00 | HALT | Halt |
96 | INCB | Increment byte |
D6 | INCL | Increment longword |
B6 | INCW | Increment word |
0A | INDEX | Index calculation |
5C | INSQHI | Insert into queue at head, interlocked |
5D | INSQTI | Insert into queue at tail, interlocked |
0E | INSQUE | Insert into queue |
F0 | INSV | Insert field |
EDFD | IOTA | Generate compressed iota vector |
17 | JMP | Jump |
16 | JSB | Jump to subroutine |
06 | LDPCTX | Load program context |
3A | LOCC | Locate character |
39 | MATCHC | Match characters |
92 | MCOMB | Move complemented byte |
D2 | MCOML | Move complemented longword |
B2 | MCOMW | Move complemented word |
DB | MFPR | Move from processor register |
31FD | MFVP | Move from vector processor |
8E | MNEGB | Move negated byte |
72 | MNEGD | Move negated D_floating |
52 | MNEGF | Move negated F_floating |
52FD | MNEGG | Move negated G_floating |
72FD | MNEGH | Move negated H_floating |
CE | MNEGL | Move negated longword |
AE | MNEGW | Move negated word |
9E | MOVAB | Move address of byte |
7E | MOVAD | Move address of D_floating |
DE | MOVAF | Move address of F_floating |
7E | MOVAG | Move address of G_floating |
7EFD | MOVAH | Move address of H_floating |
DE | MOVAL | Move address of longword |
7EFD | MOVAO | Move address of octaword |
7E | MOVAQ | Move address of quadword |
3E | MOVAW | Move address of word |
90 | MOVB | Move byte |
28 | MOVC3 | Move character 3 operand |
2C | MOVC5 | Move character 5 operand |
70 | MOVD | Move D_floating |
50 | MOVF | Move F_floating |
50FD | MOVG | Move G_floating |
70FD | MOVH | Move H_floating |
D0 | MOVL | Move longword |
7DFD | MOVO | Move data |
34 | MOVP | Move packed |
DC | MOVPSL | Move program status longword |
7D | MOVQ | Move quadword |
2E | MOVTC | Move translated characters |
2F | MOVTUC | Move translated until character |
B0 | MOVW | Move word |
0A | MOVZBL | Move zero-extended byte to longword |
9B | MOVZBW | Move zero-extended byte to word |
3C | MOVZWL | Move zero-extended word to longword |
DA | MTPR | Move to processor register |
A9FD | MTVP | Move to vector processor |
84 | MULB2 | Multiply byte 2 operand |
85 | MULB3 | Multiply byte 3 operand |
64 | MULD2 | Multiply D_floating 2 operand |
65 | MULD3 | Multiply D_floating 3 operand |
44 | MULF2 | Multiply F_floating 2 operand |
45 | MULF3 | Multiply F_floating 3 operand |
44FD | MULG2 | Multiply G_floating 2 operand |
45FD | MULG3 | Multiply G_floating 3 operand |
64FD | MULH2 | Multiply H_floating 2 operand |
65FD | MULH3 | Multiply H_floating 3 operand |
C4 | MULL2 | Multiply longword 2 operand |
C5 | MULL3 | Multiply longword 3 operand |
25 | MULP | Multiply packed |
A4 | MULW2 | Multiply word 2 operand |
A5 | MULW3 | Multiply word 3 operand |
01 | NOP | No operation |
75 | POLYD | Evaluate polynomial D_floating |
55 | POLYF | Evaluate polynomial F_floating |
55FD | POLYG | Evaluate polynomial G_floating |
75FD | POLYH | Evaluate polynomial H_floating |
BA | POPR | Pop registers |
0C | PROBER | Probe read access |
0D | PROBEW | Probe write access |
9F | PUSHAB | Push address of byte |
7F | PUSHAD | Push address of D_floating |
DF | PUSHAF | Push address of F_floating |
7F | PUSHAG | Push address of G_floating |
7FFD | PUSHAH | Push address of H_floating |
DF | PUSHAL | Push address of longword |
7FFD | PUSHAO | Push address of octaword |
7F | PUSHAQ | Push address of quadword |
3F | PUSHAW | Push address of word |
DD | PUSHL | Push longword |
BB | PUSHR | Push registers |
02 | REI | Return from exception or interrupt |
5E | REMQHI | Remove from queue at head, interlocked |
5F | REMQTI | Remove from queue at tail, interlocked |
0F | REMQUE | Remove from queue |
04 | RET | Return from called procedure |
9C | ROTL | Rotate longword |
05 | RSB | Return from subroutine |
D9 | SBWC | Subtract with carry |
2A | SCANC | Scan for character |
3B | SKPC | Skip character |
F4 | SOBGEQ | Subtract one and branch on greater or equal |
F5 | SOBGTR | Subtract one and branch on greater |
2B | SPANC | Span characters |
82 | SUBB2 | Subtract byte 2 operand |
83 | SUBB3 | Subtract byte 3 operand |
62 | SUBD2 | Subtract D_floating 2 operand |
63 | SUBD3 | Subtract D_floating 3 operand |
42 | SUBF2 | Subtract F_floating 2 operand |
43 | SUBF3 | Subtract F_floating 3 operand |
42FD | SUBG2 | Subtract G_floating 2 operand |
43FD | SUBG3 | Subtract G_floating 3 operand |
62FD | SUBH2 | Subtract H_floating 2 operand |
63FD | SUBH3 | Subtract H_floating 3 operand |
C2 | SUBL2 | Subtract longword 2 operand |
C3 | SUBL3 | Subtract longword 3 operand |
22 | SUBP4 | Subtract packed 4 operand |
23 | SUBP6 | Subtract packed 6 operand |
A2 | SUBW2 | Subtract word 2 operand |
A3 | SUBW3 | Subtract word 3 operand |
07 | SVPCTX | Save process context |
95 | TSTB | Test byte |
73 | TSTD | Test D_floating |
53 | TSTF | Test F_floating |
53FD | TSTG | Test G_floating |
73FD | TSTH | Test H_floating |
D5 | TSTL | Test longword |
B5 | TSTW | Test word |
35FD | VGATHL | Gather longword vector from memory to vector register |
37FD | VGATHQ | Gather quadword vector from memory to vector register |
34FD | VLDL | Load longword vector from memory to vector register |
36FD | VLDQ | Load quadword vector from memory to vector register |
87FD | VSADDD | Vector scalar add D_floating |
85FD | VSADDF | Vector scalar add F_floating |
83FD | VSADDG | Vector scalar add G_floating |
81FD | VSADDL | Vector scalar add longword |
CDFD | VSBICL | Vector scalar bit clear longword |
C9FD | VSBISL | Vector scalar bit set longword |
9DFD | VSCATL | Scatter longword vector from vector register to memory |
9FFD | VSCATQ | Scatter quadword vector from vector register to memory |
C7FD | VSCMPD | Vector scalar compare D_floating |
C5FD | VSCMPF | Vector scalar compare F_floating |
C3FD | VSCMPG | Vector scalar compare G_floating |
C1FD | VSCMPL | Vector scalar compare longword |
AFFD | VSDIVD | Vector scalar divide D_floating |
ADFD | VSDIVF | Vector scalar divide F_floating |
ABFD | VSDIVG | Vector scalar divide G_floating |
EFFD | VSMERGE | Vector scalar merge |
A7FD | VSMULD | Vector scalar multiply D_floating |
A5FD | VSMULF | Vector scalar multiply F_floating |
A3FD | VSMULG | Vector scalar multiply G_floating |
A1FD | VSMULL | Vector scalar multiply longword |
E5FD | VSSLLL | Vector scalar shift left logical longword |
E1FD | VSSRLL | Vector scalar shift right logical longword |
8FFD | VSSUBD | Vector scalar subtract D_floating |
8DFD | VSSUBF | Vector scalar subtract F_floating |
8BFD | VSSUBG | Vector scalar subtract G_floating |
89FD | VSSUBL | Vector scalar subtract longword |
9CFD | VSTL | Store longword vector from vector register to memory |
9EFD | VSTQ | Store quadword vector from vector register to memory |
E9FD | VSXORL | Vector scalar exclusive-OR longword |
A8FD | VSYNC | Synchronize vector memory access |
86FD | VVADDD | Vector vector add D_floating |
84FD | VVADDF | Vector vector add F_floating |
82FD | VVADDG | Vector vector add G_floating |
80FD | VVADDL | Vector vector add longword |
CCFD | VVBICL | Vector vector bit clear longword |
C8FD | VVBISL | Vector vector bit set longword |
C6FD | VVCMPD | Vector vector compare D_floating |
C4FD | VVCMPF | Vector vector compare F_floating |
C2FD | VVCMPG | Vector vector compare G_floating |
C0FD | VVCMPL | Vector vector compare longword |
ECFD | VVCVT | Vector convert |
AEFD | VVDIVD | Vector vector divide D_floating |
ACFD | VVDIVF | Vector vector divide F_floating |
AAFD | VVDIVG | Vector vector divide G_floating |
EEFD | VVMERGE | Vector vector merge |
A6FD | VVMULD | Vector vector multiply F_floating |
A4FD | VVMULF | Vector vector multiply F_floating |
A2FD | VVMULG | Vector vector multiply G_floating |
A0FD | VVMULL | Vector vector multiply longword |
E4FD | VVSLLL | Vector vector shift left logical longword |
E0FD | VVSRLL | Vector vector shift right logical longword |
8EFD | VVSUBD | Vector vector subtract D_floating |
8CFD | VVSUBF | Vector vector subtract F_floating |
8AFD | VVSUBG | Vector vector subtract G_floating |
88FD | VVSUBL | Vector vector subtract longword |
E8FD | VVXORL | Vector vector exclusive-OR longword |
FC | XFC | Extended function call |
8C | XORB2 | Exclusive-OR byte 2 operand |
8D | XORB3 | Exclusive-OR byte 3 operand |
CC | XORL2 | Exclusive-OR longword 2 operand |
CD | XORL3 | Exclusive-OR longword 3 operand |
AC | XORW2 | Exclusive-OR word 2 operand |
AD | XORW3 | Exclusive-OR word 3 operand |
Hex Value |
Mnemonic | Hex Value |
Mnemonic |
00 | HALT | 30 | BSBW |
01 | NOP | 31 | BRW |
02 | REI | 32 | CVTWL |
03 | BPT | 33 | CVTWB |
04 | RET | 34 | MOVP |
05 | RSB | 35 | CMPP3 |
06 | LDPCTX | 36 | CVTPL |
07 | SVPCTX | 37 | CMPP4 |
08 | CVTPS | 38 | EDITPC |
09 | CVTSP | 39 | MATCHC |
0A | INDEX | 3A | LOCC |
0B | CRC | 3B | SKPC |
0D | PROBEW | 3D | ACBW |
0E | INSQUE | 3E | MOVAW |
10 | BSBB | 40 | ADDF2 |
11 | BRB | 41 | ADDF3 |
12 | BNEQ, BNEQU | 42 | SUBF2 |
13 | BEQL, BEQLU | 43 | SUBF3 |
14 | BGTR | 44 | MULF2 |
15 | BLEQ | 45 | MULF3 |
16 | JSB | 46 | DIVF2 |
17 | JMP | 47 | DIVF3 |
18 | BGEQ | 48 | CVTFB |
19 | BLSS | 49 | CVTFW |
1A | BGTRU | 4A | CVTFL |
1B | BLEQU | 4B | CVTRFL |
1C | BVC | 4C | CVTBF |
1D | BVS | 4D | CVTWF |
1E | BGEQU, BCC | 4E | CVTLF |
1F | BLSSU, BCS | 4F | ACBF |
20 | ADDP4 | 50 | MOVF |
21 | ADDP6 | 51 | CMPF |
22 | SUBP4 | 52 | MNEGF |
23 | SUBP6 | 53 | TSTF |
24 | CVTPT | 54 | EMODF |
25 | MULP | 55 | POLYF |
26 | CVTTP | 56 | CVTFD |
27 | DIVP | 57 | Reserved to Digital |
28 | MOVC3 | 58 | ADAWI |
29 | CMPC3 | 59 | Reserved to Digital |
2A | SCANC | 5A | Reserved to Digital |
2B | SPANC | 5B | Reserved to Digital |
2C | MOVC5 | 5C | INSQHI |
2D | CMPC5 | 5D | INSQTI |
2E | MOVTC | 5E | REMQHI |
60 | ADDD2 | 90 | MOVB |
61 | ADDD3 | 91 | CMPB |
62 | SUBD2 | 92 | MCOMB |
63 | SUBD3 | 93 | BITB |
64 | MULD2 | 94 | CLRB |
65 | MULD3 | 95 | TSTB |
66 | DIVD2 | 96 | INCB |
67 | DIVD3 | 97 | DECB |
68 | CVTDB | 98 | CVTBL |
69 | CVTDW | 99 | CVTBW |
6A | CVTDL | 9A | MOVZBL |
6C | CVTBD | 9C | ROTL |
6D | CVTWD | 9D | ACBB |
6E | CVTLD | 9E | MOVAB |
6F | ACBD | 9F | PUSHAB |
70 | MOVD | A0 | ADDW2 |
71 | CMPD | A1 | ADDW3 |
72 | MNEGD | A2 | SUBW2 |
73 | TSTD | A3 | SUBW3 |
74 | EMODD | A4 | MULW2 |
75 | POLYD | A5 | MULW3 |
76 | CVTDF | A6 | DIVW2 |
77 | Reserved to Digital | A7 | DIVW3 |
78 | ASHL | A8 | BISW2 |
79 | ASHQ | A9 | BISW3 |
7A | EMUL | AA | BICW2 |
7B | EDIV | AB | BICW3 |
7D | MOVQ | AD | XORW3 |
80 | ADDB2 | B0 | MOVW |
81 | ADDB3 | B1 | CMPW |
82 | SUBB2 | B2 | MCOMW |
83 | SUBB3 | B3 | BITW |
84 | MULB2 | B4 | CLRW |
85 | MULB3 | B5 | TSTW |
86 | DIVB2 | B6 | INCW |
87 | DIVB3 | B7 | DECW |
88 | BISB2 | B8 | BISPSW |
89 | BISB3 | B9 | BICPSW |
8A | BICB2 | BA | POPR |
8B | BICB3 | BB | PUSHR |
8C | XORB2 | BC | CHMK |
8D | XORB3 | BD | CHME |
8E | MNEGB | BE | CHMS |
8F | CASEB | BF | CHMU |
C0 | ADDL2 | E0 | BBS |
C1 | ADDL3 | E1 | BBC |
C2 | SUBL2 | E2 | BBSS |
C3 | SUBL3 | E3 | BBCS |
C4 | MULL2 | E4 | BBSC |
C5 | MULL3 | E5 | BBCC |
C6 | DIVL2 | E6 | BBSSI |
C7 | DIVL3 | E7 | BBCCI |
C8 | BISL2 | E8 | BLBS |
C9 | BISL3 | E9 | BLBC |
CA | BICL2 | EA | FFS |
CB | BICL3 | EB | FFC |
CC | XORL2 | EC | CMPV |
D0 | MOVL | F0 | INSV |
D1 | CMPL | F1 | ACBL |
D2 | MCOML | F2 | AOBLSS |
D3 | BITL | F3 | AOBLEQ |
D5 | TSTL | F5 | SOBGTR |
D6 | INCL | F6 | CVTLB |
D7 | DECL | F7 | CVTLW |
D8 | ADWC | F8 | ASHP |
D9 | SBWC | F9 | CVTLP |
DD | PUSHL | FD | ESCD to Digital |
DE | MOVAL, MOVA | FE | ESCE to Digital |
DF | PUSHAL, PUSHAF | FF | ESCF to Digital |
Hex Value |
Mnemonic | Hex Value |
Mnemonic |
00FD | Reserved to Digital | 30FD | Reserved to Digital |
01FD | Reserved to Digital | 31FD | MFVP |
02FD | Reserved to Digital | 32FD | CVTDH |
03FD | Reserved to Digital | 33FD | CVTGF |
04FD | Reserved to Digital | 34FD | VLDL |
05FD | Reserved to Digital | 35FD | VGATHL |
06FD | Reserved to Digital | 36FD | VLDQ |
07FD | Reserved to Digital | 37FD | VGATHQ |
08FD | Reserved to Digital | 38FD | Reserved to Digital |
09FD | Reserved to Digital | 39FD | Reserved to Digital |
0AFD | Reserved to Digital | 3AFD | Reserved to Digital |
0BFD | Reserved to Digital | 3BFD | Reserved to Digital |
0CFD | Reserved to Digital | 3CFD | Reserved to Digital |
0DFD | Reserved to Digital | 3DFD | Reserved to Digital |
0EFD | Reserved to Digital | 3EFD | Reserved to Digital |
0FFD | Reserved to Digital | 3FFD | Reserved to Digital |
10FD | Reserved to Digital | 40FD | ADDG2 |
11FD | Reserved to Digital | 41FD | ADDG3 |
12FD | Reserved to Digital | 42FD | SUBG2 |
13FD | Reserved to Digital | 43FD | SUBG3 |
14FD | Reserved to Digital | 44FD | MULG2 |
15FD | Reserved to Digital | 45FD | MULG3 |
16FD | Reserved to Digital | 46FD | DIVG2 |
17FD | Reserved to Digital | 47FD | DIVG3 |
18FD | Reserved to Digital | 48FD | CVTGB |
19FD | Reserved to Digital | 49FD | CVTGW |
1AFD | Reserved to Digital | 4AFD | CVTGL |
1BFD | Reserved to Digital | 4BFD | CVTRGL |
1CFD | Reserved to Digital | 4CFD | CVTBG |
1DFD | Reserved to Digital | 4DFD | CVTWG |
1EFD | Reserved to Digital | 4EFD | CVTLG |
1FFD | Reserved to Digital | 4FFD | ACBG |
20FD | Reserved to Digital | 50FD | MOVG |
21FD | Reserved to Digital | 51FD | CMPG |
22FD | Reserved to Digital | 52FD | MNEGG |
23FD | Reserved to Digital | 53FD | TSTG |
24FD | Reserved to Digital | 54FD | EMODG |
25FD | Reserved to Digital | 55FD | POLYG |
26FD | Reserved to Digital | 56FD | CVTGH |
27FD | Reserved to Digital | 57FD | Reserved to Digital |
28FD | Reserved to Digital | 58FD | Reserved to Digital |
29FD | Reserved to Digital | 59FD | Reserved to Digital |
2AFD | Reserved to Digital | 5AFD | Reserved to Digital |
2BFD | Reserved to Digital | 5BFD | Reserved to Digital |
2CFD | Reserved to Digital | 5CFD | Reserved to Digital |
2DFD | Reserved to Digital | 5DFD | Reserved to Digital |
2EFD | Reserved to Digital | 5EFD | Reserved to Digital |
2FFD | Reserved to Digital | 5FFD | Reserved to Digital |
60FD | ADDH2 | 90FD | Reserved to Digital |
61FD | ADDH3 | 91FD | Reserved to Digital |
62FD | SUBH2 | 92FD | Reserved to Digital |
63FD | SUBH3 | 93FD | Reserved to Digital |
64FD | MULH2 | 94FD | Reserved to Digital |
65FD | MULH3 | 95FD | Reserved to Digital |
66FD | DIVH2 | 96FD | Reserved to Digital |
67FD | DIVH3 | 97FD | Reserved to Digital |
68FD | CVTHB | 98FD | CVTFH |
69FD | CVTHW | 99FD | CVTFG |
6AFD | CVTHL | 9AFD | Reserved to Digital |
6BFD | CVTRHL | 9BFD | Reserved to Digital |
77FD | Reserved to Digital | A7FD | VSMULD |
78FD | Reserved to Digital | A8FD | VSYNC |
79FD | Reserved to Digital | A9FD | MTVP |
7AFD | Reserved to Digital | AAFD | VVDIVG |
7BFD | Reserved to Digital | ABFD | VSDIVG |
80FD | VVADDL | B0FD | Reserved to Digital |
81FD | VSADDL | B1FD | Reserved to Digital |
82FD | VVADDG | B2FD | Reserved to Digital |
83FD | VSADDG | B3FD | Reserved to Digital |
84FD | VVADDF | B4FD | Reserved to Digital |
85FD | VSADDF | B5FD | Reserved to Digital |
86FD | VVADDD | B6FD | Reserved to Digital |
87FD | VSADDD | B7FD | Reserved to Digital |
88FD | VVSUBL | B8FD | Reserved to Digital |
89FD | VSSUBL | B9FD | Reserved to Digital |
8AFD | VVSUBG | BAFD | Reserved to Digital |
8BFD | VSSUBG | BBFD | Reserved to Digital |
8CFD | VVSUBF | BCFD | Reserved to Digital |
8DFD | VSSUBF | BDFD | Reserved to Digital |
8EFD | VVSUBD | BEFD | Reserved to Digital |
8FFD | VSSUBD | BFFD | Reserved to Digital |
C2FD | VVCMPG | E2FD | Illegal Vector Opcode |
C3FD | VSCMPG | E3FD | Illegal Vector Opcode |
C6FD | VVCMPD | E6FD | Illegal Vector Opcode |
C7FD | VSCMPD | E7FD | Illegal Vector Opcode |
CAFD | Illegal Vector Opcode | EAFD | Illegal Vector Opcode |
CBFD | Illegal Vector Opcode | EBFD | Illegal Vector Opcode |
CEFD | Illegal Vector Opcode | EEFD | VVMERGE |
CFFD | Illegal Vector Opcode | EFFD | VSMERGE |
D0FD | Reserved to Digital | F0FD | Reserved to Digital |
D1FD | Reserved to Digital | F1FD | Reserved to Digital |
D2FD | Reserved to Digital | F2FD | Reserved to Digital |
D3FD | Reserved to Digital | F3FD | Reserved to Digital |
D4FD | Reserved to Digital | F4FD | Reserved to Digital |
D5FD | Reserved to Digital | F5FD | Reserved to Digital |
D6FD | Reserved to Digital | F6FD | CVTHF |
D7FD | Reserved to Digital | F7FD | CVTHD |
D8FD | Reserved to Digital | F8FD | Reserved to Digital |
D9FD | Reserved to Digital | F9FD | Reserved to Digital |
DAFD | Reserved to Digital | FAFD | Reserved to Digital |
DBFD | Reserved to Digital | FBFD | Reserved to Digital |
DCFD | Reserved to Digital | FCFD | Reserved to Digital |
DDFD | Reserved to Digital | FCFE | Reserved to Digital |
DEFD | Reserved to Digital | FCFF | Reserved to Digital |
DFFD | Reserved to Digital | FDFF | BUGL |
FEFF | BUGW | ||
FFFF | Reserved for all time |
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