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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual
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The symbols you create and access for process communication are command
language interpreter (CLI) symbols. These symbols are stored in symbol
tables maintained for use within the context of DCL, the default
command language interpreter. They can store up to 255 bytes of
information. The use of these symbols is limited to processes using
DCL. If the process is not using DCL, an error status is returned by
the symbol routines. Local and Global Symbols
The two kinds of CLI symbols and their definitions are as follows:
If you need to pass information from one program to another within a process, you can assign data to a global symbol when you create the symbol. Then, other programs can access the contents of the global symbol. You should use global symbols so the value within the symbol can be accessed by other programs.
To use DCL global symbols, follow this procedure:
Use the common area to store data from one image to the next. Such data
is unlikely to be corrupted between the time one image deposits it in a
common area and another image reads it from the area. The common area
can store 252 bytes of data. The LIB$PUT_COMMON routine writes
information to this common area; the LIB$GET_COMMON routine reads
information from this common area. Creating the Process Common Area
The common area for your process is automatically created for you; no
special declaration is necessary. To pass more than 255 bytes of data,
put the data into a file instead of in the common area and use the
common area to pass the specification. Common I/O Routines
The LIB$PUT_COMMON routine allows a program to copy a string into the process's common storage area. This area remains defined during multiple image activations. LIB$GET_COMMON allows a program to copy a string from the common area into a destination string. The programs reading and writing the data in the common area must agree upon its amount and format. The maximum length of the destination string is defined as follows:
[min(256, the length of the data in the common storage area) - 4] |
This maximum length is normally 252.
In BASIC and Fortran, you can use these routines to allow a USEROPEN routine to pass information back to the routine that called it. A USEROPEN routine cannot write arguments. However, it can call LIB$PUT_COMMON to put information into the common area. The calling program can then use LIB$GET_COMMON to retrieve it.
You can also use these routines to pass information between images run
successively, such as chained images run by LIB$RUN_PROGRAM. Modifying or Deleting Data in the Common Block
You cannot modify or delete data in the process common area unless
LIB$PUT_COMMON is invoked. Therefore, you can execute any number of
images between one image and another, provided that LIB$PUT_COMMON has
not been invoked. Each subsequent image reads the correct data.
Invoking LIB$GET_COMMON to read the common block does not modify the
data. Specifying Other Types of Data
Although the descriptions of the LIB$PUT_COMMON and LIB$GET_COMMON routines in the OpenVMS RTL Library (LIB$) Manual specify a character string for the argument containing the data written to or read from the common area, you can specify other types of data. However, you must pass both noncharacter and character data by descriptor.
The following program segment reads statistics from the terminal and enters them into a binary file. After all of the statistics are entered into the file, the program places the name of the file into the per-process common area and exits.
. . . ! Enter statistics . . . ! Put the name of the stats file into common STATUS = LIB$PUT_COMMON (FILE_NAME (1:LEN)) . . . |
The following program segment reads the file name from the per-process common block and compiles a report using the statistics from that file.
. . . ! Read the name of the stats file from common STATUS = LIB$GET_COMMON (FILE_NAME, 2 LEN) ! Compile the report . . . |
Communication between processes, or interprocess communication, can be performed in the following ways:
Each approach offers different possibilities in terms of the speed at which it communicates information and the amount of information it can communicate. For example, shared files offer the possibility of sharing an unlimited amount of information; however, this approach is the slowest because the disk must be accessed to share information.
Like shared files, global sections offer the possibility of sharing large amounts of information. Because sharing information through global sections requires only memory access, it is the fastest communication method.
Logical names and mailboxes can communicate moderate amounts of information. Because each method operates through a relatively complex system service, each is faster than files, but slower than the other communication methods.
The lock management services and common event flag cluster methods can communicate relatively small amounts of information. With the exception of global sections, they are the fastest of the interprocess communication methods.
Common event flags: Processes executing within the same group can use common event flags to signal the occurrence or completion of particular activities. For details about event flags, and an example of how cooperating processes in the same group use a common event flag, see Chapter 16.
Logical name tables: Processes executing in the same job can use the job logical name table to provide member processes with equivalence names for logical names. Processes executing in the same group can use the group logical name table. A process must have the GRPNAM or SYSPRN privilege to place names in the group logical name table. All processes in the system can use the system logical name table. A process must have the SYSNAM or SYSPRV privilege to place names in the system logical name table. Processes can also create and use user-defined logical name tables. For details about logical names and logical name tables, see Chapter 12.
Mailboxes: You can use mailboxes as virtual input/output devices to pass information, messages, or data among processes. For additional information on how to create and use mailboxes, see Section 2.2.1. Mailboxes may also be used to provide a creating process with a way to determine when and under what conditions a created subprocess was deleted. For an example of a termination mailbox, see Section
Global sections: Global sections can be either disk files or page-file sections that contain shareable code or data. Through the use of memory management services, these files can be mapped to the virtual address space of more than one process. In the case of a data file on disk, cooperating processes can synchronize reading and writing the data in physical memory; as data is updated, system paging results in the updated data being written directly back into the disk file. Global page-file sections are useful for temporary storage of common data; they are not mapped to a disk file. Instead, they page only to the system default page file. Global sections are described in more detail in Chapter 21 and Chapter 22.
Lock management system services: Processes can use the lock management system services to control access to resources (any entity on the system that the process can read, write, or execute). In addition to controlling access, the lock management services provide a mechanism for passing information among processes that have access to a resource (lock value blocks). Blocking ASTs can be used to notify a process that other processes are waiting for a resource. Using lock value blocks is a practical technique for communicating in cluster environments. With lock value blocks, communication between two processes from node to node in a distributed environment is an effective way of implementing cluster communication. For more information about the lock management system services, see Chapter 17.
While common event flags and lock management services establish
communication, they are most useful for synchronizing events and are
discussed in Chapter 16. Global sections and shared files are best
used for sharing data and are discussed in Chapter 19.
2.2.1 Mailboxes
A mailbox is a virtual device used for communication among processes.
You must call OpenVMS RMS services, language I/O statements, or I/O
system services to perform actual data transfers. Creating a Mailbox
To create a mailbox, use the SYS$CREMBX system service. SYS$CREMBX creates the mailbox and returns the number of the I/O channel assigned to the mailbox.
The format for the SYS$CREMBX system service is as follows:
SYS$CREMBX ([prmflg] ,chan ,[maxmsg] ,[bufquo] ,[promsk] ,[acmode]
,[flags] ,[nullarg])
When you invoke SYS$CREMBX, you usually specify the following two arguments:
The SYS$CREMBX system service also allows you to specify the message
size, buffer size, mailbox protection code, and access mode of the
mailbox; however, the default values for these arguments are usually
sufficient. For more information on SYS$CREMBX, refer to the
OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual. Creating Temporary and Permanent Mailboxes
By default, a mailbox is deleted when no I/O channel is assigned to it. Such a mailbox is called a temporary mailbox. If you have PRMMBX privilege, you can create a permanent mailbox (specify the prmflg argument as 1 when you invoke SYS$CREMBX). A permanent mailbox is not deleted until it is marked for deletion with the SYS$DELMBX system service (requires PRMMBX). Once a permanent mailbox is marked for deletion, it is like a temporary mailbox; when the last I/O channel to the mailbox is deassigned, the mailbox is deleted.
The following statement creates a mailbox named MAIL_BOX. The I/O channel assigned to the mailbox is returned in MBX_CHAN.
! I/O channel INTEGER*2 MBX_CHAN ! Mailbox name CHARACTER*(*) MBX_NAME PARAMETER (MBX_NAME = 'MAIL_BOX') STATUS = SYS$CREMBX (, 2 MBX_CHAN, ! I/O channel 2 ,,,, 2 MBX_NAME) ! Mailbox name |
Do not use MAIL as the logical name for a mailbox or the system will not execute the proper image in response to the DCL command MAIL. |
The following program segment creates a permanent mailbox, then creates a subprocess that marks that mailbox for deletion:
INTEGER STATUS, 2 SYS$CREMBX INTEGER*2 MBX_CHAN ! Create permanent mailbox STATUS = SYS$CREMBX (%VAL(1), ! Permanence flag 2 MBX_CHAN, ! Channel 2 ,,,, 2 'MAIL_BOX') ! Logical name IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL (%VAL(STATUS)) ! Create subprocess to delete it STATUS = LIB$SPAWN ('RUN DELETE_MBX') IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL (%VAL(STATUS)) END |
The following program segment executes in the subprocess. Notice that the subprocess must assign a channel to the mailbox and then use that channel to delete the mailbox. Any process that deletes a permanent mailbox, unless it is the creating process, must use this technique. (Use SYS$ASSIGN to assign the channel to the mailbox to ensure that the mailbox already exists. SYS$CREMBX system service assigns a channel to a mailbox; however, SYS$CREMBX also creates the mailbox if it does not already exist.)
A mailbox is a virtual device used for communication between processes. A channel is the communication path that a process uses to perform I/O operations to a particular device. The LIB$ASN_WTH_MBX routine assigns a channel to a device and associates a mailbox with the device.
Normally, a process calls the SYS$CREMBX system service to create a mailbox and assign a channel and logical name to it. In the case of a temporary mailbox, this service places the logical name corresponding to the mailbox in the job logical name table. This implies that any process running in the same job and using the same logical name uses the same mailbox.
Sometimes it is not desirable to have more than one process use the same mailbox. For example, when a program connects explicitly with another process across a network, the program uses a mailbox to obtain the data confirming the connection and to store the asynchronous messages from the other process. If that mailbox is shared with other processes in the same group, there is no way to determine which messages are intended for which processes; the processes read each other's messages, and the original program does not receive the correct information from the cooperating process across the network link.
The LIB$ASN_WTH_MBX routine avoids this situation by associating the physical mailbox name with the channel assigned to the device. To create a temporary mailbox for itself and other processes cooperating with it, your program calls LIB$ASN_WTH_MBX. The run-time library routine assigns the channel and creates the temporary mailbox by using the system services $GETDVI, $ASSIGN, and $CREMBX. Instead of a logical name, the mailbox is identified by a physical device name of the form MBcu. The elements that make up this device name are as follows:
MB | indicates that the device is a mailbox. |
c | is the controller. |
u | is the unit number. |
The routine returns this device name to the calling program, which then must pass the mailbox channel to the other programs with which it cooperates. In this way, the cooperating processes access the mailbox by its physical name instead of by its jobwide logical name.
The calling program passes the routine a device name, which specifies the device to which the channel is to be assigned. For this argument (called dev-nam), you can use a logical name. If you do so, the routine attempts one level of logical name translation.
The privilege restrictions and process quotas required for using this
routine are those required by the $GETDVI, $CREMBX, and $ASSIGN system
services. Reading and Writing Data to a Mailbox
The following list describes the three ways you can read and write to a mailbox:
Chapter 11 describes the SYS$QIO and SYS$QIOW system services and
provides further discussion of mailbox I/O. See the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual for
more information. Compaq Computer Corporation recommends that you
supply the optional I/O status block parameter when you use these two
system services. The contents of the status block varies depending on
the QIO function code; refer to the function code descriptions in the
OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual for a description of the appropriate status block. Using Synchronous Mailbox I/O
Use synchronous I/O when you read or write information to another image and cannot continue until that image responds.
The program segment shown in Example 2-2 opens a mailbox for the first time. To open a mailbox for Fortran I/O, use the OPEN statement with the following specifiers: UNIT, FILE, CARRIAGECONTROL, and STATUS. The value for the keyword FILE should be the logical name of a mailbox (SYS$CREMBX allows you to associate a logical name with a mailbox when the mailbox is created). The value for the keyword CARRIAGECONTROL should be 'LIST'. The value for the keyword STATUS should be 'NEW' for the first OPEN statement and 'OLD' for subsequent OPEN statements.
Example 2-2 Opening a Mailbox |
! Status variable and values INTEGER STATUS ! Logical unit and name for mailbox INTEGER MBX_LUN CHARACTER(*) MBX_NAME PARAMETER (MBX_NAME = MAIL_BOX) ! Create mailbox STATUS = SYS$CREMBX (, 2 MBX_CHAN, ! Channel 2 ,,,, 2 MBX_NAME) ! Logical name IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL (%VAL(STATUS)) ! Get logical unit for mailbox and open mailbox STATUS = LIB$GET_LUN (MBX_LUN) IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL (%VAL(STATUS)) OPEN (UNIT = MBX_LUN, 2 FILE = MBX_NAME, 2 CARRIAGECONTROL = 'LIST', 2 STATUS = 'NEW') |
In Example 2-3, one image passes device names to a second image. The second image returns the process name and the terminal associated with the process that allocated each device. A WRITE statement in the first image does not complete until the cooperating process issues a READ statement. (The variable declarations are not shown in the second program because they are very similar to those in the first program.)
Example 2-3 Synchronous I/O Using a Mailbox |
! DEVICE.FOR PROGRAM PROCESS_DEVICE ! Status variable INTEGER STATUS ! Name and I/O channel for mailbox CHARACTER*(*) MBX_NAME PARAMETER (MBX_NAME = 'MAIL_BOX') INTEGER*2 MBX_CHAN ! Logical unit number for FORTRAN I/O INTEGER MBX_LUN ! Character string format CHARACTER*(*) CHAR_FMT PARAMETER (CHAR_FMT = '(A50)') ! Mailbox message CHARACTER*50 MBX_MESSAGE . . . ! Create the mailbox STATUS = SYS$CREMBX (, 2 MBX_CHAN, ! Channel 2 ,,,, 2 MBX_NAME) ! Logical name IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL (%VAL(STATUS)) ! Get logical unit for mailbox and open mailbox STATUS = LIB$GET_LUN (MBX_LUN) IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL (%VAL(STATUS)) OPEN (UNIT = MBX_LUN, 2 FILE = MBX_NAME, 2 CARRIAGECONTROL = 'LIST', 2 STATUS = 'NEW') ! Create subprocess to execute GETDEVINF.EXE STATUS = SYS$CREPRC (, 2 'GETDEVINF', ! Image 2 ,,,,, 2 'GET_DEVICE', ! Process name 2 %VAL(4),,,) ! Priority IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL (%VAL(STATUS)) ! Pass device names to GETDEFINF WRITE (UNIT=MBX_LUN, 2 FMT=CHAR_FMT) 'SYS$DRIVE0' ! Read device information from GETDEFINF READ (UNIT=MBX_LUN, 2 FMT=CHAR_FMT) MBX_MESSAGE . . . END |
. . . ! Create mailbox STATUS = SYS$CREMBX (, 2 MBX_CHAN, ! I/O channel 2 ,,,, 2 MBX_NAME) ! Mailbox name IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL (%VAL(STATUS)) ! Get logical unit for mailbox and open mailbox STATUS = LIB$GET_LUN (MBX_LUN) IF (.NOT. STATUS) CALL LIB$SIGNAL (%VAL(STATUS)) OPEN (UNIT=MBX_LUN, 2 FILE=MBX_NAME, 2 CARRIAGECONTROL='LIST', 2 STATUS = 'OLD') ! Read device names from mailbox READ (UNIT=MBX_LUN, 2 FMT=CHAR_FMT) MBX_MESSAGE ! Use SYS$GETJPI to find process and terminal ! Process name: PROC_NAME (1:P_LEN) ! Terminal name: TERM (1:T_LEN) . . . MBX_MESSAGE = MBX_MESSAGE//' '// 2 PROC_NAME(1:P_LEN)//' '// 2 TERM(1:T_LEN) ! Write device information to DEVICE WRITE (UNIT=MBX_LUN, 2 FMT=CHAR_FMT) MBX_MESSAGE END |
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