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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual
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The SYS$GETLKI system service allows you to obtain process lock information. Example 3-13 is a C program that illustrates the procedure for obtaining process lock information for both Alpha and VAX systems. However, to compile on Alpha systems, you need to supply the /DEFINE=Alpha=1 qualifier.
Example 3-13 Procedure for Obtaining Process Lock Information |
#pragma nostandard #ifdef Alpha #pragma module LOCK_SCAN #else /* Alpha */ #module LOCK_SCAN #endif /* Alpha */ #pragma standard #include <ssdef.h> #include <lkidef.h> #pragma nostandard globalvalue ss$_normal, ss$_nomorelock; #pragma standard struct lock_item_list { short int buffer_length; short int item_code; void *bufaddress; void *retaddress; }; typedef struct lock_item_list lock_item_list_type; unsigned long lock_id; long int value_block[4]; #pragma nostandard static lock_item_list_type getlki_item_list[] = { {sizeof(value_block), LKI$_VALBLK, &value_block, 0}, {sizeof(lock_id), LKI$_LOCKID, &lock_id, 0}, {0,0,0,0} }; globalvalue ss$_normal, ss$_nomorelock; #pragma standard main() { int status = ss$_normal; unsigned long lock_context = -1; /* init for wild-card operation */ while (status == ss$_normal) { status = sys$getlkiw( 1, &lock_context, getlki_item_list,0,0,0,0); /* */ /* Dequeue the lock if the value block contains a 1 */ /* */ if ((status == ss$_normal) & (value_block[0] == 1)){ status = sys$deq( lock_id, 0, 0, 0 ); } } if (status != ss$_nomorelock){ exit(status); } } |
Use the SYS$SETPRV system service to set process privileges. Setting
process privileges allows you to limit executing privileged code to a
specific process, to limit functions within a process, and to limit
access from other processes. You can either enable or disable a set of
privileges and assign privileges on a temporary or permanent basis. To
use this service, the creating process must have the appropriate
3.3 Changing Process and Kernel Threads Scheduling
Prior to kernel threads, the OpenVMS scheduler selected a process to run. With kernel threads, the OpenVMS scheduler selects a kernel thread to run. All processes are thread-capable processes with at least one kernel thread. A process may have only one kernel thread, or a process may have a variable number of kernel threads. A single-threaded process is equivalent to a process before OpenVMS Version 7.0.
With kernel threads, all base and current priorities are perkernel thread. To alter a thread's scheduling, you can change the base priority of the thread with the SYS$SETPRI system service, which affects the specified kernel thread and not the entire process.
To alter a process's scheduling, you can lock the process into physical memory so that it is not swapped out. Processes that have been locked into physical memory are executed before processes that have been swapped out. For kernel threads, the thread with the highest priority level is executed first.
If you create a subprocess with the LIB$SPAWN routine, you can set the priority of the subprocess by executing the DCL command SET PROCESS/PRIORITY as the first command in a command procedure. You must have the ALTPRI privilege to increase the base priority above the base priority of the creating process.
If you create a subprocess with the LIB$SPAWN routine, you can inhibit swapping by executing the DCL command SET PROCESS/NOSWAP as the first command in a command procedure. Use the SYS$SETSWM system service to inhibit swapping for any process. A process must have the PSWAPM privilege to inhibit swapping.
If you alter a kernel thread's scheduling, you must do so with care. Review the following considerations before you attempt to alter the standard kernel threads or process scheduling with either SYS$SETPRI or SYS$SETSWM:
On Alpha systems, the affinity and capabilities mechanisms allow CPU scheduling to be adapted to larger CPU configurations by controlling the distribution of processes or threads throughout the active CPU set. Control of the distribution of processes throughout the active CPU set becomes more important as higher-performance server applications, such as databases and real-time process-control environments, are implemented. Affinity and capabilities provide the user with opportunities to perform the following tasks:
The affinity mechanism allows a process, or each of its kernel threads,
to specify an exact set of CPUs on which it can execute. The
capabilities mechanism allows a process to specify a set of resources
that a CPU in the active set must have defined before it is allowed to
contend for process execution. Presently, both of these mechanisms are
present in the OpenVMS scheduling mechanism; both are used extensively
internally and externally to implement parts of the I/O and timing
subsystems. Now, however, the OpenVMS operating system provides user
access to these mechanisms. Using Affinity and Capabilities with Caution
It is important for users to understand that inappropriate and abusive
use of the affinity and capabilities mechanisms can have a negative
impact on the symmetric aspects of the current multi-CPU scheduling
3.4.2 Types of Capabilities
Capabilities are resources assigned to CPUs that a process needs to execute correctly. There are four defined capabilities. They are restricted to internal system events or functions that control system states or functions. Table 3-6 describes the four capabilities.
Capability | Description |
Primary | Owned by only one CPU at a time, since the primary could possibly migrate from CPU to CPU in the configuration. For I/O and timekeeping functions, the system requires that the process run on the primary CPU. The process requiring this capability is allowed to run only on the processor that has it at the time. |
Run | Controls the ability of a CPU to execute processes. Every process requires this resource; if the CPU does not have it, scheduling for that CPU comes to a halt in a recognized state. The command STOP/CPU uses this capability when it is trying to make the CPU quiescent, bringing it to a halted state. |
Quorum | Used in a cluster environment when a node wants another node to come to a quiescent state until further notice. Like the Run capability, Quorum is a required resource for every process and every CPU in order for scheduling to occur. |
Vector | Obsolete on OpenVMS Alpha systems but is retained as a compatibility feature with OpenVMS VAX. Like the Primary capability, it reflects a feature of the CPU; that is, that the CPU has a vector processing unit directly associated with it. |
Previously, the use of capabilities was restricted to system resources and control events. However, it is also valuable for user functions to be able to indicate a resource or special CPU function.
There are 16 user-defined capabilities added to both the process and the CPU structures. Unlike the static definitions of the current system capabilities, the user capabilities have meaning only in the context of the processes that define them. Through system service interfaces, processes or individual threads of a multithreaded process, can set specific bits in the capability masks of a CPU to give it a resource, and can set specific bits in the kernel thread's capability mask to require that resource as an execution criterion.
The user capability feature is a direct superset of the current capability functionality. All currently existing capabilities are placed into the system capability set; they are not available to the process through system service interfaces. These system service interfaces affect only the 16 bits specifically set aside for user definition.
The OpenVMS operating system has no direct knowledge of what the
defined capability is that is being used. All responsibility for the
correct definition, use, and management of these bits is determined by
the processes that define them. The system controls the impact of these
capabilities through privilege requirements; but, as with the priority
adjustment services, abusive use of the capability bits could affect
the scheduling dynamic and CPU loads in an SMP environment.
3.4.4 Using the Capabilities System Services
The SYS$CPU_CAPABILITIES and SYS$PROCESS_CAPABILITIES system services provide access to the capability features. By using the SYS$CPU_CAPABILITIES and SYS$PROCESS_CAPABILITIES services, you can assign user capabilities to a CPU and to a specific kernel thread. Assigning a user capability to a CPU lasts for the life of the system or until another explicit change is made. This operation has no direct effect on the scheduling dynamics of the system; it only indicates that the specified CPU is capable of handling any process or thread that requires that resource. If a process does not indicate that it needs that resource, it ignores the CPU's additional capability and schedules the process on the basis of other process requirements.
Assigning a user capability requirement to a specific process or thread has a major impact on the scheduling state of that entity. For the process or thread to be scheduled on a CPU in the active set, that CPU must have the capability assigned prior to the scheduling attempt. If no CPU currently has the correct set of capability requirements, the process is placed into a wait state until a CPU with the right configuration becomes available. Like system capabilities, user process capabilities are additive; that is, for a CPU to schedule the process, the CPU must have the full complement of required capabilities.
These services reference both sets of 16-bit user capabilities by the common symbolic constant names of CAP$M_USER1 through CAP$M_USER16. These names reflect the corresponding bit position in the appropriate capability mask; they are nonzero and self-relative to themselves only.
Both services allow multiple bits to be set or cleared, or both, simultaneously. Each takes as parameters a select mask and a modify mask that define the operation set to be performed. The service callers are responsible for setting up the select mask to indicate which of the user capabilities bits are to be affected by the current call. This select mask is a bit vector of the ORed bit symbolic names that, when set, states that the value in the modify mask is the new value of the bit. Both masks use the symbolic constants to indicate the same bit; alternatively, if appropriate, the symbolic constant CAP$K_USER_ALL can be used in the select mask to indicate that the entire set of capabilities is affected. Likewise, the symbolic constant CAP$K_USER_ADD or CAP$K_USER_REMOVE can be used in the modify mask to indicate that all capabilities specified in the select mask are to be either set or cleared.
For information about using the SYS$CPU_CAPABILITIES and
SYS$PROCESS_CAPABILITIES system services, see the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: A--GETMSG and
OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: GETQUI--Z.
3.4.5 Types of Affinity
The are two types of affinity: implicit and explicit. This section
describes both. Implicit Affinity
Implicit affinity, sometimes known as soft affinity, is a variant form of the original affinity mechanism used in the OpenVMS scheduling mechanisms. Rather than require a process to stay on a specific CPU regardless of conditions, implicit affinity maximizes cache and translation buffer (TB) context by maintaining an association with the CPU that has the most information about a given process.
Currently, the OpenVMS scheduling mechanism already has a version of implicit affinity. It keeps track of the last CPU the process ran on and tries to schedule itself to that CPU, subject to a fairness algorithm. The fairness algorithm makes sure a process is not skipped too many times when it normally would have been scheduled elsewhere.
The Alpha architecture lends itself to maintaining cache and TB context that has significant potential for performance improvement at both the process and system level. Because this feature contradicts the normal highest-priority process-scheduling algorithms in an SMP configuration, implicit affinity cannot be a system default.
The SYS$SET_IMPLICIT_AFFINITY system service provides implicit affinity support. This service works on an explicitly specified process or kernel thread block (KTB) through the pidadr and prcnam arguments. The default is the current process, but if the symbolic constant CAP$K_PROCESS_DEFAULT is specified in pidadr, the bit is set in the global default cell SCH$GL_DEFAULT_PROCESS_CAP. Setting implicit affinity globally is similar to setting a capability bit in the same mask, because every process creation after the modification picks up the bit as a default that stays in effect across all image activations.
The protections required to invoke SYS$SET_IMPLICIT_AFFINITY depend on
the process that is being affected. Because the addition of implicit
affinity has the same potential as the SYS$ALTPRI service for affecting
the priority scheduling of processes in the COM queue, ALTPRI
protection is required as the base which all modification forms of the
serve must have to invoke SYS$SET_IMPLICIT_AFFINITY. If the process is
the current one, no other privilege is required. To affect processes in
the same UIC group, the GROUP privilege is required. For any other
processes in the system, the WORLD privilege is required. Explicit Affinity
Even though capabilities and affinity overlap considerably in their functional behavior, they are nonetheless two discrete scheduling mechanisms. Affinity, the subsetting of the number of CPUs on which a process can execute, has precedence over the capability feature and provides an explicit binding operation between the process and CPU. It forces the scheduling algorithm to consider only the CPU set it requires, and then applies the capability tests to see whether any of them are appropriate.
Explicit affinity allows database and high-performance applications to segregate application functions to individual CPUs, providing improved cache and TB performance as well as reducing context switching and general scheduling overhead. During the IPL 8 scheduling pass, the process is investigated to see to which CPUs it is bound and whether the current CPU is one of those. If it passes that test, capabilities are also validated to allow the process to context switch. The number of CPUs that can be supported is 32.
The SYS$PROCESS_AFFINITY system service provides access to the explicit affinity functionality. SYS$PROCESS_AFFINITY resolves to a specific process, defaulting to the current one, through the pidadr and prcnam arguments. Like the other system services, the CPUs that are affected are indicated through select_mask, and the binding state of each CPU is specified in modify_mask.
Specific CPUs can be referenced in select_mask and modify_mask using the symbolic constants CAP$M_CPU0 through CAP$M_CPU31. These constants are defined to match the bit position of their associated CPU ID. Alternatively, specifying CAP$K_ALL_ACTIVE_CPUS in select_mask sets or clears explicit affinity for all CPUs in the current active set.
Explicit affinity, like capabilities, has a permanent process as well as current image copy. As each completed image is run down, the permanent explicit affinity values overwrite the running image set, superseding any changes that were made in the interim. Specifying CAP$M_FLAG_PERMANENT in the flags parameter indicates that both the current and permanent processes are to be modified simultaneously. As a result, unless explicitly changed again, this operation has a scope from the current image through the end of the process life.
For information about the SYS$SET_IMPLICIT_AFFINITY and
SYS$PROCESS_AFFINITY system services, see the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: A--GETMSG and
OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual: GETQUI--Z.
3.5 Changing Process Name
Use the system service SYS$SETPRN to change the name of your process. SYS$SETPRN can be used only on the calling process. Changing process names might be useful when a lengthy image is being executed. You can change names at significant points in the program; then monitor program execution through the change in process names. You can obtain a process name by calling a SYS$GETJPI routine from within a controlling process, by pressing the Ctrl/T key sequence if the image is currently executing in your process, or by entering the DCL command SHOW SYSTEM if the program is executing in a detached process.
The following program segment calculates the tax status for a number of households, sorts the households according to tax status, and writes the results to a report file. Since this is a time-consuming process, the program changes the process name at major points so that progress can be monitored.
On OpenVMS VAX systems, a system programmer must sometimes develop code that performs various actions (such as performance monitoring) on behalf of a given process, executing in that process's context. To do so, a programmer typically creates a routine consisting of position-independent code and data, allocates sufficient space in nonpaged pool, and copies the routine to it. On OpenVMS VAX systems, such a routine can execute correctly no matter where it is loaded into memory.
On OpenVMS Alpha systems, the practice of moving code in memory is more difficult and complex. It is not enough to simply copy code from one memory location to another. On OpenVMS Alpha systems, you must relocate both the routine and its linkage section, being careful to maintain the relative distance between them, and then apply all appropriate fixups to the linkage section.
The OpenVMS Alpha system provides two mechanisms to enable one process to access the context of another:
EXE$READ_PROCESS and EXE$WRITE_PROCESS are OpenVMS Alpha system routines in nonpaged system space. EXE$READ_PROCESS reads data from a target process's address space or registers and writes it to a buffer in the local process's address space. EXE$WRITE_PROCESS obtains data from a local process's address space and transfers it to the target process's context. Both routines must be called from kernel mode at IPL 0.
One of the arguments to these procedures specifies whether or not the
procedure is to access memory and registers in the target process.
Another argument specifies the memory address or register number. The
contents of these arguments are symbolic names (beginning with the
prefix EACB$) that are defined by the $PROCESS_READ_WRITE macro in
SYS$LIBRARY:LIB.MLB. (They are also defined in LIB.REQ for BLISS
The following are descriptions of the callable interfaces to EXE$READ_PROCESS and EXE$WRITE_PROCESS.
Reads data from a target process's address space or registers and writes it to a buffer in the local process's address space.Module PROC_READ_WRITE
status = EXE$READ_PROCESS (ipid, buffer_size, target_address, local_address, target_address_type, ast_counter_address)
OpenVMS usage ipid type longword (unsigned) access read only mechanism by value
Internal process ID of the target process.buffer_size
OpenVMS usage longword_unsigned type longword (unsigned) access read only mechanism by value
Number of bytes to transfer. If target_address_type is EACB$K_GENERAL_REGISTER, the values of target_address and buffer_size together determine how many 64-bit registers are written, in numeric order, to the buffer. A partial register is written for any value that is not a multiple of 8.If you specify buffer_size to be larger than 8, more than one register is written from the buffer. Registers are written in numeric order, followed by the PC and PS, starting at the register indicated by target_address.
If target_address_type is EACB$K_GENERAL_REGISTER and the values of buffer_size and target_address would cause a target process read extending beyond R31 (the last available register), EXE$READ_PROCESS returns SS$_ILLSER status.
OpenVMS usage longword_unsigned type longword (unsigned) access read only mechanism by reference (if address); by value (if constant)
If target_address_type is EACB$K_MEMORY, address in target process at which the transfer is to start.If target_address_type is EACB$K_GENERAL_REGISTER, symbolic constant indicating at which general register the transfer should start. Possible constant values include EACB$K_R0 through EACB$K_R29, EACB$K_PC, and EACB$K_PS.
OpenVMS usage longword_unsigned type longword (unsigned) access read only mechanism by reference
Address of buffer in local process to which data is to be written.target_address_type
OpenVMS usage integer type longword (unsigned) access read only mechanism by value
Symbolic constant indicating whether the target_address argument is a memory address (EACB$K_MEMORY) or a general register (EACB$K_GENERAL_REGISTER). Floating-point registers are not supported as target addresses.ast_counter_address
OpenVMS usage longword_unsigned type longword (unsigned) access read only mechanism by reference
Address of a longword used internally as an AST counter by EXE$READ_PROCESS and EXE$WRITE_PROCESS to detect errors. Supply the same address in the ast_counter_address argument for every call to these routines.
OpenVMS usage cond_value type longword (unsigned) access write only mechanism by value
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