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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
DEC Text Processing Utility Reference Manual
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The code fragment in Example A-3 shows how a layered application can use GET_GLOBAL_SELECT. This code fragment is based on the EVE procedure EVE$SELECTION. The original version is in SYS$EXAMPLES:EVE$CORE.TPU.
The procedure EVE$SELECTION returns a select range, found range, or global selection for use with EVE commands that operate on the select range.
This example uses the following global variables and procedures from EVE:
Example A-3 EVE Procedure That Returns a Select Range |
PROCEDURE eve$selection ( do_messages; ! Display error messages? found_range_arg, ! Use found range? (D=TRUE). global_arg, ! Use global select? (D=FALSE). null_range_arg, ! Extend null ranges? (D=TRUE). cancel_arg) ! Cancel selection? (D=TRUE). ! Return Values: range The selected range. ! 0 There was no select range. ! NONE There was a null range and ! null_range_arg is FALSE. ! string Text of the global selection ! if "global_arg" is TRUE. LOCAL possible_selection, use_found_range, use_global, extend_null_range, cancel_range; ON_ERROR [TPU$_SELRANGEZERO]: [TPU$_GBLSELOWNER]: eve$message (EVE$_NOSELECT); eve$learn_abort; RETURN (FALSE); [OTHERWISE]: ENDON_ERROR; ! The procedure first tests whether it ! has received a parameter directing ! it to return a found range or global ! selection if no select range has been ! created by the user. IF GET_INFO (found_range_arg, "type") = INTEGER THEN use_found_range := found_range_arg; ELSE use_found_range := TRUE; ENDIF; IF GET_INFO (global_arg, "type") = INTEGER THEN use_global := global_arg; ELSE use_global := FALSE; ENDIF; ! . ! . ! . ! In the code omitted from this example, ! eve$selection returns the appropriate ! range if the calling procedure has ! requested the user's select range ! or a found range. ! . ! . ! . ! If there is no found range or select ! range, the procedure returns ! the primary global selection ! if it exists. IF use_global and eve$x_decwindows_active THEN (1) possible_selection := GET_GLOBAL_SELECT (PRIMARY, "STRING"); IF GET_INFO (possible_selection, "type") = STRING THEN RETURN (possible_selection); ENDIF; ENDIF; . . . RETURN (0); ! Indicates failure. ENDPROCEDURE; |
Example A-4 shows one of the ways an application can get values for widget resources. The procedure is based on the EVE procedure eve$scroll_dispatch. The original version is in SYS$EXAMPLES:EVE$DECWINDOWS.TPU.
The procedure eve$scroll_dispatch is the callback routine that handles callbacks from scroll bar widgets. The portion of the procedure shown here determines where to position the editing point based on how you have changed the scroll bar slider. The procedure fetches the position of the slider with the built-in GET_INFO (widget_variable, "widget_info") and positions the editing point to the line in the buffer equivalent to the slider's position in the scroll bar. For more information about the resource names used with the scroll bar widget, see the VMS DECwindows Toolkit Routines Reference Manual.
EVE uses the following constants in this procedure:
Example A-4 EVE Procedure That Handles Callbacks from a Scroll Bar Widget |
PROCEDURE eve$scroll_dispatch LOCAL status, widget_called, widget_tag, widget_reason, scroll_bar_values, linenum, temp_array, . . .; ON_ERROR [TPU$_CONTROLC]: eve$learn_abort; ABORT; ENDON_ERROR (1)status := GET_INFO (WIDGET, "callback_parameters", temp_array); widget_called := temp_array {"widget; widget_tag := temp_array {"closure"}; widget_reason := temp_array {"reason_code"}; POSITION (eve$$scroll_bar_window {widget_called}); . . . scroll_bar_values := CREATE_ARRAY; scroll_bar_values {"increment"} := 0; scroll_bar_values {"pageIncrement"} := 0; scroll_bar_values {"maximum"} := 0; scroll_bar_values {"minimum"} := 0; scroll_bar_values {"value"} := 0; scroll_bar_values {"sliderSize"} := 0; (2)status := GET_INFO (widget_called, "widget_info", scroll_bar_values); ! The deleted statements scroll the window as dictated ! by the callback reason. . . . CASE widget_reason . . . [2]: IF (scroll_bar_values {"value"} = scroll_bar_values {"minimum"}) THEN POSITION (beginning_of (current_buffer)); ELSE (3) POSITION (scroll_bar_values {"value"}); ENDIF; . . . ENDCASE; ! . ! . ! . ENDPROCEDURE; |
Example A-5 shows one of the ways an application can use the SET (GLOBAL_SELECT) built-in. The procedure is based on the EVE procedure EVE$RESTORE_PRIMARY_SELECTION. The original version is in SYS$EXAMPLES:EVE$MOUSE.TPU.
The procedure eve$restore_primary_selection reactivates EVE's select range when you press the Ctrl/Shift/E4 key. The select range was deactivated when EVE lost the primary selection to another DECwindows application.
Example A-5 EVE Procedure That Reactivates a Select Range |
PROCEDURE eve$restore_primary_selection LOCAL saved_position; ON_ERROR [TPU$_CONTROLC]: eve$$restore_position (saved_position); eve$learn_abort; ABORT; [OTHERWISE]: eve$$restore_position (saved_position); ENDON_ERROR; IF NOT eve$x_decwindows_active THEN RETURN (FALSE); ENDIF; saved_position := MARK (FREE_CURSOR); IF GET_INFO (eve$$x_save_select_array, "type") = ARRAY THEN CASE eve$$x_save_select_array {"type"} [RANGE]: eve$select_a_range (eve$$x_save_select_array {"start"}, eve$$x_save_select_array {"end"}); eve$$x_state_array {eve$$k_select_all_active} := eve$$x_save_select_array {"select_all"}; POSITION (eve$$x_save_select_array {"current"}); eve$start_pending_delete; [MARKER]: POSITION (eve$$x_save_select_array {"start"}); eve$x_select_position := select (eve$x_highlighting); POSITION (eve$$x_save_select_array {"end"}); eve$start_pending_delete; [OTHERWISE]: RETURN (FALSE); ENDCASE; eve$$restore_position (saved_position); eve$$found_post_filter; ! This is necessary if the ! cursor is outside the selection. eve$$x_save_select_array {"type"} := 0; UPDATE (current_window); SET (GLOBAL_SELECT, SCREEN, PRIMARY); ! This statement ! requests ownership of ! the primary global selection. RETURN (TRUE); ENDIF; RETURN (FALSE); ENDPROCEDURE; |
A.6 Copying Selected Material from EVE to Another DECwindows Application
Example A-6 shows one of the ways a layered application can use the
WRITE_GLOBAL_SELECT built-in. The procedure is based on the EVE
procedure EVE$WRITE_GLOBAL_SELECT. The original version is in
The procedure implements the operation of copying selected material from DECwindows EVE to another DECwindows application.
The procedure determines what property of the primary global selection is being requested, gets the value of the appropriate property by using a GET_INFO statement or an EVE procedure, and sends the information to the requesting application.
Example A-6 EVE Procedure That Implements COPY SELECTION |
PROCEDURE eve$write_global_select ! EVE uses this procedure ! to respond to requests ! for information about ! selections. LOCAL saved_position, the_data, temp_array, total_lines, the_line, status, eob_flag, percent; ON_ERROR [OTHERWISE]: eve$$restore_position (saved_position); ENDON_ERROR; saved_position := MARK (FREE_CURSOR); IF NOT eve$x_decwindows_active THEN RETURN (FALSE); ENDIF; the_data := NONE; temp_array := GET_INFO (SCREEN, "event", GLOBAL_SELECT); ! Finds out which global selection and which property ! of the global selection are the subject of the ! information request. CASE temp_array {2} ! Determines the property requested by the other application. ["STRING", "TEXT"]: ! If one of these strings is requested, the ! procedure sends the text in the global ! selection to the requesting application. CASE temp_array {1} ! Checks which global selection was specified. [PRIMARY]: IF eve$x_select_position <> 0 THEN POSITION (GET_INFO (eve$x_select_position, "buffer")); IF GET_INFO (eve$x_select_position, "type") = RANGE THEN the_data := STR (eve$x_select_position); ELSE IF GET_INFO (eve$x_select_position, "type") = MARKER THEN the_data := STR (eve$select_a_range (eve$x_select_position, MARK (FREE_CURSOR))); ELSE the_data := NONE; ENDIF; ENDIF; eve$$restore_position (saved_position); ENDIF; [OTHERWISE]: the_data := NONE; ENDCASE; [OTHERWISE]: the_data := NONE; ! The procedure does not send data if ! the requesting application has asked ! for something other than the text, ! the file name, or the line number. ENDCASE; WRITE_GLOBAL_SELECT (the_data); ! This statement sends the ! requested information to ! the requesting application. ENDPROCEDURE; |
This appendix presents the messages produced by DECTPU. Table B-1 lists the messages alphabetically by their abbreviations. The text of the message and its severity level appears with each abbreviation.
Abbreviation | Message | Severity Level |
ACCVIO | access violation, reason mask='xx', virtual address='xxxxxxxx', PC='xxxxxxxx', PSL='xxxxxxxx' | FATAL |
ADJSCROLLREG | scrolling parameters altered to top: 'top', bottom: 'bottom', amount: 'amount' | INFORMATIONAL |
AMBIGSYMUSED | ambiguous symbol 'name' used as procedure parameter | INFORMATIONAL |
ARGMISMATCH | parameter 'number's' data type, 'type', unsupported | ERROR |
ASYNCACTIVE | journal file prohibited with asynchronous handlers declared | WARNING |
ATLINE | at line 'integer' | INFORMATIONAL |
ATPROCLINE | at line 'integer' of procedure 'name' | INFORMATIONAL |
BACKUPERR | error making backup copy of 'file-spec' | ERROR |
BADASSIGN | target of the assignment cannot be a function/keyword | ERROR |
BADBUFWRITE | error occurred writing buffer 'buffer name' | WARNING |
BADCASELIMIT | CASE constant outside CASE limits | ERROR |
BADCASERANGE | invalid CASE range | ERROR |
BADCHAR | unrecognized character in input | ERROR |
BADDELETE | cannot modify constant integer, keyword, or string | ERROR |
BADDISPVAL | display value = 'integer', must be between 'integer' and 'integer' | WARNING |
BADEXITIF | EXITIF occurs outside a LOOP | ERROR |
BADFIRSTLINE | first line = 'integer', must be between 'integer' and 'integer' | WARNING |
BADHIERARCHY | invalid hierarchy identifier specified | ERROR |
BADJOUCHAR | expected character in journal file | WARNING |
BADJOUCOM | journaled command file was 'string', recovering with 'string' | ERROR |
BADJOUCPOS | journaled starting character was 'integer', recovering with 'integer' | ERROR |
BADJOUEDIT | journaled edit mode was 'string', recovering with 'string' | ERROR |
BADJOUEIGHT | journaled eightbit was 'string', recovering with 'string' | ERROR |
BADJOUFILE | operation terminated due to error in journal file access | ERROR |
BADJOUINIT | journaled init file was 'string', recovering with 'string' | ERROR |
BADJOUINPUT | journaled input file was 'string', recovering with 'string' | ERROR |
BADJOUKEY | expected key in journal file | WARNING |
BADJOULINE | journaled line editing was 'string', recovering with 'string' | ERROR |
BADJOULPOS | journaled starting line was 'integer', recovering with 'integer' | ERROR |
BADJOUPAGE | journaled page length was 'integer', recovering with 'integer' | ERROR |
BADJOUSEC | journaled section file was 'string', recovering with 'string' | ERROR |
BADJOUSTR | expected string in journal file | WARNING |
BADJOUTERM | journaled terminal type was 'string', recovering with 'string' | ERROR |
BADJOUWIDTH | journaled width was 'integer', recovering with 'integer' | ERROR |
BADKEY | 'keyword' is an invalid keyword | WARNING |
BADLENGTHCHANGE | terminal will not support change of length | WARNING |
BADLOGIC | internal logic error detected | FATAL |
BADMARGINS | margins specified incorrectly | WARNING |
BADPROCNAME | variable used as a procedure | ERROR |
BADPROMPTLEN | prompt area length = 'integer', must be between 'integer' and 'integer' | WARNING |
BADREFCNT | ref count: 'ccc', zap count: 'zzz', address: 'xxxxxxxx' | FATAL |
BADREQUEST | request "'name'" of 'name' is not understood | WARNING |
BADSCREENWIDTH | terminal must be wider than widest window, 'integer' columns | WARNING |
BADSECTION | bad section file | ERROR |
BADSTATUS | return status 'xxxxxxxx' different from last signal 'xxxxxxxx' | FATAL |
BADSTRCNT | invalid string count found in journal file | WARNING |
BADSYMTAB | bad symbol table | ERROR |
BADUSERDESC | descriptor from user routine invalid or memory inaccessible | ERROR |
BADVALUE | integer value 'integer' is outside specified limits | ERROR |
BADWIDTHCHANGE | terminal will not support change of width | WARNING |
BADWINDADJUST | attempt to make window less than 1 line long, no adjustment | WARNING |
BADWINDLEN | window length = 'integer', must be between 'integer' and 'integer' | WARNING |
BEGOFBUF | attempt to move past the beginning of buffer 'buffer name' | WARNING |
BINARYOPER | operand combination 'type' 'oper' 'type' unsupported | WARNING |
BITMAPREADERR | could not read bitmap file 'name' | ERROR |
BOTLINETRUNC | calculated new last line 'integer', changed to 'integer' | INFORMATIONAL |
BUILTININV | built-in is invalid at this time | ERROR |
BUILTOBSOLETE | built-in no longer supported. | INFORMATIONAL |
CALLUSERFAIL | CALL_USER routine failed with status %X'status' | WARNING |
CANCELQUIT | QUIT canceled by request | WARNING |
CANNOTUNSEL | cannot unselect item from unselect action routine | ERROR |
CAPTIVE | unable to create a subprocess in a captive account | WARNING |
CLIPBOARDFAIL | unexpected clipboard failure | WARNING |
CLIPBOARDLOCKED | clipboard is locked by another process | WARNING |
CLIPBOARDNODATA | clipboard does not contain the requested data | WARNING |
CLIPBOARDZERO | clipboard data has 0 length | WARNING |
CLOSEDIC | error closing the dictionary file | ERROR |
CLOSEIN | error closing input file 'file-spec' | ERROR |
CLOSEOUT | error closing output file 'file-spec' | ERROR |
CNVERR | error occurred in the conversion routine | ERROR |
COMPILED | compilation completed without errors | SUCCESS |
COMPILEFAIL | compilation aborted | WARNING |
CONSTRTOOLARGE | constant string too large | ERROR |
CONTRADEF | contradictory definition for variable or constant 'name' | ERROR |
CONTROLC | operation aborted by Ctrl/C | ERROR |
CREATED | file 'file-spec' created | SUCCESS |
CREATEFAIL | unable to activate subprocess | WARNING |
DEBUG | breakpoint at line 'integer' | SUCCESS |
DELETEFAIL | unable to terminate subprocess | WARNING |
DICADD | 'word' has been added to a dictionary as 'word' | SUCCESS |
DICDEL | 'word' has been removed from 'word' of a dictionary | SUCCESS |
DICUPDERR | error updating dictionary file | ERROR |
DIVBYZERO | divide by zero | ERROR |
DUPBUFNAME | buffer 'name' already exists | WARNING |
DUPKEYMAPLIST | attempt to define a duplicate key-map list 'key-map-list-name' | WARNING |
DUPKEYMAP | attempt to define a duplicate key map 'key-map-name' | WARNING |
EMPTYKMLIST | key-map list 'key-map-list-name' does not contain any key maps | WARNING |
ENDOFBUF | attempt to move past the end of buffer 'buffer name' | WARNING |
ERRSYMACTIVE | special error symbol already active | WARNING |
EXECUTEFAIL | execution aborted | WARNING |
EXITFAIL | attempt to EXIT was unsuccessful | WARNING |
EXITING | editor exiting | SUCCESS |
EXPCOMPLEX | expression too complex | ERROR |
EXPECTED | one of the following symbols was expected: | INFORMATIONAL |
EXTNOTFOUND | extension 'name' not found | ERROR |
EXTRANEOUSARGS | one or more extraneous arguments specified | ERROR |
FACTOOLONG | facility name, 'name', exceeds maximum length 'integer' | WARNING |
FAILURE | internal DECTPU failure detected at PC 'number' | FATAL |
FAILURE_STATUS | facility 'name' returned failure status of 'xxxxxxxx' | ERROR |
FENCEPOST | no visible record found in specified range | WARNING |
FILECONVERTED | file format is being converted to a supported type | ERROR |
FILEIN | 'count' line(s) read from file 'filename' | SUCCESS |
FILEOUT | 'count' line(s) written to file 'filename' | SUCCESS |
FLAGTRUNC | value of message flags exceeds maximum value 15, truncated | WARNING |
FREEMEM | memory deallocation failure | FATAL |
FROMBUILTIN | called from built-in 'name' | INFORMATIONAL |
FROMLINE | called from line 'integer' | INFORMATIONAL |
FROMPROCLINE | called from line 'integer' of procedure 'name' | INFORMATIONAL |
GBLSELOWNER | you are the global selection owner | WARNING |
GETMEM | memory allocation failure (Insufficient virtual memory) | ERROR |
HIDDEN | global variable 'name' by declaration | INFORMATIONAL |
ICONNAMERDERR | could not read the application icon name | ERROR |
IDMISMATCH | section NOT restored, section file must be rebuilt | FATAL |
ILLCONDIT | illegal compilation conditional | ERROR |
ILLEGALTYPE | illegal data type | ERROR |
ILLPATAS | pattern assignment target only valid in procedure 'name' | ERROR |
ILLREQUEST | request "'name'" is invalid | WARNING |
ILLSEVERITY | illegal severity of 'value' specified, error severity used | WARNING |
ILLSYSRECMODE | invalid default system record mode | ERROR |
INBUILTIN | occurred in built-in 'name' | INFORMATIONAL |
INCKWDCOM | inconsistent keyword combination | WARNING |
INDEXTYPE | array index data type, 'type', unsupported | WARNING |
INPUT_CANCELED | input request canceled | WARNING |
INSVIRMEM | insufficient virtual memory | FATAL |
INVACCESS | invalid file access specified | FATAL |
INVBUFDELETE | cannot delete a permanent buffer | WARNING |
INVCHARSET | unrecognized character set; using default character set DEC_MCS | WARNING |
INVDEVTYPE | invalid device type | FATAL |
INVFAOPARAM | FAO parameter 'integer' must be string or integer | WARNING |
INVGBLSELDATA | the selected data cannot be processed | WARNING |
INVINTERFACE | unrecognized interface | ERROR |
INVIOCODE | invalid Operation Code passed to an I/O operation | ERROR |
INVITEMCODE | invalid item code specified in list | FATAL |
INVNUMSTR | invalid numeric string | WARNING |
INVPARAM | parameter 'number''s data type, 'type', illegal; expected 'type' | ERROR |
INVRANGE | invalid range enclosure specified | WARNING |
INVTABSPEC | tabs specification incorrect, not changed | WARNING |
INVTIME | invalid time interval | WARNING |
INVWIDGETCLASS | the widget class cannot be defined | ERROR |
JNLACTIVE | asynchronous actions prohibited when journal file open | WARNING |
JNLNOTOPEN | journal file not open, recovery aborted | ERROR |
JNLOPEN | journal file already open | ERROR |
JOURNALBEG | journal of edit session started | INFORMATIONAL |
JOURNALCLOSE | journal file successfully closed, journaling stopped | SUCCESS |
JOURNALEOF | end of journal file found unexpectedly | WARNING |
JRNLBUFBEG | journaling started for buffer 'buffer name' | INFORMATIONAL |
JRNLNOTSAFE | buffer 'buffer name' is not safe for journaling | WARNING |
JRNLOPENERR | error opening or locking journal file 'journal-file-spec' | ERROR |
JRNLOPEN | journal file already open for buffer 'buffer name' | WARNING |
KEYMAPNOTFND | key map 'key-map-name' not found in key-map list 'key-map-list-name' | WARNING |
KEYSUPERSEDED | definition of key 'name' superseded | INFORMATIONAL |
KEYWORDPARAM | keyword 'name' used as procedure/variable/constant | ERROR |
LINENOTMOD | attempt to change unmodifiable line(s) | WARNING |
LINETOOLONG | line is maximum length, cannot add text to it | WARNING |
MAXMAPPEDBUF | a single buffer can be mapped to at most 'count' window(s) | WARNING |
MAXVALUE | maximum value is 'integer' | WARNING |
MINVALUE | minimum value is 'integer' | WARNING |
MISSINGQUOTE | missing quote | ERROR |
MISSYMTAB | missing symbol table | ERROR |
MIXEDTYPES | operator with mixed or unsupported data types | ERROR |
MODRANGEMARKS | MODIFY_RANGE requires either two marks or none | ERROR |
MOUSEINV | mouse location information is invalid | WARNING |
MOVETOCOPYTEXT | moving unmodifiable line(s) from buffer 'string' changed to copy | WARNING |
MOVETOCOPY | move from unmodifiable buffer 'string' changed to copy | WARNING |
MSGBUFSET | attempt to change modifiable setting of message buffer | WARNING |
MSGNOTFND | message was not found; the default message has been returned | WARNING |
MULTIDEF | parameter/local/constant 'name' multiply defined | ERROR |
MULTIPLENAMES | there is more than one name matching, all are returned | WARNING |
MULTISELECT | multiple identical CASE selectors | ERROR |
MUSTBECONST | expression must be a compile-time constant | ERROR |
MUSTBEONE | string must be 1 character long | WARNING |
NEEDFILENAME | type file name for buffer 'name' (press RETURN to not write it): | SUCCESS |
NEEDTOASSIGN | built-in must return a value | ERROR |
NOASSIGNMENT | expression without assignment | ERROR |
NOBREAKPOINT | no breakpoint is active | WARNING |
NOCACHE | insufficient virtual memory to allocate a new cache | ERROR |
NOCALLUSER | could not find a routine for CALL_USER to invoke | ERROR |
NOCHARREAD | no character was read by the READ_CHAR built-in | WARNING |
NOCLA | no conversion source has been specified yet | WARNING |
NOCOPYBUF | cannot COPY a buffer to itself | WARNING |
NOCURRENTBUF | no buffer has been selected as default | WARNING |
NODEFINITION | key 'keyname' currently has no definition | WARNING |
NODICENT | no entry found in a dictionary | WARNING |
NODICUPD | the dictionary is restricting updating | WARNING |
NODIC | no dictionary available in this editing session | WARNING |
NOENDOFLINE | returning a range of text with no end of line | SUCCESS |
NOEOBSTR | cannot return a string at end of buffer | WARNING |
NOFILEACCESS | unable to access file 'name' | ERROR |
NOFILEROUTINE | no routine specified to perform file I/O | FATAL |
NOFOCUSOWNER | no input focus owner | WARNING |
NOGBLSELDATA | no global selection data | WARNING |
NOGBLSELOWNER | there is no global selection owner | WARNING |
NOJOURNAL | editing session is not being journaled | WARNING |
NOKEYMAPLIST | attempt to access an undefined key-map list 'key-map-list-name' | WARNING |
NOKEYMAP | attempt to access an undefined key map 'key-map-name' | WARNING |
NOLICENSE | DECTPU license validation failed | FATAL |
NONAMES | there are no names matching the one requested | WARNING |
NONANSICRT | SYS$INPUT must be supported CRT | ERROR |
NOPARENT | there is no parent process to attach to | WARNING |
NOPROCESS | no subprocess to interact with | WARNING |
NOREDEFINE | built-in procedure 'name' cannot be redefined | ERROR |
NORETURNVALUE | built-in does not return a value | ERROR |
NOSELECT | no select active | WARNING |
NOSHOWBUF | variable SHOW_BUFFER does not exist or is not a buffer | WARNING |
NOTARRAY | indexed variable is not an array | WARNING |
NOTDEFINABLE | that key is not definable | WARNING |
NOTERRORKEYWORD | error handler selector is not an error keyword | ERROR |
NOTIMPLEMENTED | built-in compiled by 'name' is not implemented by 'name' | ERROR |
NOTJOURNAL | file 'file' is not a journal file | ERROR |
NOTLEARNING | you have not begun a learn sequence | WARNING |
NOTMODIFIABLE | attempt to change unmodifiable buffer 'string' | WARNING |
NOTSAMEBUF | the markers are not in the same buffer | WARNING |
NOTSUBCLASS | object is not a subclass of WindowObjClass | WARNING |
NOTYET | not yet implemented | WARNING |
NOWINDOW | attempt to position the cursor outside all of the mapped windows | WARNING |
NULLSTRING | null string used | WARNING |
OCCLUDED | built-in/keyword 'name' occluded by declaration | INFORMATIONAL |
ONDELRECLIST | attempt to access a record on the deleted list | FATAL |
ONELEARN | cannot start a learn sequence while one is active | WARNING |
ONESELECT | select already active, maximum 1 per buffer | WARNING |
ONOROFF | parameter 'number' must be ON, OFF, true, or false | ERROR |
OPENDIC | error opening the dictionary file | ERROR |
OPENIN | error opening 'input-file' as input | ERROR |
OPENOUT | error opening 'output-file' as output | ERROR |
OVERLAPRANGE | overlapping ranges, operation terminated | WARNING |
PARSEFAIL | error parsing 'file-spec' | WARNING |
PARSEOVER | parser stack overflow | ERROR |
PREMATUREEOF | premature end-of-file detected | ERROR |
PRESSRET | press RETURN to continue... | SUCCESS |
PROCESSBEG | subprocess activated | SUCCESS |
PROCESSEND | subprocess terminated | SUCCESS |
PROCSUPERSEDED | definition of procedure 'name' superseded | INFORMATIONAL |
QUITTING | editor quitting | SUCCESS |
READERR | error reading 'input-file-spec' | ERROR |
READLINEHELP | DECTPU is executing the READ_LINE built-in function, enter text or cancel | INFORMATIONAL |
REALLYQUIT | buffer modifications will not be saved, continue quitting (Y or N)? | SUCCESS |
REALLYRECOVER | continue recovering (Y or N)? | SUCCESS |
RECJNLOPEN | journal file open, recovery status unchanged | ERROR |
RECOVERABORT | recovery aborted by journal file inconsistency, journal file closed | WARNING |
RECOVERBEG | recovery started | SUCCESS |
RECOVERBUFBEG | recovery started for buffer 'buffer name' | SUCCESS |
RECOVERBUFEND | recovery complete for buffer 'buffer name' | SUCCESS |
RECOVERBUFFILE1 | can not recover from file 'file name' | SUCCESS |
RECOVERBUFFILE2 | type new specification for original input file: | SUCCESS |
RECOVERBUFFILE3 | type new specification for inserted file: | SUCCESS |
RECOVERBUFFILE4 | can not find inserted file 'file name' | SUCCESS |
RECOVEREND | recovery complete | SUCCESS |
RECOVERFAIL | recovery terminated abnormally, journal file inconsistency | ERROR |
RECOVERQUIT | no file name specified, nothing recovered | WARNING |
RECURLEARN | learn sequence replay halted due to recursion | WARNING |
REFRESH_NEEDED | screen refresh needed | WARNING |
REGWIDDUP | registration string already associated with a different widget | WARNING |
REPLAYFAIL | an inconsistency has been discovered, halting execution | WARNING |
REPLAYWARNING | an inconsistency has been discovered, continuing execution | WARNING |
REQARGSMISSING | one or more required arguments missing | ERROR |
REQUIRESDECW | feature requires the DECTPU DECwindows screen updater | ERROR |
REQUIRESMOTIF | feature requires the DECTPU Motif screen updater | ERROR |
REQUIRESTERM | feature requires a terminal | ERROR |
REQUIRESULTRIX | feature not available on this operating system | ERROR |
REQUIRESVMS | feature not available on this operating system | ERROR |
RESTOREFAIL | error during RESTORE operation | ERROR |
REVERSECASE | CASE limits were reversed | INFORMATIONAL |
ROUND | FORWARD was rounded to the top | INFORMATIONAL |
SAVEAMBIGSYM | saving ambiguous symbol 'name' | INFORMATIONAL |
SAVEERROR | error during SAVE operation | ERROR |
SAVEUNDEFPROC | saving undefined procedure 'name' | INFORMATIONAL |
SCANADVANCE | *** Scanner advanced to "'name'" *** | ERROR |
SEARCHFAIL | error searching for 'file-spec' | WARNING |
SECTRESTORED | 'count' procedure(s), 'count' variable(s), 'count' key(s) restored | INFORMATIONAL |
SECTSAVED | 'count' procedure(s), 'count' variable(s), 'count' key(s) saved | SUCCESS |
SECTUNDEFPROC | saved 'count' undefined procedure(s), 'count' ambiguous symbol(s) | WARNING |
SELRANGEZERO | select range has 0 length | WARNING |
SENDFAIL | unable to send to subprocess | WARNING |
SOURCELINE | at source line 'integer' | INFORMATIONAL |
STACKOVER | stack overflow during compilation | ERROR |
STATOOLONG | truncating status line to 'count' characters | INFORMATIONAL |
STRNOTFOUND | string not found | WARNING |
STRTOOLARGE | string greater than 65535 characters | ERROR |
STRTOOLNG | string is too long for a conversion source | ERROR |
SUCCESS | successful completion | SUCCESS |
SYMDELETE | *** Error symbol deleted *** | ERROR |
SYMINSERT | *** "'name'" inserted before error symbol *** | ERROR |
SYMREPLACE | *** Error symbol replaced by "'name'" *** | ERROR |
SYMTBLFUL | all symbol tables are full | ERROR |
SYNTAXERROR | syntax error | ERROR |
SYSERROR | system service error | ERROR |
TEXT | 'message' | INFORMATIONAL |
TIMEOUT | built-in timed out | WARNING |
TOOFEW | too few arguments | ERROR |
TOOMANYPARAM | too many formal parameters/local variables | ERROR |
TOOMANYRECS | too many records | ERROR |
TOOMANY | too many arguments | ERROR |
TOPLINETRUNC | calculated new first line 'integer', changed to 1 | INFORMATIONAL |
TRUNCATE | line truncated to 'count' characters | WARNING |
TYPEREDEFINE | widget resource type 'name' has been redefined to data type 'name' | WARNING |
UIDICONERR | could not read icon 'name' from UID file | ERROR |
UIDOPENERR | could not open the specified UID file(s) | ERROR |
UIDWIDGETERR | could not read widget 'name' from UID file | ERROR |
UKNFACILITY | unknown facility code specified | WARNING |
UNARYOPER | operand combination 'oper' 'type' unsupported | WARNING |
UNDEFINEDPROC | undefined procedure call 'name' | ERROR |
UNDWIDCLA | undefined widget class specified | WARNING |
UNKCSCOMP | ignoring unknown compound string component | WARNING |
UNKESCAPE | unknown escape sequence read | WARNING |
UNKKEYWORD | an unknown keyword has been used as an argument | ERROR |
UNKLEXICAL | unknown lexical element | ERROR |
UNKOPCODE | unknown opcode 'value' | ERROR |
UNKTYPE | unknown data type 'value' | ERROR |
UNKWNDESC | unknown descriptor type | ERROR |
UNLINKWORKERR | error unlinking work file | ERROR |
UNREACHABLE | unreachable code | INFORMATIONAL |
WIDMISMATCH | parameter 'number''s class, 'class', unsupported | ERROR |
WINDNOTMAPPED | the window is not mapped to a buffer | WARNING |
WINDNOTVIS | built-in cannot operate on an invisible window | WARNING |
WORKFILEFAIL | error opening the work file | ERROR |
WRITEERR | error writing 'output-file-spec' | ERROR |
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