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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual
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The following sections describe the operation of the major ACP
functions. Each section describes the required and optional parameters
for a particular function, as well as the sequence in which the
function is performed. For clarity, when a major function invokes a
subfunction, the input parameters used by the subfunction are omitted.
1.6.1 Create File
Create file is a virtual I/O function that creates a directory entry or a file on a disk device, or a file on a magnetic tape device.
The following is the function code:
The following are the function modifiers:
The following are the device- or function-dependent arguments for IO$_CREATE:
Table 1-11 lists fields in the FIB that are applicable to the IO$_CREATE operation.
Field | Subfields | Meaning |
FIB$L_ACCTL | Specifies field values that control access to the file. The following bits are applicable to the IO$_CREATE function: | |
FIB$V_REWIND | Set to rewind magnetic tape before creating the file. Any data currently on the tape is overwritten. | |
FIB$V_CURPOS | Set to create magnetic tape file at the current tape position. (Note: a magnetic tape file is created at the end of the volume set if neither FIB$V_REWIND nor FIB$V_CURPOS is set.) If the tape is not positioned at the end of a file, FIB$V_CURPOS creates a file at the next file position. Any data currently on the tape past the current file position is overwritten. | |
FIB$V_WRITETHRU | Specifies that the file header is to be written back to the disk. If not specified and the file is opened, writing of the file header can be deferred to some later time. | |
FIB$W_CNTRLFUNC | Specifies the following value, which allows you to control actions subsequent to EOT detection on a magnetic tape file. | |
FIB$W_FID | Contains the file ID of the file created or entered. | |
FIB$W_DID | Contains the file identifier of the directory file. | |
FIB$W_NMCTL | Controls the processing of the file name in a directory operation. The following bits are applicable to the IO$_CREATE function: | |
FIB$V_NEWVER | Set to create a file of the same name with the next higher version number. Only for disk devices. | |
FIB$V_SUPERSEDE | Set to supersede an existing file of the same name, type, and version. Only for disk devices. | |
FIB$V_LOWVER | Set on return if a lower numbered version of the file exists. Only for disk devices. | |
FIB$V_HIGHVER | Set on return if a higher numbered version of the file exists. Only for disk devices. | |
FIB$W_VERLIMIT | Specifies the version limit for the directory entry created. Used only for disk devices and only when the first version of a new file is created. If 0, the directory default is used. If a directory operation was performed, FIB$W_VERLIMIT always contains the actual version limit of the file. | |
FIB$L_ACL_STATUS | Status of the requested ACL attribute operation, if any. The ACL attributes are included in Table 1-7. If no ACL attributes are given, SS$_NORMAL is returned here. |
If the modifier IO$M_CREATE is specified, a file is created. The file ID of the file created is returned in FIB$W_FID. If the modifier IO$M_DELETE is specified, the file is marked for deletion.
If a nonzero directory ID is specified in FIB$W_DID, a directory entry is created. The file name specified by parameter P2 is entered in the directory, together with the file ID in FIB$W_FID. ( Section describes the format for the file name string.) Wildcards are not permitted. Negative version numbers are treated as equivalent to a 0 version number. If a result string buffer and length are specified by P3 and P4, the actual file name entered, and its length, are returned.
The version number of the file receives the following treatment:
The file name string entered in the directory is returned using the P3 and P4 result string parameters, if present. The file name string is also written into the header. If no directory operation was requested (FIB$W_DID is 0), the file name string specified by P2, if any, is written into the file header.
If an attribute list is specified by P5, a write attributes subfunction is performed (see Section 1.3.5).
If the modifier IO$M_ACCESS is specified, the file is opened (see Section 1.3.2).
If the extend enable bit FIB$V_EXTEND is specified in the FIB, an extend subfunction is performed (see Section 1.3.3).
Finally, if a file was set aside for deletion (IO$M_DELETE is specified), that file is deleted. If the file is deleted because the FIB$V_SUPERSEDE bit was set, the alternate success status SS$_SUPERSEDE is returned in the I/O status block. If the file is deleted because the version limit was exceeded, the alternate success status SS$_FILEPURGED is returned.
If an error occurs in the operation of an IO$_CREATE function, all
actions performed to that point are reversed (the file is neither
created nor changed), and the error status is returned to the user in
the I/O status block. Directory Entry Creation
Creating a new version of a file eliminates default access to the
previously highest version of the file. For example, creating
yields the contents of version 4, not version 3. To protect the
contents of the earlier version of a file, the creator of a file must
have write access to the previous version of a file of the same name. Magnetic Tape ACP Operation
No operation is performed unless the IO$M_CREATE modifier is specified. The magnetic tape is positioned as specified by FIB$V_REWIND and FIB$V_CURPOS, and the file is created. The name specified by the P2 parameter is written into the file header label.
If P5 specifies an attribute list, a write attributes subfunction is performed (see Section 1.3.5).
If the modifier IO$M_ACCESS is specified, the file is opened (see
Section 1.3.2).
1.6.2 Access File
This virtual I/O function searches a directory on a disk device or a magnetic tape for a specified file and accesses that file if found.
The following is the function code:
The following are the function modifiers:
The following are the device- or function-dependent arguments for IO$_ACCESS:
Table 1-12 lists FIB fields that are applicable to the IO$_ACCESS operation.
Field | Subfields | Meaning |
FIB$W_CNTRLFUNC | Specifies the value that allows the user to control actions subsequent to EOT detection on a magnetic tape file. | |
FIB$W_VERLIMIT | Receives the version limit for the file. Applicable only if FIB$W_DID is a nonzero number (if a directory lookup is done). Used only for disk devices. | |
FIB$L_ACL_STATUS | Status of the requested ACL attribute operation, if any. The ACL attributes are included in Table 1-7. If no ACL attributes are given, SS$_NORMAL is returned here. (For Files-11 C/D, this field is always set to SS$_NORMAL.) | |
FIB$L_STATUS | Alternate access status. The following bits are supported: | |
FIB$V_ALT_REQ | Set to indicate whether the alternate access bit is required for the current operation. If not set, the alternate access bit is optional. | |
FIB$V_ALT_GRANTED | If FIB$V_ALT_REQ = 0 and the alternate access check succeeded, the FIB bit returned from the file system is set. | |
FIB$L_ALT_ACCESS | A 32-bit mask that represents an access mask to check against file protection; for example, to open a file for read and to check whether it can be deleted. The mask has the same configuration as the standard protection mask. |
If a nonzero directory file ID is specified in FIB$W_DID, a lookup subfunction is performed (see Section 1.3.1.) The version limit of the file found is returned in FIB$W_VERLIMIT.
If the directory search fails with a "file not found" condition and the IO$M_CREATE function modifier is specified, the function is reexecuted as a CREATE. In that case, the argument interpretations for IO$_CREATE, rather than those for IO$_ACCESS, apply.
If IO$M_ACCESS is specified, an access subfunction is performed to open the file (see Section 1.3.2).
If P5 specifies an attribute list, a read attributes subfunction is
performed (see Section 1.3.5).
1.6.3 Deaccess File
Deaccess file is a virtual I/O function that deaccesses a file and, if specified, writes final attributes in the file header.
The following is the function code:
IO$_DEACCESS takes no function modifiers. Input Parameters
The following are the device- or function-dependent arguments for IO$_DEACCESS:
The following FIB field is applicable to a IO$_DEACCESS function:
Field | Meaning |
FIB$W_FID | File ID of the file being deaccessed. This field can contain a value of 0. If it does not, it must match the file identifier of the accessed file. |
FIB$L_ACL_STATUS | Status of the requested ACL attribute operation, if any. The ACL attributes are included in Table 1-7. If no ACL attributes are given, SS$_NORMAL is returned here. (For Files-11 C/D, this field is always set to SS$_NORMAL.) |
For disk files, if P5 specifies an attribute control list and the file was accessed for a write operation, a write attributes subfunction is performed (see Section 1.3.5). If the file was opened for write, no attributes were specified, and FIB$V_DLOCK was set when the file was accessed, the deaccess lock bit is set in the file header, inhibiting further access to that file.
For disk files, if the truncate enable bit FIB$V_TRUNCATE is specified in the FIB, a truncate subfunction is performed (see Section 1.3.4).
Finally, the file is closed. Trailer labels are written for a magnetic
tape file that was opened for write.
1.6.4 Modify File
Modify file is a virtual I/O function that modifies the file attributes or allocation of a disk file. The IO$_MODIFY function is not applicable to magnetic tape; that is, the function returns success, but no action is performed.
The following is the function code:
The following is the function modifier:
The following are the device- or function-dependent arguments for IO$_MODIFY:
The following FIB fields are applicable to the IO$_MODIFY function:
Field | Subfields | Meaning |
FIB$L_ACCTL | Specifies field values that control access to the file. The following bit is applicable to the IO$_MODIFY function: | |
FIB$V_WRITETHRU | Specifies that the file header is to be written back to the disk. If not specified and the file is currently open, writing of the file header can be deferred to some later time. | |
FIB$W_VERLIMIT | If a nonzero number, specifies the version limit for the file. | |
FIB$L_ACL_STATUS | Status of the requested ACL attribute operation, if any. The ACL attributes are included in Table 1-7. If no ACL attributes are given, SS$_NORMAL is returned here. |
If a nonzero directory ID is specified in FIB$W_DID, a lookup subfunction is executed (see Section 1.3.1). If a nonzero version limit is specified in FIB$W_VERLIMIT and the directory entry found is the latest version of that file, the version limit is set to the value specified.
If P5 specifies an attribute list, a write attributes subfunction is performed (see Section 1.3.5).
The file can be either extended or truncated. If FIB$V_EXTEND is
specified in the FIB, an extend subfunction is performed (see
Section 1.3.3). If FIB$V_TRUNCATE is specified in the FIB, a truncate
subfunction is performed (see Section 1.3.4). Extend and truncate
operations cannot be performed at the same time.
1.6.5 Delete File
Delete file is a virtual I/O function that removes a directory entry or file header from a disk volume.
The following is the function code:
The following is the function modifier:
The following are the device- or function-dependent arguments for IO$_DELETE:
The following FIB fields are applicable to the IO$_DELETE function:
Field | Subfields | Meaning |
FIB$L_ACCTL | Specifies field values that control access to the file. The following bit is applicable to the IO$_DELETE function. | |
FIB$V_WRITETHRU | Specifies that the file header is to be written back to the disk. If not specified and the file is currently open, writing of the file header can be deferred to some later time. | |
FIB$W_FID | Specifies the file identification to be deleted. |
If a nonzero directory ID is specified in FIB$W_DID, a lookup subfunction is performed (see Section 1.3.1). The file name located is removed from the directory.
If the function modifier IO$M_DELETE is specified, the file is marked
for deletion. If the file is not currently open, it is deleted
immediately. If the file is open, it is deleted when the last accessor
closes it.
1.6.6 Movefile Subfunction
The movefile subfunction permits you to move the contents of a file, or part of the contents of a file, to a new disk location. This subfunction can, for example, form the basis of a disk defragmentation application.
You can disable movefile operations on specific user files by
specifying the /NOMOVE qualifier on the SET FILE command. Use the
DIRECTORY/FULL and the DUMP/HEADER commands to find out if movefile
operations are disabled on a file. Calling the Movefile Subfunction
A program can invoke a movefile subfunction by issuing a QIO request
using the function code IO$_MODIFY and the function modifier
IO$M_MOVEFILE. This section describes the various input parameters that
control the processing of movefile operations together with an
operational description. Input Parameters
Table 1-13 lists the FIB fields that control the processing of a movefile subfunction.
Field | Subfields | Meaning |
FIB$L_ACCTL | Movefile control flag. The following flags are applicable: | |
FIB$V_NOVERIFY | Inhibits comparison of the moved blocks. If this flag is clear, the movefile operation verifies that the operation was carried out correctly by comparing the moved blocks to the original blocks. | |
Enables the movefile operation to move blocks from one volume to
another within a volume set.
The movefile operation clears this flag if the specified file is a directory. |
FIB$W_FID | Specifies the file identification of the file to be moved. | |
FIB$W_EXCTL | Movefile control flags. The following flags apply to the movefile operation. All other FIB$W_EXCTL flags must be clear. | |
Specifies that the movefile operation must allocate contiguous disk
space to the moved blocks. If the necessary contiguous space is not
available, the movefile operation fails.
The movefile operation sets this flag if the file was previously marked as contiguous. |
Specifies that the movefile operation should attempt to allocate
contiguous disk space to the moved blocks. That is, if the movefile
operation cannot allocate contiguous space to all the moved blocks, it
allocates contiguous space to as many of the blocks as possible.
The movefile operation sets this flag if the file was previously marked as contiguous best try. |
Specifies that the entire file must be made contiguous. Do not set this
flag without also setting the FIB$V_ALCON flag.
If the FIB$V_FILCON flag is set, and either the FIB$V_ALCON flag is clear or the file would not be made contiguous by moving the specified virtual blocks, the movefile operation fails. The movefile operation sets this flag if the file was previously marked as contiguous. |
Specifies that placement information will not be recorded in the file
If this flag is clear and you specify exact placement for the moved blocks, placement information for those blocks will be recorded in the file header. If this flag is set, the placement information will not be recorded. You specify exact placement through the FIB$V_EXACT, FIB$C_LBN, and FIB$L_LOC_ADDR fields. |
FIB$B_ALOPTS | Flags that control the placement of the allocated blocks. Currently, only the FIB$V_EXACT flag applies to the movefile operation. All other FIB$B_ALOPTS flags must be clear. The following flags are applicable: | |
FIB$V_EXACT | Set to require exact placement. If this flag is set and the specified blocks are not available, the movefile operation fails. | |
FIB$B_ALALIGN | Contains the interpretation mode of the allocation field (FIB$W_ALLOC). You can specify a field value of 0 or you can specify the symbolic value FIB$C_LBN. If you specify zero, the allocation field is ignored. | |
FIB$W_ALLOC | Contains the desired location of the blocks being allocated. Interpretation of the field is controlled by the FIB$B_ALALIGN field. The following subfields are defined: | |
FIB$B_LOC_RVN | Specifies the relative volume number (RVN) of the volume to which the blocks are moved. Do not specify a value for this field unless you have set the FIB$V_CHANGE_VOL flag. | |
FIB$L_LOC_ADDR | If the FIB$C_LBN and FIB$V_EXACT flags are set, specifies the starting logical address to which the blocks are moved. | |
Specifies the virtual block number (VBN) of the first block to be moved.
The starting VBN must correspond to the first block of a disk cluster. The value must be greater than 0 and it must not exceed the number of virtual blocks allocated to the file. If you specify an invalid value, the movefile operation fails. |
Specifies the number of consecutive virtual blocks to be moved.
This value must be a multiple of the disk cluster size, and it must not exceed the difference between the greatest VBN allocated to the file and the FIB$L_MOV_SVBN value. If you specify a value of 0, the movefile operation moves all the virtual blocks between the FIB$L_MOV_SVBN value and the greatest VBN. If you specify an invalid value, the movefile operation fails. |
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