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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS I/O User's Reference Manual
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Several protocol errors are also included in a separate subblock. The protocol errors item code is LAT$_ITM_PROTOCOL_ERRORS and has LAT$V_STRING set (the size of the subblock is contained in the first byte following the item code). The item codes and the events they represent are listed in Table 5-21.
Item Codes | Meaning |
LAT$_ITM_CTPRO_IVM (LOCAL) | Invalid message type received. |
LAT$_ITM_CTPRO_ISM (LOCAL) | Invalid start message received. |
LAT$_ITM_CTPRO_IVS (LOCAL) | Invalid sequence number received. |
LAT$_ITM_CTPRO_NIZ (LOCAL) | Zero-node index received. |
LAT$_ITM_CTPRO_ICI (LOCAL) | Node circuit index out of range. |
LAT$_ITM_CTPRO_CSI (LOCAL) | Node circuit sequence invalid. |
LAT$_ITM_CTPRO_NLV (LOCAL) | Node circuit index no longer valid. |
LAT$_ITM_CTPRO_HALT (LOCAL) | Circuit was forced to halt. |
LAT$_ITM_CTPRO_MIZ (LOCAL) | Invalid master slot index. |
LAT$_ITM_CTPRO_SIZ (LOCAL) | Invalid slave slot index. |
LAT$_ITM_CTPRO_CRED (LOCAL) | Invalid credit field. |
LAT$_ITM_CTPRO_RCSM (LOCAL) | Repeat creation of slot by master. |
LAT$_ITM_CTPRO_RDSM (LOCAL) | Repeat disconnection of slot by master. |
++ LAT$_ITM_CTPRO_INVCLASS (LOCAL) | Indicates the number of times a LAT message was received with an invalid service class specified in that message (local node only). |
++ LAT$_ITM_CTPRO_EXCSTART (LOCAL) | Indicates that a remote node attempted to start up too many LAT sessions. When a virtual circuit is started between two LAT nodes, the maximum number of sessions on that virtual circuit is negotiated. If the master node attempts to create more sessions than the maximum number of sessions on a virtual circuit, then the operating system rejects the excess connections and increments this counter. |
Table 5-22 lists the item codes that are returned for the LAT$C_ENT_SERVICE entity type. As in Table 5-17, item codes noted as LOCAL are returned only if the information being returned is for a locally offered service. Item codes noted as REMOTE are returned only if the information being returned is for a service offered by a remote node. Item codes noted as BOTH are returned for both types of services.
Item Codes | Meaning | ||||
Service name. | ||||
Status of the specified service. Possible values are:
Type of service. Possible values are:
LAT$_ITM_IDENTIFICATION (BOTH, SUMMARY) | Service identification string, as advertised by the highest rated node that currently offers the service. |
Service node information is presented as a list of service node subblocks, with each subblock containing information about one particular node that offers the service. The subblock item code LAT$_ITM_SVC_NODE_BLOCK has the LAT$V_STRING bit set to 1, and the string length byte actually contains the length of the entire subblock. Each subblock itself is an itemlist and consists of the item codes listed in Table 5-23.
Item Codes | Meaning | ||||||
LAT$_ITM_NODE_NAME (BOTH) | Name of a LAT node that offers the selected service. | ||||||
Current state of the LAT protocol on the local node. Possible values
Current status of the remote node. This item code is present only if a
LAT virtual circuit does not currently exist to the remote node.
Possible values are:
Number of LAT sessions from the local node to this remote node. This item code replaces the LAT$_ITM_NODE_STATUS item code for remote nodes to which a LAT virtual circuit currently exists. | ||||||
(BOTH) |
LAT service rating associated with the service. | ||||||
LAT$_ITM_RATING_TYPE (LOCAL) | Type of LAT rating calculation being done by this node. Possible values are LAT$C_STATIC and LAT$C_DYNAMIC. | ||||||
(BOTH) |
Identification string associated with the service. |
Service counters information is presented as a counters subblock. The subblock item code LAT$_ITM_COUNTERS has the LAT$V_STRING bit set, and the string length byte actually contains the length of the entire subblock. Each subblock itself is an itemlist and consists of the item codes listed in Table 5-24.
Item Codes | Meaning | ||
LAT$_ITM_CTSRV_SSZ (BOTH) | Seconds since zeroed. | ||
LAT$_ITM_CTSRV_MCNA (BOTH) | Outgoing connections attempted (the number of times the local node has attempted to connect to the service offered on a remote node). | ||
LAT$_ITM_CTSRV_MCNC (BOTH) | Outgoing connections completed (the number of times the local node successfully connected to the service offered on a remote node). | ||
LAT$_ITM_CTSRV_SCNA (BOTH) | Incoming connections accepted (the number of times the local node has accepted a connection request from a remote node to the locally offered service). | ||
LAT$_ITM_CTSRV_SCNR (BOTH) | Incoming connections rejected (the number of times the local node rejected a connection request from a remote node to the locally offered service). | ||
If the selected service is an application service offered by the local
node, a list of one or more port subblocks is included in the itemlist.
These subblocks describe the dedicated port or ports associated with
this application service, with each subblock describing one particular
port. The subblock item code LAT$_ITM_DED_PORT_BLOCK has the
LAT$V_STRING bit set, and the string length byte actually contains the
length of the entire subblock. Each subblock itself is an itemlist and
currently consists only of the following item code:
++ LAT$_ITM_PASSWORD_FAILURE | Indicates password failures. |
Table 5-25 lists the item codes that are returned for the LAT$C_ENT_LINK entity type.
Item Codes | Meaning | ||||||
LAT$_ITM_LINK_NAME (SUMMARY) | Link name (such as LAT$LINK). | ||||||
State of the link. Possible values are:
LAT$_ITM_DEVICE_NAME (SUMMARY) | The name of the LAN device used for the link. | ||||||
LAT$_ITM_DATALINK_ADDRESS | The LAN device's current physical address for the link. | ||||||
Indicates whether the link attempts to use the default DECnet LAN
address when starting the data link controller (enabling the LAT
protocol). Possible values are:
Link counters information is presented as a counters subblock. The subblock item code LAT$_ITM_COUNTERS has the LAT$V_STRING bit set, and the string length byte actually contains the length of the entire subblock. Because the link counters are independent of the protocol type, they include not only LAT messages and events, but also all other protocol messages and events (that is, DECnet) associated with the same LAN device. The counters are actually maintained by the LAN device driver and are identified within the subblock by the nonprotocol-specific item codes listed in Table 5-26.
Item Codes | Meaning |
NMA$C_CTLIN_ZER | Seconds since zeroed |
NMA$C_CTLIN_DBR | Messages received |
NMA$C_CTLIN_DBS | Messages transmitted |
NMA$C_CTLIN_MBL | Multicast messages received |
NMA$C_CTLIN_MBS | Multicast messages transmitted |
NMA$C_CTLIN_BRC | Bytes received |
NMA$C_CTLIN_BSN | Bytes transmitted |
NMA$C_CTLIN_MBY | Multicast bytes received |
NMA$C_CTLIN_MSN | Multicast bytes transmitted |
NMA$C_CTLIN_RFL | Receive errors |
NMA$C_CTLIN_SFL | Transmit errors |
NMA$C_CTLIN_OVR | Data overrun |
NMA$C_CTLIN_UBU | User buffer unavailable |
NMA$C_CTLIN_SBU | System buffer unavailable |
NMA$C_CTLIN_LBE | Local buffer errors |
NMA$C_CTLIN_BS1 | Messages sent, single collisions |
NMA$C_CTLIN_BSM | Messages sent, multiple collisions |
NMA$C_CTLIN_BID | Messages sent, initially deferred |
NMA$C_CTLIN_CDC | Transmit collision detection check failure |
Table 5-27 lists additional link counter item codes of the LINK entity.
Item Codes | Meaning |
LAT$_ITM_CTLAT_RMSG | Count of LAT messages received through link |
LAT$_ITM_CTLAT_RBYT | Count of bytes for LAT received through link |
LAT$_ITM_CTLAT_XMSG | Count of LAT messages transmitted through link |
LAT$_ITM_CTLAT_XBYT | Count of bytes for LAT transmitted through link |
LAT$_ITM_CTLAT_MUL_RMSG | Count of LAT multicast messages received through link |
LAT$_ITM_CTLAT_MUL_RBYT | Count of multicast bytes for LAT received through link |
LAT$_ITM_CTLAT_MUL_XMSG | Count of LAT multicast messages transmitted through link |
LAT$_ITM_CTLAT_MUL_XBYT | Count of multicast bytes for LAT transmitted through link |
LAT$_ITM_LAT_DEV_CTR_BLOCK | This block contains the LAT-specific counters for the specified link. Counters returned in this block are the ones defined above (with CTLAT in their name). These counters are LAT-specific for the link (device). They do not include counts from other protocols using the same adapter. |
The counter item codes listed in Table 5-27 are used by LATCP in the display generated by the $SHOW LINK /COUNTER command. The display looks similiar to the following:
Link Name: LAT$LINK Device Name: _XQA1: Seconds Since Zeroed: 65535 Messages Received: 7080630 Messages Sent: 2135394 LAT Messages Received: 1484817 LAT Messages Sent: 2086167 Multicast Msgs Received: 5578139 Multicast Msgs Sent: 10775 LAT Multicast Msgs Received: 5093417 LAT Multicast Msgs Sent: 9142 Bytes Received: 678189475 Bytes Sent: 1312778402 LAT Bytes Received: 107809441 LAT Bytes Sent: 1278118808 Multicast Bytes Received: 602984574 Multicast Bytes Sent: 1696264 LAT Multicast Bytes Received: 565264261 LAT Multicast Bytes Sent: 1448342 System Buffer Unavailable: 1638401 User Buffer Unavailable: 1 Unrecognized Destination: 65537 Data Overrun: 1 Receive Errors: 7 Transmit Errors: 1 Receive Errors (bitmask = 001) - Transmit Errors (bitmask = 001) - Block Check Error: Yes Excessive Collisions: Yes Framing Error: No Carrier Check Failure: No Frame Too Long: No Short Circuit: No Frame Status Error: No Open Circuit: No Frame Length Error: No Frame Too Long: No Remote Failure To Defer: No Transmit Underrun: No Transmit Failure: No CSMACD Specific Counters ------------------------ Transmit CDC Failure: 1 Messages Transmitted - Single Collision: 5208 Multiple Collisions: 4732 Initially Deferred: 0 |
Table 5-28 lists the item codes that are returned for the LAT$C_ENT_PORT entity type.
Item Codes | Meaning | ||||||||
LAT$_ITM_PORT_NAME SUMMARY | Name of the port (such as _LTA15:). | ||||||||
Type of port. Possible values are:
Controls whether the solicited connection requests queued or nonqueued
access. Possible values are:
Indicates the class driver with which the device is communicating. This
item code can be used only with an entity status of LAT$C_ENTS_NEW.
Therefore, the service class must be specified when the device is
created. An attempt to change the service class of an existing device
returns SS$_BADPARAM. Possible values are:
LAT$_ITM_DISPLAY_NUMBER | Display number value for the device. This field has meaning for services classes 3 and 4 (X) only. It returns a value of 0 for all other service classes. | ||||||||
LAT$_ITM_DISCONNECT_REASON | Reason (if any) for the last disconnect on the port. If it is not a 0--19 LAT rejection code, it is a LAT message code. The 0--19 LAT rejection code meanings are listed in Table 5-32. | ||||||||
LAT$_ITM_CONNECTED_SERVICE_NAME 1 | Name of service to which this port is connected. For forward and application ports, this is the name of the remote service to which the port is connected (if any). For interactive and dedicated ports, this is the name of the local service that accepted the remote-initiated connection. | ||||||||
LAT$_ITM_CONNECTED_NODE_NAME 1 | Name of remote node to which this port is connected. | ||||||||
LAT$_ITM_CONNECTED_PORT_NAME 1 | Name of remote port to which this port is connected. | ||||||||
LAT$_ITM_CONNECTED_LINK_NAME 1 | Name of the link on which the LAT connection exists. | ||||||||
LAT$_ITM_TARGET_SERVICE_NAME 2 | Target service name for connection of forward or application ports. For dedicated ports, this item code specifies the local service with which the port is associated. | ||||||||
LAT$_ITM_TARGET_NODE_NAME 2 | Target node name for connection of forward or application ports. | ||||||||
LAT$_ITM_TARGET_PORT_NAME 2 | Target port name for connection of forward or application ports. | ||||||||
++ LAT$_ITM_NODE_QUEUE_POSITION | Indicates current node queue position for connect request. Returned during SENSEMODE of port entity. | ||||||||
++ LAT$_ITM_SERVICE_QUEUE_POSITION | Indicates current service queue position for connect request. Returned during SENSEMODE of port entity. | ||||||||
Current port state. Possible values are:
On Alpha systems, the item codes for queue entries are listed in Table 5-29.
Item Code | Meaning |
LAT$_ITM_QUEUED_ENTRY_ID (SUMMARY) | Indicates by string the queue entry ID name. |
LAT$_ITM_NODE_QUEUE_POSITION (SUMMARY) | Indicates the current position of entry in node wide queue. |
LAT$_ITM_SERVICE_QUEUE_POSITION (SUMMARY) | Indicates the current position of entry in service wide queue. |
LAT$_ITM_NODE_NAME (SUMMARY) | Indicates where the remote node name queue entry came from. |
LAT$_ITM_SERVICE_NAME (SUMMARY) | Indicates the target service name to which the queue entry is queued (if specified). |
LAT$_ITM_PORT_NAME (SUMMARY) | Indicates the target port name to which the entry is queued (if specified). |
LAT$_ITM_LINK_NAME | Returns the link name on which the queued request is active. |
LAT$_ITM_DATALINK_ADDRESS | Returns the remote node that issued request's data link address. |
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