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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS DCL Dictionary
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Use the /GENERIC qualifier to change the list of target nodes for a generic queue. The queue must have been initialized as a generic queue with the INITIALIZE/QUEUE/GENERIC command.
If you do not specify any target execution queues with the /GENERIC qualifier, jobs can be moved to any execution queue that (1) is initialized with the /ENABLE_GENERIC qualifier, and (2) is the same type (batch or output) as the generic queue.
To define the queue as a generic batch or output queue, you use the /GENERIC qualifier with either the /BATCH or the /DEVICE qualifier. If you specify neither the /BATCH nor the /DEVICE qualifier on creation of a generic queue, by default the queue becomes a generic printer queue.
The /NONO_INITIAL_FF qualifier sends a form feed to the output device to ensure that the paper is at the top of a page before printing begins.
The node name is used only in VAXcluster systems; it must match the node name specified by the system parameter SCSNODE for the VAX computer on which the queue executes.
You cannot use the /ON qualifier with the /AUTOSTART_ON or /GENERIC qualifier. However, you can specify the /ON qualifier for a queue previously created or started with the /AUTOSTART_ON qualifier. Doing so overrides the /AUTOSTART_ON qualifier and makes the queue a nonautostart queue.
Enables you to change the user identification code (UIC) of the queue. Specify the UIC by using standard format as described in the OpenVMS User's Manual.
Allows you to specify your own print symbiont for an output execution queue. You can use any valid file name as a parameter of the /PROCESSOR qualifier. The system supplies the device and directory name SYS$SYSTEM and the file type EXE. If you use this qualifier for an output queue, it specifies that the symbiont image to be executed is SYS$SYSTEM:filename.EXE.
By default, SYS$SYSTEM:PRTSMB.EXE is the symbiont image associated with an output execution queue.
The /NOPROCESSOR qualifier cancels any previous setting established by the /PROCESSOR qualifier, and causes SYS$SYSTEM:PRTSMB.EXE to be used.
Specifies the protection of the queue.
If you include only one protection code, you can omit the parentheses.
For more information on specifying protection codes, refer to the OpenVMS Guide to System Security. For more information on controlling queue operations through UIC-based protection, refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.
ALL | Holds all jobs in the queue after execution. |
ERROR | Holds in the queue only jobs that fail to complete. |
A user can request a job retention option for a job by specifying the /RETAIN qualifier with the PRINT, SUBMIT, or SET ENTRY command. However, the job retention option you specify for a queue overrides any job retention option requested by a user for a job in that queue.
If you enter this command while there are pending jobs in any queue, its effect on future jobs is unpredictable.
You cannot use the /SEPARATE qualifier with the /GENERIC qualifier.
The job separation options are as follows:
[NO]BURST | Specifies whether two job flag pages with a burst bar between them are printed at the beginning of each job. |
[NO]FLAG | Specifies whether a job flag page is printed at the beginning of each job. |
[NO]TRAILER | Specifies whether a job trailer page is printed at the end of each job. |
[NO]RESET=(module[,...]) | Specifies one or more device control library modules that contain the job reset sequence for the queue. The specified modules from the queue's device control library (by default SYS$LIBRARY:SYSDEVCTL) are used to reset the device each time a job reset occurs. The RESET sequence occurs after any file trailer and before any job trailer. Thus, all job separation pages are printed when the device is in its RESET state. |
When you specify /SEPARATE=BURST, the [NO]FLAG separation option does not add or subtract a flag page from the two flag pages that are printed preceding the job.
For information on establishing queue options that can be overridden, see the description of the /DEFAULT qualifier.
For more information on specifying mandatory queue options, refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.
You also can specify this qualifier for an output execution queue. Used in this context, the /WSDEFAULT qualifier establishes the working set default of the symbiont process for an execution queue when the symbiont process is created.
Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on Alpha or 512-byte pages on VAX. Note that the operating systems rounds up this value to the nearest CPU-specific page so that actual amount of physical memory allowed may be larger than the specified amount on Alpha.
If you specify the value 0 or NONE, the working set default value defaults to the value specified in the UAF or by the SUBMIT command (if included).
For more information about the way a working set default affects batch jobs, see Table DCLII-23.
You also can specify this qualifier for an output execution queue. Used in this context, the /WSEXTENT qualifier establishes the working set extent of the symbiont process for an output execution queue when the symbiont process is created.
Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on Alpha or 512-byte pages on VAX. Note that the operating system rounds up this value to the nearest CPU-specific page so that actual amount of physical memory allowed may be larger than the specified amount on Alpha.
If you specify the value 0 or NONE, the working set extent value defaults to the value specified in the UAF or by the SUBMIT command (if included).
For more information about the way a working set extent affects batch jobs, see Table DCLII-23.
You also can specify this qualifier for an output execution queue. Used in this context, the /WSQUOTA qualifier establishes the working set quota of the symbiont process for an output execution queue when the symbiont process is created.
Specify the value of n as a number of 512-byte pagelets on Alpha or 512-byte pages on VAX. Note that the operating system rounds up this value to the nearest CPU-specific page so that actual amount of physical memory allowed may be larger than the specified amount on Alpha.
If you specify the value 0 or NONE, the working set quota value defaults to the value specified in the UAF or by the SUBMIT command (if included).
Working set default, working set quota, and working set extent values are included in each user record in the system UAF. You can specify working set values for individual jobs or for all jobs in a given queue. The decision table (Table DCLII-23) shows the action taken for different combinations of specifications that involve working set size and working set quota values.
Value Specified by the SUBMIT Command? |
Value Specified for the Queue? |
Action Taken |
No | No | Use the UAF value. |
No | Yes | Use value for the queue. |
Yes | Yes | Use smaller of the two values. |
Yes | No | Compare specified value with UAF value; use the smaller. |
#1 |
The STOP/QUEUE command in this example suspends the job that is currently executing on the printer queue LPA0 and places that queue in the paused state. The START/QUEUE command releases the queue from the paused state. The /TOP_OF_FILE qualifier causes the job that was suspended to resume printing at the beginning of the file rather than at where it was interrupted.
#2 |
The INITIALIZE/QUEUE command in this example initializes the queue named LPA0. Later, the START/QUEUE command starts the queue. The /DEFAULT qualifier requests that a flag page precede each file in each job.
#3 |
The START/QUEUE command in this example restarts the LN01_PRINT queue with the default form LN01_PORTRAIT.
#4 |
$ INITIALIZE/QUEUE/START/GENERIC=(A,B) MYQUEUE . . [new printers X and Y are brought in at a later date] . $ STOP/QUEUE/NEXT MYQUEUE $ START/QUEUE/GENERIC=(X,Y) MYQUEUE |
This example changes the list of target nodes for a generic queue. Note that the queue was previously initialized as a generic queue.
Starts the clusterwide queue manager for the queuing system and opens that queue manager's queue database files. The /QUEUE qualifier is optional, but the /MANAGER qualifier is required.By default, the command affects the default queue manager, SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER. Specify the /NAME_OF_MANAGER qualifier to start a queue manager other than the default.
For more information, refer to the chapter on the queue manager in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.
Requires OPER (operator) and SYSNAM (system logical name) privileges.
Specifies the directory location to contain the system queue and journal files of the queue database. The queue file has a file type of QMAN$QUEUES and contains queue definitions. The journal file has a file type of QMAN$JOURNAL and contains job and other information that lets the queue manager to return to its last known state should a system be stopped unexpectedly. These files must reside in the same directory.The default location of the queue and journal files is SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]. The optional dirspec parameter is used only for specifying an alternate location for the queue and journal files. The specification must include at least the device and directory name. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are not allowed in the directory specification.
The directory you specify must be available to all nodes that can run the queue manager. If the directory specification is a concealed logical name, it must be identically defined on all nodes in the cluster.
The location of the queue and journal files is stored in the master file of the queue database. You do not have to respecify the directory location with subsequent START/QUEUE/MANAGER commands.
For information about changing the location of any of the queue database files, refer to the chapter on the queue manager in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.
The START/QUEUE/MANAGER command has the following uses:
- Enter the command START/QUEUE/MANAGER/NEW_VERSION to create the queue database and initially start a queue manager. See the description of the /NEW_VERSION qualifier for more information. Once the queue manager has been started, it will remain running unless it is explicitly stopped with the STOP/QUEUE/MANAGER/CLUSTER command.
- If the STOP/QUEUE/MANAGER/CLUSTER command has been executed, enter the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command to restart a queue manager.
- In an OpenVMS Cluster, enter the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command with the /ON qualifier to modify the list of preferred nodes on which a queue manager can run. See the description of the /ON qualifier for more information.
- In an OpenVMS Cluster, enter the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command to ensure that a queue manager process is executing on the most preferred, available node. If the queue manager is not running on the most preferred, available node, the queue manager will be moved to that node without interruption of service. If you are using the default node list (*), the queue manager will not move. For more information, see the description of the /ON qualifier.
If the queue manager is in a location other than the default, and in OpenVMS Cluster environments with multiple system disks, you must define the logical name QMAN$MASTER. For instructions, refer to the chapter about the queue manager and queue database in the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.
If a queue manager does not start when you enter the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command, you will receive the following message:
%JBC-E-QMANNOTSTARTED, queue manager could not be startedIf you see this message, search the operator log file SYS$MANAGER:OPERATOR.LOG (or look on the operator console) for messages from the facilities QUEUE_MANAGE and JOB_CONTROL for information about the problem, as follows:
Creates an additional queue manager in the existing queue database. If the named queue manager already exists, the request will be rejected./NAME_OF_MANAGER=name
Creates a non-default queue manager. The required name value may be up to 31 characters long and may be a logical. The name will serve as the identifier for the queue manager process and the portion of the database that it is managing./NEW_VERSION
/NONEW_VERSION (default)
Specifies that a new (empty) version of the queue database is to be created. This qualifier is required when initially creating and starting the queuing system.If you specify this qualifier and a queue database already exists, the new master and queue files of the queue database supersede existing versions of those files. However, the journal file of the existing queue database is deleted. Jobs and other information are lost.
In an OpenVMS Cluster, specify the nodes on which a clusterwide queue manager can run. The default value for the node list is the asterisk (*) wildcard character, meaning that all nodes in the cluster are eligible to run the queue manager. If the node on which the queue manager is running leaves the cluster, the queue manager can automatically fail over to any available node in the cluster. However, to specify a preferred order in which the nodes should claim the queue manager, or to limit the nodes which can run it, you must specify the /ON qualifier.The node list you specify is stored in the queue database. Anytime the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command is entered and neither the /NEW_VERSION nor /ON qualifier is specified, the /ON list stored in the queue database remains unchanged.
For highest availability, specify the asterisk (*) wildcard character as the last node in the node list to indicate that any remaining unlisted node can claim the queue manager, with no preferred order. If you do not specify the asterisk (*) wildcard character last in the node list, the queue manager can only fail over if one of the nodes in the list is available. However, if you want to exclude certain nodes from being eligible to run the queue manager, you cannot use the asterisk (*) wildcard character. You cannot specify the asterisk (*) wildcard character as part of a node name.
Anytime the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command is entered (with or without the /ON qualifier), the job controller will check to see if one or more preferred queue manager nodes was currently or previously specified with the /ON qualifier. If one or more preferred nodes was specified, and the queue manager is running on a node other than the first available node of those specified, the queue manager process is moved from its current node and restarted on the first available preferred node. Despite the transition, queues on the running nodes are not stopped. All requests to the queuing system, for example, PRINT, SUBMIT, and SHOW ENTRY requests, will complete as expected.
#1 |
The START/QUEUE/MANAGER command in this example starts the queue manager and creates the queue and journal files in the default location, SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE]. Because the asterisk (*) wildcard character is used as the default value for the list of nodes on which the queue manager can run, the queue manager will be able to fail over to any available node in the cluster.
This command starts the default queue manager SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER because the /NAME_OF_MANAGER qualifier is not specified.
Both the SYS$COMMON:[SYSEXE] location and the asterisk value for the /ON qualifier are stored in the queue database for future reference. The newly created queue database contains no queues or jobs. The SHOW QUEUE command shows that no queues are defined on this cluster.
#2 |
The START/QUEUE/MANAGER command in this example creates the queue and journal files on the cluster-accessible disk volume DUA5, in directory SYSQUE. You must mount the disk before you enter the START/QUEUE/MANAGER command.
The /ON qualifier specifies that the queue manager should run first on node SATURN. If SATURN leaves the cluster, the queue manager will attempt to fail over to VENUS. If VENUS is not available, the queue manager will attempt to fail over to NEPTUN. If NEPTUN is not available, the queue manager will fail over to any other available node in the cluster.
#3 |
The START/QUEUE/MANAGER command in this example creates the queue database as shown in the previous example. Suppose the queue manager started on node SATURN.
Later, SATURN is removed from the cluster, and the queue manager fails over to node VENUS. When SATURN rejoins the cluster, the second START/QUEUE/MANAGER command in the example is entered to move the queue manager back to node SATURN.
The second START/QUEUE/MANAGER command does not specify the DUA5:[SYSQUE] parameter value or the /ON qualifier and its node list because those previously supplied pieces of information are stored in the queue database. The queue manager continues to use the queue and journal files found at the location stored in its database. The /ON list, stored as a result of the previous START/QUEUE/MANAGER command, also remains unchanged.
#4 |
$ START/QUEUE/MANAGER DUA4:[SYSQUE] %JBC-E-QMANNOTSTARTED, queue manager could not be started $ SEARCH SYS$MANAGER:OPERATOR.LOG /WINDOW=5 QUEUE_MANAGE,JOB_CONTROL %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 14-DEC-1998 18:55:18.23 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user QUEUE_MANAGE on QMUNGR %QMAN-E-OPENERR, error opening DUA4:[SYSQUE]SYS$QUEUE_MANAGER.QMAN$QUEUES; %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 14-DEC-1998 18:55:18.29 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user QUEUE_MANAGE on QMUNGR -RMS-F-DEV, error in device name or inappropriate device type for operation %%%%%%%%%%% OPCOM 14-DEC-1998 18:55:18.31 %%%%%%%%%%% Message from user QUEUE_MANAGE on QMUNGR -SYSTEM-W-NOSUCHDEV, no such device available $ START/QUEUE/MANAGER DUA5:[SYSQUE] |
In this example, the first START/QUEUE/MANAGER command specifies device DUA4: as the location of the queue and journal files. The error message indicates that the queue manager does not start. The SEARCH command searches the operator log file for relevent messages, and reveals that device DUA4: does not exist. The second START/QUEUE/MANAGER command specifies the correct device name, DUA5:.
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