Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha
Product Guide

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16.8.1 The idl_cs_convert_t Type

An enumeration type is defined to enable a user routine to indicate whether I-char data needs conversion from on-the-wire form to local form, and if so, whether this conversion can be done in place.

typedef enum { 
    idl_cs_no_convert,          /* No codeset conversion required */ 
    idl_cs_in_place_convert,    /* Codeset conversion can be done in a single 
                                    storage area */ 
    idl_cs_new_buffer_convert   /* The converted data must be written to a 
                                    new storage area */ 
} idl_cs_convert_t; 

16.8.2 Routine Usage

If a cs_tag_rtn attribute is specified on the client side, it is called on entry to the client stub. If a cs_tag_rtn attribute is specified on the server side, it is called after all in parameters have been unmarshalled, and before the manager application code is invoked. Note that if this routine reports an error status the manager application code is not executed.

For each piece of I-char data being marshalled, the _net_size and _to_netcs routines are called once each.

For each piece of I-char data being unmarshalled the _local_size and _from_netcs routines are called once each.

16.8.3 Marshalling

The following routine is called before the marshalling of each piece of I-char data to enable the stub to set up the necessary buffers.

void ltype_net_size( 
    /* [in] */  rpc_binding_handle_t h, 
    /* [in] */  idl_ulong_int tag, 
    /* [in] */  idl_ulong_int l_storage_len, 
    /* [out] */ idl_cs_convert_t *p_convert_type, 
    /* [out] */ idl_ulong_int *p_w_storage_len, 
    /* [out] */ error_status_t *p_st 

h Is the binding handle for the call, unless the routine is being called from an IDL encoding services stub, in which case it is NULL.
tag Identifies the codeset to be used on the wire. When the routine is called from a client stub, this is the cs_stag value. When the routine is called from a server stub, it is the cs_rtag value.
l_storage_len Is the size, in units of ltype, of the local storage allocated for the I-char data. This is the local value of the size_is variable for the array.
p_convert_type Is the address to which the routine must write an indication of whether data conversion is necessary. During marshalling, an intermediate buffer is always used for a conversion. However, if the value given here is idl_cs_in_place_convert, assume that l_storage_len can be used for the buffer size.

If p_w_storage_len is not NULL when the routine is called, a conformant or conformant varying array is being marshalled. In this case, if the value written to p_convert_type is idl_cs_new_buffer_convert, the routine must write the storage size, in units of the on-the-wire type, for the data being put on the wire, to the address specified by p_w_storage_len. This is used as the on-the-wire value of the size_is variable for the array. If the p_convert_type value is not idl_cs_new_buffer_convert, the local and on-the-wire values of the size_is variable are assumed to be the same.

p_st Is the address to which the routine must write a completion status. If the routine cannot handle the codeset indicated by tag, it should return rpc_s_ss_incompatible_codesets. Otherwise, it usually returns error_status_ok.

The following routine converts data from local format to the on-the-wire format. If a varying or conformant varying array is being marshalled, it must also convert the local data length to an on-the-wire data length.

void ltype_to_netcs( 
    /* [in] */  rpc_binding_handle_t h, 
    /* [in] */  idl_ulong_int tag, 
    /* [in] */  ltype *ldata, 
    /* [in] */  idl_ulong_int l_data_len, 
    /* [out] */ my_byte *wdata, 
    /* [out] */ idl_ulong_int *p_w_data_len, 
    /* [out] */ error_status_t *p_st 

h Is the binding handle for the call, unless the routine is being called from an IDL Encoding Services stub, in which case it is NULL.
tag Identifies the codeset that will be used on the wire. When the routine is called from a client stub, this is the cs_stag value. When the routine is called from a server stub, it is the cs_rtag value.
ldata Is the address of the local data.
l_data_len Is the number of ltype data elements to be processed. For a varying or conformant varying array, this is the local value of the length_is variable. For a conformant array, it is the local value of the size_is variable. For a fixed array, it is the array size specified in the IDL.
wdata Is the address to which the converted data is to be written.
p_w_data_len Is NULL if the array is not varying or conformant varying. Otherwise, it is the address to which the routine must write the on-the-wire data length.
p_st Is the address to which the routine must write a completion status. If the routine cannot handle the codeset indicated by tag, it should return rpc_s_ss_incompatible_codesets. Otherwise, it usually returns error_status_ok.

16.8.4 Unmarshalling

The following routine is called before the unmarshalling of each piece of I-char data, to enable the stub to set up the necessary buffers.

void ltype_local_size( 
    /* [in] */  rpc_binding_handle_t h, 
    /* [in] */  idl_ulong_int tag, 
    /* [in] */  idl_ulong_int w_storage_len, 
    /* [out] */ idl_cs_convert_t *p_convert_type, 
    /* [out] */ idl_ulong_int *p_l_storage_len, 
    /* [out] */ error_status_t *p_st 

h Is the binding handle for the call, unless the routine is being called from an IDL Encoding Services stub, in which case it is NULL.
tag Identifies the codeset used on the wire for the data being received. When the routine is called from a server stub, this is the cs_stag value. When the routine is called from a client stub, it is the cs_rtag value.
w_storage_len Is the storage size of the on-the-wire data.
p_convert_type Is the address to which the routine must write an indication of whether data conversion is necessary, and if so, whether an intermediate buffer is required for the conversion.

If p_l_storage_len is not NULL when the routine is called, a conformant or conformant varying array is being unmarshalled. In this case, if the value written to p_convert_type is idl_cs_new_buffer_convert, the routine must write the size, in units of ltype, of the local storage to be used for the data, to the address specified by p_l_storage_len. This is used as the local value of the size_is variable for the array. If the p_convert_type value is not idl_cs_new_buffer_convert, the on-the-wire and local values of the size_is variable are assumed to be the same.

p_st Is the address to which the routine must write a completion status. If the routine cannot handle the codeset indicated by tag, it should return rpc_s_ss_incompatible_codesets. Otherwise, it usually returns error_status_ok.

The following routine is called to convert data from on-the-wire format to local format if the p_convert_type value in the preceding call to a _local_size routine was not idl_cs_no_convert. If a varying or conformant varying array is being unmarshalled, it must also convert the on-the-wire data length to a local data length.

void ltype_from_netcs( 
    /* [in] */  rpc_binding_handle_t h, 
    /* [in] */  idl_ulong_int tag, 
    /* [in] */  my_byte *wdata, 
    /* [in] */  idl_ulong_int w_data_len, 
    /* [in] */  idl_ulong_int l_storage_len, 
    /* [out] */ ltype *ldata, 
    /* [out] */ idl_ulong_int *p_l_data_len, 
    /* [out] */ error_status_t *p_st 

h Is the binding handle for the call, unless the routine is being called from an IDL Encoding Services stub, in which case it is NULL.
tag Identifies the codeset used on the wire for the data being received. When the routine is called from a server stub, this is the cs_stag value. When the routine is called from a client stub, it is the cs_rtag value.
wdata Is the address of the received data in on-the-wire format.
w_data_len Is the length in units of the on-the-wire data type of the data to be processed. For a varying or conformant varying array, this is usually the on-the-wire value of the length_is variable. On the client side, if the length_is variable is in only, it is the on-the-wire value for this variable that was calculated when it was marshalled. For a conformant array, it is usually the on-the-wire value of the size_is variable. On the client side, if the size_is variable is in only, it will be the on-the-wire value for this variable that was calculated when it was marshalled. For a fixed array, it is the array size specified in the IDL.
l_storage_len Is the size, in units of ltype, of the storage available at ldata. It is supplied to this routine so that, for unmarshalling on the client side, the user can detect an error if the sender has sent data that cannot be unmarshalled into the space available.
ldata Is the address to which the converted data is to be written.
p_l_data_len Is NULL if the array is not varying or conformant varying. Otherwise, it is the address to which the routine must write the local data length in units of ltype.
p_st Is the address to which the routine must write a completion status. If the routine cannot handle the codeset indicated by tag, it should return rpc_s_ss_incompatible_codesets. Otherwise, it usually returns error_status_ok.

16.9 Interaction with IDL Encoding Services

The interaction with IDL Encoding Services is that the cs_stag and cs_rtag attributes are applied to the same in, out parameter.

If the cs_stag attribute is applied to an in parameter of an operation that has only the encode attribute applied to it, the cs_rtag attribute must be applied to the corresponding parameter in the matching operation that has the decode attribute applied to it.

The cs_drtag attribute has no effect when IDL Encoding Services are in use. Therefore, this attribute would not normally be applied to a parameter of an operation that has the encode or decode attribute applied to it.

Chapter 17
Application Debugging with the RPC Event Logger

The Remote Procedure Call (RPC) Interface Definition Language (IDL) compiler in Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha includes enhanced application debugging support beyond the support provided with OSF DCE. The OpenVMS IDL compiler includes the RPC Event Logger, a software utility that records information about operations relating to the execution of an application. Operational information about the program state at a specific point during processing, called an event, is recorded in a file, called an event log. You have the option of directing event logging information to the terminal screen, rather than to a file. In this chapter, the terms event log and log are used interchangeably to refer to the stream of logging output captured in the event log file or displayed on the screen.

Event logging provides a detailed, low-level view of the execution of your RPC application. If development of your RPC application is proceeding well, this level of detail may not be necessary. However, when you are in the debugging phase of application development, the continuous execution information provided by the Event Logger and the ability to change the type and timing of logging can be valuable.

17.1 Introduction to the RPC Event Logging Facility

When event logging is enabled, the Event Logger creates one log for each client and server process. To enable the RPC Event Logger you specify an IDL compiler option that traces events (described in Section 17.2.1).

Enabling event logging when compiling allows you the option of generating logs at runtime without rebuilding the application. Once logging is enabled, you can use OpenVMS symbols and the RPC Log Manager (rpclm) to control logging operations. The Log Manager provides a command interface for changing logging operations during application execution.

The RPC Event Logger records events about application calls, context handles, errors, miscellaneous events, and logging operations. These are called event types. Typical RPC events include the following:

For application calls, the Event Logger generates events that signal call activation, the call start and end, attempts to rebind to a server, and termination of a server thread.

For context handles, the Event Logger generates events that signal context handle creation and deletion by the client and server, and context handle modification, removal, and rundown.

For errors, the Event Logger generates events that signal call and receive failure from the client, exceptions, server failure, and call transmission failure from the server.

The miscellaneous events provide information about the application manager routine, and input and output argument processing events.

The logging operation itself generates events that display the logging output device, and that signal modification of logging parameters, and event log start and stop.

As a result of using the -trace option in the IDL compile command, idl, RPC events are generated by code in the client and server stub modules created by the compiler. Note that some events are generated at selected points in the RPC runtime library. For this reason, certain events, such as those relating to the logging operation, are always generated into the application code in addition to the event types you specify.

The events generated in each of these areas are shown in detail in Section 17.6.

In the event log, each event is described on a single line divided into five fields. The five fields are defined in Table 17-1.

Table 17-1 Event Log Fields
Field Field Description
Event Time The system clock at the time of the event. Events are listed chronologically in the log.
Thread Identity The hostname, process ID, and thread ID.
Operation Name The interface and operation name (if available).
Event Name Name of the event.
Event Data Data related to the event. This field contains either specific information about logging operations or a string binding that uniquely identifies the client process, server process, or Log Manager process.

The following is an example of an event log generated for an RPC client. The log contains five columns. To improve readability, columns four and five are shown below the first three columns. In addition, the field names have been added to identify the events; the names do not appear in an actual event log. (In subsequent event log examples, the field names are occasionally used instead of actual data to improve readability where necessary.)

EVENT TIME                             THREAD IDENTITY   OPERATION NAME 
1993-02-07:11:48:18.31.160-5:00I0.121  ifdef:8710/1      binopwk.binopwk_add   
1993-02-07:11:48:18.32.170-5:00I0.121  ifdef:8710/1      binopwk.binopwk_add   
1993-02-07:11:48:18.65.180-5:00I0.121  ifdef:8710/1      binopwk.binopwk_add   

log_start  all 
call_start  ncacn_ip_tcp:[1821] 

This small event log indicates that the following events occurred:

  1. The log_start event indicates that logging started on February 7, 1993, at 11:48 a.m. on the host named ifdef, in process number 8710, and in thread number 1. Event logging was enabled when the binopwk interface was compiled with the IDL -trace option. The RPC call to the binopwk_add operation in the binopwk interface caused logging to begin and is the first event logged. The Event Data field indicates that all events are being logged.
  2. The call_start event indicates an attempt to execute a call to a server. The string binding in the Event Data field shows that the call was made over the TCP/IP transport to host with endpoint 1821. This string binding identifies the server being contacted.
  3. The call_end event indicates that the RPC call is completed, and control has returned to the caller of binopwk_add.

This log indicates that the RPC call to the binopwk_add interface was successful because no error events occurred.

17.2 Generating RPC Event Logs

In general, to create an event log you must follow these four basic steps:

  1. Specify the -trace option in your idl command line to enable event logging.
  2. Compile and link the application.
  3. Assign the event log to a filename or to the screen.
  4. Run the application.

The next sections describe how to use the -trace option.

17.2.1 Enabling Event Logging

To enable event logging, you use a command line interface to the IDL compiler. The IDL compiler supports two interfaces:

Your system manager determines which interface is available on your system. The following sections describe each interface. The examples use the universal interface to demonstrate event logging capabilities. Universal IDL Compiler Interface

To enable event logging with the universal interface, specify the -trace option when you use the idl command to compile an interface. The syntax of the idl command with the -trace option is as follows:

$ idl filename -trace value

Event types are specified as a value of -trace. Valid values and the event types they denote are listed in Table 17-2.

Table 17-2 Event Values and Types
Value Event Type
all Log all events.
none Disable all previously specified trace options.
calls Log events relating to start and end of all RPC calls.
context Log events relating to context handle creation, deletion, and rundown.
errors Log errors.
misc Log all miscellaneous events.
log_manager Enable command interface support which allows modification at runtime of event logging options.

For more information about the -trace option, see Section 17.2.2. Digital Command Language Interface for the Event Logger

This section defines the Digital Command Language (DCL) for the Event Logger.


IDL /TRACE --- Invokes the Interface Definition Language (IDL) Compiler with event logging enabled.


IDL filename /TRACE



Controls whether event logging is enabled. If you do not specify this qualifier, the compiler does not enable event tracing. To disable event logging, specify /NOTRACE.

Specify one or more of the following options:
LOG_MANAGER Controls whether the Log Manager command line interface is enabled. The command line interface to the Log Manager allows you to modify event logging options at runtime. If you do not specify the LOG_MANAGER option, the command line interface will not be enabled. To disable the Log Manager, specify NOLOG_MANAGER.
EVENTS= value,... Specifies the values for which event logging will be enabled. Specify one or more of the values shown in the following table, except for the value log_manager. (This function is provided by the DCL LOG_MANAGER qualifier.) If you specify only one option, you can omit the parentheses.

Table 17-3 lists some commonly used event logging options in the universal interface with DCL equivalents.

Table 17-3 Universal Interface with DCL Equivalents
Universal Interface DCL Command
-trace all /TRACE=EVENTS=ALL
-trace log_manager /TRACE=LOG_MANAGER
-trace all -trace log_manager /TRACE=(LOG_MANAGER,EVENTS=ALL)
-trace errors -trace calls /TRACE=EVENTS=(ERRORS,CALLS)

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