Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha
Reference Guide

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Chapter 4
Integrated Login Status Messages

This chapter provides Integrated Login status messages. You can receive Integrated Login messages from the Integrated Login procedure or utilities. The prefix of the message denotes the source, as follows:

The messages are listed in alphabetical order.

4.1 Integrated Login Procedure Messages

IL_DCECERT, certified DCE login for <USERNAME> as principal "<PRINCIPAL>"

IL_DCENOCERT, noncertified DCE login for <USERNAME> as principal "<PRINCIPAL>"

IL_DCEPWDEXP, your DCE password has expired and must be reset

IL_ERRVMSPWD, error synchronizing OpenVMS password with DCE password

IL_INVPWDLEN, password must be between 'number' and 32 characters

IL_NOCREDMOD, unable to modify owner field of credential files

IL_NONETCRED, network credentials not obtained

IL_RGYNOTTHERE, unable to access DCE registry

IL_VMSONLY, DCE login as principal "<PRINCIPAL>" failed, OpenVMS login to <USERNAME> successful

IL_VMSPWDSYNC, OpenVMS password synchronized with DCE password

4.2 IMPORT Utility Messages

IMP_ACCEXISTS, account for <PRINCIPAL> already exists in DCE

IMP_ADDDCE, username <USERNAME> successfully imported into DCE

IMP_ADDDCEACC, account for <PRINCIPAL> successfully added to DCE

IMP_ADDDCEPRN, principal <PRINCIPAL> successfully added to DCE

IMP_ADDDCEUAF, username <USERNAME> successfully added to DCE$UAF

IMP_BINDERR, error binding to DCE security registry

IMP_CREDCEUAF, created new DCE$UAF file


IMP_DCELOGIN, error in DCE login

IMP_DCEUAFERR, error searching DCE$UAF

IMP_DELACC, account for principal <PRINCIPAL> deleted from DCE

IMP_DELDCEUAF, username <USERNAME> successfully deleted from DCE$UAF

IMP_DELFRGRP, principal <PRINCIPAL> from group <GROUP>

IMP_DELFRORG, principal <PRINCIPAL> deleted from organization <ORGANIZATION>

IMP_DELPRN, principal <PRINCIPAL> deleted from DCE

IMP_ERRACCEXC, error accessing DCE IMPORT exclude file

IMP_ERRADDEXC, adding username to DCE IMPORT exclude file

IMP_ERRADDGRP, error adding principal <PRINCIPAL> to group <GROUP>

IMP_ERRADDORG, error adding principal <PRINCIPAL> to organization <ORGANIZATION>

IMP_ERRADDUAF, error adding username to DCE$UAF file

IMP_ERRCHGAUT, error changing account authorization policy

IMP_ERRCRACC, error creating account for <PRINCIPAL>

IMP_ERRCRDCEUAF, error creating DCE authorization file

IMP_ERRCRPRN, error creating principal <PRINCIPAL>

IMP_ERRDCEUAF, error accessing DCE authorization file <GROUP>

IMP_ERRDELACC, error deleting account for <PRINCIPAL>

IMP_ERRDELEXC, error deleting username from DCE IMPORT exclude file

IMP_ERRDELFRGRP, error deleting principal <PRINCIPAL> from group <GROUP>

IMP_ERRDELFRORG, error deleting principal <PRINCIPAL> from organization <ORGANIZATION>

IMP_ERRDELPRN, error deleting principal <PRINCIPAL>

IMP_ERRDELUAF, error deleting username from DCE$UAF file

IMP_ERRSPAWN, error spawning subprocess

IMP_ERRSYSUAF, error accessing SYSUAF file

IMP_EXCADD, username <USERNAME> added to DCE IMPORT exclude list

IMP_EXCDEL, username <USERNAME> removed from DCE IMPORT exclude list

IMP_EXCLUDED, username <USERNAME> has been excluded from DCE

IMP_INDCE, username <USERNAME> already imported into DCE


IMP_INEXCLUDE, username <USERNAME> already in DCE IMPORT exclude file

IMP_INITERROR, initialization error

IMP_INITWAIT, initializing.....

IMP_INVDATETM, invalid date/time

IMP_INTINPDEV, internal error opening input device

IMP_INPREQ, input required!

IMP_INTERROR, internal error

IMP_INVPASSWD, password validation failed. Please retry

IMP_NODCEUAF, unable to open DCE authorization file

IMP_NOEXCUSR, no excluded users

IMP_NOPRIN, principal <PRINCIPAL> does not exist in DCE Registry

IMP_NOSCHPRM, corresponding primary principal not found in DCE

IMP_NOSCHUSR, OpenVMS username <USERNAME> does not exist on this system

IMP_NOSUCHEXC, no such username in exclude file

IMP_NOSUCHGRP, no group <GROUP>. Please choose a valid group

IMP_NOSUCHORG, no organization <ORGANIZATION>. Please choose a valid organization

IMP_OUTOPNERR, error opening alternate output

IMP_PREXISTS, principal <PRINCIPAL> already exists in DCE

IMP_PRINGRP, principal <PRINCIPAL> already exists in group <GROUP>

IMP_PRINORG, principal <PRINCIPAL> already exists in organization <ORGANIZATION>

IMP_PRINUSE, principal <PRINCIPAL> in use by another OpenVMS username

IMP_RANGEERR, error in entry! Number must be between 1 and 65535

IMP_TIMERR, DCE time configuration error

IMP_TOOLONG, input for <QUALIFIER> too long

IMP_USERERR, error getting input from user

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