Digital DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha
Reference Guide

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4.3 EXPORT Utility Messages

EXP_ACCEXISTS, OpenVMS account for <PRINCIPAL> already exists

EXP_ADDDCEACC, account for <PRINCIPAL> successfully added to OpenVMS

EXP_ADDDCEUAF, principal <PRINCIPAL> successfully added to DCE$UAF

EXP_ADDUAF, principal <PRINCIPAL> successfully exported to OpenVMS

EXP_BINDERR, error binding to DCE security registry

EXP_CREDCEUAF, created new DCE$UAF file


EXP_DCELOGIN, error in DCE login

EXP_DCEUAFERR, error searching DCE$UAF

EXP_DELDCEUAF, principal <PRINCIPAL> successfully deleted from DCE$UAF


EXP_ERRACCEXC, error accessing DCE EXPORT exclude file

EXP_ERRADDEXC, error adding principal to DCE EXPORT exclude file

EXP_ERRADDUAF, error adding principal to DCE$UAF file

EXP_ERRCRACC, error creating OpenVMS account for <USERNAME>

EXP_ERRCRDCEUAF, error creating DCE authorization file

EXP_ERRCREUAF, error creating OpenVMS account for <USERNAME>--- see following messages

EXP_ERRDCEUAF, error accessing DCE authorization file

EXP_ERRDELEXC, error deleting principal from DCE EXPORT exclude file

EXP_ERRDELUAF, error deleting principal from DCE$UAF file

EXP_ERRENAUSR, error enabling user <USERNAME>

EXP_ERRQUOTA, error assigning disk quota to username <USERNAME> --- see following messages

EXP_ERRSETPW, error setting password for <USERNAME>

EXP_ERRSPAWN, error spawning subprocess

EXP_ERRSYSUAF, error accessing SYSUAF file

EXP_ERRUAFGET, error getting SYSUAF information

EXP_EXCADD, principal <PRINCIPAL> added to DCE EXPORT exclude list

EXP_EXCDEL, principal <PRINCIPAL> removed from DCE EXPORT exclude list

EXP_EXCLUDED, principal <PRINCIPAL> has been excluded from OpenVMS

EXP_GRPUICFULL, no member UIC available in specified group

EXP_INDCEUAF, principal <PRINCIPAL> already in DCE$UAF

EXP_INEXCLUDE, principal <PRINCIPAL> already in DCE EXPORT exclude file

EXP_INITERROR, initialization error

EXP_INITWAIT, initializing.....

EXP_INPREQ, input required!

EXP_INTERROR, internal error

EXP_INTINPDEV, internal error opening input device

EXP_INVGRPUIC, invalid group UIC

EXP_INVMEMUIC, invalid member UIC

EXP_INVMS, principal <PRINCIPAL> already exported to OpenVMS

EXP_INVPASSWD, password validation failed. Please retry

EXP_INVPWDLEN, password length must be between <MINIMUM> and <MAXIMUM> characters

EXP_NAMEINUSE, OpenVMS username <USERNAME> already mapped to another DCE principal

EXP_NODCEUAF, unable to open DCE authorization file

EXP_NOEXCUSR, no excluded users

EXP_NOSCHUSR, no principal <PRINCIPAL> in DCE registry

EXP_NOSUCHEXC, no such principal in DCE EXPORT exclude file


EXP_NOTINEXC, principal <PRINCIPAL> not in DCE EXPORT exclude file


EXP_NXTMEMUIC, error finding next available member UIC

EXP_OUTOPNERR, error opening alternate output

EXP_SEEFILE, see file <FILE NAME> for error messages

EXP_TIMERR, DCE time configuration error

EXP_TOOLONG, input for <QUALIFIER> too long

EXP_USERERR, error getting input from user

4.4 DCE$UAF Utility Messages

UAF_ADDED, created entry <USERNAME>, principal is "<PRINCIPAL>"

UAF_ANOTADDED, error creating entry <USERNAME>

UAF_CONNREG, connecting to registry "<REGISTRY>"

UAF_CREDCEUAF, created new DCE$UAF file

UAF_DCECHKBEG, starting scan of DCE$UAF file

UAF_DCECHKEND, completed scan of DCE$UAF file


UAF_DCENAMEREQ, DCE name required for this function

UAF_DELETED, deleted entry <USERNAME>

UAF_ERRATTACH, error attaching to process

UAF_ERRCLSOUT, error closing /OUTPUT file

UAF_ERRCREUAFL, error creating DCE authorization file

UAF_ERRDCEUAF, error accessing DCE authorization file

UAF_ERRDEFKEY, error defining key

UAF_ERRDKEY, error deleting key <KEY> definition

UAF_ERROPNCMF, error opening command file <FILENAME>

UAF_ERROPNOUT, error opening /OUTPUT file

UAF_ERRSPAWN, error spawning subprocess

UAF_ERRSYSUAF, error accessing SYSTEM authorization file

UAF_ERRWRTOUT, error writing to /OUTPUT file

UAF_FILEXISTS, file already exists

UAF_ILLCELLNAME, cell name lexically invalid

UAF_ILLPRINCNAME, principal name lexically invalid

UAF_ILLVMSNAME, OpenVMS name lexically invalid

UAF_INTERROR, internal error <NUMBER>, please submit a QAR

UAF_INVALIDCTX, invalid READ_ALL context

UAF_KEYDEFD, key has been successfully defined

UAF_KEYDEL, key <KEY> definition has been deleted

UAF_KEYNOTF, key <KEY> definition not found

UAF_MAXDEPEXC, maximum command file depth exceeded

UAF_MODED, modified entry <USERNAME>

UAF_NODCEUAF, unable to open DCE authorization file

UAF_NODELETE, unable to delete record

UAF_NOFREECTX, no free READ_ALL context

UAF_NOKEYF, no key definition found

UAF_NOMODIFY, unable to modify record

UAF_NOPARENT, there is no parent to which to attach

UAF_NOSHOW, unable to display record

UAF_NOSUCHUSER, username !AS does not exist in the DCE$UAF

UAF_NOSUCHPRIN, principal "!AZ" does not exist in the DCE$UAF

UAF_NOTADDED, error creating entry <USERNAME>

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