DIGITAL Enterprise Integration Packages
Installation Guide

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3.4 Component Installation Order and Dependencies

Table 3-2 provides the installation order and dependencies for all the components provided through the Enterprise Integration Packages. Information in Table 3-2 is organized in the following columns:

There are five types of file extensions. Each requires a different installation method.

  1. .A
    Files with .A extensions represent the first file of a possible set of files required to install a product using VMSINSTAL. (See Section 3.2.)
  2. .COM
    Files with .COM extensions are OpenVMS DCL command procedures used to install a product or group of products.
  3. .ZIP
    Files with .ZIP extensions are compressed files. Using .ZIP files requires that you have PKZIP and PKUNZIP installed on your PC.
  4. .EXE
    Files with .EXE extensions are executable files. Use them as you would a .COM file.
  5. .PCSI Files with .PCSI extensions are installation files. Use them as you would a VMSINSTAL file.

Table 3-2 Component Installation Order, Installation File Names, and Dependencies
  Component Name Installation File Name
DECwindows Motif  
  Dependencies: You must install one of the four versions of DECwindows Motif:
  1. DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--5
  2. DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--4 1
  3. DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--3A 1
  4. DECwindows Worldwide Support for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.2--3A 1
  DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--5 DEC-AXPVMS-DWMOTIF-V0102-5-1.PCSI
  Dependencies: Requires PCSI ECO Kit only when installing on OpenVMS Version 7.1 systems.
  DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--4 PCSI_INSTALLATION.COM 2

Patch kit for OpenVMS Version 7.1:
  1. Install DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--4 if you require the English language variant. For other language variants install either DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--3A or DECwindows Worldwide Support for OpenVMS Alpha.
  2. If you install DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--4 on an OpenVMS Version 7.1 system, you must also install the patch kit ALPMOTF03_U4012.A.
  DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--3A PCSI_INSTALLATION.COM 2

Patch kit for OpenVMS Version 7.1:
  1. Requires OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5 or higher.
  2. If you are installing DECwindows Motif Version 1.2-3 on an OpenVMS Version 7.1 system, you must also install the patch kit ALPMOTF08_U3012.A.
  Select from the language variant kits:
  DECwindows Motif/Français DECWMFR_FRU3012.A
  Dependencies: Requires DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--3A.
  DECwindows Motif/Italiano DECWMIT_ITU3012.A
  Dependencies: Requires DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--3A.
  DECwindows Motif/Deutsch DECWMDE_DEU3012.A
  Dependencies: Requires DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--3A.
  DECwindows Motif/Español DECWMES_ESU3012.A
  Dependencies: Requires DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--3A.
  DECwindows Motif/Svenska DECWMSV_SEU3012.A
  Dependencies: Requires DECwindows Motif Version 1.2--3A.
  DECwindows Worldwide Support for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.2--3A DWMW_AXPU3012.A 3

Patch kit for OpenVMS Version 7.1:
ALPDWMW02_U3012.A 3
  1. Requires OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.5 or higher.
  2. If you install DECwindows Worldwide Support for OpenVMS Alpha Version 1.2--3A on an OpenVMS Version 7.1 system, you must also install the patch kit ALPDWMW02_U3012.A which resides on the Software Product Library under the respective language variant directory.
  Select from the language variant kits:
  DECwindows Motif/Cesky DECWMCS_CZU3012.A
  Dependencies: Requires DECwindows Motif Worldwide Support Version 1.2--3.
  DECwindows Motif/Magyar DECWMHU_HUU3012.A
  Dependencies: Requires DECwindows Motif Worldwide Support Version 1.2--3.
  DECwindows Motif/Polski DECWMPL_PLU3012.A
  Dependencies: Requires DECwindows Motif Worldwide Support Version 1.2--3.
  DECwindows Motif/Russkij DECWMRU_RUU3012.A
  Dependencies: Requires DECwindows Motif Worldwide Support Version 1.2--3.
  DECwindows Motif/Slovensky DECWMSK_SKU3012.A
  Dependencies: Requires DECwindows Motif Worldwide Support Version 1.2--3.
Advanced Server Version 7.2 ASOVMS072.A
  Dependencies: Requires OpenVMS version 7.2 or higher.
DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 5.0 DEC-AXPVMS-TCPIP-V0500-9-1.PCSI
  Dependencies: Requires OpenVMS Version 7.1 or higher.
DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Alpha (End System) Version 7.2 DEC-AXPVMS-DECNET_OSI-V0702 - - 1.PCSI
  1. Requires OpenVMS version 7.2 or higher.
  2. Requires DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS if you are using DECnet-Plus over TCP/IP.
  Dependencies: OSAK must be installed and started first if you plan to install the optional FTAM or VT software.
  Dependencies: None
  Dependencies: LAT and TCP/IP must be installed and started before VT can be installed.
DECprint Supervisor Version 1.7 DCPSAXP017.A
  1. Requires DECwindows Motif.
  2. Requires DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.0 or greater for Raw TCP/IP configuration only.
  3. For PrintServer Printer configuration only, requires DECnet for OpenVMS Alpha V6.1 or higher or DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Alpha V4.0 or higher.
  4. The Job Queue Manager must be running prior to installation.
  5. Depending on your configuration, there may be other products that you will need to install. See the PrintServer installation guide.
DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT Version 1.1 DEC-AXPVMS-NTDS-V0101 - - 1.PCSI
  1. Requires OpenVMS Alpha Version 6.2 or higher.
  2. Requires either:
    • DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.2 or later, which is part of the Enterprise Integration Packages Release 2.0, or
    • DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.1, with the TIMA kit ECO 7 installed.

    Note that if you are using DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 4.2, you do not have to install any TIMA ECO kits. Ignore the instructions to install the TIMA kit ECO 7 in the documentation and online help for DIGITAL OpenVMS Disk Services for Windows NT.

DIGITAL Office Server for OpenVMS Version 5.0 A1A050.A
  Dependencies: Requires:
  1. OpenVMS Version 6.2 or higher;
  2. DECnet for OpenVMS Version 1.5 or higher;
  3. DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS Version 6.2 or higher.
PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (Advanced Server) Version 6.0B 4 PWRKV60B060.A
  1. Requires OpenVMS Version 7.1 or higher.
  2. If the transport you use is DECnet, you must also use TCP/IP; and if you use TCP/IP as your transport, you must also use DECnet.
OpenVMS Management Tools Version 4.1 for Windows NT  
  OpenVMS Management Tools for Windows NT Server Components OMT_INSTALL.COM
  Dependencies: Requires:
  1. OpenVMS 6.2 or higher;
  2. DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Version 1.2-3 or higher.
  3. DECnet-Plus for OpenVMS or Digital TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 3.2 or higher.
  OpenVMS Management Tools for Windows NT PC Components SETUP.EXE
  Dependencies: Requires:
  1. Microsoft Windows NT Version 4.0 or Windows 95.
  2. PATHWORKS 32 client software or TCP/IP stack.
  3. Archive/Backup System requires webserver software (not packaged with OpenVMS Management Tools for Windows NT.)
Netscape Navigator Gold V3.03 for OpenVMS Alpha DEC-AXPVMS-NS_NAV_EXPORT-V0303--1.PCSI
  1. Requires OpenVMS Version 6.2 or higher, DECWindows Motif Version 1.2-4, and DIGITAL TCP/IP Services for OpenVMS Version 3.3 or higher.
DIGITAL PATHWORKS 32 Refer to product documentation.

1Year 2000 patches for these products are available in the OpenVMS Year 2000 Readiness Kit that ships with the SPL.
2This command file will install DECwindows Motif using PCSI. See the DECwindows Motif for OpenVMS Installation Guide.
3Copies of this file reside in the Software Product Library under each language variant directory for which it is used: Cesky, Magyar, Polski, Russkij, and Slovensky.
4During this installation you will be prompted for PATHWORKS for OpenVMS (NetWare). Answer "No"-- it is not licensed with the Enterprise Integration Packages.

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