Document revision date: 5 July 2000
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Compaq DCE for OpenVMS VAX and OpenVMS Alpha
Product Guide

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Contents (summary)
Preface Preface
Chapter 1 Overview of Compaq DCE
Chapter 2 DCE System Configuration
Chapter 3 Interoperability and Compatibility
Chapter 4 Using Compaq DCE with DECnet
Chapter 5 Using Compaq DCE with Microsoft's NT LAN Manager (NTLM)
Chapter 6 Directory Names, Filenames, and Locations Across DCE Platforms
Chapter 7 Application Development Considerations and Differences
Chapter 8 Integrated Login
Chapter 9 Intercell Naming
Chapter 10 Enhanced Browser
Chapter 11 IDL Compiler Enhancements
Chapter 12 Application Debugging with the RPC Event Logger
Chapter 13 Development of Distributed Applications with FORTRAN
Chapter 14 Troubleshooting
Chapter 15 Example Programs
Appendix A Using NSedit


Preface Preface
Chapter 1
1 Overview of Compaq DCE
     1.1     Kit Contents
     1.2     Contents of Each Kit
         1.2.1         Runtime Services Kit
         1.2.2         Application Developer's Kit
         1.2.3         CDS Server Kit
         1.2.4         Security Server Kit
     1.3     Platforms and Network Transports Supported by Compaq DCE
     1.4     Online Help and Online Manual Pages
     1.5     Restrictions When Using Compaq DCE
     1.6     Threads
     1.7     Using RPC Without CDS or Security
     1.8     Unsupported Network Interfaces
     1.9     Supported Network Addresses
     1.10     Impersonating a Client
     1.11     Features of Compaq DCE Not Included with the OSF DCE
         1.11.1         CDS Enhanced Browser
         1.11.2         IDL Compiler Enhancements
         1.11.3         The RPC Event Logger Utility
         1.11.4         Name Service Interface Daemon (nsid) for Microsoft RPC
         1.11.5         DCL Interfaces to DCE Tools
         1.11.6         Integrated Login
         1.11.7         Object-Oriented RPC
Chapter 2
2 DCE System Configuration
     2.1     Starting and Stopping the RPC Daemon
     2.2     Limiting RPC Transports
     2.3     Using the DCE System Configuration Utility
     2.4     Kerberos
Chapter 3
3 Interoperability and Compatibility
     3.1     Interoperability with Other DCE Systems
     3.2     Interoperability with Microsoft RPC
     3.3     Understanding and Using OSF DCE and VMScluster Technologies
         3.3.1         Similarities Between VMScluster Environments and DCE Cells
         3.3.2         Differences Between VMScluster Environments and DCE Cells
         3.3.3         Limitations on Using DCE in a VMScluster System
         3.3.4         DCE and VMScluster Configuration Issues
Chapter 4
4 Using Compaq DCE with DECnet
     4.1     DECnet and DCE Startup and Shutdown Sequences
     4.2     Running DCE Server Applications Using DECnet
         4.2.1         Server Account Requirements
         4.2.2         DECnet Endpoint Naming
     4.3     DECnet String Binding Formats Supported in This Release
Chapter 5
5 Using Compaq DCE with Microsoft's NT LAN Manager (NTLM)
     5.1     Using WINNT Authentication with RPC Server Applications
     5.2     RPC APIs Created or Enhanced to Support WINNT Authentication
     5.3     Using the NTA$LOGON Utility
Chapter 6
6 Directory Names, Filenames, and Locations Across DCE Platforms
     6.1      DCE Directories
     6.2     Setup Utilities
     6.3     Executable Images
     6.4     Library Images
     6.5     Message Files
     6.6     Development Files
     6.7     Sample Applications
Chapter 7
7 Application Development Considerations and Differences
     7.1     Building Applications
         7.1.1         Linking DCE Applications
         7.1.2         Considerations for Structure Alignment with C Compilers
         7.1.3         Considerations for Building DCE Applications Using OpenVMS Object Libraries
     7.2     Running Applications
     7.3     Translating OSF DCE Documentation Examples to OpenVMS
     7.4     Mapping MSRPC Calls to DCE RPC Calls
Chapter 8
8 Integrated Login
     8.1     Overview
     8.2     Integrated Login Components
     8.3     Integrated Login Procedure
     8.4     Changing Your DCE Password
     8.5     Enabling/Disabling Integrated Login on Your OpenVMS System
         8.5.1         Disabling a System Account for Integrated Login
         8.5.2         Password Expiration Dates on User Accounts
         8.5.3         Potential Integrated Login and SYSGEN Problems
     8.6     DCE User Authorization File (DCE$UAF)
         8.6.1         DCE$UAF File Information
         8.6.2         Running the DCE$UAF Utility
     8.7     DCE Registry Import
         8.7.1         DCE IMPORT File Information
         8.7.2         Running DCE IMPORT
     8.8     DCE Registry Export
         8.8.1         DCE EXPORT File Information
         8.8.2         Running DCE EXPORT
     8.9     Frequently Asked Questions for Users
     8.10     Frequently Asked Questions for System Administrators
     8.11     Potential Integrated Login and OpenVMS External Authentication Problems
Chapter 9
9 Intercell Naming
     9.1     Intercell Naming with DNS
         9.1.1         Intercell Naming Example --- DNS
     9.2     Intercell Naming with X.500
         9.2.1         Intercell Naming Example --- X.500
     9.3     Intercell Naming with LDAP
         9.3.1         Intercell Naming Example --- LDAP
     9.4     Summary
         9.4.1         DNS Bind
         9.4.2         X.500
         9.4.3         LDAP

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