Compaq Fortran
User Manual for
OpenVMS Alpha Systems

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Chapter 12
Using Indexed Files

Sequential and direct access have traditionally been the only file access modes available to Fortran programs. To overcome some of the limitations of these access modes, Compaq Fortran supports a third access mode, called keyed access, which allows you to retrieve records, at random or in sequence, based on key fields that are established when you create a file with indexed organization. (See Section 6.8.2 for details about keyed access mode.)

You can access files with indexed organization using sequential access or keyed access, or a combination of both.

Once you have read a record by means of an indexed read request, you can then use a sequential read request to retrieve records with ascending key field values, beginning with the key field value in the record retrieved by the initial read request.

Indexed organization is especially suitable for maintaining complex files in which you want to select records based on one of several criteria. For example, a mail-order firm could use an indexed organization file to store its customer list. Key fields could be a unique customer order number, the customer's zip code, and the item ordered. Reading sequentially based on the zip-code key field would enable you to produce a mailing list sorted by zip code. A similar operation based on customer-order-number key field or item-number key field would enable you to list the records in sequences of customer order numbers or item numbers.

This chapter provides information of the following topics:

Information is provided about the effects of read and write operations on positioning your program to records within an indexed file ( Section 12.6) and about how to build logic into your programs to handle exception conditions that commonly occur ( Section 12.7).

12.1 Creating an Indexed File

You can create a file with an indexed organization by using either the Fortran OPEN statement or the RMS EDIT/FDL Utility.

Any indexed file created with EDIT/FDL can be accessed by Compaq Fortran I/O statements.

When you create an indexed file, you define certain fields within each record as key fields. The primary key, identified as key number zero, must be present as a field in every record. Alternate keys are numbered from 1 through 254. An indexed file can have as many as 255 key fields (1 primary key and up to 254 alternate keys) defined. In practice, however, few applications require more than 3 or 4 key fields.

The data types used for key fields must be INTEGER (KIND=1), INTEGER (KIND=2), INTEGER (KIND=4), INTEGER (KIND=8), or CHARACTER.

In designing an indexed file, you must decide the byte positions of the key fields. For example, in creating an indexed file for use by a mail-order firm, you might define a file record to consist of the following fields:

    INTEGER(KIND=4) ORDER_NUMBER      ! Positions 1:4, key 0 
    CHARACTER(LEN=20)  NAME           ! Positions 5:24 
    CHARACTER(LEN=20)  ADDRESS        ! Positions 25:44 
    CHARACTER(LEN=19)  CITY           ! Positions 45:63 
    CHARACTER(LEN=2)   STATE          ! Positions 64:65 
    CHARACTER(LEN=9)   ZIP_CODE       ! Positions 66:74, key 1 
    INTEGER(KIND=2)    ITEM_NUMBER    ! Positions 75:76, key 2 

Instead of using a record structure, you can define a the fields of a record using a derived-type definition with the SEQUENCE statement:

    INTEGER(KIND=4) ORDER_NUMBER      ! Positions 1:4, key 0 
    CHARACTER(LEN=20)  NAME           ! Positions 5:24 
    CHARACTER(LEN=20)  ADDRESS        ! Positions 25:44 
    CHARACTER(LEN=19)  CITY           ! Positions 45:63 
    CHARACTER(LEN=2)   STATE          ! Positions 64:65 
    CHARACTER(LEN=9)   ZIP_CODE       ! Positions 66:74, key 1 
    INTEGER(KIND=2)    ITEM_NUMBER    ! Positions 75:76, key 2 

Given this record definition, you can use the following OPEN statement to create an indexed file:

    KEY=(1:4:INTEGER, 66:74:CHARACTER, 75:76:INTEGER), & 
    IOSTAT=IOS, ERR=9999) 

This OPEN statement establishes the attributes of the file, including the definition of a primary key and two alternate keys. The definitions of the integer keys do not explicitly state INTEGER (KIND=4) and INTEGER (KIND=2). The data type sizes are determined by the number of character positions allotted to the key fields (4- and 2-digit positions in this case respectively).

If you specify the KEY keyword when opening an existing file, the key specification that you give must match that of the file.

Compaq Fortran uses RMS default key attributes when creating an indexed file. These defaults are as follows:

You can use the EDIT/FDL Utility or a USEROPEN routine to override these defaults and to specify other values not supported by Compaq Fortran, such as null key field values, null key names, and key data types other than integer and character.

For More Information:

12.2 Writing Indexed Files

You can write records to an indexed file with either formatted or unformatted indexed WRITE statements. Each write operation inserts a new record into the file and updates the key indexes so that the new record can be retrieved in a sequential order based on the values in the respective key fields.

For example, you could add a new record to the file for the mail-order firm (see Section 12.1) with the following statement:


12.2.1 Duplicate Values in Key Fields

It is possible to write two or more records with the same value in a single key field. The attributes specified for the file when it was created determine whether this duplication is allowed. By default, Compaq Fortran creates files that allow duplicate alternate key field values and prohibit duplicate primary key field values. If duplicate key field values are present in a file, the records with equal values are retrieved on a first-in/first-out basis.

For example, assume that five records are written to an indexed file in this order (for clarity, only key fields are shown):
1023 70856 375
942 02163 2736
903 14853 375
1348 44901 1047
1263 33032 690

If the file is later opened and read sequentially by primary key (ORDER_NUMBER), the order in which the records are retrieved is not affected by the duplicated value (375) in the ITEM_NUMBER key field. In this case, the records would be retrieved in the following order:
903 14853 375
942 02163 2736
1023 70856 375
1263 33032 690
1348 44901 1047

However, if the read operation is based on the second alternate key (ITEM_NUMBER), the order in which the records are retrieved is affected by the duplicate key field value. In this case, the records would be retrieved in the following order:
1023 70856 375
903 14853 375
1263 33032 690
1348 44901 1047
942 02163 2736

The records containing the same key field value (375) are retrieved in the order in which they were written to the file.

12.2.2 Preventing the Indexing of Alternate Key Fields

When writing to an indexed file that contains variable-length records, you can prevent entries from being added to the key indexes for any alternate key fields. This is done by omitting the names of the alternate key fields from the WRITE statement. The omitted alternate key fields must be at the end of the record; another key field cannot be specified after the omitted key field.

For example, the last record (ORDER_NUMBER 1263) in the mail-order example could be written with the following statement:


Because the field name FILE_REC.ITEM_NUMBER is omitted from the WRITE statement, an entry for that key field is not created in the index. As a result, an attempt to read the file using the alternate key ITEM_NUMBER would not retrieve the last record and would produce the following listing:
1023 70856 375
903 14853 375
1348 44901 1047
942 02163 2736

You can omit only trailing alternate keys from a record; the primary key must always be present.

12.3 Reading Indexed Files

You can read records in an indexed file with either sequential or indexed READ statements (formatted or unformatted) under the keyed mode of access. By specifying ACCESS='KEYED' in the OPEN statement, you enable both sequential and keyed access to the indexed file.

Indexed READ statements position the file pointers (see Section 12.6) at a particular record, determined by the key field value, the key-of-reference, and the match criterion. Once you retrieve a particular record by an indexed READ statement, you can then use sequential access READ statements to retrieve records with increasing key field values.

The form of the external record's key field must match the form of the value you specify in the KEY keyword. If the key field contains character data, you should specify the KEY keyword value as a CHARACTER data type. If the key field contains binary data, then the KEY keyword value should be of INTEGER data type.

If you write a record to an indexed file with formatted I/O, the data type is converted from its internal representation to an external representation. As a result, the key value must be specified in the external form when you read the data back with an indexed read. Otherwise, a match will occur when you do not expect it.

The following Compaq Fortran program segment prints the order number and zip code of each record where the first five characters of the zip code are greater than or equal to '10000' but less than '50000':

! Read first record with ZIP_CODE key greater than or equal to '10000'. 
!  While the zip code previously read is within range, print the 
!  order number and zip code, then read the next record. 
     PRINT *, 'Order number', FILE_REC.ORDER_NUMBER, 'has zip code', & 
! END= branch will be taken if there are no more records in the file. 
   END DO 

The error branch on the keyed READ in this example is taken if no record is found with a zip code greater than or equal to '10000'; an attempt to access a nonexistent record is an error. If the sequential READ has accessed all records in the file, an end-of-file status occurs, as with other file organizations.

If you want to detect a failure of the keyed READ, you can examine the I/O status variable, IOS, for the appropriate error number (see Table 7-1 for a list of the returned error codes).

12.4 Updating Records

The REWRITE statement updates existing records in an indexed file. You cannot replace an existing record simply by writing it again; a WRITE statement would attempt to add a new record.

An update operation is accomplished in two steps:

  1. You must read the record in order to make it the current record.
  2. You execute the REWRITE statement.

For example, to update the record containing ORDER_NUMBER 903 (see prior examples) so that the NAME field becomes 'Theodore Zinck', you might use the following Fortran code segment:

  FILE_REC.NAME = 'Theodore Zinck' 

When you rewrite a record, key fields may change. The attributes specified for the file when it was created determine whether this type of change is permitted. The primary key value can never change on a REWRITE operation. If necessary, delete the old record and write a new record.

12.5 Deleting Records

The DELETE statement allows you to delete records from an indexed file. The DELETE and REWRITE statements are similar; a record must first be locked by a READ statement before it can be operated on.

The following Fortran code segment deletes the second record in the file with ITEM_NUMBER 375 (refer to previous examples):

      DELETE (UNIT=10, IOSTAT=IOS, ERR=9999) 
      PRINT *, 'There is no second record.' 

Deletion removes a record from all defined indexes in the file.

12.6 Current Record and Next Record Pointers

The RMS file system maintains two pointers into an open indexed file:

12.7 Exception Conditions

You can expect to encounter certain exception conditions when using indexed files. The two most common of these conditions involve valid attempts to read locked records and invalid attempts to create duplicate keys. Provisions for handling both of these situations should be included in a well-written program.

When an indexed file is shared by several users, any read operation may result in a "specified record locked" error. One way to recover from this error condition is to ask if the user would like to reattempt the read. If the user's response is positive, then the program can go back to the READ statement. For example:

     TYPE *, 'That record is locked. Press RETURN' 
     TYPE *, 'to try again, or Ctrl/Z to discontinue' 
     READ (UNIT=*,FMT=*,END=900) 
     GO TO 100 
   END IF 

You should avoid looping back to the READ statement without first providing some type of delay (caused by a request to try again, or to discontinue, as in this example). If your program reads a record but does not intend to modify the record, you should place an UNLOCK statement immediately after the READ statement. This technique reduces the time that a record is locked and permits other programs to access the record.

The second exception condition, creation of duplicate keys, occurs when your program tries to create a record with a key field value that is already in use. When duplicate key field values are not desirable, you might have your program prompt for a new key field value whenever an attempt is made to create a duplicate. For example:

      TYPE *, 'This key field value already exists. Please' 
      TYPE *, 'enter a different key field value, or press' 
      TYPE *, 'Ctrl/Z to discontinue this operation.' 
      READ (UNIT=*,FMT=300,END=999) KEY_VAL 
      GO TO 200 
   END IF 

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