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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS Utility Routines Manual
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The SMB$READ_MESSAGE_ITEM routine reads a buffer that was filled in by the SMB$READ_MESSAGE routine, parses one message item from the buffer, writes the item's code into a longword, and writes the item into a buffer.
SMB$READ_MESSAGE_ITEM message ,context ,item_code ,buffer [,size]
OpenVMS usage: cond_value type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by value
Longword condition value. Most utility routines return a condition value in R0. Condition values that this routine can return are listed under Condition Values Returned.
OpenVMS usage: char_string type: character string access: read only mechanism: by descriptor
Message items that SMB$READ_MESSAGE_ITEM is to read. The message argument is the address of a descriptor of a buffer. The buffer is the one that contains the message items that SMB$READ_MESSAGE_ITEM is to read. The buffer specified here must be the same as that specified with the call to the SMB$READ_MESSAGE routine, which fills the buffer with the contents of the message.context
OpenVMS usage: context type: longword (unsigned) access: modify mechanism: by reference
Value initialized to 0 specifying the first message item in the buffer to be read. The context argument is the address of a longword that the SMB$READ_MESSAGE_ITEM routine uses to determine the next message item to be returned. When this value is 0, it indicates that SMB$READ_MESSAGE_ITEM is to return the first message item.The SMB$READ_MESSAGE_ITEM routine updates this value each time it reads a message item. SMB$READ_MESSAGE_ITEM sets the value to 0 when it has returned all the message items in the buffer.
OpenVMS usage: smb_item type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by reference
Item code specified in the message item that identifies its type. The item_code argument is the address of a longword into which SMB$READ_MESSAGE_ITEM writes the code that identifies which item it is returning.The codes that identify message items are defined at the end of the Description section for this routine.
OpenVMS usage: char_string type: character string access: write only mechanism: by descriptor
Message item. The buffer argument is the address of a descriptor of a buffer. The buffer is the one in which the SMB$READ_MESSAGE_ITEM routine is to place the message item data. SMB$READ_MESSAGE_ITEM uses the Run-Time Library string-handling (STR$) routines to copy the message item data into the buffer.size
OpenVMS usage: word_unsigned type: word (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by reference
Size of the message item. The size argument is the address of a word in which the SMB$READ_MESSAGE_ITEM is to place the size, in bytes, of the item's data.
The job controller can request seven functions from the symbiont. They are identified by the following codes:
SMBMSG$K_START_STREAM SMBMSG$K_STOP_STREAM SMBMSG$K_START_TASK SMBMSG$K_PAUSE_TASK SMBMSG$K_RESUME_TASK SMBMSG$K_STOP_TASK SMBMSG$K_RESET_STREAM The job controller passes the symbiont a request containing a code and, optionally, a number of message items containing information the symbiont might need to perform the function. The code specifies what function the request is for, and the message items contain information that the symbiont needs to carry out the function.
By calling SMB$READ_MESSAGE, the symbiont reads the request and writes the message items into the specified buffer. The symbiont then obtains the individual message items by calling the SMB$READ_MESSAGE_ITEM routine.
Each message item consists of a code that identifies the information the item represents, and the item itself. For example, the SMB$K_JOB_NAME code tells the symbiont that the item specifies a job's name.
The number of items in a request varies with each type of request. Therefore, you must call SMB$READ_MESSAGE_ITEM repeatedly for each request to ensure that all message items are read. Each time SMB$READ_MESSAGE_ITEM reads a message item, it updates the value in the longword specified by the context argument. SMB$READ_MESSAGE_ITEM returns the code SMB$_NOMOREITEMS after it has read the last message item.
The following table shows the message items that can be delivered with each request:
Many of the codes described are specifically oriented toward print symbionts. The symbiont you implement, which might not print files or serve an output device, need not recognize all these codes. In addition, it need not respond in the same way as the print symbiont to the codes it recognizes. The descriptions in the list describe how the standard print symbiont (PRTSMB.EXE) processes these items.
Because new codes might be added in the future, you should write your symbiont so that it ignores codes it does not recognize.
This code identifies a string containing the name of the account to be charged for the job, that is, the account of the process that submitted the print job.SMBMSG$K_AFTER_TIME
This code identifies a 64-bit, absolute-time value specifying the system time after which the job controller can process this job.SMBMSG$K_ALIGNMENT_PAGES
This code identifies a longword specifying the number of alignment pages that the symbiont is to print.SMBMSG$K_BOTTOM_MARGIN
This code identifies a longword containing the number of lines to be left blank at the bottom of a page.The symbiont inserts a form feed character into the output stream if it determines that all of the following conditions are true:
- The number of lines left at the bottom of the page is equal to the value in SMBMSG$K_BOTTOM_MARGIN.
- Sending more data to the printer to be output on this page would cause characters to be printed within this bottom margin of the page.
- The /FEED qualifier was specified with the PRINT command that caused the symbiont to perform this task.
(Line feed, form feed, carriage-return, and vertical-tab characters in the output stream are collectively known as embedded carriage control.)
This code identifies a 16-byte structure specifying characteristics of the job. A detailed description of the format of this structure is contained in the description of the QUI$_CHARACTERISTICS code in the $GETQUI system service in the OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual.SMBMSG$K_DEVICE_NAME
This code identifies a string that is the name of the device to which the symbiont is to send data. The symbiont interprets this information. The name need not be the name of a physical device, and the symbiont can interpret this string as something other than the name of a device.SMBMSG$K_ENTRY_NUMBER
This code identifies a longword containing the number that the job controller assigned to the job.SMBMSG$K_EXECUTOR_QUEUE
This code identifies a string that is the name of the queue on which the symbiont stream is to be started.SMBMSG$K_FILE_COPIES
This code identifies a longword containing the number of copies of the file that were requested.SMBMSG$K_FILE_COUNT
This code identifies a longword that specifies, out of the number of copies requested for this job (SMBMSG$K_FILE_COPIES), the number of the copy of the file currently printing.SMBMSG$K_FILE_IDENTIFICATION
This code identifies a 28-byte structure identifying the file to be processed. This structure consists of the following three file-identification fields in the OpenVMS RMS NAM block:
- The 16-byte NAM$T_DVI field
- The 6-byte NAM$W_FID field
- The 6-byte NAM$W_DID field
These fields occur consecutively in the NAM block in the order listed.
This code identifies a string specifying the names (separated by commas) of one or more text modules that the symbiont should copy from the library into the output stream before processing the file.SMBMSG$K_FILE_SPECIFICATION
This code identifies a string specifying the name of the file that the symbiont is to process. This file name is formatted as a standard RMS file specification.SMBMSG$K_FIRST_PAGE
This code identifies a longword containing the number of the page at which the symbiont should begin printing. The job controller sends this item to the symbiont. When not specified, the symbiont begins processing at page 1.SMBMSG$K_FORM_LENGTH
This code identifies a longword value specifying the length (in lines) of the physical form (the paper).SMBMSG$K_FORM_NAME
This code identifies a string specifying the name of the form.SMBMSG$K_FORM_SETUP_MODULES
This code identifies a string consisting of the names (separated by commas) of one or more modules that the symbiont should copy from the device-control library before processing the file.SMBMSG$K_FORM_WIDTH
This code identifies a longword specifying the width (in characters) of the print area on the physical form (the paper).SMBMSG$K_JOB_COPIES
This code identifies a longword specifying the requested number of copies of the job.SMBMSG$K_JOB_COUNT
This code identifies a longword specifying, out of the number of copies requested (SMBMSG$K_JOB_COPIES), the number of the copy of the job currently printing.SMBMSG$K_JOB_NAME
This code identifies a string specifying the name of the job.SMBMSG$K_JOB_RESET_MODULES
This code identifies a string specifying a list of one or more module names (separated by commas) that the symbiont should copy from the device-control library after processing the task. These modules can be used to reset programmable devices to a known state.SMBMSG$K_LAST_PAGE
This code identifies a longword specifying the number of the last page that the symbiont is to print. When not specified, the symbiont attempts to print all the pages in the file.SMBMSG$K_LEFT_MARGIN
This code identifies a longword specifying the number of spaces to be inserted at the beginning of each line.SMBMSG$K_LIBRARY_SPECIFICATION
This code identifies a string specifying the name of the device-control library.SMBMSG$K_MESSAGE_VECTOR
This code identifies a vector of longword condition codes, each of which contains information about the job to be printed.When LOGINOUT cannot open a log file for a batch job, a code in the message vector specifies the reason for the failure. The job controller does not send the SMBMSG$K_FILE_IDENTIFICATION item if it has detected such a failure but instead sends the message vector, which the symbiont prints, along with a message stating that there is no file to print.
This code identifies a user-supplied string that the symbiont is to print on the job flag page and on the file flag page.SMBMSG$K_PAGE_SETUP_MODULES
This code identifies a string consisting of the names (separated by commas) of one or more modules that the symbiont should copy from the device-control library before printing each page.SMBMSG$K_PARAMETER_1 through SMBMSG$K_PARAMETER_8
Each of these eight codes identifies a user-supplied string. Both the semantics and syntax of each string are determined by the user-defined symbiont. The OpenVMS-supplied symbiont makes no use of these eight items.SMBMSG$K_PRINT_CONTROL
This code identifies a longword bit vector, each bit of which supplies information that the symbiont is to use in controlling the printing of the file.
Symbol Description SMBMSG$V_DOUBLE_SPACE The symbiont uses a double-spaced format; it skips a line after each line it prints. SMBMSG$V_NO_INITIAL_FF The symbiont suppresses the initial form feed if this bit is turned on. SMBMSG$V_NORECORD_BLOCKING The symbiont performs single record output, issuing a single output record for each input record. SMBMSG$V_PAGE_HEADER The symbiont prints a page header at the top of each page. SMBMSG$V_PAGINATE The symbiont inserts a form feed character when it detects an attempt to print in the bottom margin of the current form. SMBMSG$V_PASSALL The symbiont prints the file without formatting and bypasses all formatting normally performed. Furthermore, the symbiont outputs the file without formatting, by causing the output QIO to suppress formatting by the driver. SMBMSG$V_RECORD_BLOCKING The symbiont performs record blocking, buffering output to the device. SMBMSG$V_SEQUENCED This bit is reserved by Compaq. SMBMSG$V_SHEET_FEED The symbiont pauses the queue after each page it prints. SMBMSG$V_TRUNCATE The symbiont truncates input lines that exceed the right margin of the current form. SMBMSG$V_WRAP The symbiont wraps input lines that exceed the right margin, printing the additional characters on a new line. SMBMSG$K_PRIORITY
This code identifies a longword specifying the priority this job has in the queue in which it is entered.SMBMSG$K_QUEUE
This code identifies a string specifying the name of the queue in which this job is entered. When generic queues are used, this item specifies the name of the generic queue, and the SMBMSG$K_EXECUTOR item specifies the name of the device queue or the server queue.SMBMSG$K_RELATIVE_PAGE
This code identifies a signed, longword value specifying the number of pages that the symbiont is to move forward (positive value) or backward (negative value) from the current position in the file.SMBMSG$K_REQUEST_CONTROL
This code identifies a longword bit vector, each bit of which specifies information that the symbiont is to use in processing the request that the job controller is making.
Symbol Description SMBMSG$V_ALIGNMENT_MASK The symbiont is to replace all alphabetic characters with the letter X, and all numeric characters with the number 9. Other characters (punctuation, carriage control, and so on) are left unchanged. This bit is ordinarily specified in connection with the SMBMSG$K_ALIGNMENT_PAGES item. SMBMSG$V_PAUSE_COMPLETE The symbiont is to pause when it completes the current request. SMBMSG$V_RESTARTING Indicates that this job was previously interrupted and requeued, and is now restarting. SMBMSG$V_TOP_OF_FILE The symbiont is to rewind the input file before it resumes printing. SMBMSG$K_RIGHT_MARGIN
This code identifies a longword specifying the number of character positions to be left empty at the end of each line. When the right margin is exceeded, the symbiont truncates the line, wraps the line, or continues processing, depending on the settings of the WRAP and TRUNCATE bits in the SMBMSG$K_PRINT_CONTROL item.SMBMSG$K_SEARCH_STRING
This code identifies a string containing the value specified in the START/QUEUE/SEARCH command. This string identifies the page at which to restart the current printing task on a paused queue.SMBMSG$K_SEPARATION_CONTROL
This code identifies a longword bit vector, each bit of which specifies an operation that the symbiont is to perform between jobs or between files within a job. The $SMBDEF macro defines the following symbols for each bit:
Symbol Description SMBMSG$V_FILE_BURST The symbiont is to print a file burst page. SMBMSG$V_FILE_FLAG The symbiont is to print a file flag page. SMBMSG$V_FILE_TRAILER The symbiont is to print a file trailer page. SMBMSG$V_FILE_TRAILER_ABORT The symbiont is to print a file trailer page when a task completes abnormally. SMBMSG$V_FIRST_FILE_OF_JOB The current file is the first file of the job. When specified with SMBMSG$V_LAST_FILE_OF_JOB, the current job contains a single file. SMBMSG$V_JOB_FLAG The symbiont is to print a job flag page. SMBMSG$V_JOB_BURST The symbiont is to print a job burst page. SMBMSG$V_JOB_RESET The symbiont is to execute a job reset sequence when the task completes. SMBMSG$V_JOB_RESET_ABORT The symbiont is to execute a job reset sequence when a task completes abnormally. SMBMSG$V_JOB_TRAILER The symbiont is to print a job trailer page. SMBMSG$V_JOB_TRAILER_ABORT The symbiont is to print a job trailer page when a task completes abnormally. SMBMSG$V_LAST_FILE_OF_JOB The current file is the last file of the job. When specified with SMBMSG$V_FIRST_FILE_OF_JOB, the current job contains a single job. SMBMSG$K_STOP_CONDITION
This code identifies a longword containing a condition specifying the reason the job controller issued a STOP_TASK request.SMBMSG$K_TIME_QUEUED
This code identifies a quadword specifying the time the file was entered into the queue. The time is expressed as 64-bit, absolute time.SMBMSG$K_TOP_MARGIN
This code identifies a longword specifying the number of lines that the symbiont is to leave blank at the top of each page. PRTSMB inserts line feeds into the output stream after every form feed until the margin is cleared.SMBMSG$K_UIC
This code identifies a longword specifying the user identification code (UIC) of the user who submitted the job.SMBMSG$K_USER_NAME
This code identifies a string specifying the name of the user who submitted the job.
SS$_NORMAL Normal successful completion. SMB$_NOMOREITEMS End of item list reached.
This routine also returns any condition code returned by the Run-Time Library string-handling (STR$) routines.
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