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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
VAX MACRO and Instruction Set Reference Manual
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The following instructions are described in this section:
Description and Opcode | Number of Instructions | |
1. |
Add Aligned Word
ADAWI add.rw, sum.mw |
1 |
2. |
Add 2 Operand
ADD{B,W,L}2 add.rx, sum.mx |
3 |
3. |
Add 3 Operand
ADD{B,W,L}3 add1.rx, add2.rx, sum.wx |
3 |
4. |
Add with Carry
ADWC add.rl, sum.ml |
1 |
5. |
Arithmetic Shift
ASH{L,Q} cnt.rb, src.rx, dst.wx |
2 |
6. |
Bit Clear 2 Operand
BIC{B,W,L}2 mask.rx, dst.mx |
3 |
7. |
Bit Clear 3 Operand
BIC{B,W,L}3 mask.rx, src.rx, dst.wx |
3 |
8. |
Bit Set 2 Operand
BIS{B,W,L}2 mask.rx, dst.mx |
3 |
9. |
Bit Set 3 Operand
BIS{B,W,L}3 mask.rx, src.rx, dst.wx |
3 |
10. |
Bit Test
BIT{B,W,L} mask.rx, src.rx |
3 |
11. |
CLR{B,W,L,Q,O} dst.wx |
5 |
12. |
CMP{B,W,L} src1.rx, src2.rx |
3 |
13. |
CVT{B,W,L}{B,W,L} src.rx, dst.wy All pairs except BB,WW,LL |
6 |
14. |
DEC{B,W,L} dif.mx |
3 |
15. |
Divide 2 Operand
DIV{B,W,L}2 divr.rx, quo.mx |
3 |
16. |
Divide 3 Operand
DIV{B,W,L}3 divr.rx, divd.rx, quo.wx |
3 |
17. |
Extended Divide
EDIV divr.rl, divd.rq, quo.wl, rem.wl |
1 |
18. |
Extended Multiply
EMUL mulr.rl, muld.rl, add.rl, prod.wq |
1 |
19. |
INC{B,W,L} sum.mx |
3 |
20. |
Move Complemented
MCOM{B,W,L} src.rx, dst.wx |
3 |
21. |
Move Negated
MNEG{B,W,L} src.rx, dst.wx |
3 |
22. |
OV{B,W,L,Q} src.rx, dst.wx |
4 |
23. |
Move Zero-Extended
MOVZ{BW,BL,WL} src.rx, dst.wy |
3 |
24. |
Multiply 2 Operand
MUL{B,W,L}2 mulr.rx, prod.mx |
3 |
25. |
Multiply 3 Operand
MUL{B,W,L}3 mulr.rx, muld.rx, prod.wx |
3 |
26. |
Push Long
PUSHL src.rl, {-(SP).wl} |
1 |
27. |
Rotate Long
ROTL cnt.rb, src.rl, dst.wl |
1 |
28. |
Subtract with Carry
SBWC sub.rl, dif.ml |
1 |
29. |
Subtract 2 Operand
SUB{B,W,L}2 sub.rx, dif.mx |
3 |
30. |
Subtract 3 Operand
SUB{B,W,L}3 sub.rx, min.rx, dif.wx |
3 |
31. |
TST{B,W,L} src.rx |
3 |
32. |
Exclusive OR 2 Operand
XOR{B,W,L}2 mask.rx, dst.mx |
3 |
33. |
Exclusive OR 3 Operand
XOR{B,W,L}3 mask.rx, src.rx, dst.wx |
3 |
Add Aligned Word Interlocked
opcode add.rw, sum.mw
N|| <--- sum LSS 0; | |
Z|| <--- sum EQL 0; | |
V|| <--- {integer overflow}; | |
C|| <--- {carry from most-significant bit}; |
58 | ADAWI | Add Aligned Word Interlocked |
The addend operand is added to the sum operand, and the sum operand is replaced by the result. If the sum operand is contained in memory, then the operation is interlocked against interlocked operations to the same address from other processors. The destination must be aligned on a word boundary; that is, bit 0 of the address of the sum operand must be zero. If it is not, a reserved operand fault is taken.
2operand: opcode add.rx, sum.mx
3operand: opcode add1.rx, add2.rx, sum.wx
N|| <--- sum LSS 0; | |
Z|| <--- sum EQL 0; | |
V|| <--- {integer overflow}; | |
C|| <--- {carry from most-significant bit}; |
80 | ADDB2 | Add Byte 2 Operand |
81 | ADDB3 | Add Byte 3 Operand |
A0 | ADDW2 | Add Word 2 Operand |
A1 | ADDW3 | Add Word 3 Operand |
C0 | ADDL2 | Add Long 2 Operand |
C1 | ADDL3 | Add Long 3 Operand |
In 2 operand format, the addend operand is added to the sum operand and the sum operand is replaced by the result. In 3 operand format, the addend 1 operand is added to the addend 2 operand and the sum operand is replaced by the result.
Integer overflow occurs if the input operands to the add have the same sign and the result has the opposite sign. On overflow, the sum operand is replaced by the low-order bits of the true result.
Add with Carry
opcode add.rl, sum.ml
N|| <--- sum LSS 0; | |
Z|| <--- sum EQL 0; | |
V|| <--- {integer overflow}; | |
C|| <--- {carry from most-significant bit}; |
D8 | ADWC | Add with Carry |
The contents of the condition code C-bit and the addend operand are added to the sum operand and the sum operand is replaced by the result.
Arithmetic Shift
opcode cnt.rb, src.rx, dst.wx
N|| <--- dst LSS 0; | |
Z|| <--- dst EQL 0; | |
V|| <--- {integer overflow}; | |
C|| <--- 0; |
78 | ASHL | Arithmetic Shift Long |
79 | ASHQ | Arithmetic Shift Quad |
The source operand is arithmetically shifted by the number of bits specified by the count operand and the destination operand is replaced by the result. The source operand is unaffected. A positive count operand shifts to the left, bringing zeros into the least significant bit. A negative count operand shifts to the right, bringing in copies of the most significant (sign) bit into the most significant bit. A zero count operand replaces the destination operand with the unshifted source operand.
Bit Clear
2operand: opcode mask.rx, dst.mx
3operand: opcode mask.rx, src.rx, dst.wx
N|| <--- dst LSS 0; | |
Z|| <--- dst EQL 0; | |
V|| <--- 0; | |
C|| <--- C; |
8A | BICB2 | Bit Clear Byte |
8B | BICB3 | Bit Clear Byte |
AA | BICW2 | Bit Clear Word |
AB | BICW3 | Bit Clear Word |
CA | BICL2 | Bit Clear Long |
CB | BICL3 | Bit Clear Long |
In 2 operand format, the result of the logical AND on the destination operand and the one's complement of the mask operand replaces the destination operand. In 3 operand format, the result of the logical AND on the source operand and the one's complement of the mask operand replaces the destination operand.
Bit Set
2operand: opcode mask.rx, dst.mx
3operand: opcode mask.rx, src.rx, dst.wx
N|| <--- dst LSS 0; | |
Z|| <--- dst EQL 0; | |
V|| <--- 0; | |
C|| <--- C; |
88 | BISB2 | Bit Set Byte 2 Operand |
89 | BISB3 | Bit Set Byte 3 Operand |
A8 | BISW2 | Bit Set Word 2 Operand |
A9 | BISW3 | Bit Set Word 3 Operand |
C8 | BISL2 | Bit Set Long 2 Operand |
C9 | BISL3 | Bit Set Long 3 Operand |
In 2 operand format, the result of the logical OR on the mask operand and the destination operand replaces the destination operand. In 3 operand format, the result of the logical OR on the mask operand and the source operand replaces the destination operand.
Bit Test
opcode mask.rx, src.rx
N|| <--- tmp LSS 0; | |
Z|| <--- tmp EQL 0; | |
V|| <--- 0; | |
C|| <--- C; |
93 | BITB | Bit Test Byte |
B3 | BITW | Bit Test Word |
D3 | BITL | Bit Test Long |
The logical AND is performed on the mask operand and the source operand. Both operands are unaffected. The only action is to modify condition codes.
opcode dst.wx
N|| <--- 0; | |
Z|| <--- 1; | |
V|| <--- 0; | |
C|| <--- C; |
94 | CLRB | Clear Byte |
B4 | CLRW | Clear Word |
D4 | CLRL | Clear Long |
7C | CLRQ | Clear Quad |
7CFD | CLRO | Clear Octa |
The destination operand is replaced by zero.
CLRx dst is equivalent to MOVx S^#0, dst, but is 1 byte shorter.
opcode src1.rx, src2.rx
N|| <--- src1 LSS src2; | |
Z|| <--- src1 EQL src2; | |
V|| <--- 0; | |
C|| <--- src1 LSSU src2; |
91 | CMPB | Compare Byte |
B1 | CMPW | Compare Word |
D1 | CMPL | Compare Long |
The source 1 operand is compared with the source 2 operand. The only action is to modify the condition codes.
opcode src.rx, dst.wy
N|| <--- dst LSS 0; | |
Z|| <--- dst EQL 0; | |
V|| <--- {integer overflow}; | |
C|| <--- 0; |
99 | CVTBW | Convert Byte to Word |
98 | CVTBL | Convert Byte to Long |
33 | CVTWB | Convert Word to Byte |
32 | CVTWL | Convert Word to Long |
F6 | CVTLB | Convert Long to Byte |
F7 | CVTLW | Convert Long to Word |
The source operand is converted to the data type of the destination operand and the destination operand is replaced by the result. Conversion of a shorter data type to a longer one is done by sign extension; conversion of longer data type to a shorter one is done by truncation of the higher-numbered (most significant) bits.
Integer overflow occurs if any truncated bits of the source operand are not equal to the sign bit of the destination operand.
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