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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS System Services Reference Manual
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SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully. SS$_ACCVIO The value specified by newadr or a portion of the new stack segment cannot be written by the caller. SS$_NOPRIV The specified access mode is equal to or more privileged than the calling access mode.
Adjusts a process's current working set limit by the specified number of pages (on VAX systems) or pagelets (on Alpha systems) and returns the new value to the caller. The working set limit specifies the maximum number of process pages or pagelets that can be resident in physical memory.On Alpha systems, this service accepts 64-bit addresses.
SYS$ADJWSL [pagcnt] ,[wsetlm]
int sys$adjwsl (int pagcnt, unsigned int *wsetlm);
OpenVMS usage: longword_signed type: longword (signed) access: read only mechanism: by value
Signed adjustment value specifying the number of pages (on VAX systems) or pagelets (on Alpha systems) to add to (if positive) or subtract from (if negative) the current working set limit. The pagcnt argument is this signed longword value.Note that, on Alpha systems, the specified value is rounded up to an even multiple of the CPU-specific page size.
If pagcnt is not specified or is specified as 0, no adjustment is made and the current working set limit is returned in the longword specified by the wsetlm argument (if this argument is specified).
OpenVMS usage: longword_unsigned type: longword (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference (Alpha) mechanism: by 32-bit reference (VAX)
Value of the working set limit, in pages (on VAX systems) or pagelets (on Alpha systems), returned by $ADJWSL. The wsetlm argument is the 32-bit address (on VAX systems) or the 32- or 64-bit address (on Alpha systems) of this longword value. The wsetlm argument receives the newly adjusted value if pagcnt is specified, and it receives the prior, unadjusted value if pagcnt is not specified.
The Adjust Working Set Limit service adjusts a process's current working set limit by the specified number of pages (on VAX systems) or pagelets (rounded up or down to a whole page count on Alpha systems) and returns the new value to the caller. The working set limit specifies the maximum number of process pages that can be resident in physical memory.If a program attempts to adjust the working set limit beyond the system-defined upper and lower limits, no error condition is returned; instead, the working set limit is adjusted to the maximum or minimum size allowed.
The initial value of a process's working set limit is controlled by the working set default (WSDEFAULT) quota. The maximum value to which it can be increased is controlled by the working set extent (WSEXTENT) quota; the minimum value to which it can be decreased is limited by the system parameter MINWSCNT.
SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully. SS$_ACCVIO The longword specified by wsetlm cannot be written by the caller.
Allocates a device for exclusive use by a process and its subprocesses. No other process can allocate the device or assign channels to it until the image that called $ALLOC exits or explicitly deallocates the device with the Deallocate Device ($DALLOC) service.
SYS$ALLOC devnam ,[phylen] ,[phybuf] ,[acmode] ,[flags]
int sys$alloc (void *devnam, unsigned short int *phylen, void *phybuf, unsigned int acmode, unsigned int flags);
OpenVMS usage: device_name type: character-coded text string access: read only mechanism: by descriptor--fixed-length string descriptor
Device name of the device to be allocated. The devnam argument is the address of a character string descriptor pointing to the device name string.The string can be either a physical device name or a logical name. If it is a logical name, it must translate to a physical device name.
OpenVMS usage: word_unsigned type: word (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by reference
Word into which $ALLOC writes the length of the device name string for the device it has allocated. The phylen argument is the address of this word.phybuf
OpenVMS usage: device_name type: character-coded text string access: write only mechanism: by descriptor--fixed-length string descriptor
Buffer into which $ALLOC writes the device name string for the device it has allocated. The phybuf argument is the address of a character string descriptor pointing to this buffer.acmode
OpenVMS usage: access_mode type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value
Access mode to be associated with the allocated device. The acmode argument is a longword containing the access mode.The most privileged access mode used is the access mode of the caller. Only equal or more privileged access modes can deallocate the device.
OpenVMS usage: mask_longword type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value
Longword of status flags indicating whether to interpret the devnam argument as the type of device to be allocated. Only one flag exists, bit 0. When it is set, the $ALLOC service allocates the first available device that has the type specified in the devnam argument.This feature is available for the following mass storage devices:
RA60 RA80 RA81 RC25 RCF25 RK06 RK07 RL01 RL02 RM03 RM05 RM80 RP04 RP05 RP06 RP07 RX01 RX02 TA78 TA81 TS11 TU16 TU58 TU77 TU78 TU80 TU81
The Allocate Device service allocates a device for exclusive use by a process and its subprocesses. No other process can allocate the device or assign channels to it until the image that called $ALLOC exits or explicitly deallocates the device with the Deallocate Device ($DALLOC) service.When a process calls the Assign I/O Channel ($ASSIGN) service to assign a channel to a nonshareable, nonspooled device, such as a terminal or line printer, the device is implicitly allocated to the process.
You can use this service only to allocate devices that either exist on the host system or are made available to the host system in an OpenVMS Cluster environment.
Read, write, or control access to the device is required.
SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully. SS$_BUFFEROVF The service completed successfully. The physical name returned overflowed the buffer provided, and was truncated. SS$_DEVALRALLOC The service completed successfully. The device was already allocated to the calling process. SS$_ACCVIO The device name string, string descriptor, or physical name buffer descriptor cannot be read by the caller, or the physical name buffer cannot be written by the caller. SS$_DEVALLOC The device is already allocated to another process, or an attempt to allocate an unmounted shareable device failed because other processes had channels assigned to the device. SS$_DEVMOUNT The specified device is currently mounted and cannot be allocated, or the device is a mailbox. SS$_DEVOFFLINE The specified device is marked off line. SS$_IVDEVNAM The device name string contains invalid characters, or no device name string was specified. SS$_IVLOGNAM The device name string has a length of 0 or has more than 63 characters. SS$_IVSTSFLG The bits set in the longword of status flags are invalid. SS$_NODEVAVL The specified device in a generic search exists but is allocated to another user. SS$_NONLOCAL The device is on a remote node. SS$_NOPRIV The requesting process attempted to allocate a spooled device and does not have the required privilege, or the device protection or access control list (or both) denies access. SS$_NOSUCHDEV The specified device does not exist in the host system. This error is usually the result of a typographical error. SS$_TEMPLATEDEV The process attempted to allocate a template device; a template device cannot be allocated.
The $ALLOC service can also return any condition value returned by $ENQ. For a list of these condition values, see the description of $ENQ.
Associates a named common event flag cluster with a process to execute the current image and to be assigned a process-local cluster number for use with other event flag services. If the named cluster does not exist but the process has suitable privilege, the service creates the cluster.
SYS$ASCEFC efn ,name ,[prot] ,[perm]
int sys$ascefc (unsigned int efn, void *name, char prot, char perm);
OpenVMS usage: ef_number type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value
Number of any event flag contained within the desired common event flag cluster. The efn argument is a longword value specifying this number; however, $ASCEFC uses only the low-order byte.There are two common event flag clusters: cluster 2 and cluster 3. Cluster 2 contains event flag numbers 64 to 95, and cluster 3 contains event flag numbers 96 to 127. (Clusters 0 and 1 are process-local event flag clusters.)
To associate with common event flag cluster 2, specify any flag number in the cluster (64 to 95); to associate with common event flag cluster 3, specify any event flag number in the cluster (96 to 127).
OpenVMS usage: ef_cluster_name type: character-coded text string access: read only mechanism: by descriptor--fixed-length string descriptor
Name of the common event flag cluster with which to associate. The name argument is the address of a character string descriptor pointing to this name string.The character string descriptor can be 1 to 15 bytes in length, and each byte can be any 8-bit value.
Common event flag clusters are accessible only to processes having the same UIC group number, and each such process must associate with the cluster using the same name (specified in the name argument). The operating system implicitly associates the group UIC number with the name, making the name unique to a UIC group.
OpenVMS usage: Boolean type: byte (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value
Protection specifier that allows or disallows access to the common event flag cluster for processes with the same UIC group number as the creating process. The prot argument is a longword value, which is interpreted as Boolean.The default value 0 specifies that any process with the same UIC group number as the creating process can access the event flag cluster. The value 1 specifies that only processes having the UIC of the creating process can access the event flag cluster.
When the prot argument is 1, all access to the Group category is denied.
The process must have associate access to access an existing common event flag cluster.
OpenVMS usage: Boolean type: byte (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value
Permanent specifier that marks a common event flag cluster as either permanent or temporary. The perm argument is a longword value, which is interpreted as Boolean.The default value 0 specifies that the cluster is temporary. The value 1 specifies that the cluster is permanent.
The Associate Common Event Flag Cluster service associates a named common event flag cluster with a process for the execution of the current image and to assign it a process-local cluster number for use with other event flag services. A process needs associate access to call the $ASCEFC service.When a process associates with a common event flag cluster, that cluster's reference count is increased by 1. The reference count is decreased when a process disassociates from the cluster, whether explicitly with the Disassociate Common Event Flag Cluster ($DACEFC) service or implicitly at image exit.
Temporary clusters are automatically deleted when their reference count goes to 0; you must explicitly mark permanent clusters for deletion with the Delete Common Event Flag Cluster ($DLCEFC) service.
When a new cluster is created, a security profile is created with the process UIC as the owner of the common event flag cluster; the remaining characteristics are taken from the COMMON_EVENT_CLUSTER.DEFAULT template profile.
Because the $ASCEFC service automatically creates the common event flag cluster if it does not already exist, cooperating processes need not be concerned with which process executes first to create the cluster. The first process to call $ASCEFC creates the cluster and the others associate with it regardless of the order in which they call the service.
The initial state for all event flags in a newly created common event flag cluster is 0.
If a process has already associated a cluster number with a named common event flag cluster and then issues another call to $ASCEFC with the same cluster number, the service disassociates the number from its first assignment before associating it with its second.
If you previously called any system service that will set an event flag (and the event flag is contained within the cluster being reassigned), the event flag will be set in the newly associated named cluster, not in the previously associated named cluster.
The calling process must have PRMCEB privilege to create a permanent common event flag cluster.
Creation of temporary common event flag clusters uses the quota of the process for timer queue entries (TQELM); the creation of a permanent cluster does not affect the quota. The quota is restored to the creator of the cluster when all processes associated with the cluster have disassociated.
SS$_NORMAL The service completed successfully. SS$_ACCVIO The cluster name string or string descriptor cannot be read by the caller. SS$_EXPORTQUOTA The process has exceeded the number of event flag clusters with which processes on this port of the multiport (shared) memory can associate. SS$_EXQUOTA The process has exceeded its timer queue entry quota; this quota controls the creation of temporary common event flag clusters. SS$_INSFMEM The system dynamic memory is insufficient for completing the service. SS$_ILLEFC You specified an illegal event flag number. The cluster number must be in the range of event flags 64 through 127. SS$_INTERLOCK The bit map lock for allocating common event flag clusters from the specified shared memory is locked by another process. SS$_IVLOGNAM The cluster name string has a length of 0 or has more than 15 characters. SS$_NOPRIV The process does not have the privilege to create a permanent cluster; the process does not have the privilege to create a common event flag cluster in memory shared by multiple processors; or the protection applied to an existing cluster by its creator prohibits association. SS$_NOSHMBLOCK The common event flag cluster has no shared memory control block available. SS$_SHMNOTCNT+ The shared memory named in the name argument is not known to the system. This error can be caused by a spelling error in the string, an improperly assigned logical name, or the failure to identify the multiport memory as shared at system generation time.
Converts an absolute or delta time from 64-bit system time format to an ASCII string.On Alpha systems, this service accepts 64-bit addresses.
SYS$ASCTIM [timlen] ,timbuf ,[timadr] ,[cvtflg]
int sys$asctim (unsigned short int *timlen, void *timbuf, struct _generic_64 *timadr, char cvtflg);
OpenVMS usage: word_unsigned type: word (unsigned) access: write only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference (Alpha) mechanism: by 32-bit reference (VAX)
Length (in bytes) of the ASCII string returned by $ASCTIM. The timlen argument is the 32-bit address (on VAX systems) or the 32- or 64-bit address (on Alpha systems) of a word containing this length.timbuf
OpenVMS usage: time_name type: character-coded text string access: write only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit descriptor--fixed-length string descriptor (Alpha) mechanism: by 32-bit descriptor (VAX)
Buffer into which $ASCTIM writes the ASCII string. The timbuf argument is the 32-bit address (on VAX systems) or the 32- or 64-bit address (on Alpha systems) of a character string descriptor pointing to the buffer.The buffer length specified in the timbuf argument, together with the cvtflg argument, controls what information is returned.
OpenVMS usage: date_time type: quadword access: read only mechanism: by 32- or 64-bit reference (Alpha) mechanism: by 32-bit reference (VAX)
Time value that $ASCTIM is to convert. The timadr argument is the 32-bit address (on VAX systems) or the 32- or 64-bit address (on Alpha systems) of this 64-bit time value. A positive time value represents an absolute time. A negative time value represents a delta time. If you specify a delta time, it must be less than 10,000 days.If timadr is not specified or is specified as 0 (the default), $ASCTIM returns the current date and time.
OpenVMS usage: longword_unsigned type: longword (unsigned) access: read only mechanism: by value
Conversion indicator specifying which date and time fields $ASCTIM should return. The cvtflg argument is a longword value, which is interpreted as Boolean. The value 1 specifies that $ASCTIM should return only the hour, minute, second, and hundredths-of-second fields. The default value 0 specifies that $ASCTIM should return the full date and time.
The Convert Binary Time to ASCII String service converts an absolute or delta time from 64-bit system time format to an ASCII string. The service executes at the access mode of the caller and does not check whether address arguments are accessible before it executes. Therefore, an access violation causes an exception condition if the input time value cannot be read or the output buffer or buffer length cannot be written.This service returns the SS$_INSFARG (insufficient arguments) condition value if one or both of the required arguments are not supplied.
The ASCII strings returned have the following formats:
- Absolute Time: dd-mmm-yyyy hh:mm:ss.cc
- Delta Time: dddd hh:mm:ss.cc
The following table lists the length (in bytes), contents, and range of values for each field in the absolute time and delta time formats.
Field Length
(Bytes)Contents Range of Values dd 2 Day of month 1--31 -- 1 Hyphen Required syntax mmm 3 Month JAN, FEB, MAR, APR, MAY, JUN, JUL, AUG, SEP, OCT, NOV, DEC -- 1 Hyphen Required syntax yyyy 4 Year 1858--9999 blank n Blank Required syntax hh 2 Hour 00--23 : 1 Colon Required syntax mm 2 Minutes 00--59 : 1 Colon Required syntax ss 2 Seconds 00--59 . 1 Period Required syntax cc 2 Hundredths-of-second 00--99 dddd 4 Number of days (in 24-hr units) 000--9999
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