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Updated: 11 December 1998

OpenVMS Linker Utility Manual

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SDA (System Dump Analyzer utility)
    See System Dump Analyzer utility
    creating resident shareable images
    improving the performance of installed shareable images
/SELECTIVE_SEARCH qualifier #1
/SELECTIVE_SEARCH qualifier #2
Shareable images
    as linker input files
    benefits of
    creating #1
    creating #2
    creating #3
    creating a based shareable image
    creating a run-time kit #1
    creating a run-time kit #2
    creating resident
    declaring alias names for universal symbols
    declaring universal symbols on Alpha systems
    declaring universal symbols on VAX systems
    default base address
    enhancing performance of #1
    enhancing performance of #2
    ensuring upward compatibility
        deleting universal symbols
        on Alpha systems
        on VAX systems
    implicit processing of
    in libraries
        default location
        specifying as linker input #1
        specifying as linker input #2
    installing #1
    installing #2
    protecting #1
    protecting #2
    resident images
        effect on image map file
    specifying as linker input #1
    specifying as linker input #2
        in libraries
    specifying identification numbers
    symbol vector program section
    use of GSMATCH= option
/SHAREABLE qualifier
    creating shareable images
Stack commands
    Alpha object language
    VAX object language
STACK= option
    included in image map files
    order of processing
    processing by linker
Store commands
    Alpha object language
    VAX object language
Strong symbol
SYMBOL= option
Symbol resolution processing
    handling undefined symbols
    of object modules
    ordering of input files
    performed by linker
    processing default libraries
    processing files selectively
    specifying selective processing
    types of input files included
Symbol table files
    as linker input files
    controlling the contents of
    creating #1
    creating #2
    using with SDA utility
Symbol vectors
    creating #1
    creating #2
    declaring alias names for universal symbols
    ensuring upward compatibility on Alpha systems
    in program section
    run-time flow of control
    cross-referenced in image map file
    declaring universal symbols on Alpha systems
    declaring universal symbols on VAX systems
        determining the address of
    implemented as overlaid program sections
    listed by name in image map file
    listed by value in image map file
    strong #1
    strong #2
    strong definition of
    symbol resolution processing
    types of
    vectored-symbol-definition subrecord
    weak #1
    weak #2
    weak definition of
/SYMBOL_TABLE qualifier
    declaring universal symbols
$SYMVECT program section
    linking against
    order of processing #1
    order of processing #2
SYS$CRMPSC system service
    using SOLITARY program section attribute with
SYS$LIBRARY logical name #1
SYS$LIBRARY logical name #2
SYS$LIBRARY logical name #3
SYS$MGBLSC system service
    using SOLITARY program section attribute with
    order of processing #1
    order of processing #2
    processing #1
    processing #2
SYS.STB file
    linking against
/SYSEXE qualifier
    linking against the executive image
/SYSLIB qualifier
    effect on default library processing
/SYSSHR qualifier
    effect on default library processing
System Dump Analyzer utility (SDA)
    using with symbol table files
System images
    creating #1
    creating #2
    creating a header for
    default base address
System library files
    including in image map files #1
    including in image map files #2
    linker processing of #1
    linker processing of #2
        order of processing
    open systems support library
/SYSTEM qualifier
System services
    resolving references to #1
    resolving references to #2
    resolving references to #3
    resolving references to #4
Text information and relocation (TIR) records
    Alpha object language
    VAX object language
Traceback facility
    link-time considerations
Traceback information records
    Alpha object language
    VAX object language
/TRACEBACK qualifier
Transfer vectors
    comparison to UNIVERSAL= option
    ensuring upward compatibility
    example program
    including data in
    including in a link operation
    providing upward compatibility

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