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Updated: 11 December 1998

OpenVMS Programming Concepts Manual

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Chapter 11
11 System Service Input/Output Operations
     11.1     Overview of OpenVMS QIO Operations
     11.2     Quotas, Privileges, and Protection
         11.2.1         Buffered I/O Quota
         11.2.2         Buffered I/O Byte Count Quota
         11.2.3         Direct I/O Quota
         11.2.4         AST Quota
         11.2.5         Physical I/O Privilege
         11.2.6         Logical I/O Privilege
         11.2.7         Mount Privilege
         11.2.8         Share Privilege
         11.2.9         Volume Protection
         11.2.10         Device Protection
         11.2.11         System Privilege
         11.2.12         Bypass Privilege
     11.3     Physical, Logical, and Virtual I/O
         11.3.1         Physical I/O Operations
         11.3.2         Logical I/O Operations
         11.3.3         Virtual I/O Operations
     11.4     I/O Function Encoding
         11.4.1         Function Codes
         11.4.2         Function Modifiers
     11.5     Assigning Channels
         11.5.1         Using the Share Privilege with the SYS$ASSIGN and SYS$DASSGN Services
     11.6     Queuing I/O Requests
     11.7     Synchronizing Service Completion
     11.8     Recommended Method for Testing Asynchronous Completion
     11.9     Synchronous and Asynchronous Forms of Input/Output Services
         11.9.1         Reading Operations with SYS$QIOW
         11.9.2         Reading Operations with SYS$QIO
         11.9.3         Write Operations with SYS$QIOW
     11.10     I/O Completion Status
     11.11     Deassigning I/O Channels
     11.12     Using Complete Terminal I/O
     11.13     Canceling I/O Requests
     11.14     Logical Names and Physical Device Names
     11.15     Device Name Defaults
     11.16     Obtaining Information About Physical Devices
         11.16.1         Checking the Terminal Device
         11.16.2         Terminal Characteristics
         11.16.3         Record Terminators
         11.16.4         File Terminators
     11.17     Device Allocation
         11.17.1         Implicit Allocation
         11.17.2         Deallocation
     11.18     Mounting, Dismounting, and Initializing Volumes
         11.18.1         Mounting a Volume
                Calling the SYS$MOUNT System Service
                Calling the SYS$DISMOU System Service
         11.18.2         Initializing Volumes
                Calling the Initialize Volume System Service
     11.19     Formatting Output Strings
     11.20     Mailboxes
         11.20.1         Mailbox Name
         11.20.2         System Mailboxes
         11.20.3         Mailboxes for Process Termination Messages
     11.21     Example of Using I/O Services
     11.22     Fast I/O and Fast Path Features
         11.22.1         Fast I/O
                Fast I/O Benefits
                Buffer Objects
                Additional Information About Fast I/O and Buffer Objects
         11.22.2         Past Path
                Fast Path Features and Benefits
                Additional Information About Fast Path
Chapter 12
12 Logical Name and Logical Name Tables
     12.1     Logical Name System Services and DCL Commands
         12.1.1         Logical Names, Equivalence Names, and Search Lists
         12.1.2         Logical Name Tables
                Logical Name Directory Tables
                Process, Job, Group, System and Clusterwide Default Logical Name Tables
                        Process Logical Name Table
                        Job Logical Name Table
                        Group Logical Name Table
                        System Logical Name Table
                        Clusterwide Logical Name Table
         12.1.3         Logical Name Table Names and Search Lists
         12.1.4         Specifying the Logical Name Table Search List
     12.2     Creating User-Defined and Clusterwide Logical Name Tables
         12.2.1         Creating Clusterwide Logical Name Tables
     12.3     Checking Access and Protection
     12.4     Specifying Access Modes
     12.5     Translating Logical Names
     12.6     Specifying Attributes
     12.7     Establishing Logical Name Table Quotas
         12.7.1         Directory Table Quotas
         12.7.2         Default Logical Name Table Quotas
         12.7.3         Job Logical Name Table Quotas
         12.7.4         User-Defined Logical Name Table Quotas
     12.8     Interprocess Communication
     12.9     Using Logical Name and Equivalence Name Format Conventions
     12.10     Using Logical Names and Logical Name Table System Services in Programs
         12.10.1         Using SYS$CRELNM to Create a Logical Name
         12.10.2         Using SYS$CRELNT to Create Logical Name Tables
         12.10.3         Using SYS$DELLNM to Delete Logical Names
         12.10.4         Using SYS$TRNLNM to Translate Logical Names
         12.10.5         Using SYS$CRELNM, SYS$TRNLNM, and SYS$DELLNM in a Program Example

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