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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference
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Displays the status and LAT characteristics of ports on the local node.
SHOW PORT [port-name]
Specifies the name of the port for which information is displayed. If you do not specify a port name, the SHOW PORT command displays the characteristics for all LTAn: ports on a node.Do not use the /APPLICATION, /DEDICATED, /FORWARD, /INTERACTIVE, or /LIMITED qualifiers with a specific port name.
Generates a display of all application ports./BRIEF
Displays port type, port status, and the remote node name, port, and service associated with the port. This is the default if you do not specify a port name with the SHOW PORT command./COUNTERS
Displays the counters kept for the port. Do not use the /BRIEF or /FULL qualifiers with this qualifier./DEDICATED
Generates a display of all dedicated ports./FORWARD
Generates a display of all LAT ports used for either outgoing LAT connections or local LAT management functions./FULL
Displays the following information:
- Port type
- Port status
- Target port name, node name, and service name associated with the port
- Remote node name, port, and service associated with the port if a connection is currently active
Generates a display of all LAT ports used for incoming interactive connections./LIMITED
Generates a display of all limited LTA devices on the system (previously established with the CREATE PORT /LIMITED or SET PORT /LIMITED command).
If a port is an application port, the display lists the remote node name, remote port name, and remote service name that you specified in the SET PORT command.If the port is a dedicated port, the display lists the service name that you specified in the SET PORT command.
If LATCP shows the port as Interactive in the display, a user on a terminal server or on a node that supports outgoing LAT connections is currently using the port.
For all ports with active sessions, the remote node sends its node name and port name to your local node. These names are listed in the display.
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This command produces the following type of display. The display reflects the characteristics set by the command examples given with the SET PORT command.
Local Port Name: _LTA16: Local Port Type: Forward Local Port State: Inactive Connected Link: Target Port Name: Actual Port Name: Target Node Name: LATCP$MGMT_PORT Actual Node Name: Target Service Name: Actual Service Name: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Port Name: _LTA17: Local Port Type: Interactive Local Port State: Active Connected Link: LAT$LINK Target Port Name: Actual Port Name: PORT_1 Target Node Name: Actual Node Name: MY_DS200_SERVER Target Service Name: Actual Service Name: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Port Name: _LTA19: Local Port Type: Application (Queued) Local Port State: Active Connected Link: LAT$LINK Target Port Name: Actual Port Name: Target Node Name: TLAT1 Actual Node Name: TLAT1 Target Service Name: PRINTER Actual Service Name: PRINTER -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Port Name: _LTA21: Local Port Type: Dedicated Local Port State: Inactive Connected Link: Target Port Name: Actual Port Name: Target Node Name: Actual Node Name: Target Service Name: GRAPHICS Actual Service Name: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Local Port Name: _LTA22: Local Port Type: Application (Queued) Local Port State: Active Connected Link: LAT$LINK Target Port Name: LN02 Actual Port Name: LN02 Target Node Name: TS33EW Actual Node Name: TS33EW Target Service Name: Actual Service Name: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------The display in this example shows information about all the ports on the local node. The display shows information for each of the four types of ports:
- Forward: a port used for outgoing LAT connections or for executing local management functions and LATCP commands. Port LTA16: is a forward port. The display shows that the port is currently inactive---no current LAT connection exists. The target node name of LATCP$MGMT_PORT indicates that LATCP is using this port to execute the LATCP commands entered by the user. If the display listed a node and service name, it would mean that the port is being used for an outgoing connection.
- Interactive: a port created as a result of an incoming LAT connection request from another node or terminal server. Port LTA17: is an interactive port connected with port PORT_1 on the terminal server MY_DS200_SERVER.
- Application: a port used for solicited connections to devices on terminal servers or to application services on remote LAT service nodes. Port LTA22: is an application port. The port maps to port LN02 (a printer) on a terminal server node TS33EW. The display indicates that server TS33EW queues connection requests from the local node. Port LTA19: is also an application port. The port maps to the service PRINTER on terminal server TLAT1.
- Dedicated: a port dedicated to a local application service. Port LTA21: is dedicated to the service GRAPHICS.
The target port name, target node name, and target service name are the names specified with the SET PORT command. They are passed to the remote node or terminal server when the connection request is made.
The actual port name, actual node name, and actual service name are the names returned by the remote node when it accepts the connection request. They may differ from the corresponding target names (specified with the SET PORT command) if the remote node translates the names. For example, terminal servers that accept connections to LAT service names usually return the name of the port to which the connection was actually directed.
#2 |
This command produces a display that lists counter information for the LTA1 device.
Port Name: _LTA1: Seconds Since Zeroed: 66 Remote Accesses: 0 Framing Errors: 0 Local Accesses: 0 Parity Errors: 0 Bytes Transmitted: 0 Data Overruns: 0 Bytes Received: 0 Password Failures: 0 Solicitations Accepted: 1 Solicitations Rejected: 1 Incoming Solicits Accepted: 0 Incoming Solicits Rejected: 0 Last disconnect reason code: 18 (%LAT-F-LRJDELETED, queue entry deleted by server)
Displays information about requests, or entries, queued on the local node.
SHOW QUEUE_ENTRY [queue-entry-id]
Specifies the identification number (ID) of the queued entry for which information is displayed. If you do not specify a value for this parameter, information about all queued entries is displayed.
Displays the following information about the queued entries:
- Position
- Entry ID
- Source node
- Service
- Port name
This is the default display.
In addition to the information displayed by the /BRIEF qualifier, the /FULL qualifier provides the following information for each node:
- Node queue position
- Service queue position
- Node address
- Soliciting Link
The SHOW QUEUE_ENTRY command displays information about requests, or entries, queued on the local node. You can display information about a specific entry by including the queue entry ID on the command line or you can display information about all entries (the default). Use the DELETE QUEUE_ENTRY command to delete specific entries from the queue.
#1 |
This command produces the following type of display:
Position Entry ID Source Node Service Port Name -------- -------- ---------------- ---------------- --------- 1 79EC NODE1 LAT_LIMITED 2 7AEC NODE2 LAT_LIMITED 3 7CEC NODE3 LAT_LIMITED
#2 |
This command produces the following type of display:
Entry ID: 7AEC Remote Node: NODE1 Node Queue Position: 1 Address: 08-00-2B-0A-A0-A0 Service Queue Position: 1 Target Port: Target Service: LAT_LIMITED Soliciting Link: LAT$LINK -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Entry ID: 7CEC Remote Node: NODE2 Node Queue Position: 2 Address: AA-00-04-00-37-DD Service Queue Position: 2 Target Port: Target Service: LAT_LIMITED Soliciting Link: LAT$LINK
Displays the status and LAT characteristics of LAT services known to the local node.
SHOW SERVICE [service-name]
Specifies the name of the service for which information will be displayed. If you do not specify a service name, LATCP displays information about all services known to the node.You can also specify any valid wildcard for this parameter. For example, the SHOW SERVICE LAT_* command displays the status and characteristics of all services that begin with the LAT_ prefix.
Displays the status and identification string of the service./COUNTERS
Displays the counters kept for the service. Do not use the /BRIEF or /FULL qualifier with this qualifier. The following table lists and describes the counters:
Counter Description Remote Counters Connections attempted The total number of times the local node attempted to connect to the service offered on a remote node. Connections completed The total number of times the local node successfully connected to the service offered on a remote node. Local Counters Connections accepted The total number of times the local node accepted a connection request from a remote node to a locally offered service. Connections rejected The total number of times the local node rejected a connection request from a remote node to a locally offered service. Password failures The total number of connect requests to the service which were rejected due to password violation errors. /FULL
Displays the status, identification string, and type of service, and the values set for service characteristics. This qualifier also displays the status of all service nodes offering the service./LOCAL
Displays information about services offered by the local node only. You can use this qualifier with the /BRIEF, /COUNTERS, or /FULL qualifier.
This command displays information about services. If you do not specify a service name, the command displays information about all services known to your local node. If you do not specify a service name but specify the /LOCAL qualifier, the command displays information about all services offered by your local node.Depending on whether you use the /BRIEF, /COUNTERS, or /FULL qualifier, you can display the status, identification string, and type of service, the status of all service nodes offering the service, the values set for service characteristics, and service counters.
#1 |
This command produces the following display of information about service NODE1. This service is offered by the local node.
Service Name: NODE1 Service Type: General Service Status: Available Connections: Enabled Service Password: Enabled Queueing: N/A Service Ident: NODE1 - Test system Node Name Status Rating Identification LAV On 31 D . LATP Reachable 48 . LITTN Reachable 37 . LTDRV Reachable 82 .The display in this example indicates that the locally offered service NODE1 is available and its service type is general, meaning that it is a general timesharing service (in contrast to a dedicated application service). The display also lists the status of all the nodes that offer the service. The local node is LAV. The status of the local node can be either On, Off, or Shut. Here node LAV's status is On. The status of the other nodes indicates whether they are reachable. The display lists the ratings of each service node, indicating their relative capacity to accept new connections. The D next to the locally offered service indicates that node LAV computes its rating dynamically. An S would indicate that the node's rating was set permanently by the node's system manager.
#2 |
This command produces the following display of information about the service OFFICE, which is offered by a remote node:
Service Name: OFFICE Service Status: Available Service Ident: . Node Name Status Rating Identification BURGIL Reachable 121 . DARWIN Reachable 43 .The display in this example indicates that the service is available. The display also indicates the status and other information about the nodes that offer the service, BURGIL and DARWIN.
Creates a subprocess, enabling you to execute DCL commands without terminating your LATCP session. The LATCP command SPAWN is similar to the DCL command SPAWN.To return to your LATCP session, either log out of the subprocess by entering the DCL command LOGOUT, or use the DCL command ATTACH to attach your terminal to the process running LATCP.
SPAWN [DCL-command]
Specifies a DCL command. If you specify a DCL command, LATCP executes the command in a subprocess. Control returns to LATCP when the DCL command terminates.If you do not specify a DCL command, LATCP creates a subprocess and you can then enter DCL commands. You can continue your LATCP session by logging out of the spawned subprocess or by attaching to the parent process with the DCL command ATTACH.
The SPAWN command acts exactly like the DCL command SPAWN. You can enter DCL commands (such as to create print queues, change the protection of a device, answer mail, and so forth) without ending your LATCP session.You cannot use this command to gain access to DCL if you are running LATCP from a captive account.
This command creates a subprocess at DCL level. You can now enter DCL commands. Log out or enter the DCL command ATTACH to return to the LATCP prompt.
Resets the link, node, and service counters maintained by the local node. You must have OPER privilege to use this command.
/NOLOG (default)
Specifies whether LATCP displays a message confirming that the counters were reset. If you do not specify the /LOG or /NOLOG qualifier, the default is that no message will be displayed./LINK[=link-name]
Specifies the link (on your local node) for which you want counters reset. If you do not specify a link name, LATCP zeroes counters for the link LAT$LINK./NODE[=node-name]
Specifies the node for which you want counters reset. If you do not specify a node name, LATCP zeroes the counters for your local node./PORT=port-name
Specifies the port (on your local node) for which you want counters reset./SERVICE=service-name
Specifies the service (on your local node) for which you want counters reset.
This command resets counters. You can specify whether you want to reset link, node, or service counters. You must specify either /LINK, /NODE, or /SERVICE.
LATCP> ZERO COUNTERS/SERVICE=LTVM LATCP> SHOW SERVICE LTVM /COUNTERS Service Name: LTVM Seconds Since Zeroed: 9 Connections Attempted: 0 Connections Accepted: 0 Connections Completed: 0 Connections Rejected: 0 Password Failures: 0 |
This command resets the counters kept for service LTVM. The display produced by the SHOW SERVICE command shows how the ZERO COUNTERS command reset the counters to zero.
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