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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference
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Specifies that the device is a candidate for mount verification.
The /MOUNT_VERIFICATION qualifier affects the following media:
- Files--11 Structure Level 2 or 5 disks (mount verification is not supported for foreign-mounted disks)
- ISO 9660 and High Sierra CD-ROMs
- Foreign and ANSI-labeled magnetic tape volumes
This command mounts an RK06 or RK07 device labeled FILES and assigns the logical name WORK. The /CACHE qualifier disables extent caching, file identification caching, quota caching, and writeback caching; the /NOMOUNT_VERIFICATION qualifier disables mount verification.
For foreign or unlabeled magnetic tape volumes, determines whether you override MOUNT volume-access checks. Use /MULTI_VOLUME to override access checks on volumes that do not contain labels that MOUNT can interpret. If you have software produced before VMS Version 5.0 that processes multiple-volume, foreign-mounted tape volumes without specifically mounting and dismounting each reel, you may now need to mount the first volume with the /MULTI_VOLUME qualifier.
Use this qualifier when a utility that supports multiple-volume, foreign-mounted magnetic tape sets needs to process subsequent volumes, and these volumes do not contain labels that the OpenVMS Mount utility can interpret.By default, all tape volumes are subject to the complete access checks of the OpenVMS Mount utility (MOUNT). Some user-written and vendor-supplied utilities used prior to VMS Version 5.0 may mount only the first tape in a foreign tape set. To make these utilities compatible with more recent versions of OpenVMS, alter them to perform explicit calls to the $MOUNT and $DISMOU system services for each reel in the set. As an alternative, you can now mount the magnetic tape sets to be used by these utilities with the /MULTI_VOLUME qualifier.
You must specify the /FOREIGN qualifier with the /MULTI_VOLUME qualifier and you must have the user privilege VOLPRO. The default is /NOMULTI_VOLUME.
The OpenVMS Backup utility (BACKUP) explicitly calls the $MOUNT and $DISMOU system services on each reel of a foreign-mounted magnetic tape set. For additional information, Refer to the section on multivolume save sets and BACKUP in the OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual: A--L.
This command mounts a tape volume set. MOUNT performs an access check on the first volume in the set and proceeds without checks to subsequent reels as they are needed for processing.
Inhibits one or more protection checks that the MOUNT command performs.
/OVERRIDE =(keyword[,...])
If you specify more than one keyword, separate them with commas and enclose the list in parentheses.You need the user privileges OPER and VOLPRO to specify /OVERRIDE=(ACCESSIBILITY, EXPIRATION) along with the /FOREIGN qualifier; otherwise, the magnetic tape is not read.
For magnetic tapes only. If the installation allows, this keyword overrides any character in the Accessibility Field of the volume. The necessity of this keyword is defined by the installation. That is, each installation has the option of specifying a routine that the magnetic tape file system will use to process this field. By default, the OpenVMS operating system provides a routine that checks this field in the following manner:
- If the magnetic tape was created on a version of OpenVMS that conforms to Version 3 of ANSI, then you must use this keyword to override any character other than an ASCII space.
- If an OpenVMS protection is specified and the magnetic tape conforms to an ANSI standard that is higher than Version 3, then you must use this keyword to override any character other than an ASCII 1.
To use the ACCESSIBILITY keyword, you must have the user privilege VOLPRO or own the volume.
For magnetic tapes only. Allows you to override the expiration dates of a volume and its files. Use this keyword when the expiration date in the first file header label of any file that you want to overwrite has not been reached. You must have the user privilege VOLPRO or your UIC must match the UIC written on the volume.IDENTIFICATION
Overrides processing of the volume identifier in the volume label. Use this keyword to mount a volume for which you do not know the label, or (on VAX systems) for an ISO 9660 volume whose label is not unique in the first 12 characters. Only the volume identifier field is overridden. Volume protection, if any, is preserved. The volume must be mounted /NOSHARE (either explicitly or by default).The /OVERRIDE=IDENTIFICATION qualifier is incompatible with the /GROUP and /SYSTEM qualifiers.
Allows the Mount utility to search an entire device for a home block, if a home block is not found at the expected location. By default, the search for a home block is limited to avoid excessive search times if no valid home block is present.LOCK
Directs MOUNT not to write-lock the volume as a consequence of certain errors encountered while mounting it. Use this keyword when you are mounting a damaged volume to be repaired using the ANALYZE/DISK_STRUCTURE command. You must have VOLPRO privilege or own the volume to use the LOCK keyword.NO_FORCED_ERROR
Directs the Mount utility to proceed with shadowing, even though the device or controller does not support forced error handling. Using unsupported SCSI disks can cause members to be removed from a shadow set if certain error conditions arise that cannot be corrected, because some SCSI disks do not implement READL and WRITEL commands that support disk bad block repair.OWNER_IDENTIFIER
For magnetic tapes only. Overrides the processing of the owner identifier field. Use this keyword to interchange protected magnetic tapes between OpenVMS and other Compaq operating systems.SECURITY
Allows you to continue mounting a volume if an error is returned because the volume has an invalid SECURITY.SYS file. You must have the user privilege VOLPRO or own the volume to use this keyword.SETID
For magnetic tapes only. Prevents MOUNT from checking the file-set identifier in the first file header label of the first file on a continuation volume. Use this keyword only for ANSI-labeled volumes on which the file-set identifier of the first file on a continuation volume differs from the file-set identifier of the first file of the first volume that was mounted.SHADOW_MEMBERSHIP
Allows you to override the write protection of former shadow set members. Applicable only if you have the volume shadowing option. Refer to Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS.When you mount a volume with this qualifier, the volume shadowing generation number is erased. If you attempt to remount the volume in a shadow set, the volume is considered an unrelated volume and receives a full copy operation from a current shadow set member.
This command overrides the volume identification field, thus mounting a magnetic tape on MFA0 without a label specification.
Requests that the specified UIC be assigned ownership of the volume while it is mounted, overriding the ownership recorded on the volume. If you are mounting a volume using the /FOREIGN qualifier, requests an owner UIC other than your current UIC.
Specifies the user identification code (UIC) in the following format:
- [group,member]
You must use brackets in the UIC specification. The group number is an octal number in the range 0 to 37776; the member number is an octal number in the range 0 to 177776.
To use the /OWNER_UIC qualifier for a Files--11 volume, you must have the user privilege VOLPRO, or your UIC must match the UIC written on the volume.
$ MOUNT/OWNER_UIC=[016,360] DRA3: WORK |
This command mounts a disk device labeled WORK on DRA3 and assigns an owner UIC of [016,360].
For magnetic tapes and Files--11 Structure Level 1 disks, requests that the MOUNT command associate an ancillary control process (ACP) to process the volume. The /PROCESSOR qualifier causes MOUNT to override the default manner in which ACPs are associated with devices.For Files--11 Structure Levels 2 and 5 disks, controls block cache allocation.
/PROCESSOR= keyword
Creates a new process to execute the default ancillary control process (ACP) image supporting the magnetic tape, Files--11 ODS--1, ISO 9660, or High Sierra formatted media being mounted.For Files--11 Structure Levels 2 and 5 disks, allocates a separate block cache.
Uses an existing process that is executing the same ACP image supporting the magnetic tape, Files--11 ODS--1, ISO 9660, or High Sierra formatted media being mounted.For Files--11 Structure Levels 2 and 5 disks, takes the block cache allocation from the specified device.
Creates a new process to execute the ACP image specified by the file specification (for example, a modified or a user-written ACP). You cannot use wildcard characters, or node and directory names in the file specification.To use this keyword, you need CMKRNL and OPER privileges.
You must have the operator user privilege OPER to use the /PROCESSOR qualifier.
This command directs MOUNT to mount a magnetic tape on MFA0 using the same ACP process currently associated with MTA1.
Specifies the protection code to be assigned to the volume.
/PROTECTION= keyword
protection code
Specifies the protection code according to the standard syntax rules for specifying user protection (that is, system/owner/group/world). If you omit a protection category, that category of user is denied all access.If you do not specify a protection code, the default is the protection that was assigned to the volume when it was initialized.
Enables enforcement of the extended record attribute (XAR) access controls. For more information about XAR, refer to the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual.DSI
Enables XAR permissions Owner and Group for XARs containing Digital System Identifiers (DSI). For more information, refer to the OpenVMS Record Management Services Reference Manual.
If you specify the /PROTECTION qualifier when you mount a volume with the /SYSTEM or /GROUP qualifier, the specified protection code overrides any access rights implied by the other qualifiers.If you specify the /FOREIGN qualifier, the execute (E) or create (C) and delete (D) access codes are synonyms for logical I/O (L) and physical I/O (P). You can, however, specify the access codes physical I/O (P) or logical I/O (L), or both, to restrict the nature of input/output operations that different user categories can perform.
To use the /PROTECTION qualifier on a Files--11 volume, you must have the user privilege VOLPRO or your UIC must match the UIC written on the volume.
This command mounts a device labeled WORKDISK on DBA1 and assigns a protection code. Access to the volume will be read, write, and create for system users; read, write, create, and delete for owner; read and create for group users; and read-only for users in the world category.
Controls whether quotas are to be enforced on the specified disk volume.
The default is /QUOTA, which enforces the quotas for each user. The /NOQUOTA qualifier inhibits this checking. To specify the /QUOTA qualifier, you must have the user privilege VOLPRO or your UIC must match the UIC written on the volume.
This command specifies that the disk volume labeled WORK on DRA3 has an owner UIC of [016,360] and no quotas enforced.
Controls whether or not MOUNT performs a rebuild operation on a disk volume.
If a disk volume is improperly dismounted (such as during a system failure), you must rebuild it to recover any caching limits that were enabled on the volume at the time of the dismount. By default, MOUNT attempts the rebuild. For a successful rebuild operation that includes reclaiming all of the available free space, you must mount all of the volume set members.The rebuild may consume a considerable amount of time, depending on the number of files on the volume and, if quotas are in use, on the number of different file owners.
The following caches may have been in effect on the volume before it was dismounted:
- Preallocated free space (EXTENT cache)
- Preallocated file numbers (FILE_ID cache)
- Disk quota usage caching (QUOTA cache)
If caching was in effect for preallocated free space or file numbers, the rebuild time is directly proportional to the greatest number of files that ever existed on the volume at one time. If disk quota caching was in effect, you can expect additional time that is proportional to the square of the number of entries in the disk quota file.
If none of these items were in effect, the rebuild is not necessary and does not occur.
If you use the /NOREBUILD qualifier, devices can be returned to active use immediately. You can then perform the rebuild later with the DCL command SET VOLUME/REBUILD. (Refer to the OpenVMS DCL Dictionary.)
For information about how to rebuild the system disk, refer to the OpenVMS System Manager's Manual.
#1 |
$ MOUNT/REBUILD NODE$DBA2: WORKDISK %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, WORKDISK mounted on _NODE$DBA2: %MOUNT-I-REBUILD, volume was improperly dismounted; rebuild in progress |
In this example, the volume WORKDISK is mounted on NODE$DBA2. Because the volume is found to have been improperly dismounted and the /REBUILD qualifier is in effect, MOUNT displays a message and proceeds to rebuild the volume.
#2 |
$ MOUNT/NOREBUILD NODE$DBA2: WORKDISK %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, WORKDISK mounted on _NODE$DBA2: %MOUNT-I-REBLDREQD, rebuild not performed; some free space unavailable; diskquota usage stale |
In this example, the volume WORKDISK is found to have been improperly dismounted, but because the /NOREBUILD qualifier is specified, a rebuild is not performed. Instead, MOUNT displays a message to inform you that the rebuild is needed, and proceeds to make WORKDISK available for use as is. You can rebuild the volume later with the DCL command SET VOLUME/REBUILD.
Specifies the number of characters in each record of a magnetic tape volume.
Specifies the block size in the range 20 to 65,532 bytes if you are using OpenVMS RMS, or 18 to 65,534 bytes if you are not using OpenVMS RMS.
You typically use this qualifier with the /FOREIGN and /BLOCKSIZE qualifiers to read or write fixed-length records on a block-structured device. In this case, the record size must be less than or equal to the block size specified or used by default.Use the /RECORDSIZE qualifier when mounting magnetic tapes without HDR2 labels (such as RT--11 magnetic tapes) to provide OpenVMS RMS with default values for the maximum record size.
In this example, the magnetic tape is mounted on MTA0 with a default block size and record size of 512 characters.
Binds up to three physical devices into a shadow set represented by the virtual unit named in the command. Applicable only if you have the volume shadowing option. Refer to Volume Shadowing for OpenVMS.
virtual-unit-name[:] /SHADOW=(physical-device-name[:][,...])
Indicates that you are mounting a shadow set including the physical devices and the virtual unit that represents them to the system. This qualifier instructs MOUNT to expect a virtual unit name as the device-name parameter. Place the /SHADOW qualifier after the virtual-unit-name parameter.Use the virtual unit naming format DSAn, where n is a unique number from 0 to 9999. For the physical-device-name, use the standard device-naming format $allocation-class$ddcu[:].
#1 |
$ MOUNT DSA0: /SHADOW=($1$DUA10:,$1$DUA11:) SHADOWVOL %MOUNT-I-MOUNTED, SHADOWVOL mounted on DSA0: %MOUNT-I-SHDWMEMSUCC, _$1$DUA10: (MEMBER1) is now a valid member of the shadow set %MOUNT-I-SHDWMEMCOPY, _$1$DUA11: (MEMBER2) added to the shadow set with a copy operation |
This example shows how to create a shadow set wherein the software determines automatically the correct copy operation for the two shadow set members. In this case, $1$DUA10 is the more current volume and becomes the source of the copy operation to $1$DUA11.
#2 |
$ MOUNT/BIND=TEST3013 DSA3011/SHADOW=($1$DUA402:,$1$DUA403:), DSA3012/SHADOW=($1$DUA404:,$1$DUA405:) TEST3011,TEST3012 TEST3013 |
This command creates a volume set with the logical name TEST3013. The volume set TEST3013 is shadowed, and each element of the shadowset (TEST3011 and TEST3012) is itself a volume set.
Specifies, for a disk volume, that the volume is shareable.
If another user has already mounted the volume shareable, and you request it to be mounted with the /SHARE qualifier, any other qualifiers you enter are ignored.By default, a volume is not shareable, and the MOUNT command allocates the device on which it is mounted.
If you previously allocated the device and specify the /SHARE qualifier, the MOUNT command deallocates the device so that other users can access it.
The /SHARE qualifier is incompatible with the /GROUP and /SYSTEM qualifiers.
This command mounts the device labeled SLIP on DLA0, disables broadcasting of MOUNT messages, specifies that the volume is shareable, and assigns the logical name DISC.
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