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Updated: 11 December 1998

OpenVMS System Management Utilities Reference Manual

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The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS=(MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0.


Selects the software product that has the specified version. By default, selects all versions.



In this example, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility extracts the file TEST.EXE from the sequential kit of the product TEST that is in the [AL] directory on the user's default disk. The extracted file TEST.EXE is placed in the user's current default directory.


Retrieves the product description file (PDF) from a sequentially formatted software product kit. A file type of .PCSI denotes a sequential kit. The file type of the extracted PDF file is .PCSI$DESCRIPTION.


PRODUCT EXTRACT PDF product-name[,...] [/qualifiers]



Names the product, or list of products, whose PDF file is to be retrieved from the kit.



Selects software products that are in the named base system. The name AXPVMS denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product, VAXVMS denotes an OpenVMS VAX product, and VMS denotes a product applicable to either OpenVMS Alpha or VAX. By default, the operation is performed for products with any base system designation.


Specifies the location where the utility is to place the extracted product description file (PDF). If the device name is not provided, the default is the user's default device. If the directory name is omitted, or the /DESTINATION= qualifier is not specified, the default is the user's default directory. The EXTRACT PDF operation ignores the PCSI$DESTINATION logical name whether or not you use the /DESTINATION qualifier.


Selects kits by kit type or kit format, or both. Keywords are:
Designates the format of the product kit as follows:
REFERENCE Reference format in which product files exist in a directory tree.
SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in full-product-name.PCSI, a container file.
TYPE=kit-type Specifies the type of product kit as follows:
FULL Layered product (application) software.
OPERATING_SYSTEM Operating system software.
MANDATORY_UPDATE A required correction to currently installed software. Functionally the same as a patch kit.
PARTIAL An upgrade to currently installed software. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product.
PATCH A correction to currently installed software. Installation of this kit does not change the version of the product.
PLATFORM An integrated set of software products (product suite).
TRANSITION Information used to register a product in the product database. This kit does not provide product material.


/NOLOG (default)

Displays messages as the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility performs an operation.


Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. By default, selects all producers.


Specifies the disk and directory where the utility searches for the software product kit or kits. If /SOURCE is not specified, the utility searches in the location that the logical name PCSI$SOURCE defines. If PCSI$SOURCE is not defined, and the /SOURCE qualifier is not specified, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility searches the current default directory.


Specifies a range of versions. The keywords are:
ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified
BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified
MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified
MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified

The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS=(MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0.


Selects the software product that has the specified version. By default, selects all versions.



In this example, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility extracts the product description file (PDF) from the sequential kit of the product TEST that is in the [AL] directory on the user's default disk and places it in the user's current default directory.


Retrieves the product text file (PTF) from a sequentially formatted software product kit. A file type of .PCSI denotes a sequential kit. The PTF is stored in a product kit as a text library file. The file type of the extracted PTF file is .PCSI$TLB. In addition, a text file version of this text library file is created with a file type of .PCSI$TEXT.


PRODUCT EXTRACT PTF product-name[,...] [/qualifiers]



Names the product, or list of products, whose PTF file is to be retrieved from the kit.



Selects software products that are in the named base system. The name AXPVMS denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product, VAXVMS denotes an OpenVMS VAX product, and VMS denotes a product applicable to either OpenVMS Alpha or VAX. By default, the operation is performed for products with any base system designation.


Specifies the location where the utility is to place the extracted product text file (PTF). If the device name is not provided, the default is the user's default device. If the directory name is omitted, or the /DESTINATION= qualifier is not specified, the default is the user's default directory. The EXTRACT PTF operation ignores the PCSI$DESTINATION logical name whether or not you use the /DESTINATION qualifier.


Selects kits by kit type or kit format, or both. Keywords are:
Designates the format of the product kit as follows:
REFERENCE Reference format in which product files exist in a directory tree.
SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in full-product-name.PCSI, a container file.
TYPE=kit-type Specifies the type of product kit as follows:
FULL Layered product (application) software.
OPERATING_SYSTEM Operating system software.
MANDATORY_UPDATE A required correction to currently installed software. Functionally the same as a patch kit.
PARTIAL An upgrade to currently installed software. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product.
PATCH A correction to currently installed software. Installation of this kit does not change the version of the product.
PLATFORM An integrated set of software products (product suite).
TRANSITION Information used to register a product in the product database. This kit does not provide product material.


/NOLOG (default)

Displays messages as the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility performs an operation.


Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. By default, selects all producers.


Specifies the disk and directory where the utility searches for the software product kit or kits. If /SOURCE is not specified, the utility searches in the location that the logical name PCSI$SOURCE defines. If PCSI$SOURCE is not defined, and the /SOURCE qualifier is not specified, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility searches the current default directory.


Specifies a range of versions. The keywords are:
ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified
BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified
MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified
MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified

The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS=(MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0.


Selects the software product that has the specified version. By default, selects all versions.



In this example, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility extracts the product text file (PTF) from the sequential kit of the product TEST that is in the [AL] directory on the user's default disk and places two files in the user's current default directory: the extracted text library file (.PCSI$TLB) and a text file (.PCSI$TEXT) created from the library.


Retrieves the release notes for the selected product or group of products. If no output file name is given, the release notes are written to a file named DEFAULT.PCSI$RELEASE_NOTES in the user's default directory.


PRODUCT EXTRACT RELEASE_NOTES product-name[,...] [/qualifiers]



Names the product, or list of products, from which to extract release notes.



Selects software products that are in the named base system. The name AXPVMS denotes an OpenVMS Alpha product, VAXVMS denotes an OpenVMS VAX product, and VMS denotes a product applicable to either OpenVMS Alpha or VAX. By default, the operation is performed for products with any base system designation.


Specifies the name of the output file that will contain the release notes. If no file name is given, the release notes are written to a file named DEFAULT.PCSI$RELEASE_NOTES in the current directory.


Selects kits by kit type or kit format, or both. Keywords are:
Designates the format of the product kit as follows:
REFERENCE Reference format in which product files exist in a directory tree.
SEQUENTIAL Sequential format in which product files are placed in full-product-name.PCSI, a container file.
TYPE=kit-type Specifies the type of product kit as follows:
FULL Layered product (application) software.
OPERATING_SYSTEM Operating system software.
MANDATORY_UPDATE A required correction to currently installed software. Functionally the same as a patch kit.
PARTIAL An upgrade to currently installed software. Installation of this kit changes the version of the product.
PATCH A correction to currently installed software. Installation of this kit does not change the version of the product.
PLATFORM An integrated set of software products (product suite).
TRANSITION Information used to register a product in the product database. This kit does not provide product material.


/NOLOG (default)

Displays messages as the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility performs the operation.


Selects software products that the specified manufacturer produces. By default, selects all producers.


Specifies the disk and directory where the utility searches for the software product kit or kits. If /SOURCE is not specified, the utility searches in the location that the logical name PCSI$SOURCE defines. If PCSI$SOURCE is not defined, and the /SOURCE qualifier is not specified, the POLYCENTER Software Installation utility searches the current default directory.


Specifies a range of versions. The keywords are:
ABOVE=version Selects versions greater than the version specified
BELOW=version Selects versions less than the version specified
MINIMUM=version Selects versions greater than or equal to the version specified
MAXIMUM=version Selects versions less than or equal to the version specified

The ABOVE, BELOW, MINIMUM, and MAXIMUM keywords can be used alone or in combination. For example, /SPAN_VERSIONS=(MINIMUM=V2.1,BELOW=V3.0) selects versions greater than or equal to V2.1 and less than (but not including) V3.0. Using the MAXIMUM keyword instead of BELOW would select versions that include V3.0.


Selects the software product that has the specified version. By default, selects all versions.


Specifies the name of the device and directory acting as a temporary work area. By default, temporary files are created in subdirectories of the user's login directory.



The command in this example places the release notes for Version 2.3 of the product XYZ in a file named [RN]XYZ.TXT on your current default device.

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