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Updated: 11 December 1998

Guide to DECthreads

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Part 3
Part 3 Compaq Proprietary Interfaces: tis Routines Reference
    Command 105     tis_cond_broadcast
    Command 106     tis_cond_destroy
    Command 107     tis_cond_init
    Command 108     tis_cond_signal
    Command 109     tis_cond_wait
    Command 110     tis_getspecific
    Command 111     tis_key_create
    Command 112     tis_key_delete
    Command 113     tis_lock_global
    Command 114     tis_mutex_destroy
    Command 115     tis_mutex_init
    Command 116     tis_mutex_lock
    Command 117     tis_mutex_trylock
    Command 118     tis_mutex_unlock
    Command 119     tis_once
    Command 120     tis_read_lock
    Command 121     tis_read_trylock
    Command 122     tis_read_unlock
    Command 123     tis_rwlock_destroy
    Command 124     tis_rwlock_init
    Command 125     tis_self
    Command 126     tis_setcancelstate
    Command 127     tis_setspecific
    Command 128     tis_testcancel
    Command 129     tis_unlock_global
    Command 130     tis_write_lock
    Command 131     tis_write_trylock
    Command 132     tis_write_unlock
Part 4
Part 4 Appendixes
Appendix A
Appendix A Considerations for DIGITAL UNIX Systems
     A.1     Overview
     A.2     Building DECthreads Applications
         A.2.1         Including DECthreads Header Files
         A.2.2         Building Multithreaded Applications from DECthreads Libraries
         A.2.3         Linking Multithreaded Shared Libraries
         A.2.4         Compiling Applications With the tis Interface
     A.3     Two-Level Scheduling on DIGITAL UNIX Systems
         A.3.1         DECthreads Use of Kernel Threads
         A.3.2         Support for Real-Time Scheduling
     A.4     Thread Cancelability of System Services
         A.4.1         Current Cancelation Points
         A.4.2         Future Cancelation Points
     A.5     Using Signals
         A.5.1         POSIX sigwait Service
         A.5.2         Handling Synchronous Signals as Exceptions
     A.6     Thread Stack Guard Areas
     A.7     Dynamic Activation
Appendix B
Appendix B Considerations for OpenVMS Systems
     B.1     Overview
     B.2     Compiling Under OpenVMS
     B.3     Linking OpenVMS Images
     B.4     Using DECthreads with AST Routines
     B.5     Dynamic Activation
     B.6     Default and Minimum Thread Stack Size
     B.7     Requesting a Specific, Absolute Thread Stack Size
     B.8     Declaring an OpenVMS Condition Handler
     B.9     Thread Cancelability of System Services
     B.10     Using OpenVMS Alpha 64-Bit Addressing
     B.11     DECthreads Condition Values
     B.12     Two-Level Scheduling on OpenVMS Alpha Systems
         B.12.1         Linker Options to Specify Image's Use of Kernel Threads
         B.12.2         Setting Kernel Threads Support in Existing Images
             B.12.2.1             Examples
         B.12.3         Querying and Setting Kernel Threads Features
         B.12.4         Creation of Virtual Processors
         B.12.5         Delivery of ASTs
         B.12.6         Blocking System Services
         B.12.7         $HIBER and $WAKE
         B.12.8         Event Flags
         B.12.9         Interactions with OpenVMS
         B.12.10         Image Exit
         B.12.11         SYSGEN Parameter MULTITHREAD
         B.12.12         Process Control System Services and DCL Commands
             B.12.12.1             Process-Level System Services
             B.12.12.2             Kernel-Level System Services
             B.12.12.3             DCL Commands
     B.13     Interoperability with POSIX for OpenVMS
Appendix C
Appendix C Considerations for Windows NT Systems
     C.1     DECthreads Interfaces on Windows NT Systems
         C.1.1         pthread Interface
         C.1.2         Other Interfaces
     C.2     Compiling DECthreads Applications
     C.3     Linking DECthreads Applications
     C.4     Interoperability of Win32 API and DECthreads pthread Routines
     C.5     Thread Cancelability of System Services
Appendix D
Appendix D Debugging Multithreaded Applications
     D.1     Using PTHREAD_CONFIG
         D.1.1         Major and Minor Keywords
         D.1.2         Specifying Multiple Values
     D.2     Running DECthreads in Metered Mode
     D.3     Using Ladebug on DIGITAL UNIX Systems
     D.4     Debugging Threads on OpenVMS Systems
         D.4.1         Display of Stack Trace from Unhandled Exception
     D.5     Debugging Threads on Windows NT Systems
Appendix E
Appendix E Migrating from the cma Interface
     E.1     Overview
     E.2     cma Handles
     E.3     Interface Routine Mapping
     E.4     New pthread Routines

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