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Updated: 11 December 1998

OpenVMS Alpha System Analysis Tools Manual

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The CLUE MEMORY/GH/FULL command displays data structures that describe huge pages.


System Virtual Address Space Layout: 
   Item                                  Base               End          Length 
System Virtual Base Address       FFFFFFFE.00000000 
PFN Database                      FFFFFFFE.00000000  FFFFFFFE.00050000  00050000 
Permanent Mapping of System L1PT  FFFFFFFE.00050000  FFFFFFFE.00052000  00002000 
Global Page Table (GPT)           FFFFFFFE.00052000  FFFFFFFE.00063608  00011608 
Lock ID Table                     FFFFFFFF.7FFD0000  FFFFFFFF.80000000  00030000 
Execlet Code Region               FFFFFFFF.80000000  FFFFFFFF.80400000  00400000 
Resident Image Code Region        FFFFFFFF.80400000  FFFFFFFF.80C00000  00800000 
System Header                     FFFFFFFF.80D00000  FFFFFFFF.80D0A000  0000A000 
Error Log Allocation Buffers      FFFFFFFF.80D0A000  FFFFFFFF.80D0C000  00002000 
Nonpaged Pool (initial size)      FFFFFFFF.80D0E000  FFFFFFFF.80ECA000  001BC000 
Nonpaged Pool Expansion Area      FFFFFFFF.80ECA000  FFFFFFFF.815BC000  006F2000 
Execlet Data Region               FFFFFFFF.80C00000  FFFFFFFF.80D00000  00100000 
Fork Buffers Secondary to Primary FFFFFFFF.82982000  FFFFFFFF.82984000  00002000 
Erase Pattern Buffer Page         FFFFFFFF.82990000  FFFFFFFF.82992000  00002000 
63 Balance Slots - 3 pages each   FFFFFFFF.815C0000  FFFFFFFF.8173A000  0017A000 
Paged Pool                        FFFFFFFF.8173A000  FFFFFFFF.81820000  000E6000 
System Control Block (SCB)        FFFFFFFF.81820000  FFFFFFFF.81828000  00008000 
Restart Parameter Block (HWRPB)   FFFFFFFF.8186E000  FFFFFFFF.81872000  00004000 
Erase Pattern Page Table Page     FFFFFFFF.82992000  FFFFFFFF.82994000  00002000 
Posix Cloning Parent Page Mapping FFFFFFFF.829D0000  FFFFFFFF.829D2000  00002000 
Posix Cloning Child Page Mapping  FFFFFFFF.829D2000  FFFFFFFF.829D4000  00002000 
Swapper Process Kernel Stack      FFFFFFFF.82A8C000  FFFFFFFF.82A8E000  00002000 
Swapper Map                       FFFFFFFF.82AA2000  FFFFFFFF.82AA8000  00006000 
Idle Loop's Mapping of Zero Pages FFFFFFFF.82A8E000  FFFFFFFF.82A90000  00002000 
PrimCPU Machine Check Logout Area FFFFFFFF.8296A000  FFFFFFFF.8296C000  00002000 
PrimCPU Sys Context Kernel Stack  FFFFFFFF.82966000  FFFFFFFF.82968000  00002000 
Tape Mount Verification Buffer    FFFFFFFF.81824000  FFFFFFFF.81828000  00004000 
Mount Verification Buffer         FFFFFFFF.82980000  FFFFFFFF.82982000  00002000 
Demand Zero Optimization Page     FFFFFFFF.82C60000  FFFFFFFF.82C62000  00002000 
Executive Mode Data Page          FFFFFFFF.82C62000  FFFFFFFF.82C64000  00002000 
System Space Expansion Region     FFFFFFFF.84000000  FFFFFFFF.FFDF0000  7BDF0000 
System Page Table Window          FFFFFFFF.FFDF0000  FFFFFFFF.FFFF0000  00200000 
N/A Space                         FFFFFFFF.FFFF0000  FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF  00010000

The CLUE MEMORY/LAYOUT command decodes and displays the system virtual address space layout.


Non-Paged Dynamic Storage Pool - Lookaside List Queue Information: 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50400   Size:   64   Status: Valid, 11 elements 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50408   Size:  128   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50410   Size:  192   Status: Valid, 29 elements 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50418   Size:  256   Status: Valid, 3 elements 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50420   Size:  320   Status: Valid, 7 elements 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50428   Size:  384   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50430   Size:  448   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50438   Size:  512   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50440   Size:  576   Status: Valid, 6 elements 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50448   Size:  640   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50450   Size:  704   Status: Valid, 5 elements 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50458   Size:  768   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50460   Size:  832   Status: Valid, empty 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50468   Size:  896   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50470   Size:  960   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50478   Size: 1024   Status: Valid, 6 elements 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50480   Size: 1088   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50488   Size: 1152   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50490   Size: 1216   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50498   Size: 1280   Status: Valid, 2 elements 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C504A0   Size: 1344   Status: Valid, 2 elements 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C504A8   Size: 1408   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C504B0   Size: 1472   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C504B8   Size: 1536   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C504C0   Size: 1600   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C504C8   Size: 1664   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C504D0   Size: 1728   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C504D8   Size: 1792   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C504E0   Size: 1856   Status: Valid, empty 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C504E8   Size: 1920   Status: Valid, empty 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C504F0   Size: 1984   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C504F8   Size: 2048   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50500   Size: 2112   Status: Valid, 1 element 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50508   Size: 2176   Status: Valid, 15 elements 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50510   Size: 2240   Status: Valid, empty 
Listhead Addr: FFFFFFFF.80C50518   Size: 2304   Status: Valid, 1 element 
   Total free space:  00016440 (hex)    91200 (dec)  bytes

The CLUE MEMORY/LOOKASIDE command summarizes the state of nonpageable lookaside lists. For each list, an indication of whether the queue is well formed is given. If a queue is not well formed or is invalid, messages indicating what is wrong with the queue are displayed. This command is analogous to the SDA command VALIDATE QUEUE.

These messages can also appear frequently when the VALIDATE QUEUE command is used within an SDA session that is analyzing a running system. In a running system, the composition of a queue can change while the command is tracing its links, thus producing an error message.


Memory Management Statistics: 
Pagefaults:                             Non-Paged Pool: 
Total Page Faults             32181     Successful Exp Attempts           0 
Total Page Reads              13017     Unsuccessful Exp Attempts         0 
I/O's to read Pages            6131     Expansion Failures                0 
Modified Pages Written         1984     Failed Pages Accumulator          0 
I/O's to write Mod Pages         31     Total Alloc Requests           3357 
Demand Zero Faults            10068     Failed Alloc Requests             0 
Global Valid Faults            6191     Paged Pool: 
Modified Faults                5724     Total Failures                    0 
Read Faults                       0     Failed Pages Accumulator          0 
Execute Faults                 1834     Total Alloc Requests           1633 
                                        Failed Alloc Requests             0 
Direct I/O                    13619     Cur Mapped Gbl Sections         391 
Buffered I/O                  72046     Max Mapped Gbl Sections         392 
Split I/O                       875     Cur Mapped Gbl Pages           7236 
Hits                          14595     Max Mapped Gbl Pages           7257 
Logical Name Transl          207730     Maximum Processes                21 
Dead Page Table Scans             0     Sched Zero Pages Created          0 
Distributed Lock Manager:           Local         Incoming         Outgoing 
$ENQ New Lock Requests              77626                0                0 
$ENQ Conversion Requests           104843                0                0 
$DEQ Dequeue Requests               77395                0                0 
Blocking ASTs                          12                0                0 
Directory Functions                                      0                0 
Deadlock Messages                                        0                0 
$ENQ Requests that Wait         136     Deadlock Searches Performed       2 
$ENQ Requests not Queued          5     Deadlocks Found                   0 
File System Cache:     Current SYSGEN Param        Hits      Misses Hitrate 
File Header Cache     (ACP_HDRCACHE  = 126)        4753        1265   78.9% 
Storage Bitmap Cache  (ACP_MAPCACHE  =  31)          11           6   64.7% 
Directory Data Cache  (ACP_DIRCACHE  = 126)       12174         534   95.7% 
Directory LRU         (ACP_DINDXCACHE=  31)       11158         175   98.4% 
FID Cache             (ACP_FIDCACHE  =  64)          95           2   97.9% 
Extent Cache          (ACP_EXTCACHE  =  64)         116           4   96.6% 
Quota Cache           (ACP_QUOCACHE  =  65)           0           0    0.0% 
Volume Synch Locks              341     Window Turns                     60 
Volume Synch Locks Wait           0     Currently Open Files            313 
Dir/File Synch Locks          19681     Total Count of OPENs           3038 
Dir/file Synch Locks Wait        73     Total Count of ERASE QIOs         8 
Access Locks                      0 
Free Space Cache Wait            17 
Global Pagefile Quota          1426     GBLPAGFIL (SYSGEN) Limit       1664

The CLUE MEMORY/STATISTIC command displays systemwide performance data such as page fault, I/O, pool, lock manager, MSCP, and file system cache.


Displays process-related information from the current process context.


CLUE PROCESS [/qualifier[,...]]





Displays the buffer objects for the current process. If the /ALL qualifier is specified, then the buffer objects for all processes (that is, all existing buffer objects) are displayed.


Displays the process P1 virtual address space layout.


Displays the process logical names and equivalence names, if they can be accessed.


Displays the DCL recall buffer, if it can be accessed.


The CLUE PROCESS command displays process-related information from the current process context. Much of this information is in pageable address space and thus may not be present in a dump file.



Process Logical Names:
   "SYS$OUTPUT" = "_CLAWS$LTA5004:"
   "SYS$OUTPUT" = "_CLAWS$LTA5004:"
   "SYS$DISK" = "WORK1:"
   "BACKUP_FILE" = "_$65$DUA6"
   "SYS$PUTMSG" = "...À...À.."
   "SYS$COMMAND" = "_CLAWS$LTA5004:"
   "TAPE_LOGICAL_NAME" = "_$1$MUA3:"
   "TT" = "LTA5004:"
   "SYS$INPUT" = "_$65$DUA6:"
   "SYS$INPUT" = "_CLAWS$LTA5004:"
   "SYS$ERROR" = "21C00303.LOG"
   "SYS$ERROR" = "_CLAWS$LTA5004:"
   "ERROR_FILE" = "_$65$DUA6"

The CLUE PROCESS/LOGICAL command displays logical names for each running process.


Process DCL Recall Buffer: 
Index  Command 
  1    ana/sys 
  2    @login 
  3    mc sysman io auto /log 
  4    show device d 
  5    sea <.x>*.lis clue$ 
  6    tpu <.x>*0914.lis 
  7    sh log *hsj* 
  8    xd <.x>.lis 
  9    mc ess$ladcp show serv 
 10    tpu clue_cmd.cld 
 11    ana/sys 

The CLUE PROCESS/RECALL command displays a listing of the DCL commands that have been executed most recently.


Displays the active register for the crash CPU. The CLUE REGISTER is valid only when analyzing crash dumps.








The CLUE REGISTER command displays the active register of the crash CPU. It also identifies any known data structures, symbolizes any system virtual addresses, interprets the processor status (PS), and attempts to interpret R0 as a condition code.


Saved Register Set for CPU 00: 
   R0     00000000.00000212   %SYSTEM-E-RESULTOVF, resultant string overflow 
   R1     FFFFFFFF.80E03CC0   DDB 
   R2     FFFFFFFF.97F814B0 
   R3     FFFFFFFF.98443A40   SYS$PMDRIVER+13A40 
   R4     FFFFFFFF.97F814C4 
   R5     00000000.0036106E 
   R6     FFFFFFFF.97F814BA 
   R7     00000000.00000000 
   R8     00000000.00000200 
   R9     FFFFFFFF.80D2F670   SCS_PDT 
   R10    FFFFFFFF.80D2F670   SCS_PDT 
   R11    FFFFFFFF.80E03E80   UCB  (Device PMA0:) 
   R12    FFFFFFFF.97F814B0 
   R13    FFFFFFFF.80E024E8 
   R14    00000000.00000000 
   R15    FFFFFFFF.97F81478 
   R16    00000000.00361090 
   R17    FFFFFFFF.80D2F670   SCS_PDT 
   R18    FFFFFFFF.80E03E80   UCB  (Device PMA0:) 
   R19    FFFFFFFF.97F814BA 
   R20    FFFFFFFF.979D31D8 
   R21    00000000.000000E0 
   R22    00000000.00000020 
   R23    00000000.005AF060 
   R24    00000000.12340004 
   AI     00000000.00000003 
   PV     FFFFFFFF.98443A40   SYS$PMDRIVER+13A40 
   FP     00000000.7FFA1AF0 
   PC     FFFFFFFF.9843C568   SYS$PMDRIVER+0C568 
   PS     30000000.00000804   Kernel Mode, IPL 8, Interrupt


Displays the scatter-gather map.


CLUE SG [/CRAB=address]





Displays the ringbuffer for the specified Counted Resource Allocation Block (CRAB). The default action is to display the ringbuffer for all CRABs.


CLUE SG decodes and displays the scatter/gather ringbuffer entries.




Identifies and displays the current stack. Use the SDA command SHOW STACK to display and decode the whole stack for the more common bugcheck types.








The CLUE STACK command identifies and displays the current stack together with the upper and lower stack limits. In case of a FATALEXCPT, INVEXCEPTN, SSRVEXCEPT, UNXSIGNAL, or PGFIPLHI bugcheck, CLUE STACK tries to decode the whole stack.



Stack Decoder:
Normal Process Kernel Stack:
Stack Pointer         FFFFFFFF.7FF91D58
Stack Limits (low)    FFFFFFFF.7FF90000
             (high)   FFFFFFFF.7FF92000

CLUE STACK identifies and displays the current stack together with the upper and lower stack limits.


Stack Decoder: 
Normal Process Kernel Stack: 
Stack Pointer         00000000.7FFA1C98 
Stack Limits (low)    00000000.7FFA0000 
             (high)   00000000.7FFA2000 
Stack Pointer  SP =>  00000000.7FFA1C98 
Information saved by Bugcheck: 
a(Signal Array)       00000000.7FFA1C98  00000000.00000000 
EXE$EXCPTN[E] Temporary Storage: 
EXE$EXCPTN[E] Stack Frame: 
PV                    00000000.7FFA1CA0  FFFFFFFF.829CF010  EXE$EXCPTN 
        Entry Point                      FFFFFFFF.82A21000  EXE$EXCPTN_C 
return PC             00000000.7FFA1CA8  FFFFFFFF.82A2059C  SYS$CALL_HANDL_C+0002C 
saved R2              00000000.7FFA1CB0  00000000.00000000 
saved FP              00000000.7FFA1CB8  00000000.7FFA1CD0 
SYS$CALL_HANDL Temporary Storage: 
                      00000000.7FFA1CC0  FFFFFFFF.829CEDA8  SYS$CALL_HANDL 
                      00000000.7FFA1CC8  00000000.00000000 
SYS$CALL_HANDL Stack Frame: 
PV                    00000000.7FFA1CD0  FFFFFFFF.829CEDA8  SYS$CALL_HANDL 
        Entry Point                      FFFFFFFF.82A20570  SYS$CALL_HANDL_C 
                      00000000.7FFA1CD8  00000000.00000000 
return PC             00000000.7FFA1CE0  FFFFFFFF.82A1E930  CHF_REI+000DC 
saved FP              00000000.7FFA1CE8  00000000.7FFA1F40 
Fixed Exception Context Area: 
Linkage Pointer       00000000.7FFA1CF0  FFFFFFFF.80C63780  EXCEPTION_MON_NPRW+06D80 
a(Signal Array)       00000000.7FFA1CF8  00000000.7FFA1EB8 
a(Mechanism Array)    00000000.7FFA1D00  00000000.7FFA1D40 
a(Exception Frame)    00000000.7FFA1D08  00000000.7FFA1F00 
Exception FP          00000000.7FFA1D10  00000000.7FFA1F40 
Unwind SP             00000000.7FFA1D18  00000000.00000000 
Reinvokable FP        00000000.7FFA1D20  00000000.00000000 
Unwind Target         00000000.7FFA1D28  00000000.00020000  SYS$K_VERSION_04 
#Sig Args/Byte Cnt    00000000.7FFA1D30  00000005.00000250  BUG$_NETRCVPKT 
a(Msg)/Final Status   00000000.7FFA1D38  829CE050.000008F8  BUG$_SEQ_NUM_OVF 
Mechanism Array: 
Flags/Arguments       00000000.7FFA1D40  00000000.0000002C 
a(Establisher FP)     00000000.7FFA1D48  00000000.7AFFBAD0 
reserved/Depth        00000000.7FFA1D50  FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFD 
a(Handler Data)       00000000.7FFA1D58  00000000.00000000 
a(Exception Frame)    00000000.7FFA1D60  00000000.7FFA1F00 
a(Signal Array)       00000000.7FFA1D68  00000000.7FFA1EB8 
saved R0              00000000.7FFA1D70  00000000.00020000  SYS$K_VERSION_04 
saved R1              00000000.7FFA1D78  00000000.00000000 
saved R16             00000000.7FFA1D80  00000000.00020004  UCB$M_NI_PRM_MLT+00004 
saved R17             00000000.7FFA1D88  00000000.00010050  SYS$K_VERSION_16+00010 
saved R18             00000000.7FFA1D90  FFFFFFFF.FFFFFFFF 
saved R19             00000000.7FFA1D98  00000000.00000000 
saved R20             00000000.7FFA1DA0  00000000.7FFA1F50 
saved R21             00000000.7FFA1DA8  00000000.00000000 
saved R22             00000000.7FFA1DB0  00000000.00010050  SYS$K_VERSION_16+00010 
saved R23             00000000.7FFA1DB8  00000000.00000000 
saved R24             00000000.7FFA1DC0  00000000.00010051  SYS$K_VERSION_16+00011 
saved R25             00000000.7FFA1DC8  00000000.00000000 
saved R26             00000000.7FFA1DD0  FFFFFFFF.8010ACA4  AMAC$EMUL_CALL_NATIVE_C+000A4 
saved R27             00000000.7FFA1DD8  00000000.00010050  SYS$K_VERSION_16+00010 
saved R28             00000000.7FFA1DE0  00000000.00000000 
FP Regs not valid     [...............] 
a(Signal64 Array)     00000000.7FFA1EA0  00000000.7FFA1ED0 
SP Align = 10(hex)    [...............] 
Signal Array: 
Arguments             00000000.7FFA1EB8           00000005 
Condition             00000000.7FFA1EBC           0000000C 
Argument #2           00000000.7FFA1EC0           00010000  LDRIMG$M_NPAGED_LOAD 
Argument #3           00000000.7FFA1EC4           00000000 
Argument #4           00000000.7FFA1EC8           00030078  SYS$K_VERSION_01+00078 
Argument #5           00000000.7FFA1ECC           00000003 
64-bit Signal Array: 
Arguments             00000000.7FFA1ED0  00002604.00000005 
Condition             00000000.7FFA1ED8  00000000.0000000C 
Argument #2           00000000.7FFA1EE0  00000000.00010000  LDRIMG$M_NPAGED_LOAD 
Argument #3           00000000.7FFA1EE8  00000000.00000000 
Argument #4           00000000.7FFA1EF0  00000000.00030078  SYS$K_VERSION_01+00078 
Argument #5           00000000.7FFA1EF8  00000000.00000003 
Interrupt/Exception Frame: 
saved R2              00000000.7FFA1F00  00000000.00000003 
saved R3              00000000.7FFA1F08  FFFFFFFF.80C63460  EXCEPTION_MON_NPRW+06A60 
saved R4              00000000.7FFA1F10  FFFFFFFF.80D12740  PCB 
saved R5              00000000.7FFA1F18  00000000.000000C8 
saved R6              00000000.7FFA1F20  00000000.00030038  SYS$K_VERSION_01+00038 
saved R7              00000000.7FFA1F28  00000000.7FFA1FC0 
saved PC              00000000.7FFA1F30  00000000.00030078  SYS$K_VERSION_01+00078 
saved PS              00000000.7FFA1F38  00000000.00000003  IPL INT CURR PREV 
SP Align = 00(hex)    [...............]                      00  0  Kern User 
Stack Frame: 
PV                    00000000.7FFA1F40  00000000.00010050  SYS$K_VERSION_16+00010 
        Entry Point                      00000000.00030060  SYS$K_VERSION_01+00060 
                      00000000.7FFA1F48  00000000.00010000  LDRIMG$M_NPAGED_LOAD 
return PC             00000000.7FFA1F50  FFFFFFFF.8010ACA4  AMAC$EMUL_CALL_NATIVE_C+000A4 
saved FP              00000000.7FFA1F58  00000000.7FFA1F70 
Stack (not decoded): 
                      00000000.7FFA1F60  00000000.00000001 
                      00000000.7FFA1F68  FFFFFFFF.800EE81C  RM_STD$DIRCACHE_BLKAST_C+005AC 
Stack Frame: 
PV                    00000000.7FFA1F70  FFFFFFFF.80C6EBA0  EXE$CMKRNL 
        Entry Point                      FFFFFFFF.800EE6C0  EXE$CMKRNL_C 
                      00000000.7FFA1F78  00000000.829CEDE8  EXE$SIGTORET 
                      00000000.7FFA1F80  00010050.00000002 
                      00000000.7FFA1F88  00000000.00020000  SYS$K_VERSION_04 
                      00000000.7FFA1F90  00000000.00030000  SYS$K_VERSION_01 
return PC             00000000.7FFA1F98  FFFFFFFF.800A4D64  __RELEASE_LDBL_EXEC_SERVICE+00284 
saved R2              00000000.7FFA1FA0  00000000.00000003 
saved R4              00000000.7FFA1FA8  FFFFFFFF.80D12740  PCB 
saved R13             00000000.7FFA1FB0  00000000.00010000  LDRIMG$M_NPAGED_LOAD 
saved FP              00000000.7FFA1FB8  00000000.7AFFBAD0 
Interrupt/Exception Frame: 
saved R2              00000000.7FFA1FC0  00000000.7FFCF880  MMG$IMGHDRBUF+00080 
saved R3              00000000.7FFA1FC8  00000000.7B0E9851 
saved R4              00000000.7FFA1FD0  00000000.7FFCF818  MMG$IMGHDRBUF+00018 
saved R5              00000000.7FFA1FD8  00000000.7FFCF938  MMG$IMGHDRBUF+00138 
saved R6              00000000.7FFA1FE0  00000000.7FFAC9F0 
saved R7              00000000.7FFA1FE8  00000000.7FFAC9F0 
saved PC              00000000.7FFA1FF0  FFFFFFFF.80000140  SYS$CLREF_C 
saved PS              00000000.7FFA1FF8  00000000.0000001B  IPL INT CURR PREV 
SP Align = 00(hex)    [...............]                      00  0  User User

CLUE STACK displays and decodes the current stack if it is one of the more popular and known bugcheck types. In this case, CLUE STACK trys to decode the whole INVEXCEPTN stack.

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