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Updated: 11 December 1998 |
OpenVMS DCL Dictionary
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In an OpenVMS Cluster, if you own multiple license types for a single product, you are limited to viewing the usage information for the license type loaded on the node from which you are executing the SHOW LICENSE/USAGE command. To find out the usage of the other license type loaded on another node, issue the command on that node. You can also use the System Management (SYSMAN) utility to do this.
In an OpenVMS Cluster, usage information is limited to the local license type. For example, VAX and Alpha availability licenses are considered by LMF to be different license types. If you are running both VAX and Alpha systems in a cluster, usage information for availability licenses is limited to the local system type. For example, if you have DEC C installed on all nodes in your OpenVMS Cluster, you can display DEC C license allocation on all the VAX nodes in the cluster from any VAX node with DEC C installed, but you cannot display the DEC C license allocation on the Alpha nodes.
Usage information is not available for unlimited licenses (a license with 0 units). Clusterwide usage information is not available for personal use or NO_SHARE licenses. Refer to the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual for more information on license types.
The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.
#1 |
$ SHOW LICENSE/FULL Active licenses on node WTPOOH: DVNETEND Producer: DEC Units: 0 Version: 0.0 Date: (none) Termination Date: (none) Availability: E (System Integrated Products) Activity: 0 MOD_UNITS VAX-VMS Producer: DEC Units: 0 Version: 0.0 Date: (none) Termination Date: (none) Availability: A (VMS Capacity) Activity: 0 MOD_UNITS NO_SHARE |
The SHOW LICENSE command in this displays all the active licenses on the current node, WTPOOH.
#2 |
$ SHOW LICENSE/BRIEF Active licenses on node WTPOOH: --- Product ID ---- ---- Rating ----- -- Version -- Product Producer Units Avail Activ Version Release Termination DVNETEND DEC 0 E 0 0.0 (none) (none) VAX-VMS DEC 0 A 0 0.0 (none) (none) |
The SHOW LICENSE command in this example displays a summary of all the active licenses on the current node, WTPOOH.
#3 |
The SHOW LICENSE command in this example writes all the active licenses to the file named SYS$LOGIN:ACTIVE_LICENSES_OCT30.DAT.
#4 |
$ SHOW LICENSE/FULL PERSONAL Active licenses on node PICCHU: PERSONAL Producer: DEC Units: 100 Version: 0.0 Release Date: (none) Termination Date: (none) Availability: 0 Activity: 100 RESERVE_UNITS Reserve: SMITH |
The SHOW LICENSE command in this example displays information about the product PERSONAL, as well as the name SMITH attached to the product license (known as the RESERVE list).
#5 |
$ SHOW LICENSE/TERM=10-JAN-2014 test0% Active licenses on node PICCHU: --- Product ID ---- ---- Rating ----- -- Version -- Product Producer Units Avail Activ Version Release Termination TEST01 DEC 0 A 0 0.0 (none) (none) TEST02 DEC 0 B 0 0.0 10-JAN-2014 12-NOV-2014 TEST03 DEC 0 C 0 0.0 30-DEC-2014 (none) TEST04 DEC 0 D 0 0.0 (none) 25-AUG-2015 TEST05 DEC 0 E 0 0.0 14-NOV-2016 14-AUG-2016 $ SHOW LICENSE/RELEASE=10-JAN-2014/SINCE test0% Active licenses on node PICCHU: --- Product ID ---- ---- Rating ----- -- Version -- Product Producer Units Avail Activ Version Release Termination TEST02 DEC 0 B 0 0.0 10-JAN-2014 12-NOV-2014 TEST03 DEC 0 C 0 0.0 30-DEC-2014 (none) TEST05 DEC 0 E 0 0.0 14-NOV-2016 14-AUG-2016 $ SHOW LICENSE/RELEASE=10-JAN-2014/BEFORE test0% Active licenses on node PICCHU: --- Product ID ---- ---- Rating ----- -- Version -- Product Producer Units Avail Activ Version Release Termination TEST01 DEC 0 A 0 0.0 (none) (none) TEST04 DEC 0 D 0 0.0 (none) 25-AUG-2015 |
In these examples, the SHOW LICENSE command uses the /TERM, /RELEASE, /SINCE and /BEFORE qualifiers.
#6 |
$ SHOW LICENSE/UNIT_REQUIREMENTS VMS/LMF Charge Information for node PICCHU This is a VAX 6000-420, hardware model type 160 Type: A, Units Required: 93 (VMS Capacity) Type: B, * Not Permitted * (VMS Server) Type: C, * Not Permitted * (VMS Concurrent User) Type: D, * Not Permitted * (VMS Workstation) Type: E, Units Required: 400 (System Integrated Products) Type: F, Units Required: 1200 (Layered Products) Type: G, * Not Permitted * (VMS Reserved) Type: H, * Not Permitted * (Alpha Layered Products) Type: I, Units Required: 1200 (Layered Products) |
In this example, the /UNIT_REQUIREMENTS qualifier displays information in the License Unit Requirement Table (LURT).
#7 |
$ SHOW LICENSE/WARNING_INTERVAL=8000 test0% Active licenses on node PICCHU: --- Product ID ---- ---- Rating ----- -- Version -- Product Producer Units Avail Activ Version Release Termination TEST01 DEC 0 A 0 0.0 (none) (none) TEST02 DEC 0 B 0 0.0 10-JAN-2014 12-NOV-2014 TEST03 DEC 0 C 0 0.0 30-DEC-2014 (none) TEST04 DEC 0 D 0 0.0 (none) 25-AUG-2015 TEST05 DEC 0 E 0 0.0 14-NOV-2016 14-AUG-2016 %SHOW-I-TERMIMM, 3 licenses will terminate in 8000 days |
The /WARNING_INTERVAL qualifier in this example displays three licenses that will terminate in 8000 days.
#8 |
$ SHOW LICENSE/USAGE/FULL DECWRITE-USER View of loaded licenses from node SLTG24 29-DEC-1998 13:36:22.23 ACTIVITY license DECWRITE-USER usage information: Pid Process Name Units Username Node 416000E6 MACAHAY 100 MACAHAY SLTG24 416000E7 MACAHIGH 100 MACAHIGH SLTG24 416000E8 ALICE 100 ALICE SLTG24 416000E9 MORGEN 100 MORGEN SLTG24 416000F1 ANGEL 100 ANGEL SLTG24 416000F2 ANGEL_1 100 ANGEL SLTG24 Units loaded: 2000 Units allocated: 600 Units available: 1400 |
The SHOW LICENSE command in this example lists the current users of the activity license for the product DECwrite. For each instance of use of the product, the process identification (PID), process name, node, and user name are identified. The units column shows the number of units allocated for each particular invocation of the product. The last line displays the units loaded when the LICENSE LOAD command was given, the total number of units currently allocated, and the total of unused (available for others to use) units.
#9 |
$ SHOW LICENSE/USAGE/FULL TEST_PER View of loaded licenses from node: SLTG24 30-DEC-1998 15:45:59 PERSONAL USE license DEC TEST_PER usage information: Units Reserved for: 100 UNCLE 100 AUNT 100 NEPHEW 100 NIECE Units loaded: 600 Units reserved: 400 Units available: 200 |
This example shows a personal use license. The DEC TEST_PER product has enough units for six reservations with 100 units for each reservation. The license database (LDB) only has a total of four names in the reserve list attached to this product. If the license administrator (usually the system manager) wants to take full advantage of this license and adds 2 more names to the reserve list, he should use the following commands to update the product information:
$ LICENSE MODIFY TEST_PER/RESERVE=(NAME, ANOTHER_NAME)/ADD $ LICENSE UNLOAD TEST_PER $ LICENSE LOAD TEST_PERIf this product is used in a cluster environment, you may use the SYSMAN Utility to unload and load the license.
#10 |
$ SHOW LICENSE/USAGE/FULL TEST_CAP View of loaded licenses from node: SLTG24 30-DEC-1998 15:45:59 Availability license DEC TEST_CAP usage information: Units Node 10 SLTG24 10 SLTG43 600 TORN8O 600 LTNUP Units loaded: 620 Units allocated: 1220 Units available: *** |
In this example, the number of units allocated appears to be greater than the total units loaded and the units available value is three asterisks (***).
When you see three asterisks (***) as the number of units available, it is generally not a cause for alarm. This situation might arise when the license database (LDB) has been updated on disk, but the new information has not been propagated to the license database in memory on all nodes in the cluster. This node, SLTG24, happens to be one of the nodes that has not received the latest LDB information.
To update the information in the license database in memory for the TEST_CAP product, enter the following commands:
$ LICENSE UNLOAD TEST_CAP $ LICENSE LOAD TEST_CAPThe next time you issue the SHOW LICENSE/USAGE command the three asterisks (***) in display should disappear. If, however, you are using multiple LDB files in a cluster, you should read the section on the license database in the OpenVMS License Management Utility Manual.
#11 |
$ SHOW LICENSE/UNIT_REQUIREMENT/CLUSTER VMS/LMF Cluster License Unit Requirements Information 24-DEC-1998 14:05:51.65 Node A B C D E F G H I KARBO - - - 100 50 10 - - 10 JENJON - - - 100 50 10 - - 10 HELENA 143 - - - 600 2400 - - 2400 SHAKTI - - - 100 50 10 - - 10 Total Cluster Unit Requirements Type: A, Units Required: 143 (VMS Capacity) Type: B, * Not Permitted * (VMS Server) Type: C, * Not Permitted * (VMS Concurrent User) Type: D, Units Required: 300 (VMS Workstation) Type: E, Units Required: 750 (System Integrated Products) Type: F, Units Required: 2430 (Layered Products) Type: G, * Not Permitted * (VMS Reserved) Type: H, * Not Permitted * (Alpha Layered Products) Type: I, Units Required: 2430 (Layered Products) |
In this example, the display shows how many license units are required for each license type (A, B, etc.) on each node in the cluster. If a row of three asterisks (***) is displayed for a node, it means that the node is in the process of booting.
Displays translations, the level of translation, and the logical name table for a specified logical name. The SHOW LOGICAL command performs iterative translations.Requires read (R) access to the table in which a logical name is cataloged to display information about the logical name.
SHOW LOGICAL [logical-name[:][,...]]
Specifies one or more logical names whose translations you want to display. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed. However, if a wildcard character is used, iterative translation is not done.The logical name is translated iteratively up to a number of times determined by the system (from 9 to 11). That is, translations are examined to see if they are also logical names.
The SHOW LOGICAL command displays logical names.The logical name LNM$DCL_LOGICAL contains the list of logical name tables and the order in which they are searched. Unless LNM$DCL_LOGICAL has been redefined, the process, job, group, and system tables are searched, in that order. (To see how LNM$DCL_LOGICAL is defined for your process, enter the command SHOW LOGICAL/TABLE=LNM$DIRECTORIES LNM$DCL_LOGICAL.)
If you specify a logical name, its translations are displayed. If you do not specify a logical name, all the logical names in the tables defined by the logical name LNM$DCL_LOGICAL are displayed.
You can specify the tables you want to search. If you do not specify a table, SHOW LOGICAL searches the tables specified by the logical name LNM$DCL_LOGICAL.
The SHOW LOGICAL command performs iterative translations. If a logical name has more than one translation, then all translations at a level are displayed before going to the next level. Use the SHOW TRANSLATION command to display only the first translation found for a specified logical name.
The SHOW LOGICAL command executes an image and causes the current image (if any) to exit. Use the SHOW TRANSLATION command (which is built into the command interpreter) when you do not want to exit the current image.
If a logical name contains control characters, the SHOW LOGICAL command replaces them with periods (.) for display.
Displays names defined in the specified access mode and any inner access modes. You can specify one of the following keywords to indicate the access mode: USER_MODE, SUPERVISOR_MODE, EXECUTIVE_MODE, or KERNEL_MODE.The default value for this qualifier is USER_MODE; by default any definitions in all four access modes are displayed.
/ALL (default)
Indicates that all logical names in the specified logical name tables are to be displayed. If you do not enter the /PROCESS, the /JOB, the /GROUP, the /SYSTEM, or the /TABLE qualifier, all logical names in the tables specified by the logical name LNM$DCL_LOGICAL are displayed./DESCENDANTS
Controls whether the system displays names from the specified logical name table and any descendant tables. A descendant table is created by the CREATE/NAME_TABLE command, with the /PARENT_TABLE qualifier specifying its parent table. If you use the /DESCENDANTS qualifier, you must also use the /TABLE qualifier./EXACT
Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify a search string that must match the search string exactly and must be enclosed with quotation marks (" ").If you specify the /EXACT qualifier without the /SEARCH qualifier, exact search mode is enabled when you set the search string with the Find (E1) key.
Displays more detailed information for the specified logical name. The information includes the access mode, attributes, the translation, and the logical name table./GROUP
Indicates that only the group logical name table is to be searched. The /GROUP qualifier is synonymous with the /TABLE=LNM$GROUP qualifier. If you specify the /GROUP qualifier and you do not also specify a logical name, all names in the group table are displayed./HIGHLIGHT[=keyword]
Use with the /PAGE=SAVE and /SEARCH qualifiers to specify the type of highlighting you want when a search string is found. When a string is found, the entire line is highlighted. You can use the following keywords: BOLD, BLINK, REVERSE, and UNDERLINE. BOLD is the default highlighting./JOB
Indicates that only the job logical name table is to be searched. The /JOB qualifier is synonymous with the /TABLE=LNM$JOB qualifier. If you specify the /JOB qualifier and you do not also specify a logical name, all names in the job logical name table are displayed./OUTPUT[=filespec]
Controls where the output of the SHOW LOGICAL command is sent. By default, the output of the SHOW LOGICAL command is sent to the current SYS$OUTPUT device (usually your terminal). To send the output to a file, use the /OUTPUT qualifier followed by a file specification.The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are not allowed in the file specification. If you enter a partial file specification (for example, specifying only a directory), SHOW is the default file name and .LIS is the default file type.
If you enter the /NOOUTPUT qualifier, output is suppressed.
/NOPAGE (default)
Controls the display of information on the screen.You can use the following keywords with the /PAGE qualifier:
CLEAR_SCREEN Clears the screen before each page is displayed. SCROLL Displays information one line at a time. SAVE[= n] Enables screen navigation of information, where n is the number of pages to store. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier allows you to navigate through screens of information. The /PAGE=SAVE qualifier stores up to 5 screens of up to 255 columns of information. When you use the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier, you can use the following keys to navigate through the information:
Key Sequence Description Up arrow key, Ctrl/B Scroll up one line. Down arrow key Scroll down one line. Left arrow key Scroll left one column. Right arrow key Scroll right one column. Find (E1) Specify a string to find when the information is displayed. Insert Here (E2) Scroll right one half screen. Remove (E3) Scroll left one half screen. Select (E4) Toggle 80/132 column mode. Prev Screen (E5) Get the previous page of information. Next Screen (E6), Return, Enter, Space Get the next page of information. F10, Ctrl/Z Exit. (Some utilities define these differently.) Help (F15) Display utility help text. Do (F16) Toggle the display to oldest/newest page. Ctrl/W Refresh the display. The /PAGE qualifier is not compatible with the /OUTPUT qualifier.
Indicates that only the process logical name table is to be searched. The /PROCESS qualifier is synonymous with the /TABLE=LNM$PROCESS qualifier. If you specify the /PROCESS qualifier and you do not also specify a logical name, all names in the process table are displayed./SEARCH="string"
Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to specify a string that you want to find in the information being displayed. Quotation marks are required for the /SEARCH qualifier, if you include spaces in the text string.You can also dynamically change the search string by pressing the Find key (E1) while the information is being displayed. Quotation marks are not required for a dynamic search.
/NOSTRUCTURE (default)
Controls whether the system displays the "family tree" of all accessible logical name tables. The display includes the two logical name directory tables (process and system) and all logical name tables cataloged in these directory tables. Any descendant logical name tables are shown under their parent tables.If you specify the /STRUCTURE qualifier, you cannot use any other qualifiers except /ACCESS_MODE, /FULL, and /OUTPUT.
Indicates that only the system logical name table is to be searched. The /SYSTEM qualifier is synonymous with the /TABLE=LNM$SYSTEM qualifier. If you specify the /SYSTEM qualifier and you do not also specify a logical name, all names in the system table are displayed./TABLE=(name[,...])
Specifies the tables you want to search. If you specify only one table, you can omit the parentheses. The asterisk (*) and the percent sign (%) wildcard characters are allowed. Names with wildcards are used to match table names. Names without wildcard characters are treated both as table names and table search lists (whichever is appropriate).You can use the /TABLE qualifier to specify the following:
- A user-defined logical name table (created with the CREATE/NAME_TABLE command)
- The process, group, or system logical name tables
- The process or system directory tables
If you specify the table name by using a logical name that translates to more than one table, then each table is searched in the order specified. For example, if you specify SHOW LOGICAL/TABLE=LNM$FILE_DEV, and LNM$FILE_DEV is equated to LNM$PROCESS, LNM$JOB, LNM$GROUP, and LNM$SYSTEM, then the process, job, group, and system tables are searched, in that order.
If you do not specify the /TABLE qualifier, the default is /TABLE=LNM$DCL_LOGICAL.
/NOWRAP (default)
Use with the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier to limit the number of columns to the width of the screen and to wrap lines that extend beyond the width of the screen to the next line.The /NOWRAP qualifier extends lines beyond the width of the screen and can be seen when you use the scrolling (left and right) features provided by the /PAGE=SAVE qualifier.
#1 |
The SHOW LOGICAL command in this example displays all process logical names and their translations. (Note that /TABLE=LNM$PROCESS would produce the same display as /PROCESS.)
#2 |
The SHOW LOGICAL command in this example displays the translation for the logical name INFILE. The response indicates that the logical name was found in the process logical name table.
#3 |
The SHOW LOGICAL command in this example displays all group logical names and their translations. (Note that /TABLE=LNM$GROUP would produce the same display as /GROUP.)
#4 |
The SHOW LOGICAL command in this example displays the translation of the logical name SYS$LIBRARY in the system table. The response indicates that SYS$LIBRARY is defined in the system table, and that the logical name has two translations.
#5 |
The SHOW LOGICAL command in this example is qualified by both the /TABLE=LNM$GROUP and /TABLE=LNM$SYSTEM qualifiers. The response indicates that the logical name SYS$DISK was found in the system logical name table. When you enter two conflicting qualifiers, as in this example, only the last qualifier you specify is used.
#6 |
The SHOW LOGICAL command in this example displays the logical names in the process directory table. Each name is either a table name, or a name that translates iteratively to a table.
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