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After installing TP Desktop Connector gateway software from the Gateway CD, perform the following tasks:
See Chapter 11 for information about how to run the Installation
Verification Procedure (IVP) after the software has been installed.
10.1 Editing the OpenVMS System Files
You must edit the OpenVMS system startup and shutdown files to provide
for automatic startup and shutdown of TP Desktop software when your
system is rebooted. (This step is usually not necessary for system
10.1.1 Editing the System Startup File
The following files are located in the SYS$STARTUP directory.
Add the command line that starts TP Desktop to the OpenVMS system startup file. If you separate the startup procedures into modules, be sure that you add the lines to the correct file.
Position the TP Desktop startup command line after the line that invokes the ACMS startup command procedure. For example:
Start ACMS software before you start TP Desktop software. |
Starting TP Desktop software automatically enables the use of the DECnet communication transport. To use NetWare or TCP/IP protocols as well, or instead of DECnet, list the transports you want to use in a parameter file. Specify the parameter file as a qualifier on the TP Desktop startup command line.
The parameter file is a simple ASCII text file that lists customer overrides to TP Desktop run-time quotas and defaults. These overrides can include the specification of the communication libraries that have been installed on the OpenVMS system. For example, to enable TP Desktop to use all transports, create the following file in the SYS$MANAGER directory:
Include in the file the following line:
transport=(tcpip,netware,decnet,appletalk) |
Modify the startup command line to specify the parameter file. For example:
To perform this same function in batch from DCL-level, issue a SUBMIT command. For example:
This command starts a batch job that runs the startup command procedure
using the input file specified in the parameter qualifier. When the
batch job completes, the TP Desktop software is started.
10.1.2 Editing the System Shutdown File
Find the following line, which stops the ACMS system, in the OpenVMS system shutdown file:
At some point before this line, add the following command line:
The command procedure cancels all active tasks and shuts down the TP
Desktop process. This ensures that the TP Desktop system processes are
run down properly. The command procedure also deinstalls TP Desktop
images (using the Install Utility of OpenVMS) and deassigns the logical
10.2 Performing Cluster Procedures
Because TP Desktop software treats a VAXcluster or VMScluster system as if it were a local area network (LAN), you must prepare system-specific roots on each node of the cluster. For example:
Executed on each node in the cluster, these commands create directory
roots for the TP Desktop software. See Section 9.1.2 for the locations
of files describing the directories added to your system.
10.3 Matching Client and Server Versions
If you are upgrading from ACMS Desktop Version 2.n to TP Desktop Version 3.m, you can use your existing client programs with the new server. But, if you build a new client program under TP Desktop Version 3.m, you cannot use this new program with the old ACMS Desktop Version 2.n server.
When the ACMS communication protocols do not match those of the desktop client, the TP Desktop Connector gateway rejects the attempted connection. The gateway writes a message to the software event log (SWL).
The error code returned on the client side depends on the nature of the mismatch. The following error codes can indicate a mismatched condition:
This chapter describes how to run the TP Desktop Connector gateway
installation verification procedure (IVP) separately from the
installation procedure. The IVP can be run as a part of the normal
installation when you answer YES to the IVP question. If the IVP fails
for any reason, correct the error and rerun the IVP. See Chapter 9
for information on providing the IVP with information required for the
installation procedure. Run separately from the installation procedure,
the IVP can check the integrity of installed files on the system.
11.1 IVP Operations
The IVP checks that:
The IVP does not check that the applications run correctly.
11.2 Running the IVP Independently
This section describes the requirements and steps to run the IVP.
11.2.1 IVP Requirements
If disk quotas are enabled, the IVP cannot run. The procedure checks to
see whether disk quotas are enabled just after checking the process
quotas. If disk quotas are enabled, the procedure provides an
informational message to that effect and terminates.
11.2.2 IVP Steps
To run the IVP independently of the installation procedure, follow these steps:
Username: SYSTEM Password: |
To start the IVP, enter the following command:
$ @ACMSDI$IVP The TP Desktop Connector V3.1-00 Gateway for ACMS IVP completed successfully . . . The TP Desktop Connector V3.1-00 Gateway for ACMS IVP completed successfully |
The IVP takes no more than 30 seconds to run, depending on the current
system load.
11.2.3 IVP Error Recovery
As the IVP executes, it checks the success of each test and operation it performs. If any test or operation fails, the IVP does the following:
Follow the suggested course of action and then restart the IVP.
The following tables list the files that are installed on your systems for the various sample applications.
Files | Description |
ACMSDI.H | Include file for the TP Desktop Connector client services declarations |
ACMSDI$CLIENT_OBJLIB.OLB | Library for the TP Desktop Connector client services |
FORMS.H | Include file for DECforms |
NET_APPLETALK.OBJ | AppleTalk object file (for OpenVMS VAX systems only) |
NET_DECNET.OBJ | DECnet object file |
NET_NETWARE.OBJ | NetWare object file 1 |
NET_TCPIP.OBJ | TCP/IP object file |
PPSTUBS.C | Presentation procedure and action routine stubs |
TDMS.H | Include file for TDMS |
Name | Description |
Makefile | Makefile for building the sample |
acmsdi.h | Include file for the TP Desktop Connector client services |
forms.h | Sample include file with DECforms status values |
help.txt | Overview of the AVERTZ user interface |
m_avertz.exe | Motif sample executable file |
sys$login:m_avertz.dat | Motif sample resource file |
m_avertz.c | Entry point for the sample; manages the main window of the sample |
m_avertz.h | AVERTZ header file; defines global names |
m_avertz.opt | Linker-purge options file for building the sample |
m_avertz.uid | Runtime representation of the sample's UIL definition |
m_avertz.uil | User interface template; defines the layout of the main window and the session dialog box |
m_avertzpp.c | Reserve task presentation procedures; stubs for the checkin and the checkout tasks' presentation procedures |
m_avertzpp.h | Header file for m_avertzpp.c |
m_disable.c | Presentation procedure stub |
m_enable.c | Presentation procedure stub |
m_icons.uil | User interface template; defines the various session icons |
m_list_pkg.c | Provides linked list feature |
m_list_pkg.h | Header file for list_pkg.c |
m_message.c | Performs message box handling in the sample |
m_message.h | Header file for m_message.c |
m_read_write.c | Presentation procedure stub |
m_receive.c | Presentation procedure stub |
m_request.c | Presentation procedure stub |
m_resvform.c | Management and convenience routines for handling the reservation form |
m_resvform.h | Header file for m_resvform.c |
m_resvform.uil | User interface template; defines the layout of the reservation form |
m_send.c | Presentation procedure to dispatch to specific routines in m_avertzpp.c |
m_session.c | Manages multiple sessions; switches context for using TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS routines and updates the user interface |
m_session.h | Header file for m_session.c |
m_sitelist.c | Creates (using m_sites.dat) and manages the list box of AVERTZ sites |
m_sitelist.h | Header file for m_sitelist.c |
m_sites.dat | Contains data about AVERTZ sites; read in at run time |
m_transceive.c | Presentation procedure that dispatches to specific routines in avertzpp |
m_version.c | Version-checking action routine stub |
m_wkspaces.c | Support routines for AVERTZ workspace structures |
m_wkspaces.h | Defines the AVERTZ workspace structures |
tdms.h | Sample include file with TDMS status values |
Name | Description |
pbreadme.doc | Contents of the folder in text format |
pbavertz.pbl | PowerBuilder library containing PowerBuilder objects for the blocking sample that does not support exchange I/O |
pbavertz.exe | Executable form of the PBAVERTZ sample |
pbavertz.doc | Declarations and scripts used by PBAVERTZ in text format |
pbpointr.dll | Dynamic link library required for memory management with PowerBuilder applications that use TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS services. |
pbpointr.h | Interface definition file for pbpointr.dll |
acmsdipb.doc | Microsoft Word document that explains how to use the pbpointr.dll services. |
cars.ico | Icon used by PBAVERTZ |
fnbsampl.pbl | A PowerBuilder library containing a sample application that executes an ACMS task with exchange I/O using the forced nonblocking extension to the TP Desktop Connector client services. |
fnbsampl.exe | Executable form of the forced nonblocking sample |
fnbsampl.doc | Microsoft Word document that describes forced nonblocking |
Name | Description |
mainmenu.frm | GUI objects and code for the main window of Visual Basic AVERTZ |
reserve.frm | GUI objects and code for the car rental reservations screen of Visual Basic AVERTZ |
signin.frm | GUI objects and code for the session-login screen of Visual Basic AVERTZ |
readme.1st | Contents of the folder in text format |
readme.txt | Text document that explains how to use the helper DLL, divb.dll |
vbavertz.bas | Global source code for Visual Basic AVERTZ |
vbavertz.exe | Executable version of Visual Basic AVERTZ |
vbavertz.mak | Project makefile for Visual Basic AVERTZ |
Name | Description |
ACMSDI.H | Include file for ACMS desktop interface programs |
BLD-CLI.BAT | Batch file to compile and link the sample client program |
BLD-PPS.BAT | Batch file to compile and link presentation procedures used by the sample client program |
CHK-DATE.CBL | COBOL program to validate dates |
CLASSES.CBL | Sample workspace |
CLIENT.C | Sample client C main program |
CLIENT.EXE | Sample client program |
CONTROL.CBL | Sample workspace |
CUSTOMER.CBL | Sample workspace |
CUSTSHDW.CBL | Sample workspace |
CU_TRANS.CBL | Sample workspace |
DISABLE.C | Sample presentation procedure |
ENABLE.C | Sample presentation procedure |
FORMS.H | Sample include file with DECforms status values |
GETSITE.CBL | Sample presentation procedure |
LOGIN.CBL | Sample client initialization procedure |
LOGOFF.CBL | Sample client termination procedure |
MENU.CBL | Sample client menu procedure |
RECV.C | Sample presentation procedure |
REQUEST.C | Sample presentation procedure |
RESERVTN.CBL | Sample workspace |
SELCUST.CBL | Sample presentation procedure |
SELSITE.CBL | Sample presentation procedure |
SEND.C | Sample presentation procedure |
SENDCTRL.CBL | Sample workspace |
SHWCUST.CBL | Sample presentation procedure |
SHWRESV.CBL | Sample presentation procedure |
SITES.CBL | Sample workspace |
SI_TRANS.CBL | Sample workspace |
TDMS.H | Sample include file with TDMS status values |
TRANS.C | Sample presentation procedure |
TRANS.CBL | Sample workspace |
TRANSHDW.CBL | Sample workspace |
VERSION.C | Sample version-checking procedure |
Name | Description |
ACMSDI.H | Include file for the ACMS desktop interface |
AVERTZ | Makefile for building the sample |
AVERTZ.C | Entry point for the sample; manages the main window |
AVERTZ.DEF | Defines entry points and stack size for Microsoft Windows |
AVERTZ.EXE | Microsoft Windows sample executable file |
AVERTZ.H | AVERTZ header file; defines globals |
AVERTZ.RC | User interface template; defines the main window, menus, and reservation form layout |
AVERTZMM.C | Handles memory management for AVERTZ structures |
AVERTZMM.H | Header file for AVERTZMM.C |
AVERTZPP.C | Reserve task presentation procedures; stubs for checkin and checkout tasks and presentation procedures |
AVERTZPP.H | Header file for AVERTZPP.C |
DISABLEW.C | Presentation procedure stub |
DRIVING.ICO | Icon for (an unselected) session that is currently processing a task |
ENABLEW.C | Presentation procedure to define the session ID |
FORMS.H | Sample include file with DECforms status values |
HELP.TXT | Overview of the AVERTZ user interface |
LIST_PKG.C | Provides linked list feature; preallocates memory using arrays to reduce fragmentation of the local heap |
LIST_PKG.H | Header file for LIST_PKG.C |
RECVW.C | Presentation procedure stub |
REDCAR.ICO | Icon for (an unselected) session that is not currently processing a task |
REQUESTW.C | Presentation procedure stub |
RESVFORM.C | Management and convenience routines for handling the reservation form |
RESVFORM.H | Header file for RESVFORM.C |
SDRIVING.ICO | Icon for a selected session that is currently processing a task |
SENDW.C | Presentation procedure to dispatch to specific routines in AVERTZPP.C |
SESSION.C | Manages multiple sessions; switches context for using TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS routines and updates the user interface |
SESSION.H | Header file for to obtain the files for building against the static link libraries SESSION.C |
SITELIST.C | Creates (using SITES.DAT) and manages list box of AVERTZ sites |
SITELIST.H | Header file for SITELIST.C |
SITES.DAT | Contains data about AVERTZ sites; read in at run time |
SREDCAR.ICO | Icon for a selected session that is not currently processing a task |
TDMS.H | Sample include file with TDMS status values |
TRANSW.C | Presentation procedure that dispatches to specific routines in AVERTZPP.C |
VERSIONW.C | Version-checking procedure stub |
WKSPACES.C | String conversion support for AVERTZ workspace structures |
WKSPACES.H | Defines the AVERTZ workspace structures |
Name | Description |
ACMSDIPB.DOC | Document discussing TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS support for PowerBuilder |
PBAVERTZ.PBL | PowerBuilder library containing the blocking sample which does not support exchange I/O |
PBAVERTZ.EXE | Executable form of the PBAVERTZ sample |
PBAVERTZ.DOC | Declarations and scripts used by PBAVERTZ in text format |
CARS.ICO | Icon used by PBAVERTZ |
PBPOINTR.DLL | Dynamic link library containing the required memory management program |
PBPOINTR.H | Interface definition file for PBPOINTR.DLL |
Name | Description |
ACMSDI.BAS | Include file of the ACMSDI declaration for Visual Basic applications |
HELP.TXT | Online help file for the Visual Basic sample |
MAINMENU.FRM | GUI objects and code for main window of Visual Basic AVERTZ |
RESERVE.FRM | GUI objects and code for reservation form of Visual Basic AVERTZ |
SIGNIN.FRM | GUI objects and code for session-login screen of Visual Basic AVERTZ |
VBAVERTZ.BAS | Global module file for Visual Basic AVERTZ |
VBAVERTZ.EXE | Visual Basic sample executable file |
VBAVERTZ.MAK | Visual Basic makefile for AVERTZ sample |
Name | Description |
ACMSDI.BAS | ACMSDI declarations for Visual Basic applications |
FORM1.FRM | GUI objects and code for the Forced Nonblocking Tutorial main window |
FORMS.BAS | DECforms message code definitions for Visual Basic |
FNBSAMPL.MAK | Visual Basic make file for the Forced Nonblocking Tutorial |
FRMLOGIN.FRM | GUI objects and code for the Forced Nonblocking Tutorial session login window |
FRMRECVC.FRM | GUI objects and code for the Forced Nonblocking Tutorial receive control text window |
MTEXT.BAS | Declarations and code to initialize ACMSDI message text for Visual Basic applications |
NONBLK.BAS | Global declarations for the Visual Basic Forced Nonblocking Tutorial |
Name | Description |
acmsdi.h | Include file for the TP Desktop Connector client services |
forms.h | Include file for DECforms |
libacmsdi.a | Library for TP Desktop Connector client services |
net_tcpip.o | TCP/IP file for TP Desktop Connector client services |
net_decnet.o | DECnet file for TP Desktop Connector client services |
ppstubs.c | Presentation procedure and action routine stubs |
tdms.h | Include file for TDMS |
Name | Description |
makefile | Makefile for building the sample |
acmsdi.h | Include file for the TP Desktop Connector client services |
forms.h | Sample include file with DECforms status values |
help.txt | Overview of AVERTZ user interface | | Command shell to download the Motif sample from the OpenVMS system |
m_avertz | Motif sample executable file |
m_avertz.c | Entry point for the sample; manages the main window of the sample |
m_avertz.dat | Font definitions for the sample screens |
m_avertz.h | AVERTZ header file; defines globals |
m_avertz.uid | Runtime representation of the sample UIL definition |
m_avertz.uil | User interface template; defines the layout of the main window and the session dialog box |
m_avertzpp.c | Reserve task presentation procedures; stubs for the checkin and the checkout tasks' presentation procedures |
m_avertzpp.h | Header file for m_avertzpp.c |
m_disable.c | Presentation procedure stub |
m_enable.c | Presentation procedure stub |
m_icons.uil | User interface template; defines the various session icons |
m_list_pkg.c | Provides linked list feature |
m_list_pkg.h | Header file for list_pkg.c |
m_message.c | Performs message box handling in the sample |
m_message.h | Header file for m_message.c |
m_read_write.c | Presentation procedure stub |
m_receive.c | Presentation procedure stub |
m_request.c | Presentation procedure stub |
m_resvform.c | Management and convenience routines for handling the reservation form |
m_resvform.h | Header file for m_resvform.c |
m_resvform.uil | User interface template; defines the layout of the reservation form |
m_send.c | Presentation procedure to dispatch to specific routines in m_avertzpp |
m_session.c | Manages multiple sessions; switches context for using TP Desktop Connector Gateway for ACMS routines and updates the user interface |
m_session.h | Header file for m_session.c |
m_sitelist.c | Creates (using m_sites.dat) and manages the list box of AVERTZ sites |
m_sitelist.h | Header file for m_sitelist.c |
m_sites.dat | Contains data about AVERTZ sites; read in at run time |
m_transceive.c | Presentation procedure that dispatches to specific routines in m_avertzpp.c |
m_version.c | Version-checking action routine stub |
m_wkspaces.c | Support routines for AVERTZ workspace structures |
m_wkspaces.h | Defines the AVERTZ workspace structures |
tdms.h | Sample include file with TDMS status values |
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