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InitDBPack ( )
The status values returned by the InitDBPack service are listed in Table 5-15.
Table 5-15 InitDBPack Return Status Values Status Value Description noErr 0 No error rcDBWrongVersion --812 Wrong version of DDEV
This chapter describes the system management service available on systems running the TP Desktop Connector gateway. The ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO service returns information about the status of TP Desktop Connector gateway processing on the submitter node.
This service returns information regarding desktop users signed in to
the DIGITAL ACMS system. The service reports only those users signed
in to the TP Desktop Connector gateway running on the same node as the
program calling the ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO routine. See
DIGITAL TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Client Application Programming Guide for coding and building guidelines.
The C-language function prototype and definitions for the item codes are in the file ACMSDI.H in the ACMSDI$COMMON directory.
The ACMSDI$EXAMPLES directory contains a program, SHOW_DESKTOP_USERS.EXE, that uses the ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO service, the source file (.C), and the build command procedure (.COM). See DIGITAL TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Client Application Programming Guide for more information about this program.
A program using the ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO service that was compiled and linked with Desktop ACMS Version 1.2 works with only Desktop ACMS Version 1.2. |
Type: longword (unsigned)
Access: read write
Mechanism: by reference
A context variable acting as a placeholder while the program reports on multiple submitters. Before calling ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO initially, the program must set the user context variable to zero. On ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO calls, if the service returns the status ACMSDI$_NORMAL, the program does not modify the variable value.itmlst
Type: longword (unsigned)
Access: read
Mechanism: by reference
Item list describing the information to be reported. Itmlst is the address of a list of item descriptors, each of which specifies or controls an item of information to be returned. The list of item descriptors is terminated by an item code of zero.Figure 6-1 shows the item descriptor format.
Figure 6-1 Submitter Item Descriptor Format
The valid item codes are described in Table 6-1.
Table 6-1 Submitter Information Item Codes Code Name ACMSDI$K_LATEST_MSG_TIME Action: Returns the OpenVMS absolute date and time at which the desktop submitter most recently sent a message to the TP Desktop Connector gateway. Description: The buffer address field of the item descriptor is the address of a quadword in which the ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO service writes this time. ACMSDI$K_DESKTOP_ID Action: Returns the desktop gateway submitter identification assigned internally by the TP Desktop Connector gateway. Description: The buffer address field in the item descriptor is the address of a two-longword structure. ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO writes the desktop gateway submitter number into the first field in the target_desktop_ID array, and the instance into the second field. These two values make up the complete desktop gateway submitter identification. ACMSDI$K_NODENAME Action: Returns the name of the network node from which the desktop submitter is signed in to the ACMS system. Description: The buffer address field in the item descriptor points to a user-provided buffer into which ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO writes the name. The return length address field of the item descriptor points to a word into which ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO writes the length of the node name in bytes. ACMSDI$K_SIGN_IN_TIME Action: Returns the OpenVMS absolute date and time at which the desktop submitter signed in to the TP Desktop Connector gateway. Description: The buffer address field of the item descriptor is the address of a quadword in which the ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO service writes this time. ACMSDI$K_SUBMITTER_ID Action: Returns the ACMS submitter_ID of the desktop submitter. Description: The buffer address field in the item descriptor is the address in which the ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO service writes the submitter_ID. ACMSDI$K_TRANSPORT Action: Returns an enumerated longword value corresponding to the name of the transport used for the submitter sign-in. Description: The buffer address field of the item descriptor is the address of a longword in which ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO writes this value. ACMSDI$K_USERNAME Action: Returns the user name under which the desktop submitter is signed in. Description: The buffer address field in the item descriptor points to a user-provided buffer into which the ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO service writes the user name. The return length address field of the item descriptor points to a word into which the ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO service writes the length of the user name in bytes. target_submitter_ID
Type: unsigned Long Int
Access: read
Mechanism: by reference
The ACMS submitter identification as displayed in the ACMS/SHOW USERS command.target_desktop_ID
Type: unsigned Long Int [2]
Access: read
Mechanism: by reference
The desktop gateway submitter identification, ACMS$DESKTOP_ID, on which to report. The first long int contains the desktop gateway submitter number and the second long int contains the instance.target_username
Type: character string descriptor
Access: read
Mechanism: by descriptor
The user name on which to report.
The status values returned by the ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO service are listed in Table 6-2.
Table 6-2 ACMSDI$GET_SUBMITTER_INFO Return Status Values Status Description ACMSDI$_ILLITEMCODE An illegal item code appears in the item list. No information is reported. ACMSDI$_NOMATCHSUBS No matching submitter. No submitter matches the selection criteria. ACMSDI$_NOMORESUBS No more submitters to report. No information was reported by this call, because no more submitters match the selection criteria. The snapshot is consistent with the current set of submitters. ACMSDI$_NORMAL Normal successful completion. Information specified by the item list has been reported about a matching submitter. Additional matching submitters can remain to be reported. ACMSDI$_OBSINFOREP Obsolete information reported. No information was returned, because no more submitters match the selection criteria. The snapshot is not consistent with the current set of submitters.
This chapter describes the Serial-DECnet gateway commands that you can
use to manage TP Desktop Connector. For information on using serial
communications with TP Desktop Connector, refer to DIGITAL TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Client Application Programming Guide.
7.1 TP Desktop Connector Serial-DECnet Gateway Management Commands
TP Desktop Connector provides the SYS$SYSTEM:ACMSDI$SERIAL_GATE_MANAGER.EXE utility, so that you can do the following:
To invoke this utility, specify the RUN command as in the following example:
The following sections describe the management commands for the TP Desktop Connector Serial-DECnet gateway.
This command attaches a terminal to the TP Desktop Connector serial
ATTACH device
Specifies the device that is to be attached to the TP Desktop Connector serial gateway. You can use TT: to specify the device that is currently in use.
Specifies a baud rate. If the baud rate is not specified, or the baud rate is specified as zero, it remains unchanged./PERMANENT (D)
Indicates that the device is to be permanently attached to the TP Desktop Connector serial gateway. The device is detached only on a fatal error or with the DETACH command./SUSPEND
Suspends the current process while the device is in TP Desktop Connector serial gateway mode. This qualifier is typically used to switch the current user's device from interactive mode to TP Desktop Connector serial gateway mode with the intent to return to interactive mode. Do not use this qualifier with the /PERMANENT qualifier./TIMEOUT=delta_time
Indicates a timeout for a client to start a session through the attached device. If a client does not start a session within the timeout period, the device is detached. This parameter is typically used when changing the current user's device from interactive mode to TP Desktop Connector serial gateway mode with the intent of returning to interactive mode. Do not use this qualifier with the /PERMANENT qualifier.
ACMSDIGW$MANAGER> ATTACH TTA3:/BAUD=9600The device TTA3: is permanently (or until detached with a DETACH command) attached to the serial gateway. The device waits for connections from TP Desktop Connector clients. The baud rate is set to 9600. If this device is detached, the baud rate (and all other terminal characteristics) are reset to the original settings.
ACMSDIGW$MANAGER> ATTACH TT:/NOPERMANENT/SUSPEND/TIMEOUT=00:00:40Switches the current connection from an interactive process to serial gateway mode. The current process is suspended. If an ACMSDI login is not made within 40 seconds, the serial gateway detaches the device and the interactive process is resumed. After all active sessions on the line are terminated, the device is detached and the interactive session is resumed.
!In a command file $ RUN SYS$SYSTEM:ACMSDI$SERIAL_GATEWAY_MANAGER ATTACH /DEVICE=TT:/NOPERM $ LOGOUTIf this command file is invoked, the device used by the current interactive process is switched to serial gateway mode and the current process is terminated. The device is detached if either a timeout condition (default is 60 seconds) occurs or when all active sessions on the line are terminated.
This command detaches a terminal from the TP Desktop Connector serial
DETACH device
Specifies the device that is to be detached from the TP Desktop Connector serial gateway.
7.4 LIST
This command lists the devices currently attached to the TP Desktop
Connector serial gateway.
This command detaches all the devices attached to the TP Desktop
Connector serial gateway and shuts the gateway down. To specify this
command you must have the SYSPRIV or BYPASS privileges.
This command starts gateway logging. Certain TP Desktop Connector
serial gateway events are placed in the log. Avoid logging while the
gateway is in production. The default log file is:
START LOGGING /qualifier
Specifies an TP Desktop Connector serial gateway log file. Specify a full path name. If a full path name is not provided, the log file is placed relative to the default of the TP Desktop Connector gateway.
This command stops gateway logging.
This chapter provides a description of the Data Compression Monitor commands that you can use to monitor compression activity. You can shorten all commands and keywords to the smallest unambiguous abbreviation, which is at most three characters.
See DIGITAL TP Desktop Connector for ACMS Client Application Programming Guide for more information on using the Data Compression Monitor.
8.1 EXIT
This command exits the Compression Monitor Activity reporting program.
8.2 HELP
Displays the help file, SYS$HLP:ACMSDI$DCM_REPORTER_HLP.TXT.
8.3 LIST
This command generates a report, which you can display on the screen or
write to a file.
LIST [/qualifier]
Allows you to select detailed records associated with the application(s) specified. The application specification can be an ACMS application name or a list of application names. If you specify a list, separate the names with a comma and enclose the list within parentheses. The asterisk (*) wild card character is permitted in application name specifications. If you do not specify /APPLICATION, records for all applications are selected unless you set default application(s) with the SET command.Specifying /APPLICATION with the LIST command overrides any default applications that you previously set. Specifying /APPLICATION=* on the LIST command selects records for all applications, overriding any defaults that are set.
Selects detailed records that were written before the date and time specified. The date-time specification is optional. If you omit it, records written earlier than the current date are selected. Specify date and time in the OpenVMS standard format dd-mmm-yyyy:hh-mm-ss./DETAILS
Specifies that the report should contain details of all calls. This is the default, unless you specify /SUMMARY in the SET command. Specifying /DETAILS with the LIST command overrides SET/SUMMARY./INPUT=file
Specifies a source file from which records for the report are to be read. If you do not specify a source file, the latest version of SYS$ERRORLOG:ACMSDI$COMPRESSION.LOG is used, unless you have previously specified a default input file using the SET command. To override a default input file setting, use /INPUT=* on the LIST command./NODE=(node-identifier[,...])
Selects detailed records associated with task calls originating from the client node(s) specified. The node-identifier can be a DECnet node name, TCP/IP address, or a list of same. If you specify a list, separate the identifiers with commas and enclose the list within parentheses. If you specify a single identifier, you do not need the comma and parentheses. The asterisk (*) wild card character is permitted in node identifiers. If you do not specify /NODE, records for all nodes are selected unless you set default node(s) with the SET command.Specifying /NODE with the LIST command overrides any default nodes that you may have set. Specifying /NODE=* with the LIST command specifies that records for all nodes are to be selected, overriding any defaults that you may have set.
Directs the report to a file. The file specification must be a valid OpenVMS file specification. Displaying the report on the screen is the default, unless you specify the /OUTPUT qualifier with the SET command. Specifying /OUTPUT=* with the LIST command, displays any reports on the screen, overriding any defaults that may be set./SINCE[=date-time]
Selects detailed records that were written on or after the date and time specified. The date-time specification is optional. If you omit it, the records written on the current date are selected. Specify the date and time in the OpenVMS format, dd-mmm-yyyy:hh:mm:ss./SUMMARY
Specifies that a summary report, omitting details, be written. The default is a detailed report containing all calls be written. You can set your own default with the SET command. Summary reports show totals of the uncompressed workspace sizes, the compressed workspace sizes, and the number of bytes saved by data compression./TASK=task-name
Selects detailed records associated with ACMS task calls for the task name(s) specified, including any exchange steps associated with the task calls. The task-name specification can be a valid ACMS task name or a list of task names. If you specify a list, separate the names with a comma and enclose the list within parentheses. You can use the asterisk (*) wild-card character in the task-name specification. If you do not specify the /TASK qualifier, records for all tasks are selected, unless you have specified another default with the SET command. If you specify /TASK=* with the LIST command, records for all tasks are selected. If tasks specified are part of more than one ACMS application, matching task details for all applications are selected, unless you narrow the selection further with the /APPLICATION qualifier./USER=user-identifier
Selects detailed records associated with ACMS task calls executed for the signed-in user session(s) specified. The user-identifier specification can be a user identifier or a list of user identifiers. If you specify a list, separate the identifiers with a comma and enclose the list within parentheses. The asterisk (*) wild card character is permitted in user identifier specifications. If /USER is not specified, records for all users are selected, unless default user identifier(s) have been selected with the SET command. Specifying /USER on the LIST command overrides any default user identifiers that may have been set. Specifying /USER=* on the LIST command specifies that records for all user sessions are selected, overriding any defaults that may have been set.
#1 |
Selects records for application LARRY.
#2 |
Selects records for applications KURT and SARAH.
#3 |
Selects records for applications that contain DEC in their names.
#4 |
Selects records written yesterday and earlier.
#5 |
Selects records written prior to June 12th of this year.
#6 |
/BEFORE=16:30 |
Selects records written prior to today at 4:30 p.m.
#7 |
/BEFORE=12-JUN-1998:9:15:30 |
Selects records written prior to 30 seconds after 9:15 a.m. on June 12, 1998.
#8 |
Selects all records for task calls from node ALPHA1.
#9 |
Selects all records for task calls from nodes LION, TIGER, and PANTHR.
#10 |
Selects all records for task calls from nodes that contain CPQ in their names.
#11 |
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