Compaq Multimedia Services
for OpenVMS Alpha
Programmer's Guide

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Once an application selects a decompressor that can handle the input and output formats required, it can prepare the decompressor for decompression. An application uses the ICDecompressBegin function to initialize the decompressor. Decompressing the Video

The ICDecompress function does the actual decompression. An application must use this function repeatedly, once for each frame of data, until all the frames are decompressed. Ending Decompression

After an application has decompressed its data, it uses the ICDecompressEnd function to notify the decompressor that the decompression is complete. To restart decompression after using this function, an application must reinitialize the decompressor by calling the ICDecompressBegin function again.

Example 5-3 shows how an application can initialize a decompressor, decompress a frame sequence, and terminate decompression.

Example 5-3 Initializing, Decompressing, and Terminating Decompression

LPVOID               lpIn, lpOut; 
LONG                 lNumFrames, lFrameNum; 
/* Assume lpbiIn and lpbiOut are initialized to the input and output format */ 
/* and that the structures were allocated with the mmeAllocMem function.    */ 
/* Also assume that lpIn and lpOut are pointing to data buffers that were   */ 
/* allocated with the mmeAllocBuffer function.                              */ 
if (ICDecompressBegin(hic, lpbiIn, lpbiOut) == ICERR_OK) { 
  for (lFrameNum = 0; lFrameNum < lNumFrames; lFrameNum++) { 
       if (ICDecompress(hic, NULL, lpbiIn, lpIn, lpbiOut, lpOut) == ICERR_OK) { 
           /* frame decompressed OK so we can process it as required */ 
      } else { 
          /* handle decompression error */ 
} else { 
    /* handle error for decompression initialization */ 

5.2.5 Modifying the Rendering Attributes of Uncompressed Images

The following attributes are used to modify uncompressed rendered images. These attributes apply only when decompressing an image to 8-bit X image format. Setting these attributes for compression will have no effect. Also, they do not apply when decompressing an image into 24-bit X image or YUV format.

See the descriptions of these function in Section 5.6 for more information.

5.3 Video Compression and Decompression Header Files

The function prototypes, constants, flags, and data structures that applications can use to access the video compression and decompression services are defined in the mme_api.h header file provided with Multimedia Services for OpenVMS. Include this header file in all application programs that use video compression and decompression functions.

5.4 Video Compression and Decompression Data Structures

This section contains the data structures used by the video compression and decompression functions. The structures are defined, followed by a description of each field.


All video compression and decompression data structures must be allocated using the mmeAllocMem function. All video compression and decompression data buffers must be allocated using the mmeAllocBuffer or the mmeAllocBufferAndGetShminfo function. See Chapter 2 for more information about these memory allocation functions.

5.4.1 ICINFO Data Structure

The ICINFO data structure is filled by a video compressor or decompressor. The ICGetInfo and ICInfo functions use the ICINFO data structure to return information about the specified compressor or decompressor.

Example 5-4 shows the ICINFO data structure definition.

Example 5-4 ICINFO Data Structure Definition

typedef struct { 
    DWORD  dwSize;             /* size of the data structure */ 
    DWORD  fccType;            /* type of stream */ 
    DWORD  fccHandler;         /* specific device */ 
    DWORD  dwFlags;            /* capabilities of the compressor */ 
    DWORD  dwVersion;          /* version number of the compressor */ 
    DWORD  dwVersionICM;       /* version number of the ICM */ 
    char  szName[16];          /* short name of the compressor */ 
    char  szDescription[128];  /* long name of the compressor */ 
    char  szDriver[128];       /* module containing the compressor */ 

The ICINFO data structure has the following fields:

Specifies the size (in bytes) of the ICINFO data structure.

Specifies a four-character code representing the type of stream to be compressed or decompressed. Set to 'vidc' (or ICTYPE_VIDEO) for video streams.

Specifies a four-character code identifying a specific compressor or decompressor. The following shows available options and their values:
Option Value
FullVideo Supreme JPEG " J321 "
FullVideo Supreme " J301 "
Software JPEG CODEC " SJPG "

Specifies flags indicating the capabilities of a compressor. The following flags are defined:

Indicates that the compressor supports quality.

Indicates that the compressor supports crunching to a frame size.

Indicates that the compressor supports interframe compression.

Indicates that the compressor supports drawing.

Indicates that the compressor supports temporal compression and does not need the previous frame.

Specifies the version number of the compressor.

Specifies the version of the ICM supported by this compressor. Set to ICVERSION.

Specifies the short name for the compressor. The name is null terminated.

Specifies a null-terminated string containing the long name for the compressor.

Specifies a null-terminated string for the module that contains the compressor.

5.5 Video Compression and Decompression Function Overview

Table 5-1 provides a summary of the video compression and decompression functions.

Table 5-1 Video Compression and Decompression Function Summary
Application Function Description
Callback services:
ICCallbackProc Registers a callback procedure for streaming video compression or decompression
Functions for compressing video data:
ICCompress Compresses a single video image
ICCompressBegin Prepares a compressor for compressing data
ICCompressEnd Tells a compressor to end compression
ICCompressGetFormat Determines the output format of a compressor
ICCompressGetFormatSize Obtains the size of the output format data
ICCompressGetSize Obtains the size of the compressed data
ICCompressPrepareHeader Prepares compression headers
ICCompressQuery Determines if a compressor can compress a specific format
ICCompressUnprepareHeader Unprepares compression headers
Functions for decompressing video data:
ICDecompress Decompresses a single video image
ICDecompressBegin Prepares a decompressor for decompressing data
ICDecompressEnd Tells a decompressor to end decompression
ICDecompressGetFormat Determines the output format of a decompressor
ICDecompressGetFormatSize Obtains the size (in bytes) of the output format data
ICDecompressGetPalette Obtains the palette for the output format of a decompression
ICDecompressPrepareHeader Prepares decompression headers
ICDecompressQuery Determines if a decompressor can decompress data with a specific format
ICDecompressUnprepareHeader Unprepares decompression headers
Functions for obtaining information about a compressor or decompressor:
ICGetInfo Obtains information about a compressor or decompressor
ICInfo Returns information about a specific installed compressor, or enumerates the compressors installed
ICGetDefaultKeyFrameRate Obtains the default key frame rate value
Functions for setting and retrieving state information about a compressor or decompressor:
ICGetState Obtains the state of a compressor
ICGetStateSize Obtains the size of the state data used by a compressor
ICSetState Sets the state of a compressor
Functions for locating, opening, and closing a compressor or decompressor:
ICOpen Opens a compressor or decompressor
ICClose Closes a compressor or decompressor
ICLocate Locates and opens a compressor or decompressor
Functions for modifying the rendering attributes of uncompressed rendered images:
ICGetBrightness Obtains the current brightness value
ICGetContrast Obtains the current contrast value
ICGetDefaultQuality Obtains the default quality setting used for compression
ICGetMirror Obtains the current mirroring value
ICGetSaturation Obtains the current saturation value
ICGetSharpening Obtains the current sharpening value
ICSetBrightness Sets the brightness value
ICSetContrast Sets the contrast value
ICSetMirror Sets the current mirroring value
ICSetSaturation Sets the saturation value
ICSetSharpening Sets the sharpening value

5.6 Video Compression and Decompression Function Descriptions

This section contains an alphabetical listing of the functions an application uses to manage compression and decompression of video data. These functions are prefixed with IC.


Name ICCallbackProc --- Register a callback procedure for streaming video compression or decompression Syntax

#include <mme/mme_api.h> 
MMRESULT ICCallbackProc(HIC hic, 
                        void (*CallbackProc)(), 
                        DWORD dwInstance); 
Arguments HIC hic
Specifies a handle to a decompressor.

void (*CallbackProc) ()
Specifies a callback procedure to use.

DWORD dwInstance
Specifies the user instance data that the compressor will pass back to the callback procedure.


This function registers a callback procedure. Once a callback procedure is registered, ICCompress and ICDecompress routines are no longer blocking routines. Instead, they return data asynchronously to the registered callback.

If the CallbackProc is NULL, then a previously registered CallbackProc is deregistered and operations return to synchronous behavior.

The registration must occur before compression or decompression begins. A new callback procedure may be registered after compression or decompression has ended but before a new sequence has begun.

Extensions The ICCallbackProc function is a Compaq extension to the Microsoft multimedia API specification.

Return Values

Returns ICERR_OK if the function is successful; otherwise, it returns one of the following error codes:
Error Code Description
ICERR_BADHANDLE The hic argument is invalid.
ICERR_BADPARAM The registration fails due to resource limitations.
ICERR_CANTUPDATE The registration is occurring while compression or decompression operations are in progress.
ICERR_UNSUPPORTED The compressor or decompressor does not support streaming.
Callback for Streaming Video CODECs

#include <mme/mme_api.h> 
void CALLBACK icmFunc(HIC hic, 
                      DWORD wMsg, 
                      DWORD dwInstance, 
                      LPARAM * lParam1, 
                      DWORD errorFlags); 
Callback Arguments HIC hic
Specifies a handle to a decompressor.

Specifies the ICM streaming message. The following messages are defined:

Sent when the compressor has completed the compression operation.

Sent when the decompressor has completed the decompression operation.

DWORD dwInstance
Specifies the data passed to the ICCallbackProc .

LPARAM lParam1
Specifies either a pointer to a ICCOMPRESSDATA data structure or a pointer to the decompressed output image buffer, depending on whether the message is ICM_CB_COMP_DATA or ICM_CB_DCMP_DATA, respectively. The ICCOMPRESSDATA data structure is only valid while the callback function is executing.

DWORD errorFlags
Specifies ICERR_OK on success or an error that occurred during the operation.

If an error is specified, the lpOutput pointer will still be the pointer originally specified to ICCompress or ICDecompress for the application's reference.

For compression, if an error is specified, the biSizeImage field will be set to 0.

Error flags are the same as those returned from ICCompress or ICDecompress .

Callback Description for Compression

The ICCOMPRESSDATA data structure is allocated by the mmeserver . The ICCOMPRESSDATA data structure is defined as follows:

  typedef struct { 
      DWORD     lpdwFlags; 
      DWORD     biSizeImage; 
      LPARAM    lpOutput; 

DWORD lpdwFlags
Specifies the return flags for the AVI index. See the lpdwFlags parameter of ICCompress for further details. Note that while the name of the field is lpdwFlags to match that in the lpdwFlags parameter of the ICCompress function, this field is not a pointer.

DWORD biSizeImage
Specifies the size of the data in the lpOutput buffer. This will be 0 on an error. See the lpbiOutput.biSizeImage parameter of ICCompress for further details.

LPARAM lpOutput
Specifies a pointer to the buffer where the compressed data has been written, if no error occurred. See the lpData parameter of ICCompress for further details.

Callback Description for Decompression

For decompression, the callback lParam1 field specifies:

LPARAM lpOutput
Specifies a pointer to the buffer where the decompressed data has been written, if no error occurred. See the lpBits parameter of ICDecompress .

Return Values

Returns ICERR_OK if the function is successful; otherwise, it returns one of the following error codes:
Error Code Description
ICERR_BADHANDLE The hic argument is invalid.
ICERR_BADPARAM The registration fails due to resource limitations.
ICERR_CANTUPDATE The registration is occurring while compression or decompression operations are in progress.
ICERR_UNSUPPORTED The compressor or decompressor does not support bitstreaming.
See Also ICCompress , ICCompressBegin , ICCompressEnd , ICDecompress , ICDecompressBegin , ICDecompressEnd

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