Reliable Transaction Router
System Manager's Manual

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6.2.8 Monitor Connects

               C o n n e c t i o n   S t a t u s   S u m m a r y 
           Node: nodea                    Tue Feb 16 1999 13:02:18 
Executive summary--------------------------------------- 
                Number of links up:     3        
            Number of links up (%):   100.0 
                 Required links up:   Yes 
 Node -> Link  State  Arch T'port Fail-reason 
nodea->nodea      up alpha      - 
nodea->nodeb      up alpha    TCP 
nodea->nodec      up  i386    TCP 

Displays the link protocol for connected links, and the fail reason as a text message for any links on which a connection has failed. Unconnected links where connection has been attempted are highlighted. Link state and architecture of the remote node are also displayed. Summarizes link status and is less detailed than the MONITOR NETSTAT display.

6.2.9 Monitor Event

       EVENT ROUTING STATISTICS BY FACILITY  Fri Sep 08 2000 15:21:47 
                                 Destination              Transit 
Node & Facility                In    Out    Lost        In    Out    Lost 
Total                         180    175       5       180    180       0 
NODEA   FACCMS                 25     25       0        25     25       0 
NODEA   TESTFAC               155    150       5       155    155       0 

Displays event routing data by facility. Information includes events in transit from RTR to a destination facility and destination information showing number of events enqueued for the application (In column), number of events processed by the application (Out column), and the number of events discarded by RTR (Lost column).

6.2.10 Monitor Flow

FLOW CONTROL COUNTERS  Tue Sep 19 2000 14:08:06, NODE: -ALL- , FAC: -ALL- 
        Credit      Data Rate             Requests                  Grants 
Role   Available    Bytes/sec        Waits   Sent  Pending       Sent  Pending 
FE=>TR     15000         2065          307    966        0        966        0 
TR=>BE     15000         2065           70    998        0        998        0 
BE=>TR         0            0            0      0        0          0        0 
TR=>FE     15000            0            0      2                   2        0 
 Link         Data Rate      Waits     Pending   Reqs Sent      Cache in use 
NODEA =>NODEA         0          0           0           1      NODEA        0 
NODEA =>NODEB         0          0           0           0      NODEB    51456 
NODEB =>NODEB      2065        307           0         968 
NODEB =>NODEA      2065         70           0         999 

Displays the flow control internals.

6.2.11 Monitor Frontend

Node    Facility                       FE             Reject   Retry   Quorum 
                                     State   Router   Status   Count  Rejects 
NODEA   RTR$DEFAULT_FACILITY      cnctd to    smith                2        0 
NODEA   funds_transfer            cnctd to    smith                2        0 

Displays frontend status and counts by node and facility, including frontend state current router, reject status, retry count, and quorum rejects.

6.2.12 Monitor Group

  Concurrency Measures    Tue Apr 6 1999 10:04:26, NODE: NODEA 
                                                              --  averages -- 
                          txn  -server-  --  transactions --  srv   txn   txn 
Partition     state     cnt  cnt  act  vreq vote  ack /csn    act  /sec  /csn 
RTR$DEFAULT   active      0    1    0     0    0    0    0    0.0   0.0   0.0 

Table 6-2 MONITOR GROUP Fields
Field Meaning
Partition Partition
state Partition state.
txn cnt Number of transactions executed for this partition.
srv cnt Number of servers active for this partition.
srv act Number of servers currently busy processing transactions for this sample.
The following fields track the progress of a transaction through the states: vote requested, voted, acknowledged.
vreq Number of transactions waiting for the server to vote.
vote Number of transactions that have been voted on by the server but not committed by RTR.
ack Number of transactions that have been committed but have not been acknowledged by the server. Acknowledgment occurs on a subsequent rtr_receive_message() call by the server processing this transaction to get a message for a new transaction.
/csn Number of transactions which have been grouped under the same "commit sequence number" (CSN). This grouping determines the ordering of transactions submitted to a secondary shadow server.
txn/sec The average rate of transaction starts per second for this partition.
txn/csn Average number of transactions which have been grouped under the same commit sequence number (CSN) since this partition became active. This average is computed as the quotient of the txn cnt column and the total number of CSNs.

6.2.13 Monitor IPC

Node: NODE11               I P C   S u m m a r y    Fri Mar  5 1999 11:18:34 
  This screen displays usage information on IPC messages, byte counts and IO 
  primitives. Display units are counts, kbytes and calls respectively. 
       | - - - - - O u t g o i n g / s - - - - | - - I n c o m i n g / s - -| 
Process   Messages ...kbytes   send() ...kbytes  Messages   recv() ...kbytes 
rtracp      110334     49744    73437     49744     73434   220299      5616 
3123B84F         0         0        0         0         0        0         0 
31232395     73282      5569    73280      5569    109930   293144     49685 

Displays interprocess communication message information.

6.2.14 Monitor IPCRATE

Node: NODE11               I P C    R a t e s       Fri Mar  5 1999 11:18:53 
  This screen displays rate information on IPC messages, byte counts and IO 
  primitive usage. Display units are counts, kbytes and calls per second 
       | - - - - - O u t g o i n g / s - - - - | - - I n c o m i n g / s - -| 
Process   Messages ...kbytes   send() ...kbytes  Messages   recv() ...kbytes 
rtracp          44        19       29        19        29       86         2 
3123B84F         0         0        0         0         0        0         0 
31232395        28         2       28         2        41      110        18 

Displays interprocess communication rate information for messages.

6.2.15 Monitor Journal

   JOURNAL USAGE ON NODE NODEA            AT 10:36:05 Tue Apr  6 1999 
   LOCAL JOURNAL                           STANDBY JOURNAL(S) 
   JNL_LCL_BLOCKS_IN_USE       128         JNL_RMT_BLOCKS_IN_USE            0 
   [___             13%          ]         [                0%              ] 
   JNL_LCL_NR_BLOCKS           992         JNL_RMT_NR_BLOCKS              992 
   JNL_LCL_TOP_BLOCKS_USED     128         JNL_RMT_TOP_BLOCKS_USED          0 
   JNL_LCL_TX_ENTRIES            1         JNL_RMT_TX_ENTRIES               0 
   JNL_LCL_TX_RECORDS            2         JNL_RMT_TX_RECORDS               0 
   JNL_LCL_MEMORY_BYTES     530121         JNL_RMT_MEMORY_BYTES          4197 
   JNL_LCL_DISK_READS           31         JNL_RMT_DISK_READS              33 
   JNL_LCL_BLOCKS_READ         992         JNL_RMT_BLOCKS_READ           1056 
   JNL_LCL_DISK_WRITES          12         JNL_RMT_DISK_WRITES              0 
   JNL_LCL_BLOCKS_WRITTEN       14         JNL_RMT_BLOCKS_WRITTEN           0 
   JNL_LCL_ENTRIES_TOTAL       201         JNL_RMT_ENTRIES_TOTAL            5 
   JNL_LCL_RECORDS_TOTAL       398         JNL_RMT_RECORDS_TOTAL            9 
   JNL_LCL_RECORDS_READ         21         JNL_RMT_RECORDS_READ             0 
   JNL_LCL_REC_BYTES_READ     8006         JNL_RMT_REC_BYTES_READ           0 
   JNL_LCL_NONTX_ENTRIES         5         JNL_RMT_NONTX_ENTRIES            0 

Displays information about journal usage, including total number of entries and records written, number of records read, and how many bytes were involved. Bar graphs showing current usage of journal blocks (as a percentage of the total) are also provided.

The local journal figures refer to journal usage for the displayed node. Standby journals are journals of standby nodes that are being accessed due to restart or catch-up situations. Under normal conditions, standby journal figures are all zero.

The bar graphs appear under the first line of the display

6.2.16 Monitor Link

LINK COUNTERS  Tue Sep 19 2000 14:24:44, NODE: -ALL- , LINK: -ALL-  -> -ALL- 
ncf_protocol             0        nio_writing              0 
ncf_timeout              0        nio_reading              0 
ncf_linkexit             0        nio_wrerror              0 
ncf_disconnect           0        nio_rderror              0 
ncf_thirdparty           0        nio_rdincmp              0 
ncf_pathlost             0        nio_seqerr               0 
ncf_responses_sent       3        nio_bufovf               0 
ncf_queries_rcvd        11        nio_reads_active         3 
ncf_responses_rcvd       2        nio_writes_active        0 
ncf_queries_sent        10        nio_bytes_rcvd    44206961 
ncf_ipt_msgs_rcvd       16        nio_bytes_sent    44206996 
ncf_ipt_msgs_sent       16        nio_pckts_rcvd      412114 
ncf_link_gain            4        nio_pckts_sent      412114 
ncf_link_loss            0        nio_msgs_rcvd       189284 
ncf_aborted              0        nio_tmo_sends       161307 
ncf_rejected             1        nio_tot_stall_sec        0 
ncf_accepted             1        nio_tot_stalls           0 
ncf_confirmed            1        qrm_req_link_queue       0 
ncf_initiated            2        qrm_rsp_link_queue       0 

Displays a number of per-link counters. The /LINK= link-name qualifier can be used to display the values for one specific link, otherwise the total values for all links are displayed.

6.2.17 Monitor Netbytes

LINK TRAFFIC IN BYTES Fri Apr 16 1999 17:41:12, NODE: nodea 
                          Bytes received                  Bytes sent 
                   --------------------------    -------------------------- 
                      Count      Rate     Max        Count     Rate     Max 
Total              59201466    6776.0      -    1002579480 113857.0      - 
nodea->nodea        3072248     336.0   336.0      3072248    336.0    336.0 
nodea->nodeb       42569496    4974.0  4974.0    717457678  84438.0  84438.0 
nodea->nodec       13559722    1466.0  1466.0    282049554  29083.0  29083.0 

Displays a list of the links to other nodes. For each link, the total number of bytes received and sent on that link and the number of bytes received and sent per second are displayed. Derived from the NIO_BYTES_RCVD and NIO_BYTES_SENT counters. The Max field represents the maximum rate since the link started.

6.2.18 Monitor Netstat

              C o n n e c t i o n   S t a t u s   D e t a i l 
              Node: NODEA                    Mon March 15 1999 09:50:28 
               Ini Cnf Acc Abo Rej Loss Gain Ctmo Rstr State  Type FailCode 
Node and Link   12   0   2  12  12    1    3    0    0 
NODEA ->nodeb    0   0   0   0   0    0    1    0    0    up alpha 
NODEA ->nodec    6   0   0   6   6    0    0    0    0  down     ? 76490676 
NODEA ->noded    6   0   0   6   6    0    0    0    0  down     ? 76490676 
NODEA ->nodee    0   0   2   0   0    1    2    0    0    up alpha 

Displays the link status for connected links in detail and the fail code for any links on which a connection has failed. Unconnected links where connections have been lost are highlighted. Link aborts, rejects, loss, gain, restarts, state and architecture of the remote node are also displayed. More detail is included than in the MONITOR CONNECTS display.

6.2.19 Monitor Partit

Partition name                             #    #        Bounds      Callout 
                                 State     Svrs Segs   lo      hi    type 
RTR$DEFAULT_PARTITION_16777218   active       1    1  "A"     "A"     - 
RTR$DEFAULT_PARTITION_16777221   active       1    1  "B"     "B"     - 
RTR$DEFAULT_PARTITION_16777217   active       1    1   0     429496   - 

Partitions are shown in the form partition name if a partition name has been specified using the SET PARTITION command. The number of servers and key segments are shown for each partition. The least-significant byte of the partition's low and high bound is also shown, and callout type (if any). The partition state meanings are given in Table 6-3.

Table 6-3 Monitor Partition States
State Meaning
wt_tr_ok Server is waiting for routers to accept it
wt_quorum Server is waiting for backend to be quorate
lcl_rec Local recovery
lcl_rec_fail Primary server waiting for access to a restart journal
lcl_rec_icpl Getting next journal to recover from
lcl_rec_cpl Processed all journals for local recovery
shd_rec Shadow recovery
shd_rec_fail Shadow server waiting for access to a restart journal
shd_rec_icpl Shadow getting next journal to recover from
shd_rec_cpl Processed all journals for shadow recovery
catchup Secondary is catching up with primary
standby Server is declared as standby
active Server is active
pri_act Server is active as primary shadow
sec_act Server is active as secondary shadow
remember Primary is running without shadow secondary

6.2.20 Monitor Queues

Partition name                            Processed          Queued     # 
                                     Txns    Msgs  Rplys    Txn  Msg   Svrs 
RTR$DEFAULT_PARTITION_16842753       5792    5794      0      2    6      3 

Shows transaction queues on a partition basis. Uses counters from Transaction Manager (TM) and the Requester/Server configurator (RSC).

6.2.21 Monitor Quorum

(node/role counts can be inaccurate for incorrectly configured facilities) 
States: bad configuration,not connected,minority,uncertain,quorate   
Node & Facility                       State                          CNF RCH QRT 
NODEA    RTR$DEFAULT_FACILITY         TR:quorate,BE:quorate            2   2   2 
NODEA    shadow                       TR:quorate,BE:minority(node12)   4   2   1 

Quorum states are shown for router (TR) and backend (BE) nodes and roles in the column State .

The number of roles seen as configured (CNF), reachable (RCH) and quorate (QRT) are shown for each node, in the columns node/roles .

6.2.22 Monitor Recovery

RECOVERY INFORMATION at Tue Apr  6 1999 10:54:50, on NODEA 
                           Last        Restart-Recovery     Shadow-Recovery 
              Server       Recovery    Journal  Txns        Journal  Txns 
Partition     State        Backend     Scans    Recovered   Scans    Recovered 
------------  ------       -------     -------  ---------   -------  ---------  
RTR_PARTITA   active       NODEA             1          0         0          0 
RTR_PARTITB   active       NODEA             1          0         0          0 
RTR_PARTITC   active       NODEA             1          0         0          0 

Shows the progress of transaction recovery. Last recovery backend is the last backend accessed to recover transactions. If the server state is lcl_rec_fail or shd_rec_fail , this entry is the name of the background that could not be accessed. Journal scans is the number of journal files searched. Transactions recovered is the number of transactions found for this partition.

Server recovery state meanings are shown in Table 6-4.

Table 6-4 Monitor Recovery States
State Meaning
wt_tr_ok Server is waiting for routers to accept it
wt_quorum Server is waiting for backend to be quorate
lcl_rec Local recovery
lcl_rec_fail Primary server waiting for access to a restart journal
lcl_rec_icpl Getting next journal to recover from
lcl_rec_cpl Processed all journals for local recovery
shd_rec Shadow recovery
shd_rec_fail Shadow server waiting for access to a restart journal
shd_rec_icpl Shadow getting next journal to recover from
shd_rec_cpl Processed all journals for shadow recovery
catchup Secondary is catching up with primary
standby Server is declared as standby
active Server is active
pri_act Server is active as primary shadow
sec_act Server is active as secondary shadow
remember Primary is running without shadow secondary

6.2.23 Monitor Rejects

                         Rejected Transaction Summary 
NODE: NODEA                    PROCESS: 20413894    Fri Apr 9 1999 10:26:14 
        Time           Pid     Chan    Reason   Status Text 
-------------------   ------  ------  --------  ----------------------------- 
Fri Apr  9 10:18:43  20417266 client         0  No server available to handle 
Fri Apr  9 10:17:47  20417274 server         0  Client aborted tx 

Displays the last rtr_mt_rejected message received by each running process.

Table 6-5 Monitor Rejects Fields
Field Meaning
Time Time of day that the rtr_mt_rejected message was received
Pid Process ID that received the message
Chan Type of channel (client or server) that received the message
Reason Reason field returned in the rtr_status_data_t buffer
Status Text Textual status that describes the reject reason

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