E.1 Portability Routines (WNT, W9*)

To use a portability routine, add the following statement to the program unit containing the routine:


Table E-1 summarizes portability routines. Many of these routines are also available as 3f library routines on Tru64 UNIX systems.

Table E-1 Summary of Portability Routines (WNT, W9*)

Name  Description 
Information Retrieval 
CHDIR  Changes the current working directory. 
FSTAT  Returns information about a logical file unit. 
GETCWD  Returns the pathname of the current working directory. 
GETENV  Searches the environment for a given string and returns its value if found. 
GETGID  Returns the group ID of the user. 
GETPID  Returns the process ID of the process. 
GETLOG  Returns the user's login name. 
GETUID  Returns the user ID of the user of the process. 
HOSTNAM  Returns the name of the user's host. 
IARGC  Returns the index of the last command-line argument. 
RENAME  Renames a file. 
STAT, LSTAT  Returns information about a named file. 
UNLINK  Deletes the file given by path. 
Process Control 
ABORT  Stops execution of the current process, clears I/O buffers, and writes a string to external unit 0. 
ALARM  Executes an external subroutine after waiting a specified number of seconds. 
KILL  Sends a signal code to the process given by ID. 
SLEEP  Suspends program execution for a specified number of seconds. 
SIGNAL  Changes the action for signal. 
SYSTEM  Executes a command in a separate shell. 
Numeric Routines 
BESJ0, BESJ1, BESJN, BESY0, BESY1, BESYN  Returns single-precision values of Bessel functions of the first and second kind of orders 1, 2, and n, respectively. 
BIC, BIS, BIT  Perform bit level clear, set, and test for integers. 
DBESJ0, DBESJ1, DBESJN, DBESY0, DBESY1, DBESYN  Returns double-precision values of Bessel functions of the first and second kind of orders 1, 2, and n, respectively. 
DRAND, DRANDM  Returns random values in the range 0 through 1.0. 
IRAND, IRANDM  Returns a positive integer in the range 0 through 2**31-1 or 2**15-1 if called without an argument. 
LONG  Converts an INTEGER(2) variable to an INTEGER(4) type. 
RAN  Returns random values in the range 0 through 1.0. 
RAND, RANDOM  Returns random values in the range 0 through 1.0. 
SHORT  Converts an INTEGER(4) variable to an INTEGER(2) type. 
SRAND  Seeds the random number generator used with IRAND and RAND. 
Input and Output Routines 
ACCESS  Checks a file for accessibility according to mode. 
CHMOD  Changes file attributes. 
FGETC  Reads a character from an external unit. 
FLUSH  Flushes the buffer for an external unit to its associated file. 
FPUTC  Writes a character to an external unit. 
FSEEK  Repositions a file on an external unit. 
FTELL  Returns the offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the file. 
GETC  Reads a character from unit 5. 
PUTC  Writes a character to unit 6. 
Date and Time Routines 
CLOCK  Returns current time in "hh:mm:ss" format using a 24-hour clock. 
CTIME  Converts a system time to a 24-character ASCII string. 
DATE  Returns a string representation of the current date. 
DTIME [1]  Returns CPU time since later of (1) start of program, or (2) most recent call to DTIME. 
ETIME [1]  Returns elapsed CPU time since the start of program execution. 
FDATE  Returns the current date and time as an ASCII string. 
GMTIME  Returns Greenwich Mean Time as a 9-element integer array. 
IDATE  Returns date either as one 3-element array or three scalar parameters (month, day, year). 
ITIME  Returns current time as a 3-element array (hour, minute, second). 
JDATE  Returns current date as an 8-character string with the Julian date. 
LTIME  Returns local time as a 9-element integer array. 
RTC  Returns number of seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan 1, 1970. 
SECNDS  Returns number of seconds since midnight, less the value of its argument. 
TIME  As a subroutine, returns time formatted as hh:mm:ss; as a function, returns time in seconds since 00:00:00 GMT, Jan 1, 1970. 
TIMEF  Returns the number of seconds since the first time this function was called (or zero). 
Error Handling Routines 
GERROR  Returns the IERRNO error code as a string variable. 
IERRNO  Returns the last code error. 
PERROR  Returns an error message, preceded by a string, for the last error detected. 
Miscellaneous Routines 
LNBLNK  Returns the index of the last non-blank character in a string. 
QSORT  Returns a sorted version of a one-dimensional array of a specified number of elements of a named size. 
RINDEX  Returns the index of the last occurrence of a substring in a string. 

[1] WNT only

For more information on these routines, see the Compaq Visual Fortran online Reference.

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